My queue is empty, so: Who wants art?




I don't have to squabble. I didn't follow the rules at all, so of course I win.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wassy is always full of win!!

It's true!

Warning: Undefined variable $userSignature in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 334



like a flock of sheep jeeesh

[/ QUOTE ]

::is perfectly willing to be a sheep for awesome Foo art::



Time for some steampunk sheep.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Time for some steampunk sheep.

[/ QUOTE ]




Ahem... blazing boneshot... BLAZING, I think I can handle a little fire ((PS dev magic says res is capped at 90%, so not quite immune ))

[/ QUOTE ]
A blazing boneshot sounds like the most painful thing to happen ever.



Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"



Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't Wonder Woman Day Sept./Oct.-ish? I remember seeing the '08 pieces just a few months ago.



Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't Wonder Woman Day Sept./Oct.-ish? I remember seeing the '08 pieces just a few months ago.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, but we (I know the people who run it in NJ) ask artists to donate whenever we see opportunity. That way when we get to Oct we have plenty of stuff to auction.



Ahem... blazing boneshot... BLAZING, I think I can handle a little fire ((PS dev magic says res is capped at 90%, so not quite immune ))

[/ QUOTE ]
A blazing boneshot sounds like the most painful thing to happen ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

And in Thailand it's 14 bucks American.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does the $14 include an antibiotic cream?




It just irritates it. Wait till you go to mexico to get your...ahem...Electric discharge($22.95), and use their cream. It's much better.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.




It just irritates it. Wait till you go to mexico to get your...ahem...Electric discharge($22.95), and use their cream. It's much better.

[/ QUOTE ]

ELECTRIC DISCHARGE! I've GOT to create an ALT with that name...though I might run into problems with the EULA considering the background story I have in mind. LOL!!!



I would like to declare myself and Enn-Vee to be the winners. We took the rules to heart and I ran into her in the Pocket D.

We Bickered there.

That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!





That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!


[/ QUOTE ]

I call for a disqualification on the grounds of inappropriate usage of ERP!

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I would like to declare myself and Enn-Vee to be the winners. We took the rules to heart and I ran into her in the Pocket D.

We Bickered there.

That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!


[/ QUOTE ]

pics or it didn't happen



I would like to declare myself and Enn-Vee to be the winners. We took the rules to heart and I ran into her in the Pocket D.

We Bickered there.

That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!


[/ QUOTE ]

pics or it didn't happen

[/ QUOTE ]

I would... But there's rules for what can and can't be posted on the boards. *winks, saucily*




Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Dude, I'd totally do this, but my work's all digital. I don't imagine anyone would be keen on an auction for a one-of-a-kind print of a digital work.



I would like to declare myself and Enn-Vee to be the winners. We took the rules to heart and I ran into her in the Pocket D.

We Bickered there.

That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!


[/ QUOTE ]

I demand you replace my top you *censored* who the H-E-double hockey sticks do you think you are coming in Pocket D and ripping MY clothes ?? I hope that shiner feels good ! WENCH!

can I haz artz now plz?



I would like to declare myself and Enn-Vee to be the winners. We took the rules to heart and I ran into her in the Pocket D.

We Bickered there.

That's right. We took it -in game-!

Top that!


[/ QUOTE ]

pics or it didn't happen

[/ QUOTE ]

I would... But there's rules for what can and can't be posted on the boards. *winks, saucily*


[/ QUOTE ]

oh my!



Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Dude, I'd totally do this, but my work's all digital. I don't imagine anyone would be keen on an auction for a one-of-a-kind print of a digital work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if you worked your magic, printed it, and then deleted the original file it would absolutely be a one-of-a-kind original. Probably the first one we've ever gotten that was all digital, too. That would be pretty bad-azz imo.



Name: Wonder Woman
Concept: She's... you know... Wonder Woman... and stuff...
Blurb: Every year the local comic shop, in conjunction with another shop in Seattle, have "Wonder Woman Day" which raises money for women's shelters. They always ask talented artists to donate WW art, which gets auctioned off. The only thing they stipulate about it is that they don't want "violent" pictures, or any weapons (featuring WW's lasso and bracelets is fine). Basically they like the "strong woman" thing for the art. If I get selected, I'll pay the shipping to get the original piece for the auction.

Thanks for running this contest.

PS - If ya (Foo) want bickering, then how about "All ya other posters are selfish bastiches!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Dude, I'd totally do this, but my work's all digital. I don't imagine anyone would be keen on an auction for a one-of-a-kind print of a digital work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if you worked your magic, printed it, and then deleted the original file it would absolutely be a one-of-a-kind original. Probably the first one we've ever gotten that was all digital, too. That would be pretty bad-azz imo.

[/ QUOTE ]Hmm. This is possible. I shall investigate forthwith. STAY TUNED. Same Wonder-time, same Wonder-channel.



I guess Blake's not cool enough for the Foo. Oh, well, curious to see whose character will end up immortalized!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Hmmm....Lots of great characters in here. Tough competition, but I'll toss my hat in as well.

Name: Officer Shepherd

Concept: In-Game Bio. A Sonic/Devices Blaster (Yes, his bark is worse than his bite ). Uses PPD gadgets and his super-charged barks/howls to take down villains the normal cops can't & helps the Heroes of Paragon when needed.

Description: Just a bit over 6'. Well muscled, but flat, not defined. Brown eyes. Face is dog-like (Shep is not a permanently snarling werewolf). Hands are normal (Well, as normal as they can be with pads for palms and claws for fingernails >.&gt

Normal Costume & SWAT Costume

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Very nice diabolical smile!