My queue is empty, so: Who wants art?




Indeed, heh. Some mighty interesting stuff pouring into here. Also, last post updated.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




::tosses hat in ring::

Never had any art done, this would be so cool.

Fireforged, my namesake. Fire/Stone Tanker. (Really need to update my pics, but the gist is there)

Horridly abbreviated bio blurb: Born immune to fire. Parents were normal, so this was perplexing. Crey Biotech paid family to study him as a child to find out why, but they never could replicate his immunity. Outfitted him with a suit infused with magma lord material and fielded him as an agent. They had him doing more and more questionable things, until he finally broke with them. Over time and many weird adventures, the suits powers leeched into him, to where he didn't need it any more. Continued searching for clues about his past. Met up with the Midnighters when travel to Cimerora opened. Met with the Sybil, who told him he was descended from Hephaestus, and had been tapped by the gods as a child to grow up to be a champion of good.

Likes his toga for obvious reasons, and has a set of white and gold Roman armor (Edit:Ohh there it is )



[*] Character Name
- Aggelakis
[*] (Short) Description of the character concept
- A girl suffering from (possibly magic-induced) amnesia, can't remember how she manifested powers. She wakes up every day, thinking it's a certain day in 2004. ((Interestingly enough, a few days after CoH released )) Through some weird possibility, she CAN remember things after that date, but only if they are repeated a huge number of times. She refuses to get medical or psychological help because of a fear of what she could be repressing.
[*] (Short) Description of the character's look
- Short, brown hair, green eyes, solid build without being heavy. She wears light and dark blue. She ALWAYS carries her bow, which is etched with strange symbols along the edge.

Images can be found in the "aggelakis" (costume images at the bottom) and "deviantart" (finished art in the gallery, references in scraps) links in my sig.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



This is awesome.

Blazing Boneshot Spine/fire scrapper:

A young boy with leukemia, is saved by a genetic mutation. The eight year old is kidnaped, and his family and doctors killed, by men in black suits. For the next six years, he is attacked mercilessly by the men and women with the black suits. He learns to manipulate his skeletal structure, and that his bone marrow combusts when exposed to oxygen. After the six years, he is released into the gaurdianship of the paragon protectors until he is 18, when he escapes. He would have died were it not for the arival of the vindicators. He now fights to protect, not kill.

Right side


Left side


Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Well, then, how about Comrade Smersh?

Short description of the Character Concept: A Soviet Powered-Armor Hero, currently leading KGB Special Section 8 in Paragon City. A crusader for the People.

Short description of the Character's Look: a 50-something bald Soviet with grey eyes, a chain-smoking habit, and a red and gold power suit with a cape.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Entering Summerstar (Brute, Energy Melee / Willpower):

She is somewhat cliche.. Cheerleader, captured by Crey, with some cybernetic implants, and some serious anger issues. I don't care though, I enjoy playing her a lot.

In game bio, presented in dialogue form:

"*Revenant Research Facility, Cybernetic Devision*

"Ok, who's next Miller ?"
"Subject A3654, human female, age 19. We got her from the Crey sponsored ALLSTAR-Cheerleader Camp. No known relatives"
"Yes Sir, name is Tanya Summers, internal codename assigned: Summerstar"
"Clever thinking Miller"
"Thank you Sir"
"Any mutated DNA strings I should know about?"
"Some minor irregularities, that's all"
"Very well, tell the Doctor to start with the procedure"
"Yes Sir"

"Yes Sir?"
"How did she just activate the cybernetic energy gloves on her own?"
"Uh.. I better call security"
"Oh great, now she is getting 'really' angry and knocked out the Doctor. He was actually good. That comes out of your payment!"
"Well, so much for those highly trained security guards. Is this room secure Miller ?"
"Yes Sir, 100%.."
"Then why are her pom-poms denting the steel plated door? ...Miller !"
"Yes Sir ?"
"You're fired!"

Here are some screenies quickly pasted together to show her looks: Link!

<Edit> Her origin is somehwat mixed. In game is Mutant, as her strength, determination, regeneration etc. abilities are a mutation she was born with, but that didn't come out fully until Crey got her (Willpower). She does have some cybernetic implants, for Energy Melee in the gloves, and an anti grav unit in the boots, so sort of a mutant/tech mix origin.



you know, I have to admit, as much as I would LOVE to have Foo . . . .

[/ QUOTE ]
Get in line, sister.



you know, I have to admit, as much as I would LOVE to have Foo . . . .

