Issue 12 Discussion: Roman Maps and Costumes




That picture looks like its of the signature characters wearing the Roman armors. I see Statesman, Sister Psyche, and Positron (at the end). Not sure who the guy in the beginning and the guy between Sister Psyche and Positron is (Manticore?)

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I'm sure they just used those familiar models to advertise. All speculation on it could be ended by someone just saying it was for a "charity fashion show" or something like that.



soo any chance for the roman theme to go the extra step and have Similar AI? :P have a group oflegionairs maybe or something march in unison! and attack in organized waves!... hah.. i wish it will be the same AI just thought id say it




Anyone else wondering what the "Familiar Threat" is that the Midnighters are rallying the troops for?

Flying Spagetti Monster please no CoT, Nemisis or Rikti.

Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility



Okay... does anyone have the slightest idea how these Roman costumes are going to be unlocked? Because I have a lvl 17 WP/DB tanker that I am hesitating between going for 35 like crazy to get access to those as soon as they're out, or keeping him at 17 to get those Midnight Squad contacts (I find it interesting that they went with the Midnights... I just wrapped up the Scroll of Tielleku series where they are referenced a bunch... cool stuff).

I'm just wondering if I missed anything in the mass of information that came out via interviews and info about I12.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory




Anyone else wondering what the "Familiar Threat" is that the Midnighters are rallying the troops for?

Flying Spagetti Monster please no CoT, Nemisis or Rikti.

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It's going to be Rikti.



It's going to be Tyrant. The Praetorians got access to Ouroborous and decided to go take over Rome. They meant to go back into THEIR dimension's time, but Lord Nemesis hijacked their portal and sent them to ours because he thought it would be a good distraction for him as he continues to assemble a massive dalek army to attack the Time Lords.



I think Lord Nemesis is staring right at us in that picture.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Those roman costumes are awesome! I just hope that they're not fiendishly difficult to unlock, or that the unlock is account-wide, or something like that. I've got many characters who are lusting after those pieces!

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Anyone else wondering what the "Familiar Threat" is that the Midnighters are rallying the troops for?

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I've got a pretty good idea...

'Dorjan did as the Emperor bid him, and led us down to the dark to meet these friends in darkness his family was supposed to have. We followed Dorjan deep underground through dark caverns until we found worked stone and great halls. Then there was movements in the shadows, and we all felt surrounded by spirits. A man came forth and welcomed Dorjan as a brother. he welcomed the Emperor to the halls of the Path of the Dark, and bid us enter. Then I saw that this man was not a man, nor were any of those who watched from the shadowed halls. I looked to Dorjan for guidance, as we had fought together and stood side by side. But now I saw that Dorjan was shifting form into a shape that was not his own.'

'I saw things moving towards us. The Emperor exhorted them. Fear overcame me.'

'Through the darkness, I ran.'

'This is strange. This account you found makes it seem like the Path of the Dark is an ancient order dating back to Rome. Why would they be hooked up with the Council? This can't be good. I'm going to keep looking into it. I'll let you know as soon as I have something.'

(from the Path of the Dark arc)



QR - Will there be an arena? It is Rome, after all

Also, putting a repeatable mission contact under the guise of a event scheduler or even a trial contact ("Sure, we'll put you up against XYZ for the crowd") would be cool. Heroes and/or Villains, in the arena, fighting for... (insert McGuffin), fame and glory.



Would be surprised if it was only missions and a new tilesets when the devs mentioned Cimerora, new costume pieces, new enemies and so on. The coop nature means it's likely to be a zone both players can least I hope so because I have lots of villains going up the ranks to get that villain AT!

Dear lord, another week or so before War Witch starts dropping real hints > _ <.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Maybe the "Familiar Threat" wil lbe Requiem and the 5th Council... along with some crazy Nictus fun thrown in..



QR - Will there be an arena? It is Rome, after all

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Pssh! An Arena? No, a Colosseum! It is Rome, after all.



That passage is interesting, but this one is even of more interest.

April 21st, 1926'

'It was Ridolfo Uzzano who got it rolling again, they say he was about to become a priest before he became a fascist, you know. This time he'd gotten something out of the Vatican records after he'd had Mussolini force them open for him. We caught up with some of his thugs as they were beating information out of farmers in the countryside, but by the time we caught on we were too late. Uzzano's goons were already preparing an expedition into some hidden caves to find those beastly Dark Path types.

