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  1. /drool

    I've been creating Roman-themed characters since i started playing a couple years ago...now they get to go home and wreak havoc/save the city.

    Thumbs up.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Cool you guys found one of em. Keep looking though, the biggest Grandville easter egg has yet to be found

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    HA!!!! and people say that rednames don't read these forums...

    I'm off to find the CuppaJo Lounge down in the Gutter.
  3. That exploit has apparently been fixed.Gimme a sec.....

    OK, back. Here's a thread where someone had your issue. I put my 2 cents in as well.
  4. Great guide, I'm glad i finally got around to reading it. Now i'm off to start tinkering.
  5. Huge grats guys, I'm looking forward to this for sure.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    im with monkey_king on deathsurge. he's worth 0 or 1.

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    You're definitely correct here. I've helped about 10 teams kill Deathsurge with my MM and I still don't have the Electrician badge.
  7. One of the best guides I've seen. I've been itching to roll a troller....Now I want to give up my MM's ques tfor 50 and do it tonight...now what to choose..................
  8. I'd love to come, but i don't have any heroes in the mid 30's

    Now if you want to test your TA set in PvP, I'd love to provide a villain for you to take shots at in RV, just to see how the set changes between PvE and PvE.
  9. Can one of you guys put all the requirements in one post? All the back and forth stuff makes my eyes hurt

    Also, there is supposed to be an accolade that requires Gangbuster, coldhearted and a few others, anyone know the name of that one?
  10. I personally can't wait to see the outcome of this experiment. Everytime I roll an MM I look closely at the TA set then decide against it because of what i've read in these forums.

    I have yet to roll a defender in Heroes (most of my time is spent in villains) but TA looks like a great set for a concept toon or just for somethng a little different.

    Good luck guys, I'm looking forward to reading the nimbers on this defender v. defender experiment.
  11. Villain Group Name: Project Proteus

    Contact Officers: Dr-Infinity, R U I N., Kaotic Kitty, Dr. Morris, Corleone

    Website: http://projectproteus.guildportal.com

    Preferred method of contact: In game, SVG forums

    We're fun, active, and have all the trimmings. Check out the website for more info.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I think the upgrade power should be another goon walking up behind them, tapping them on the shoulder, belting them across the chin, and replacing them.

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  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    or be like charles bronson

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    What they gave Thug MM's rope too?

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    We need rope!

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    Whistling rope!

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    I'll settle for a garrote.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Lesson of the day? Numeric keypad binds are your best friend as an MM.

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    Can't, they're already all in use with movement directions, strafing, turning, jumping, running, following, targeting near and next, camera distance, camera directions. Might be more, I forget. I don't have to think about it in the game, I just do it.

    Point is, left hand is all attacks/pet commands, right is...that other stuff. F keys are binds...I'm not sure what's left other than letters, but I am sure if I stick them in some obscure place I'll forget where they are.

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    I use P,O,I,U,Y for my petcom binds. I'm not really sure how you can play an MM successfully by only using the game-provided macros. My advise is "If you don't have room for new binds on your keyboard....make some." Just my $.02.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    IMO, Stalkers own PvP way too much. Their chance of successfully striking you blind is so tilted in their direction it is amazing.

    It should be dangerous for them too. It seems that heroes need glasses when they are around because we are all so blind. And, some AT should be impossible for Stalkers to A. Strike just as it is impossible for some ATs to do other things.

    Yes, they can be overcome, I do it, but on the other hand... they run about nearly without fear. They strike n run making some ATs have a nearly impossible chance of reply.

    A good example: Fire/Ice Tank - Warburg:

    Fire/Ice - with ICE PATCH DOWN, AOE of Aura running, gets hit. Detoggled. Stalker... slips one or two times... gets off the patch and gets away. Fire/Ice rebuttons up, Stalker does it again and again and again. Stupid. I know, I have both types. The Stalker cannot kill the Fire/Ice and the Fire/Ice cannot even hit him before the Stalker gets away. What is the point? Besides, what other AT (the Tank) is so toggle heavy in it's primary with a wimpy secondary? And what is the deal with Stalkers always coming back just to prove what they could not do before?

    All I can say is Hide, and Strike, and Placate allow Stalkers to run about PvP zones and pretty much have it their way... until they meet my Dark/Electric... Muh ha ha ha... I wish I could rename him "Stalker Killer".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you're saying that this was a draw. How does that make stalkers overpowered in PvP? PvP is all about how you play your toon. I watched a dom the other day (supposedly worthless in PvP) take down a team of four singlehandedly.

