Issue 12 Discussion: Roman Maps and Costumes




Unlock a cape, unlock a helmet, unlock gloves; fine. That entire costume sets are locked is a little frustrating, consider that character concepts are impacted because of it.

For the record, I am currently only interested in the cape and, maybe, the bracers from the Roman set. (I still want the Kheldian Sash.)

Give us more options, don't dangle these carrots in such a distasteful way.

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Two reservations, I hope that the threat is not Nemesis, and are the costume unlocks going to be mission keyed, or if they require tokens (like Vanguard merits) are the tokens going to be tradeable or the unlocks account wide?

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Other than Epics, I cannot think of a single thing you unlock from within the game that is account wide - I doubt they would start now.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



NO to above

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Is this in response to "Is that Statesman" or "Do we get access to the helm and cape"?



Because the subject of anagrams will come up:

Cimerora = Rome Arc I

This suggests to me there's more Roman wackiness to come.

What do I win? More accurately who won the office pool, Posi?

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Or it could be Rome Car I, which means we'll get vehicles!! Looking forward to the chariots and the Ferraris.

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"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



I REALLY hope these new costume pieces are new, regular items and not something you can unlock at a higher lvl mission. The one thing I have been BEGGING for is new costume pieces...priority #1. If the NC Soft people are only giving us Roman stuff then that will be LAME! Even WORSE if you have to unlock it and only that toon gets access to it. If those are the only costume pieces then I will be REALLY annoyed.

I still hope they do something like costume theme packs you can buy on top of the regular issues and features. If they made them $5 and came out every one or two months, that would be awesome. They could be themes or just a collection. I find the current costume pieces very limiting at times.



I have figured out the true secret of isn't Rome arc..or is a simple fact...
what did they have in Rome to entertain the masses? Bread and circuses...and the fact that a certain piece of circus music is entitled March of the Gladiators...and we all know
Gladiators fought in circuses...what happens in moderen

circuses when this particular piece of music is played?
wait for it....a hint it begins with the letter C just like Cimerora....
wait for it...
YES at long last the TRUE threat to the WORLD will be reveled!!
...clowns...Yes villians and heros must travel back into time to defeat Bozo and his minions before they can take over the world...Posi I knew you had it in you...and clowns can now take their rightful place as Lord high evil doer displacing those lowly Pirates and Ninjas...thanks for this awesome update..I can't wait to unlock my face paint

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)




Unlock a cape, unlock a helmet, unlock gloves; fine. That entire costume sets are locked is a little frustrating, consider that character concepts are impacted because of it.

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Welcome to 2004 (Issue 2 - capes).

Sure, not an entire set, but many an upset hero that couldn't feel "heroic" without his/ her cape until lvl 20.

Wings? Have to pick those up (and invent them), or be a Vet.
(Aside: don't get upset of having to play 35 levels to get a costume piece - I had to play a wingless gargoyle for 2+ years ).

Sinister & Justice sets? Buy GvE.

Not the first time content has to be unlocked, won't be the last.

IMO, I've found that concept is only limited by the imagination of the player.




do like the roman gear... it'll give me something to work with til I get my Samurai trappings

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



did anybody notice in the promo shot on the i12 page the heroes are fighting roman soldiers who are carrying...


could we be one step closer?



NO to above

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Jeez... you are such a killjoy.

Unless you mean no, we don't specifically get access to Statesman's cape and helmet, but we do get stuff in the picture that resembles Statesman's gear.



NO to above

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Please clarify: If you are saying that we will not be able to access those costume pieces, I strenuously suggest you remove them from that promotional image or, preferably, make them available to players: Don't lie to us.

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Agreed. You already have half the player base excited about this, and now we are being told, nope, cant have specific pieces that are shown. Thats not right. Dont tease the players with stuff we wont get. How about show us what we WILL have access to.

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I think he meant "No, its not Statesman..." which was the original question.

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JLove's post is:

"NO, to above"

Which is an unquoted response to Radmind's post of:
So, the picture with the gladiator armors, is that Statesman in there?

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That does look like the Statesman cape and Helmet. Do we get access to those???

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Which makes JLove's response seem to be:

'No, you will not get access to those costume pieces shown in the promotional image.'

I state "seems". That would mean that the promotional image implies a lie. That is what I am asking to be made more clear.