From what we could gather, he thought that he could talk to their leader, an immortal mad king called 'Emperor Agustulus'. Henry got all portentous about the name, but I've never had ahead for history and fell asleep as he was explaining on the train.'

That's so bloody tantalizing. I'm still convinced that Requiem is "the enemy of time" in some manner. It maybe that his Nictus half "Dirge of Entropy" is partially the culprit.



Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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Please, please, please not the Vanguard merit system.


But hot dog that they're there. Oh yes, they will be mine.

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OK no Vanguard Merit system... but there will be a Roman Dinari system...LOL



Anyone else wondering what the "Familiar Threat" is that the Midnighters are rallying the troops for?

Flying Spagetti Monster please no CoT, Nemisis or Rikti.

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Malwa heeheehee



You know, I'm waiting patiently for the announcement in one of these shared content upgrades -- the announcement of a score so lucrative, a target so ripe for the picking, a chance for mayhem and destruction so seductive that only heroes and villains working together will be able to reap the benefits of such evil!

What's that you say? Heroes would never stoop to such levels?

You don't say.

Seriously, if 9/10ths of the new villain content is going to be "go forth and be a hero with the heroes" type stuff, can we please have redemption so we can just go and be heroes period? I understand that we're not where the money is, and so we're not where the priority is going to be... well, ever. And I'm glad for new content I can play, but now that I have a chance to help the heroes investigate the origins of powers, then step forth into Ouroboros to help defeat the 5th Column, and not long after that we get to jump into the Rikti War Zone and save the world from the alien invasion. At some point I'd like to decide that perhaps the heroes have the right idea.

And someday -- maybe, just maybe someday -- we'll have a new villain zone or an old zone revamped, that's all our very own. And maybe it'll have a chance for us to steal some things, wreak havoc, and maybe even put in a bid to take over this world we keep helping save.

Just a thought.

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LOL, even though I don't play evil side much, that was well said.



So...if we coop will we be able to pass inspirations to enemies?

Just wondering.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



This is the stupidest idea I think the devs came up with yet...

Whatever happened to those surveys that they had the players fill out that actually had GREAT ideas on them?
(IE: lunar base, underwater zone, etc)

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I've been told (time and time again) that they will not release that information but the winner of the zone question is indeed being worked on.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



The costume unlocking is a huge downer, unless they've finally come to their senses about unlockable costumes and made it unlock account wide.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Personally, I'm extremely excited about these ATs after going on two years of playing without epic villain ATs, they sound extremely unique. Although I think we'd all appreciate a few more power specific infos before we can formulate a real opinion.



Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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Please, please, please not the Vanguard merit system.


But hot dog that they're there. Oh yes, they will be mine.

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OK no Vanguard Merit system... but there will be a Roman Dinari system...LOL

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dear god i hope not

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



I like the i12 ideas except for the costume part. One of the biggest forum sections is the costume request section. We are throwing out thousands of ideas and it SEEMS like the Devs have all but ignored us. It's quite annoying. Do they listen to us? I mean who is this game for? The Devs or the customers?!?!?! Why don't they listen to their subscribers???? I know the issue isn't final yet so they can still add costume pieces. I PRAY they add a significant amount of costume pieces that are available to all toons. Why must all the good stuff be for high levels only? Quite a nuisance when you're new to the game.



My gut reaction: Why?

And: er, this is superhero/villain how, exactly?

At this point, we should cheer with desperate joy ANY new terrain to this game---never mind the fact that the zones we've asked for, for well nigh 4 years have been completely ignored---because anything to relieve the oppressive tedium is vital.

Once more and with emphasis, I question the design decision to completely disregard the blatant preferences of the customer base in favor of yet more, IMO, unimaginative and run-of-the-mill non-superhero content. Am I detecting some sort of insidious hubris at work, here? Or just a serious lack of options due to the restrictive coding? Or both? Or something completely different?





My gut reaction: Why?

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Seriously, think about the timeline of when they would have started having to create these zones and costumes...then think about what was insanely popular around that time.

Just a pointless effort to capitalize on a craze.