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Epics now available at 20? can we clarify this? it sounds like those of us who killed ourselves to get to 50 wasted our time doing so. are we going to be getting some new epic that opens at 50 to replace the current ones?
Also what the heck are Alpha- and Omega themed auras and costumes? I'm guessing it has something to do with Omega team -
Quote:Drat! your powers of augury seem to be more practiced than mine, but at least we agree!!!
On this day, the 1st day of December, I, The Rook, have looked deep into the winter winds for answers. I have watched the patterns of the snow flakes falling. I have observed for hours the activity of the woodland creatures both large and small. I have done all this to divine the answer to a not so simple question.
The question? When will the 2009 Winter Event go live for City of Heroes?
The answer? I predict that we will see the Winter Event go live for all to enjoy on Monday, December 14th at noon!!
Mark my words and grab your snow gear! -
BTW I did go to Best Buy and got a game card that worked no problem. thank you for the info
I've been trying to buy a game card to add a month to my City of account but I think there's something wrong with the cards. I've been to several 7-11 in the area and every one that I've been to has atempted to ring up the game card and their computer has said that the game card is declined. I even had one store go through the entire stack of cards and every card was declined. Have the cards been discontinued or have they expired? Has anyone else had this problem? Other than 7-11 where can I get a Game card for city of that is valid?
Here's the new official timeline according to The Rook(that's me)
a. I16 will go into closed beta for an undetermined amount of time.
b. I16 will go into open beta for an undetermined amount of time. The next booster whille be announced.
c. I16 will go life while the newest booster pack Mutant or Natural spends a short period in the test server.
d. The newest booster will go live and everyone will complain/praise the new toy.
e. Halloween event
f. GR closed beta wave 1 will begin.
g. X-mas event. GR closed beta wave 2.
h. Spring fling. GR closed beta wave 3.
i. GR goes live. Anniversary event begins.
Note: this is all speculation as I am not a redname in any way shape or form. Also there might be an announcement about I17 somewhere in there. -
Also Desdemona is so hot with a nice nice booty. she's built the way a woman should be...soft in all the right places
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It always creeps me out when people talk like this about cartoon characters.
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it's not like i said i want to have babies with her (which WAS said in this thread) Is it Really that bad to appriciate beauty where ever you find it? Would it be as bad in your eyes to look at a drawing or painting by picasso, rembrandt, or some guy painting on the street corner and make the same comment or is it that your unable to look past the fact that the topic of discussion is related to a video game? it's not like i or anyone else in this thread said that betty boop or lola bunny was hot
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There's a difference about saying "Thats a beautiful painting" or "That's a painting of a beautiful woman" and "That cartoon character has a sweet booteh, she's so hot! Look at those curves... mmmmmmhmmmm... she's my kind of woman! Sooooo soft" There's a definite line between those two ends of the spectrum, and I just find it creepy when someone feels the need to cross it. On one end it's an appreciation for a beautiful piece of artwork and on the other it's an expression of lust for a cartoon character. There's a definite difference there. She's every bit a cartoon character as betty boop, and yeah, that'd be creepy too.
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you're assuming ALOT. you assume my comment implied an "expression of lust" not once did i say anything akin to "man she's hot and i wanna bang that booty like a big base drum." much like MOST of the other people in this thread who said she was hot that's all it is is a statement of opinion. do not confuse a statement as such with your freudian conclusions about fantasy on behalf of the one who made the statement. perhaps what REALLY creeps you out is your own repressed desire to say the exact same thing that so many others have said, but are too afraid that you might be judged for you own "expression of lust" and therefore you lack the self confidence to do so. I believe this is called displacement. -
Also Desdemona is so hot with a nice nice booty. she's built the way a woman should be...soft in all the right places
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It always creeps me out when people talk like this about cartoon characters.
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it's not like i said i want to have babies with her (which WAS said in this thread) Is it Really that bad to appriciate beauty where ever you find it? Would it be as bad in your eyes to look at a drawing or painting by picasso, rembrandt, or some guy painting on the street corner and make the same comment or is it that your unable to look past the fact that the topic of discussion is related to a video game? it's not like i or anyone else in this thread said that betty boop or lola bunny was hot -
rather than keeping the really quite pointless debate about whether vet rewards are fair or not or whether you'll ever be able to get them all blah blah bullcrap. why don't you justinvite me to your super group, i'll drop all my base rewards for you and you can stop pratleing on
i hope that when DP comes out it brings us MANY new pistol options such as a pepperbox, colt army, or any of the various other "old west" style pistols.