[/ QUOTE ]
Get in line, sister.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cmon FOO, you know thats the best line a woman ever gave ya!



absolutely loving some of the bios and character ideas in here - of course I also love just hanging around Atlas and reading random bios sooo



<ul type="square">[*] Character Name: Desmodas Siazar[*] (Short) Description of the character concept:
Who is Desmodas Siazar
Seriously, this is the short version.[*] (Short) Description of the character's look: I'll go the screen shot route.
Usual reference collage
Action shot 1
Action shot 2
Action shot 3
Silly gratuitous shot.[/list]

On my Deviant Art Gallery can be found various beautiful art works I've had commission of her as well as some prose written by me about Desmodas.

I have not yet added Desmodas by Wassy to my gallery, but she's probably come the closest to capturing the concept of the character.

Who is Sinllema is a rather lengthy and unpolished writing, but Sinllema and Desmodas are very closely tied together, so many tid bits about Desmodas are revealed there.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I'll take your contest and raise you a challenge.

I have a character that right now is a name-only. I think THIS character would be very fun for your style. So I can possibly trade back to you at some point (but not for a couple months at the very least).

Widow. Kitten Stomper.

I didn't make any special costume for her (just the standard widow dealie). I couldn't decide what would be best. All I know is that she's evil. EEEEEEEVIL. She stomps kittens for crying out loud!

So basically.... whatever you want, just that she has to look as evil as a chick who stomps kittens would look.

[/ QUOTE ]
I accept your terms and will think upon this!



Mwahahahaha.... excellent... /mr. burns



I used to ignore art threads like this, because I always hated being grabby grabby for free art when the artists who provided such worked so hard for people that generally didn't appreciate it. It seemed wrong to take advantage of that, so I simply bowed out of them.

What wound up happening is that instead of being a lesser drain on the artist, the art simply went somewhere else. Nothing was gained in the process aside from jealousy and loss, so this time around I'm going to wh*** out like everyone else. The art is going to be done regardless of who it's done for, so I may as well try to get in on it. At least I know that I appreciate every piece I get.


'Massacre' Melanie is many things, but I prefer how other people have put it best.
"A pyromantic pixie who's remorseless and filled with hate. While her story is emotionally depressing and introspective, dealing with loss and regret far more then anger and hate."
"Mel's scary and sexy and tragic and cool all at once. Like a female James Dean with a molotov in her mind."

A once amiable and kind faerie, Mel was forcefully summoned into our world and bound to an assassin as his servant. She was to be a magical weapon for him to use in his scheme to gain power, but she was too kind to obey the orders to hurt people. So she was systematically broken and remade into a living tool that he could use. In the process, her mind fractured and created a new dominant personality to perform the tasks as well as protect her from further harm.

The new personality rebelled and sought freedom through destruction. In her desperate and broken thought process, she became obsessed with the idea that if she could burn everything down, she'd be able to escape this world and return to her own. Melanie now roams the landscape of the Rogue Isles, seeking the power she needs to end it all. Woe be it to anyone who gets in her way.

Melanie has hair the color of fire, pulled back into a ponytail. Green eyes and miniature horns growing out of her forehead. She wears a red leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders, a yellow tube top underneath that, blue leather pants and red combat boots. She also wears black fingerless gloves and a thick brown belt around her waist.

Here's some reference art of commissions I've gotten in the past.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



If the queue is still open...


Oathbound is a case of "He thinks, therefore he is." Though he doesn't know it, he was killed accidentally by an immensely powerful Illusion/Empathy controller (I don't have a name for him). Stricken with grief over this, the controller created an illusion and embedded it with as much of the young man's fleeting consciousness as possible, effectively resurrecting him, though there was significant gaps in Oathy's memory.
Eventually when the controller died, he imbued his illusion with the entirety of his psychic energy, prolonging Oathbound's life indefinitely. Oathbound fights crime and injustice, mostly because it's all that he can really remember ever doing.

As far as his appearance goes, there are a few things that can't be depicted in game. He's kind of an amalgamation of a Judeo-Christian Seraphim and a Hindu diety, in that he has six arms and six wings.

Seraphim wiki
(Edited to remove broken links)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Thanks for the offer and congratulations to anyone who gets some free art!

So.. if you feel like doing something twisted:

Name: Malfaz

Malfaz is a tortured soul. Born a victim of his own naturally occurring psychic powers, that produce debilitating migraines and induce insanity upon himself as well as those around him (Completely out of his control)...
He also became a victim of a foul scientific experimentation after he was placed into Federal custody and kept within the clutches of a team of dark-minded psychiatrists and brain surgeons under the reign of major pharmaceutical tycoon, Richard West III President and CEO of WestCare Pharmaceuticals.

