My queue is empty, so: Who wants art?




Yes, if you can believe it, I've worked through my entire commission list. Once this last one is finished, I'll be adrift!

That can't happen, so let's have a wee contest for some free art, shall we?

"That sounds great, because I love free stuff! What do I have to do?"
I'm glad you asked, Jimmy. What I need from you is:[*] Character Name[*] (Short) Description of the character concept[*] (Short) Description of the character's look

If you've got previously-drawn images of the character or any other visualization (e.g., screenshots), include them, too.

Be sure to post your concept here and any links to your pictures. Everyone's got a chance, so long as they can come up with an idea and a character name!

I will pick winner(s) based on my overall interest in the concept, the originality, and various other criteria that you really wouldn't be able to comprehend with your prehistoric and feeble intellects.

Your chances of winning will depend on how many entries I get and how much spare time I have to do drawings. I will end the submission period arbitrarily, and possibly in the way that's funniest to me, which probably means the entry before TA's. Haha, sucker.



Sounds fun. Sure, I'm in. Let's see...since this is somewhat special, this should be a challenge. Who do we have who...ah, of course. I know. For your consideration, the character:

Sabre Vern

Mechanical engineer specializing in total-energy physics and cosmostructural stability. In short, builds anything from scout 'bots to solar systems. Vern is a Krayten (in their culture as in Japan last name comes first), a quadrupedal people who bear a passing resemblance to 'classical' western dragons, though they have no scales, spikes, fins, spades, or the like, and don't get much bigger than a large dog (Great Dane, for instance). They also move and behave much more like large cats than anything reptilian. Being four-legged, they of course have no hands, so they evolved telekinesis instead. Works just as well.

As for specifics about his looks, other details (aside from the aforementioned deviated baseline, of course) include three clawed toes on each foot, a relatively short neck, and that his jaw has more of a saurian look to it, rather than the draconic sort. Kind of like this guy. His skin is deep-green, and he'll usually wear a segmented silver collar with a large blue gem at its center that resembles a star sapphire. It's basically just a different kind of pocket, in which Vern keeps anything from telescopes to guns to lunch (he makes really good sandwiches) to a little spherical robot he uses to keep holographic notes because he tends to forget things very quickly.

He's also a pretty good pilot, but only with smaller ships, like the fighter kind - mostly because those he can stuff into said pocket. A planet cracker? Not so much. Thankfully, he has friends who can fly the bigger stuff for him, which tends to be convenient because they've been labeled pan-galactic terrorists and are generally hunted wherever they go.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I'll take your contest and raise you a challenge.

I have a character that right now is a name-only. I think THIS character would be very fun for your style. So I can possibly trade back to you at some point (but not for a couple months at the very least).

Widow. Kitten Stomper.

I didn't make any special costume for her (just the standard widow dealie). I couldn't decide what would be best. All I know is that she's evil. EEEEEEEVIL. She stomps kittens for crying out loud!

So basically.... whatever you want, just that she has to look as evil as a chick who stomps kittens would look.



Okay, Foo. I'm in on this, and I have the character already picked out!

However, cross-posting is against the rules (and Niviene's talked to me a few times, recently!) so I'll just put the link Here to the thread discussing her.

I'd love to be able to say 'I've got a Foo!' to people, because it would be funny. *nods firmly*




I'd like one, but I'm on my way out the door right now. I will post screenshots and character bio when I get back!


Okay... character in question is the irrepressible Andrea Blake.

Agent Andrea Blake joined the Star Patrol for the simplest reason of all - the excitement. However, not being the physically strongest meant that she had to learn to leave the frontline combat to those better suited to it. Not the easiest thing in the world for the headstrong Andrea.

After her sixth stint in the hospital (and her third coma), her constant visits to death's door paid off. Her body might not be the strongest in the Patrol, but her spirit is certainly the most resilient, and her repeated near-death forays means that she can tap into the Netherworld and the depths of the human mind at will. Now as long as she remembers to stay near the stronger members (and keep them and herself healed), she can enjoy the excitement of being a Star Patrol member to her heart's content, and her body's relief.

