Issue 12 Discussion: Roman Maps and Costumes




Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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Please, please, please not the Vanguard merit system.


But hot dog that they're there. Oh yes, they will be mine.

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This is my *only* regret about I12. I know a few folks (myself included) who would have liked to start a Gladiator-type character from Lvl 1 onwards. Its kinda hard to shoe-horn a concept like this into the middle - not impossible though.

BTW, they do look *fantastic* - great job J-Love!



NO to above

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Please clarify: If you are saying that we will not be able to access those costume pieces, I strenuously suggest you remove them from that promotional image or, preferably, make them available to players: Don't lie to us.

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Agreed. You already have half the player base excited about this, and now we are being told, nope, cant have specific pieces that are shown. Thats not right. Dont tease the players with stuff we wont get. How about show us what we WILL have access to.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Rome? Ancient Rome?

The Coming Storm? The villain of Time?

Path of the Dark, anyone?

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Yes, exactly!

'There is a familiar threat in an ancient land and the Midnighters need the help of both Heroes and Villains to stop it.'

You don't suppose....?

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"But I will say this...the catalyst that brings about the unraveling of the cosmos starts here!" *close-up on Requiem*

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Absolutely - easily one of my favorite story arcs, and the inspiration for my Warshade's backstory.

The Path of the Dark (spoiler alert!)



Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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Please, please, please not the Vanguard merit system.


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That's my one and only concern about this issue (which, on balance, I am incredibly psyched up for, more so than any in recent memory). With Vanguard Merits... ok, fine, I can't really join Vanguard until I'm 35 anyway, and even then I'm not "accepted" right away, so not being able to get the costume parts until much later makes some sense.

But with these -- if they're only unlockable per-character via the 35+ missions (the ones that take you to Rome), then what you're saying is that if I want to make a Roman-themed character, I need to play him for 35 levels (about half of his pre-50 life, elapsed-time-wise?) with a costume that's not thematically appropriate to him. And that's a big, big deterrent to me. If they must be unlocked via a Merit system, at least let us transfer those Merits from one character to another so that our characters can look the part from day one.

(Alternately, make them unlockable by, say, level 10. Or make some of the Roman pieces freely accessible from level 1.)



if they require tokens (like Vanguard merits) are the tokens going to be tradeable or the unlocks account wide?

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If we could buy/sell/trade the things (Vanguard Merits, Midnight Merits What Merit at Midnight, etc.), I'd be right pleased.

*attempts to beam this thought into Positron's mind*

(a lot easier now that he's missing his helmet)

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free




That's my one and only concern about this issue (which, on balance, I am incredibly psyched up for, more so than any in recent memory). With Vanguard Merits... ok, fine, I can't really join Vanguard until I'm 35 anyway, and even then I'm not "accepted" right away, so not being able to get the costume parts until much later makes some sense.

But with these -- if they're only unlockable per-character via the 35+ missions (the ones that take you to Rome), then what you're saying is that if I want to make a Roman-themed character, I need to play him for 35 levels (about half of his pre-50 life, elapsed-time-wise?) with a costume that's not thematically appropriate to him. And that's a big, big deterrent to me. If they must be unlocked via a Merit system, at least let us transfer those Merits from one character to another so that our characters can look the part from day one.

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for can wear the togas or what ever until you become a soldier and dawn the armor.



NO to above

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Please clarify: If you are saying that we will not be able to access those costume pieces, I strenuously suggest you remove them from that promotional image or, preferably, make them available to players: Don't lie to us.

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Agreed. You already have half the player base excited about this, and now we are being told, nope, cant have specific pieces that are shown. Thats not right. Dont tease the players with stuff we wont get. How about show us what we WILL have access to.

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I think he meant "No, its not Statesman..." which was the original question.



I'm excited about the Roman costumes. I created a Roman-themed character a few months ago. When the Valentines event came around, I made sure to get him the toga, victory laurel and the sandals.

I'm excited to have more Romany goodness for him.



Anyone notice ----HIGH COLLARS! Yippie

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Kudos to War Witch and SexyJ on their work. Both costumes and maps look very Roman. The maps really do look like a Mediterranean villa from 20 centuries ago. The attention to detail on the armour is great too.

"When Chuck Norris can't go on, Petra Majdič perseveres!"



I'm wondering if this zone will be primarily arcane. I needs more salvage sources!



Rome? Ancient Rome?

The Coming Storm? The villain of Time?

Path of the Dark, anyone?

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Yes, exactly!

'There is a familiar threat in an ancient land and the Midnighters need the help of both Heroes and Villains to stop it.'

You don't suppose....?

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I do. First person I thought of.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



NO to above

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Please clarify: If you are saying that we will not be able to access those costume pieces, I strenuously suggest you remove them from that promotional image or, preferably, make them available to players: Don't lie to us.

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Agreed. You already have half the player base excited about this, and now we are being told, nope, cant have specific pieces that are shown. Thats not right. Dont tease the players with stuff we wont get. How about show us what we WILL have access to.

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I think he meant "No, its not Statesman..." which was the original question.

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JLove's post is:

"NO, to above"

Which is an unquoted response to Radmind's post of:
So, the picture with the gladiator armors, is that Statesman in there?

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That does look like the Statesman cape and Helmet. Do we get access to those???

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Which makes JLove's response seem to be:

'No, you will not get access to those costume pieces shown in the promotional image.'

I state "seems". That would mean that the promotional image implies a lie. That is what I am asking to be made more clear.