When their surgical experiments (meant to analyze and harness Malfaz's latent powers) backfired and instead gave him control of his now intensely amplified psychic powers...
Malfaz went on a murderous rage... After siphoning all of their minds, memories and knowledge.

Filled with multiple personalities, both self-created and from siphoning the minds of many of his victims, Malfaz has a broad range of knowledge and skills that are all twisted asunder by his reigning psychotic mind. He seems to believe that the societal definition of “sanity” is actually the prison that cages true freedom, which, according to his beliefs, society has named “insanity”.

This twisted viewpoint of psychology is the basis of his major criminal personality and, thus far, none of his other personalities seem to have opposed or rebelled against these core beliefs.

Malfaz now embraces his own mental illness and seeks to unleash this psychic maelstrom upon the rest of regular society.

Malfaz is a criminally insane villain who uses deadly psychic powers to wreak havoc and misery upon the rest of the world.

Perpetually grinning or grimacing... Likely both, Malfaz just might appear as insane as he truly is.
Malfaz's appearance gradually became more grotesque as his own powers took hold of his ill body.
Certain medications he was on to combat his chronic illnesses from childhood, combined with these powers to mutate his appearance into a sickly and scary monstrosity.

Losing all pigmentation, he turned pale white. The skin upon his face stretched thin and has left his head to look like little more than a skull.
His lips receded and left his teeth exposed in a permanent smile or grimace.
His eyeballs shrank and withered into useless black balls that fell backwards deeper into his skull.
His teeth grew stronger and larger and are in a constant state of grinding and mashing together.
This constant grinding utterly weakened his jawbones, so that he had to have a metal support structure surgically placed to hold it together.

His wiry, thin hair turned colorless.

And his body has been left weakened and close to physically useless... He is near to an invalid being propelled by pure psychic rage.

Malfaz's VirtueVerse Page (Unfinished)

Malfaz: Full Body (Operating Room Mayhem)

Malfaz: Profile


Malfaz: Unleashing Psychic Maelstrom

Malfaz Collage

Malfaz Performing Surgical Repairs

Malfaz: Crash Course In Brain Surgery

Malfaz Encounters The Electric-Knight (My Paragon Universe Forum Avatar, hehe)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'll enter as well, just need to get my stuff together...

My entry is my Main Crestent.

Crestents wife was kidnapped and then possessed by a demon. In order to save her he agrees with the kidnapper to not hurt him if he would give him powers from the "Light" side. He gets powers; "kills" his wife and then lives on for hundreds of years until he is forced into time traveling to current day.

Crestent would be sort of like a pretty boy. He caries around a spear and he has a THIRD eye...

and here is another reference

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



You people are too nice to each other. I want you to start bickering about how crappy the other entries are!




YOU ALL SUCK! Except for Foo.

Can I haz my artz now plz?


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



you're right!! that Crimson Sabre entry SUCKS!!! i mean REALLY? A hot blonde russian woman PFFT like those exist!! Truly sucks...oh...wait she's actually mine so no she's a total betty bad [censored] and you should totaly draw her with all her badassitude because she doesn't suck dispite what i might have said earlier in this post

oh and hot blonde russian women DO exist!!!!!

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



You people are too nice to each other. I want you to start bickering about how crappy the other entries are!

[/ QUOTE ]

Only my entry was sufficiently salient!!!

The rest of you are merely regurgitating pedantic tripe!!!!

::Sets thread on fire and sits down to wait patiently for everyone but Foo to leave::




Ahem... blazing boneshot... BLAZING, I think I can handle a little fire ((PS dev magic says res is capped at 90%, so not quite immune ))

On a side not, I hope it's not against the rules, but I found the original costume entered to be so very stereotypicaly dark punkish, so I modified it. (mostly just colors)

New Front
New Left
New Back
New Right

Way happier, way less FOTM omfg Drk 1337 spnz pnk l0zr, and totally deserving of arts.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Here I go..

Character Name: Dark Sunstar

(Short) Description of the character concept: she's basically the Jean Grey, or Dark Phoenix or Phoenix of the CoX world..she's not psychic but her power sure is one thing you should never underestimate..

Dark Sunstar Bio
Dark Sunstar's costumes



*wanders off...but only to find a garden hose, come's back whistleing*

Yep I'm set to weather the fire myself and yes everyones entry is terrible but mine thier all a load of unoriginalblabber not worther of the greatness of Foo's art.

*nods and hopes her attempt to be mean makes the grade...isn't very good at being mean*



like a flock of sheep jeeesh



I don't have to squabble. I didn't follow the rules at all, so of course I win.