My queue is empty, so: Who wants art?
Nice one!
Looks great! Gratz EnnVee
SN0WJ0B: 50 ice/ice Blaster, InvulnerBull: 50 inv/ss Tanker, Death.Venom: 50 nec/poison MM
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Darn, been so busy in RL I missed my vote for Manoa
Bah, midterms!
But that's a damn fine piece of art. Congrats!
Oh, wierd, what happened here?
Avatar version, if desired.
Nicely done!
*tacklehugs Foo*
I can barely even type 'cause I'm so excited! She's beyond awesome!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Squee!!
(and you totally got her right, more bad[censored] than hurling cats )
Oh, wierd, what happened here?
Avatar version, if desired.
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Haw! GJ! And gratz Manoa
Teeheehee, I'm a scamp.
Wow, great job