Edit: I am asking for clarification because this would seem to be the first time that images promoting a new issue were inaccurate. I am assuming that all costume pieces are shown as they might be used on a player character, not an NPC, but JLove's post is unclear.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



This looks fascinating. I'm very excited to see what these new zones hold in store. HOORAY FOR MORE CO-OP!



for can wear the togas or what ever until you become a soldier and dawn the armor.

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Well, if you have the togas, that's true for many concepts.

Though not so much for the "ancient Roman power armor" character I've been wanting to roll since 8 o'clock day one.




I can finally remake Lucrecia Gladius and be happy with her!!



I see Statesman and Recluse's Helmets, albeit with some design differences.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



NO to above

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Please clarify: If you are saying that we will not be able to access those costume pieces, I strenuously suggest you remove them from that promotional image or, preferably, make them available to players: Don't lie to us.

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Agreed. You already have half the player base excited about this, and now we are being told, nope, cant have specific pieces that are shown. Thats not right. Dont tease the players with stuff we wont get. How about show us what we WILL have access to.

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I think he meant "No, its not Statesman..." which was the original question.

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JLove's post is:

"NO, to above"

Which is an unquoted response to Radmind's post of:
So, the picture with the gladiator armors, is that Statesman in there?

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That does look like the Statesman cape and Helmet. Do we get access to those???

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Which makes JLove's response seem to be:

'No, you will not get access to those costume pieces shown in the promotional image.'

I state "seems". That would mean that the promotional image implies a lie. That is what I am asking to be made more clear.

Edit: I am asking for clarification because this would seem to be the first time that images promoting a new issue were inaccurate. I am assuming that all costume pieces are shown as they might be used on a player character, not an NPC, but JLove's post is unclear.

[/ QUOTE ]Seems to me he meant "No, it's not Statesman pieces"

Also: I guess we were wrong about Chimemora (or however that's spelled) *just* being the modified Ouroboros zone for the Wedding



The new costume pieces look fantastic. Now, how about letting the armored skirts be worn with a tail (and with the beastie legs) please?




I've been creating Roman-themed characters since i started playing a couple years they get to go home and wreak havoc/save the city.

Thumbs up.



Okay, speculation:

It will not be co-op.

It will be smaller than you're thinking, on the order of the existing Ouroboros story arcs. I strongly suspect that this will, in fact, turn out to be what the new developers were using as a classroom exercise. It will turn out to be two, count 'em, two Ouroboros 1-person-minimum task forces of about four to six missions each, one for heroes and one for villains. We're told minimum level 35, which means probably capped at level 39. All they mean when they say "35 to 50" is that people 35 to 50 can do it, they're not promising you'll get to use your level 41+ powers.

I noticed when Ouroboros opened that each side had one contact that gives no missions, Twilight's Son (for villains) and Mender Tesseract (for heroes). This will be those two story arc/TFs.

Now I'll go out on a limb. There are two plot threads in the game that make mention of ancient Rome. "Path of the Dark," hero side, hints at the original arrival of the Nictus on Earth back during ancient Roman times. And "Cult of the Shaper," villain side, refers back to an attempt by the Coralax to conquer ancient Rome. So here's my prediction. Mender Tesseract will send heroes back to ancient Rome to fight Calystix the Shaper and a Roman Coralax hybrid cult. And Twilight's Son will send villains back to ancient Rome to fight the Nictus.

And yes, this means only two story arcs, period. Which explains why they were originally playing down expectations for issue 12. We were just told that they originally thought they couldn't afford to finish VEATs in time for i12. And when they made the original statements about how i12 was going to be disappointing, and saw our reaction, that's what originally persuaded them to add Power Proliferation, as something cheap they could do to increase interest in i12. These two story arcs will turn out to have been the whole original plan for issue 12.

That's my guess, anyway.



Through their accomplishments, players unlock the new Roman themed armor costume set.

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Please, please, please not the Vanguard merit system.


But hot dog that they're there. Oh yes, they will be mine.

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/SIGNED......and if we need to let's get a separate post going for eveyone oppsoed to this system to EARN the Roman outfits.



You know, I'm waiting patiently for the announcement in one of these shared content upgrades -- the announcement of a score so lucrative, a target so ripe for the picking, a chance for mayhem and destruction so seductive that only heroes and villains working together will be able to reap the benefits of such evil!

What's that you say? Heroes would never stoop to such levels?

You don't say.

Seriously, if 9/10ths of the new villain content is going to be "go forth and be a hero with the heroes" type stuff, can we please have redemption so we can just go and be heroes period? I understand that we're not where the money is, and so we're not where the priority is going to be... well, ever. And I'm glad for new content I can play, but now that I have a chance to help the heroes investigate the origins of powers, then step forth into Ouroboros to help defeat the 5th Column, and not long after that we get to jump into the Rikti War Zone and save the world from the alien invasion. At some point I'd like to decide that perhaps the heroes have the right idea.

And someday -- maybe, just maybe someday -- we'll have a new villain zone or an old zone revamped, that's all our very own. And maybe it'll have a chance for us to steal some things, wreak havoc, and maybe even put in a bid to take over this world we keep helping save.

Just a thought.



So, the picture with the gladiator armors, is that Statesman in there?

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That does look like the Statesman cape and Helmet. Do we get access to those???

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That helmet is SIMILAR to states helm but it isn't. look very closely at both of them. Not the same just very similar and I expect to see a few new states look a likes using that helm once the feature goes live.

When Jay said "No to the above" he meant the whole statement "Is that statesman helmet and cape? do we get access to them?"

Hence "No they aren't and no we won't get access to the states cape and face plate."

I may be wrong but personally I believe that the pics are accurate and we get all the good stuff we see there. Again look close to both states and the roman helm. Not the same just similar.