    I'm not attacking you here so don't take this the wrong way, but PvP is all about skill with your toon and selecting the right times and AT's to attack. The challenge is what makes it fun. I, for one, refuse to take on a tank or brute cuz everytime it the same crap: I give him the AS then attempt a knockback, but he's so incredibly knockback resistant he just laughs in my face. I then go for the placate, but in between laughing at me and making obscene gestures he's already managed to put me on my butt. While I'm trying to get up he ensures that all his armors are toggled jso even if i DO get the placate to work, my next AS will be pretty worthless. This is when the pummeling begins in earnest. I watch almost helplessly as my health bar drops at an alarming rate while I furiously pop off all my regen powers, now, out of heals i go to the last resort....MOG. That's right Moment of Glory, I'm Invincible!!!! but not really. So now the tank and I regard eachother warily, he knows he can't hurt me and I know it's really only a couple minutes til he CAN hurt me badly. My claws are no match for his armor but i continue stabbing at him, hoping he'll just keel over from sheer exhaustion, but his HP is maxed out, he chose Stamina wisely, and his armor toggles are quite a thing to behold. I type quickly in local chat, "SO, callit a draw?" This is a Tank though and the only response I get from him is "SMASH!!!!" I feel a bit like the Black Knight at this point. King Arthur has just chopped off my other leg and now I'm just posturing. The Black Knight did not, however, have teleport. I port myself away to save what little dignity I have left and to heal so I can go pick on Blasters.

    The moral of this story, stalkers have a good survivability rate in PvP, but 'overpowered' they are not. We can be taken down by smart patient players (read blasters) or by dirty rotten Tanks with fifteen armor toggles and about a billion hit points ( exaggerated for humour, no flames please.)

    In the end, you know who I like to pick on in PvP? Other Stalkers, yup you heard me. As a Stalker, I know where they like to hunt. I wait in the shadows for them to attack someone else and when they one or two hit some poor defender or blaster I sneak in and give it right back to em. I like to watch them stand there and gloat for a second before I jam my claws into their back. Of course there are the times when, just as I'm standing and gloating over my kill, some damned blaster snipes me from nowhere. Another trip to the hospital for me.

    Sorry, this went way too long. So back on topic. AoE's are a pain in the Stalkers butt!!!!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    BTW, am I the only stalker who cringes every time he sees one of those longbow wardens with that friggin' "Quills" power. When i see those damn spikes shooting everywhere I just wanna cry.

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    No, most definately not. I avoid them like the plague.

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    What secondary are you two?

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    I'm Claws/regen. I suppose SR would be a little better for defending against AoE's but I'm just really not a fan of the set.
  17. BTW, am I the only stalker who cringes every time he sees one of those longbow wardens with that friggin' "Quills" power. When i see those damn spikes shooting everywhere I just wanna cry.
  18. Yup, forgot to throw that in there...auto hit is pretty much necessary.
  19. Any pwer that does AoE damage will interrupt the stalkers AS and take him out of hide. Problem is you have to have an AoE power that is always on to do it. I know there are a few powers like this that are always on and will do damage. The way a stalker can avoid this is by using one of his knockdown powers on you before he gets into the AoE, then use placate to hide himself again.
  20. Drusus

    Nice people

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    I'm gonna go with my aussie friends:

    RU I N.
    Eternal Lotus
    and all their alts

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    Wow! There are other Aussies playing on Liberty?!?

    Send me a tell in-game if you want someone to play with during like hours.

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    Yeah, i seem to be meeting Aussies all the time now. I play during the late night hours (California time) so I meet a lot of people from that side of the International Date Line. Feel free to send me a tell as well @Drusus, I'll be working on badges and SF's now that I hit 40, maybe a little alt work as well.
  21. Drusus

    Nice people

    Damn, I forgot to mention Punky Brewster......sorry Punky, you're awesome. The people I mentioned before are also the ones who helped me get my main to forty last night. WOOT!!!

    Edited for crappy spelling....
  22. Drusus

    Nice people

    I'm gonna go with my aussie friends:

    RU I N.
    Eternal Lotus
    and all their alts

    I did the Ice Mistral SF with some great ppl as well this weekend:

    Minion Maker
    Miss Tierra
  23. ALL PETS:
    [ QUOTE ]

    /bind numpad0 "bind numpad4 petcomall agg$$bind numpad5 petcomall def$$bind numpad6 petcomall pass$$bind numpad7 petcomall att$$bind numpad8 petcomall fol$$bind numpad9 petcomall goto"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tried this one but when I press 0 on my numpad the game thinks I've bound numpad 0 to numpad 4 and tells me that Numpad 4 is an unknown command. I'm pretty sure I typed the bind in exactly so I don't know whats wrong.