My queue is empty, so: Who wants art?




We have our first winner!

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Wow that one made my jaw drop. Sweet work of art!

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Character name: Y2K-Bug

Character concept: All the angst over Y2K and false anticipation of a techological apocalypse caused a worldwide buildup of latent psychic energy unlike anything experienced before. Even after Y2K passed and everyone's fears were unfounded, this energy lingered and slowly collected into one place over the course of several years, eventually concentrating into a single energy-based entity. This energy attracted pieces of metal and electric components to itself in order to form a physical body and became the physical manifestation of the Y2K Bug. With an innate hatred for technology, yet a dependence upon it for its power, the Y2K Bug instinctively seeks to destroy civilization by turning technology against it in a self-destructive manner.

The Y2K Bug can control electronics and patchwork them together into robotic constructs similar to the way it constructed its own body. It also emits a very low-level disruptive field that affects computer systems around it, causing them to manifest insignificant bugs in their data processing that eventually build up into cascading processor failures; prolonged exposure would cause permanent damage and prevent the system from ever working properly again.

Character look: Some screenshots here, but that's really just as close as I could get in CoH. Ideally, it would look more like a patchwork assortment of electronic components in that shape, tinted blue and green, with green electricity arcing across parts of itself. It's harde to tell from the screenshots, but Y2K-Bug is also very, very tiny.



Updated the picture I linked in my original post in this thread (some changes to the costume, removed the red colours and new belt, resulting in some change). Link leads now to new picture.



Character Name; Hyena

Description and Concept;

The character is a Magic Origin Dark/Regen Scrapper. He is very old and may even be immortal though that hasn’t been proven yet one way or another. He was a Landed Earl during the height of the British Empire is the late 19th century. He had all the more negative attitudes exhibited by the Aristocracy of that era, including a very overblown sense of entitlement. During a Safari Hunt into Africa where he had a large amount of land granted him to by the Queen he strayed to far into an area claimed by a large native population as their own. Even though warned by his bearers that the area was claimed by a very powerful people when approached by a group of warriors telling him he could only hunt there by paying them a tribute he laughed at them and moved on.

That night his camp was attacked and he was taken prisoner. His bearers and members of his household and guests that were with him were massacred. I got the idea from a Cornel Wild film called “The Naked Prey” from 66. Good film if you’ve never seen it.

He is held captive staked out in the middle of the village for several days until a Western educated member of the tribe comes to see him. The man is a Shaman who is very contemptuous of Great Britain and it’s encroachment of equatorial Africa and he decides to make an example of the Good Earl. He performs a ritual, on him, etching and burning a tattoo on the Earls chest of a hyenas paw merging his soul with that of the beasts sprit and transforming him in the process.

The Earl spends many years living a feral existence before his mind clears enough to remember who and what he once was and finds that he has lost everything, title, lands and name in the intervening decades he was lost. He manages to get passage to America feeling that England holds no more for him. He is no villain and is more like your reluctant hero type. He has hardly aged at all in the years since his transformation and spends a good deal of his time trying to undo what was done to him.

I have never been happy with how I have made him look in game. From the screen shots though you can get an idea of what his appearance is. He is very large, around 6’7” and like a hyena is very large in his upper body and chest. Hyenas have the largest heart to body ratio of any animal and that is part of the reason they are so large and sloped in their body design. Their chest’s are huge compared to their other body proportions. The same applies to him.

He is very heavily muscled and has dense body hair. You can’t show it in game but he does pull his very shaggy hair back but his hair grows down the back of his neck and spine in a kind of ridge. He has the older face and it has an elongated nose and jaw structure as well as more animal like ears. He wears the gunslinger type beard to help soften the lines of his face and widen it some to give him a more human like appearance. The whites of his eyes are discolored and his skin where it shows is a grayish black.

I’d like to see what you can do with this, you do very good work.




The completed one is absolutely jaw dropping.

...I'm wearing a low cut shirt. Does that help me get my arts?



We have our first winner!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow that one made my jaw drop. Sweet work of art!

[/ QUOTE ]Haha pwnt noob



The completed one is absolutely jaw dropping.

...I'm wearing a low cut shirt. Does that help me get my arts?

[/ QUOTE ]I'm sure it can't hurt.



My wife and I play a duo, this is them.

Character Names: Angelo Palladini and Crey PCA 021

Angelo's Description and Concept:
Assault Rifle/Mental Manipulation Blaster

Angelo is a veteran of the Paragon Police Department organized crime unit. He spent over two decades under cover with The Family, using his considerable psychic prowess to avoid detection and learn valuable secrets. His background and relations within the organization made him the perfect choice for this job. Now that his cover has been blown, he's fighting crime in a much more direct way.

He has the introspective and thoughtful nature of a film noir detective, but with the directness you'd expect from a military officer. He's in his 50s but looks ten years older. His time living inside the crime syndicate has left him looking tired but determined. He thinks that heroes have it easy because their world is so black and white compared to what he's been through, and it's made him bitter. The innocence and earnest nature of his new sidekick often puts him off balance, cracking through his tough facade, which he tries his best to hide. When he saved her from Crey, he sustained massive injuries. His jaw and chest have been re-enforced to replace brokenbones and his entire right arm has been rebuilt.

Crey PCA 021 Description and Concept:
Forcefields/Energy Blast Defender

The Crey Personal Combat Assistant protoype 021 is a compact defense robot, part of a Crey programme to develop more cost efficient means of protecting its assets. During testing, this particular model displayed a lot of strange behaviour, often disobeying orders and refusing to engage in combat trials. The head researcher was order to dispose of it, but secretly kept it around as a pet project, nurturing the budding personality he saw there. Eventually the project was discovered by Crey management, who had the researcher killed. The robot's memory was wiped and it was marked for remote disposal.

Because she's a prototype, she should look somewhat unfinished. very shiny and clean otherwise, like any Crey technology. She still has the personality she developed before her memory was wiped, like a bubbly 12 year old with a protective streak and too much energy. Angelo calls her "kid". She looks up to him and always comes running if she's in trouble.

The Meeting Story:

Angelo found the Crey PCA 021 during an arms deal when he detected her faint consciousness inside of a container. In freeing her, he blew his cover and was attacked by Crey power suits, resulting in his extensive injuries and, later, reconstructive cybernetics. He only survived the incident because the little robot had become imprinted on sight and fought off the Crey agents until Longbow arrived.



The completed one is absolutely jaw dropping.

...I'm wearing a low cut shirt. Does that help me get my arts?

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Pics or it didn't happen.

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*looks at her COHFaces page*

Nope, no low cut shirts there.



That is some high quality awesome right there Mr. Foo.

Love the shifty eyed smile



Two more people have been selected to be winners. Let your anticipation build while I work on the pieces. Try to figure out which two they are!

Should I offer hints?



Yes please. Hints are appreciated



Let's see... one is bright, the other dark.



Are they bigger than a bread box?



Only on the outside.



I'm actually kind of excited to see who's next! Even if it's not me, I want to see what the Foo can do



I'm actually kind of excited to see who's next! Even if it's not me, I want to see what the Foo can do

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this (but change "kind of excited" to intrigued)



I'm looking forward to seeing who's next as well



One of each, I think.



male or female ? If one of each, is the female a hero or villain ?



Are they normally on fire?



Is one of them all gothy and cute?