(Andrea also on-again-off-again dates Steven Berry, aka Synapse, though neither expects the relationship to become serious.)

Here are pictures of Andrea in casual clothes in Pocket D or in full uniform. Either look will work, but however you draw her, it must be with ENTHUSIASM! (Andrea never does anything halfway.)


This links to the part of my uberstory "The Course of Superhero Romance" where Andrea does something astronomically outrageous to Statesman in the middle of a crowded party. Just to give you an idea of what she's like.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Sounds like fun heres my Character Entry

Character Name - Nyte Shaide

(Short) Description of the character concept - She's a defender who follows around a particularly reserved and anti-social scrapper (played in game by my husband) because she believes its her purpose in life to 'fix' him, this drives him insane and he basically put up with her presence because she just wouldn't go away - over several years however they've developed a fairly good understanding she's his buffer against the social world - and he feels enough responsability for her that he makes sure she dosen't die in her wayard attempt to make the world seem like a better place. Her full bio/better description is listed in my sig on our Guild website.

(Short) Description of the character's look - Screenshots will work better I think, but a few thiings - the top part of her wings are always either White, black or some shade of grey, the bottom half changes on her whim, her hair is typically streaked with whatever colour of clothing she's currently wearing.

costume 1 costume 2 costume 3 Nyte Armour



I'll jump in the fray here. Here's my main:

Lil Miss Goth Girl 1

Lil Miss Goth Girl 2

Lil Miss Goth Girl 3

Lil Miss Goth Girl 4

(in lieu of a description of her look I added some screenies for you to see)

She's a mind/storm/fire troller
Name: Lil Miss Goth Girl
Aliases: Missy
Real name: Athena Demetrakos
Age: 24 yrs old. HT: 5'0" WT: 105lbs.

Short history: Developed her powers at 13, was teased and shunned by everyone in school because she was a "freak", fell in love with her best friend Staci at age 15. Both girl's parents found out and disapproved. Staci's family moved away and Missy has been heartbroken ever since. Moved to Paragon in her search for Staci and has been using her powers to fight crime and tyranny. Formed a Super Group, Vigilantes of the Night to help other people develop their powers as they fight for those who cannot. Is mentoring her little sister, Maria Demetrakos (Lil Missy Innocent).



Hmmm, so many characters...

How about a newbie, Carine Lucidia:

Her story -

She was an orphan, never having known her parents, just the orphanage. Still, she was there for everyone, being a big sister to the younger kids. Even when she was finally brought in to a loving family, she went back to volunteer her time and help out.

Then the Rikti came back, and took both her families from her. The only ones left that she could find were two of the younger kids who had wandered away. She did her best to keep them calm and get them to shelter - until she heard the distinct sound of a Rikti portal nearby. She didn't know why they were being targeted, just that she had to watch the kids. She shielded them, pushing them into a corner and covering them with her body as the Mentalist attacked.

Instead of being hurt or killed, the attack instead woke something up in her. Something she used to defend the children. And uses now to help protect the city.

As for her look -

She's still new at this, so there's nothing particularly ornate about the costume. It's comfortable but still her.



[*] Character Name[*] (Short) Description of the character concept[*] (Short) Description of the character's look

I will end the submission period arbitrarily, and possibly in the way that's funniest to me, which probably means the entry before TA's. Haha, sucker.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol you suck!!

Maybe this means that someone above me will get their drawing done . So hell yeah i'll enter your freaking contest ya [censored]!

[*] Character Name - Paragon Assassin (didn't expect THAT did you?
[*] (Short) Description of the character concept - This character is based on a turtle taking human form with super powers. Let's call him a snapping turtle... A little boy and his pet turtle happen upon Crey Industries waste and get melded into one another. Giving him deformities that make him look like a turtle and stunting his growth. He's a spine/invuln scrapper.
[*] (Short) Description of the character's look - While there isn't that much in the costume creator i went with what i could to have him look like a turtle who lost his shell and had a bit of a deformed look to him. He has a sidekick who gives him updates through his com link attached to his helmet. Heres some more screenies:


This was actually the charcater i was playing when i first met Sassy. She called me her little pet. He's also the fastest character i ever leveled. At the time Invulnerability was pretty ubar. Of course i havn't played him in a very long time now. His battle cry was "GO, GO!! TURTLE POWER!!!!". lol



Oooo! Me! I'd loves me some FOO!