Edit: I am asking for clarification because this would seem to be the first time that images promoting a new issue were inaccurate. I am assuming that all costume pieces are shown as they might be used on a player character, not an NPC, but JLove's post is unclear.

[/ QUOTE ]Seems to me he meant "No, it's not Statesman pieces"

Also: I guess we were wrong about Chimemora (or however that's spelled) *just* being the modified Ouroboros zone for the Wedding

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Perhaps because it's not just a mask, but a full helmet, and perhaps, while the cape has a mantle, the draping part of it is fixed to look a certain way?

I so want that cape mantle I will be so very disappointed in them if it turns out they've put costume pieces into a display of costume pieces we're supposed to be getting that we won't have access to.

Bad form, bad form indeed.



Anyone notice the new shiny textures? in the costumes? Yeah for real metallic looking skin!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Those costumes are unlockables? Unlockable costume pieces FTL!

Here's hoping "Midnight Points" aren't fiendishly hard to come by solo (I'm looking at you Vanguard Merits! *grrrr!*).

Another co-op zone. Here's hoping it's the last of this concept we'll see for a while. Co-op every now and then is fine, but it's becoming the new standard. That's a bad, bad thing.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



we don't know what they are doing for unlocking, yet so I aint crying doom over it yet



Holy... Those roman armors are nice. And I see we'll finally get access to a Statesman-styled shoulder cape!

Though, somehow, that whole unlockable issue isn't too surprising to me. Arr.



So, the picture with the gladiator armors, is that Statesman in there?

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That does look like the Statesman cape and Helmet. Do we get access to those???

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That helmet is SIMILAR to states helm but it isn't. look very closely at both of them. Not the same just very similar and I expect to see a few new states look a likes using that helm once the feature goes live.

When Jay said "No to the above" he meant the whole statement "Is that statesman helmet and cape? do we get access to them?"

Hence "No they aren't and no we won't get access to the states cape and face plate."

I may be wrong but personally I believe that the pics are accurate and we get all the good stuff we see there. Again look close to both states and the roman helm. Not the same just similar.

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So let me get this straight.

A ) I'm a Tank, so I can't get the super-huge shoulders that the female Arachnos chick in that one pic has. That SUCKS. I've waited forever for giant shoulder pauldrons and now I can't get them because it's an archetype exclusive (even Kheldians didn't get an archetype exclusive costume).

B ) We don't get the Cloth Mantle (made famous by Statesman).

Two of my biggest wants dangled in front of me with sadistic availability options in place for one and false advertisement for the other... wait, isn't that illegal?

I see you have lost your sexiness, Jay. And your Silent Bob, to boot!

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



I think it means we just get a counterfeit Statesman helmet and cape. Good enough for me. Though I can see how the whole exclusiveness of arachnos costume parts could suck for some people.



did anybody notice in the promo shot on the i12 page the heroes are fighting roman soldiers who are carrying...


could we be one step closer?

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Best way to test it... on NPCs.....

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Ok, so am I the only one who has noticed that while the statesmen character is very obvious, it looks like positron is on the end in that picture. So, if that is the case, who are the other character's in the picture?



Anyone notice the new shiny textures? in the costumes? Yeah for real metallic looking skin!

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I've noticed lots of very metallic looking things in the game. Arachnos NPC chest plates, the metal shoulder paldrons and such in the costume creator, widows have reflective stuff on them.

I think perhaps if these things aren't looking super metallic to you check your settings, or possibly get a new GFX card. I got a new one recently and made all the difference in the world, started noticing textures that I never saw before.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



So what's the breakdown on the Epic Villian powersets? Huh? Huh?



Players step foot upon the ancient land of the Roman Cimeroran Peninsula, where they battle deadly creatures, defend an ancient city and ultimately come face to face with the enemy of time itself. Throughout this journey players uncover the mysteries of power and the origins that guide them today.

Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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The self aware battle armor the *IS* Cyberpup wonders how much Latin it must learn for the trip as It doubts that the locals will understand 21st Century English.

"Universal Translation powers activate!"



That picture looks like its of the signature characters wearing the Roman armors. I see Statesman, Sister Psyche, and Positron (at the end). Not sure who the guy in the beginning and the guy between Sister Psyche and Positron is (Manticore?)




Or it could be Rome Car I, which means we'll get vehicles!! Looking forward to the chariots and the Ferraris.

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Chariots..... hmm, I'm making a "History of the World Part 1" SG!