Issue 12 Discussion: Roman Maps and Costumes




You know, the 'unlockable' thing put a huge stop to my general merriment over I12. I still don't have a full Vanguard set on any character.

I have wanted more Classical costumes since day one. If they must be 'unlocked', let it be like the Holiday options - complete a mission or an arc and get the piece unlocked. Please, do not make me farm badges.

I also think they should be opened up for the entire account.

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Until there are account-unlocks, I won't bother getting the special costume pieces. I get very attached to the looks of my toons, so having to wait 20-30 levels (exception: cape/aura) means I won't be adding a witches' hat, etc.



Until there are account-unlocks, I won't bother getting the special costume pieces. I get very attached to the looks of my toons, so having to wait 20-30 levels (exception: cape/aura) means I won't be adding a witches' hat, etc.

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and what do you do for your lvl 30 and 40 costumes? just copy over your lvl 10 and 20?



I usually don't make extra or different costumes.

Exception: I will sometimes make my "alter ego" costume.



I see, well, I guess your situation is unique and very unfortunately, may fall under the "can't please everyone" category



Not necessarily unique. If the outfit fits the character well, I don't often change it. My main character changed once, and the other fifteen have remained the same since creation - they get "special event" outfits, but that's about it. The costume is part of the character creation. If they don't look right, I don't like playing them.

I'm the one that has to stare at them, after all.

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I frequently use my extra costume slots for "civilian" wear and the like, if the character in question has a really distinct look that kind of defines them (my characters often find themselves "locked in" to a costume for concept reasons... for example, Kayleigh of the Wind's costume is magical armor that she summons. Unless I somehow grant her new abilities down the line, she can't alter the appearance of that armor... it's not something she bought at Icon... it's centuries old. So her second and third costume slots are taken up by outfits I use for RP reasons when she's not in combat.

I might eventually add an alternate version of the armor with some minor modifications (recolor, perhaps).

On the other hand, the characters who are more traditional superhero (my energy blaster, for example), have multiple variant costumes... why should a superhero only have one costume in the closet? Nobody likes wearing the same thing every day if they don't have to.

The Roman pieces don't feel to me like something I'd implement piecemeal, though... I'd want to build a whole concept around them. Which is unfortunate, since that's not possible. Oh, well.



I dont understand why certain types of tanks are so much better then other tanks. Why are stone tanks so much better to have in state tf then other tanks. Before fire tanks and invulnerable tanks were nerferd they ruled the house. Then coh came out with a new tank the stone tanks and nerfed the fire and invulnerable tanks. What is the point in having different types of tanks if only stone tanks are wanted on teams?

It's a bird no a plane , no it's Head Hunter!



I dont understand why certain types of tanks are so much better then other tanks. Why are stone tanks so much better to have in state tf then other tanks. Before fire tanks and invulnerable tanks were nerferd they ruled the house. Then coh came out with a new tank the stone tanks and nerfed the fire and invulnerable tanks. What is the point in having different types of tanks if only stone tanks are wanted on teams?

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I'm desperately trying to see where this relates to the topic



for can wear the togas or what ever until you become a soldier and dawn the armor.

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Great, now we get to have houses... I call the Pi house!!!!

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I don't know who Dawn is, but I suspect Don would prefer you mentioned him instead.



Not necessarily unique. If the outfit fits the character well, I don't often change it. My main character changed once, and the other fifteen have remained the same since creation - they get "special event" outfits, but that's about it. The costume is part of the character creation. If they don't look right, I don't like playing them.

I'm the one that has to stare at them, after all.

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Quoted for Freakin' truth.