Links are in my sig! Thanks man!!



Well, I've never asked anyone try draw Obsidius before, so I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring.

<ul type="square">[*] Name: Obsidius[*] (Short) Description of the character concept:A gargoyle, former slave to vampires, now watches the innocent of Paragon City from high atop buildings, warding away evil and ne'er-do-wells.[*] (Short) Description of the character's look:8 feet tall, jet black, Titan horns, point imp ears, leathery dragon-esque wings, scaly hide on chest, demon-like tail, monstrous clawed hands and feet, smoldering red eyes. Typically wears a grimace. Sometimes has a cigar.[/list]Images:
<ul type="square">[*] Obsidius in the Shard[*] Profile w/ bio[*] Side shot[*] Obsidius in flight[/list]I'd like to see what you can come up with



Darn, I'm posting after TA! Well, I guess I'll give this a try anyway!

Character Name

The Baffling Crazy Old Cat Lady

(Short) Description of the character concept

An crazy old neighborhood cat lady who received super powers from a magical stray kitten (Claws/SR Scrapper). A screenie of her bio can be found here.

(Short) Description of the character's look

Old lady with white button-up shirt, lavender "cardigan" (open uniform jacket), purple-on-lavender plaid skirt, lavender knee-highs, white sneakers...and of course, a little brown shoulder kitten. The best screenie I have of her ATM can be found here.



Oooo! Me! I'd loves me some FOO!

Links are in my sig! Thanks man!!

[/ QUOTE ]
Short blurbs required! These are the rules. Are you trying to incite anarchy? ARE YOU!?




I'll take a shot. I lurk these forums all the time but rarely post because I can't draw at all. I don't have any screenshots of my character, but I can give you the name and story.

I have a group of characters that I call collectively "The Amazons at Troy". The character I would choose to have drawn would be their leader: Penthesilea (Arch/Energy).

Penthesilea is the daughter of Ares and Otrera, queen of the Amazons. After accidentally killing her sister Hippolyta with a spear while hunting deer, Penthesilea set off for Troy. Filled with self-loathing she was searching for an honorable death.

With her came twelve other Amazons, including three that I have created as heroes (Deimacheia (Arch/Ice), Antandre (Arch/MM), and Polemusa (BS/Shield).

At Troy Penthesilea and the Amazons were a force to be reckoned with. It is said that Penthesilea slew Hector, son of Apollo. She also bested Machaon, son of Asclepius, and Podarces, brother of Protesilaus.

From the Aeneid:

Furious Penthesilea leads a battleline of Amazons with crescent shields, and she glows in the middle of thousands fastening golden belts around the exposed breast, female warrior, and the maiden dares to run with men.

[/ QUOTE ]

Achilles, warrior supreme, took note of her prowess in battle and began fighting his way toward her, even killing one of his own men in his eagerness. After a legendary battle Penthesilea fell. But Achilles, upon removing the helmet of the Amazon beheld her beauty and was moved.

From the Elegies of Propertius:

Penthesilea, a fierce Scythian, once dared to attack by horse the Greek ships with arrows; After the gilded metal helmet [was removed and] her forehead exposed, her brilliant form conquered the man (Achilles), the victor.

[/ QUOTE ]

Legend says that Penthesilea was slain that day. But we now know that an Achilles' prayer to the god Ares was answered, and Penthesilea was removed from that battlefield, along with her twelve Amazons. The Amazons at Troy faded from memory.

Then, when the Rikti attacked, there was cause for celebration as some of the most skilled fighters in all of history returned to help the heroes of Paragon city. So far four of the Amazons have reunited; they search for their sisters while displaying the ferocity in battle that made them legendary.

Penthesilea is about 5'10'' with long red hair, usually worn pulled back. She has a toga costume, and a roman costume. I'll try and add some screenshots.