Also Desdemona is so hot with a nice nice booty. she's built the way a woman should be...soft in all the right places -
So who else already has placeholder characters set up to reserve the names they want for their demon summoners and dual pistols wielders?
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I have one for each and I'm thinking about a Rad blaster for when I16 comes out -
I think after 5+ years of non stop play, we should get a vet power than can auto lvl a character by 10 lvls, to be used at any time. I mean really...after 5+ years I think we earned that.
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I disagree.
One of the nicest things about this game is that there are Vets playing low level characters around to help those who are playing the game for the first time. If this is put in, than you will effectively kill that angle.
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I may have missed it but has anyone asked whether or not Epics will be able to "go rogue"? -
They're just something nifty to have. A minor reward, nothing that will give you a massive advantage over those folks that haven't been around as long. They're never supposed to be a big deal.
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The 15-month award wings, while just a costume piece, are pretty vital for some character concepts from an aesthetic point of view. And while the Valkyrie wings compensate a bit for the angel wings, the dragon wings aren't really bat wings.
Another reward that is huge, aesthetically speaking, are the base parts, especially the weapon displays. As a base-builder, not having access to those is a big deal to me.
The way things look does matter to some people (like me), and having so many options locked away for such a long time is intensely frustrating.
And the 60-month reward, early travel powers? That's not just a minor reward. That's a big deal. That's a free power slot.
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A) buy the Valk pack and wait like the rest of us did to get the angel wings. there is NO costume that will be completely ruined if you have to use valk wings instead of angel wings. Big feathered wings are big feathered wings whether armored or not.
B)the base parts are so much less than a big deal beacause all you need to do is have another SG mate put in a weapons displayproblem solved
C) the 60 month isn't an extra power slot it's early access to a power. Again no big deal
Bottom line is that you WILL eventually get these rewards when you EARN them... like the rest of us have
BTW Disclaimer: I stopped playing for about a month after getting a 2 month late start so i'm about 3 months away from getting 63 but i know that i WILL indeed get it. PLUS i have several friends who were behind me in vet rewards who saw my Nem Staff the 1st time i pulled it out and they were like "OMG I CAN'T WAIT until I hit 33 months!!" so the arguement that the VR disheartens other players is crap! -
Other heroes i have:
flying tank: Jet Stream = Chinook
ninja: Snow Leopard = Fire Tiger
shield bashin' tank: Loggerhead = Snapper
Peacebringer: Sunglider = Nightflyer -
My main hero is a french swashbuckler type. His name in french means "The Warrior"
Le Guerrier = Le Tueur
His Praetorian verson's name means "The Killer" -
2 more!!! mine and one more!!!
you're right!! that Crimson Sabre entry SUCKS!!! i mean REALLY? A hot blonde russian woman PFFT like those exist!! Truly sucks...oh...wait she's actually mine so no she's a total betty bad [censored] and you should totaly draw her with all her badassitude because she doesn't suck dispite what i might have said earlier in this post
oh and hot blonde russian women DO exist!!!!! -
oh man oh man i sure do love your art!!!!!!!
Sup FOO!!
I'm sure your familiar with the lovely crimson sabre. afterall you had a great time putting together a little ebony and ivory love conection between her and Soul train. I'd like to enter your contest for to get a drawlink of Crimson Sabre kicking someones butt.
Here's a brief description--
Russian swordswoman Crimson Sabre. She's a Super Soldier and spy for Russia during the Cold War. She was one of several projects Russia had to combat the American Statesman. Not a shy woman, some say she's deadliest when using her blades, while others claim she's even deadlier when she's using her femanine charms. She claims to have nearly succeeded in killing Statesman while posing as the original Miss Liberty. She was brought from the past to the now by a criminal genius named Lord Raptor with the purpose of fighting Statesman and other heroes. she uses not only blades, but seduction as weapons. She's sultry without being slutty.
Here's a ref pic for ya!! -
Crimson sabre for drinking TOO many White Russians
i want shyft9 to do some more for me and i just added about 2 dozen new artists to my DA watchlist so "soon" tm (LOL) i should have all kinds of new art. from Shyft9 and others
damn, the timing lol i just paid off and closed my credit card in order to get my parents names off of it after about 15 years...so as soon as they process the payment i can get a new card and therefore new commissions from you. I have 4 i want to do right off the bat with possibly about a half dozen to follow that. hopefully i'll be able to hit you up soon