I'm sorry that's so long. That's literally the first time I've typed up what's been in my imagination. I'm copy-pasting now...

EDIT: Even if the long description disqualifies me, that was TOTALLY worth it. Wow.



Character Name

Short Bio
Vivace lived in Wyoming until her powers manifested and she caused several destructive prairie fires because of the sparks she let off whenever her temper got the better of her. She came to Paragon City to gain better control and use her powers for the greater good.

Short Description
On the short side at 5'3", she uses long lines to give her a taller appearance, and to help define her shape. Black tights with light blue accents. Long hair held back from her face with a cobalt tiara. Hooked gloves because she thought they looked cool. Tights heels because anything else just didn't look right.



Oooo! Me! I'd loves me some FOO!

Links are in my sig! Thanks man!!

[/ QUOTE ]
Short blurbs required! These are the rules. Are you trying to incite anarchy? ARE YOU!?

[/ QUOTE ]

I beg forgiveness!

Mr. Majesty: Superman like hero possessing herculean strength, invulnerability, flight and the ability to generate energy beams from his eyes. Good looks and soulful blue eyes. Inspires hope and protects humanity as a parent would protect a child.

Looks: 6'8, muscular build. Not HULK muscular/bulky. Think a "god's" perfect physique. Black hair and an other-worldy "beauty" to him.

My sig has the link for pics.




Ooh, arts!
[*] Name: Miss Madcap
[*] (Short) Description of the character concept: When the Citizen Crime Fighting Act passed in 1937, all sorts of people came forward to try their hand at being heroes. Alice Teufel desperately wanted to be one, and she got "lucky" when she was given a strange gem by a pawnshop owner. "Puck's eye," he called it, was rumored to give the owner all sorts of mystical abilities, even immortality. It also drove the user completely insane, which he kinda forgot to mention.
Alice is still around, a strange and mischievous little trickster sprite who's almost as much trouble to Paragon's heroes as the criminals she sometimes helps them fight. (She's an Ill/TA controller in-game.)
[*] (Short) Description of the character's look: Barely 5' tall, 100 lbs or so, she looks like the very petite teenager she was 70 years ago. One eye is blue, the other has been replaced by her precious gem. Pale skin and brightly patterned clothes, topped off with a white fedora.

Here's some screenies.

And close-up



Character Name: Maiden of the Pit

(Short) Description of the character concept
The name is inspired by the "Lord of the Pit" MTG card. Her story has her banned by her Lord from her Realm to serve a pennance in our plane of existance. She has no idea what she did and what she needs to to do get back. Her only link to her homeland is her Lord's envoy, Aylmeth, sent here to report on her activities. She causes havoc, tels Aylmeth what to report to her Lord and gauges his reaction. She is very irritated that she hasn't received word from her Lord since her exile.

(Short) Description of the character's look
Black and red sexy she-demon, that has 4 horns, and beautiful wings. Platform boots, pointy tail and skull jewelery. Black eyes and black lips.

Model Sheet
Full page dedicated to her with art, bio and screen shots.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Sup FOO!!

I'm sure your familiar with the lovely crimson sabre. afterall you had a great time putting together a little ebony and ivory love conection between her and Soul train. I'd like to enter your contest for to get a drawlink of Crimson Sabre kicking someones butt.
Here's a brief description--
Russian swordswoman Crimson Sabre. She's a Super Soldier and spy for Russia during the Cold War. She was one of several projects Russia had to combat the American Statesman. Not a shy woman, some say she's deadliest when using her blades, while others claim she's even deadlier when she's using her femanine charms. She claims to have nearly succeeded in killing Statesman while posing as the original Miss Liberty. She was brought from the past to the now by a criminal genius named Lord Raptor with the purpose of fighting Statesman and other heroes. she uses not only blades, but seduction as weapons. She's sultry without being slutty.

Here's a ref pic for ya!!

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



Oh sure, why not?

Name: Canis-Major

Short Bio: Major Kanos was a starfighter pilot in the Santaran Star Navy. During a massive space battle with the feline Mrrtsha, his starfighter was caught in a blast from an exploding battlecarrier in the middle of a hyperdrive jump. In a freak accident, it flung Kanos and his ship thousands of light years across the galaxy, emerging in the sky above Steel Canyon. Heavily damaged in the process, Kanos managed to crash land the fighter in Boomtown and escape before it blew itself to pieces. Equipped only with his combat flight suit, a salvaged plasma assault rifle, and his wits he managed to survive and prosper on this alien world.

Description: Kanos is essentially a bipedal wolf, standing 7' 2" tall with grey and black fur. His combat flight suit is a dark grey armor with blue highlights (used the Exoproto pieces for the torso and legs).

Here is an older picture of him. I have since replaced the super soaker AR with the much cooler Redding Rail rifle from Vanguard. The armor now uses the Exoproto pieces instead of what is in the photo.

Thanks Foo!

Virtue Server: Jet Flash L50+3 EN/EN/Force Blaster | Doctor Mechanus L50+3 R/T/Mu MM | Titanium Girl L50+3 Inv/SS/EN Tanker | Kaishin L50+3 DB/SR/Primal Scrapper | Opilia L50+3 Crab Spider | Clockstriker L50+1 Kin/Elec/Primal Scrapper | Foxy Starr L27 Beam/Time Corrupter



Hokay! Character blurb...

The Cobalt Constable
Character Concept/Origin Story
Late 20's Constable at Court running the Rhode Island Circuit is responsible for a Once Convicted defendant charged with grand theft auto. As Bond is paid she is to walk him back to the courthouse. He breaks loose of the Firey Redhead's grip and bolts down an alley. She gives chase only to witness him in the commission of a hijacking. Without thinking she rips the door off the car and drags the felon out.

It's only after that when she realizes that she has superstrength, and moments later that she learns she lacks Invulnerability. A few months later she gets a friend to create a pair of inertial dampening gloves for her, and a solid impervium shield.

Character Description
Athletic, strong, smiling. Fair skin, long red hair tucked under her helmet. Clean lines on a simple uniform, modified Motorcycle officer's garb. Reinforced Kevlar Vest under a Blue leather jacket, PPD Badge proudly displayed on her chest. Flashy and Shiny shield meant to draw the eye. A Mask under her helmet, not to keep her (publically known) identity a secret, but to hold her hair up and protect her throat with a hidden gorget.

Is this better? =-3


*Edit* Forgot to link all the Screenshots!

*hopes for Foo!*


Posted -look
Name-Justice Paragon
Story-Born and raised in paragon City Justin Hopkins gre up watching heros fight for the city. When he was 4 he was playing with his favorite ball, he dropped it and it rolled into the street. at that moment a car came speeding around the corner and ran right into Justin. He was unharmed but the engine had caught fire due to the impact. Justin ran around the side and starting banging on the door. The stranger in the car realized What Justins powers were and instructed him on how to rip the door off it's hinges.

That man ran a local school for superpowered youths. Justin remained at the school for 18 years and at the age of 22 Took up the Name Justice Paragon. A name he chose because of his goals to be an example of Justice in a city that needed it.

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Anubys Psy (fire/psy blaster)

Description: I was born to Royalty, then sent away for an education worthy of the Gods themselves. Then at the age of 18 I was to return home, only to find my family murdered where they slept. All the treasures of my people stolen. The only person I could find that would speak of what happened was a rambling blind man. He told me of a Story of Soldiers of Rularuu, who could weild the powers of a forgotten realm. I have searched the lands seeking out more who have been tormented by these demons and found myself here, in Paragon City. I shall find the one they call Lanaru the Mad, for he shall feel the wrath of the "Fire of the Gods" by the powers of Anubys ! This I Swear on my families Blood, I will not rest till my family is welcomed by Osiris the God of the dead.

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3

I also have pics of another costume of hers in my wegame, you can find those here and it is the first 5 shots



you know, I have to admit, as much as I would LOVE to have Foo . . . . I can't help but equally enjoy reading all the different stories to all thses toons! there is so much creativity here!