Not Me

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  1. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys
  2. Hmmm, I saw a good morning text messge this morning from a close friend! Does that count?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    Darn it, you're gonna make me want to go to Waffle House and I can't afford it right now.
    Sorry kitteh. If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't go to a Waffle House now even if I wanted to. I haven't been near a Waffle House in almost 2 months. There's none of them around where I live
  4. Bacon Kisses - Type O Bacon-tive

    (Bloody Kisses - Type O Negative)

    "Not long ago, but far away.
    A rainy winter's day.
    All her bacon she kept inside.
    Could no longer hide.
    No cry for help.
    She cooked it herself.
    Both eggs & toast could not be saved.
    She took them both to the breakfast table"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rookery. View Post
    Action Jackson Flapjacks!

    Thermite grits with a dash of Tobasco!

    Hashbrowns: Scattered, smotherd, covered, stabbed, shot, and dropped out of an airplane only to land on the roof of a skyscraper then rolled slowly till they fall OFF the skyscraper and finally land on your plate.

    Bagel's O' Doom.

    Bacon, or at least I hope those strips of sizzling meat are bacon. Everybody check on the Red Shirts!

    Mmmm Waffle House hashbrowns ...

    Good morning peoples.
  6. Happy happy birthday to you, to you!
    Happy happy birthday to you, to you!
    You're good to grow, now count the candles and blow!
    Happy happy birthday to you,
    To you,
    To you!
  7. I charged these TV's to your account
  8. Sixteen Bacons

    "I can't believe I gave my bacons to a geek."
  9. Not Me

    Go-Go Gadget

    Go Go Gadget automatic window cleaner!
  10. Not Me

    The Casino

    *quickly dons shark fin and flippers, and a tight, shimmering, glittery dress*

    Ok, lets get this show started!
  11. *calls Best Buy and has 12 hi-def 56" TV's delivered. Hooks up digital cable to all of them, hands out remotes and settles in front of one and watches THE HISTORY CHANNEL*

  12. *taps Early on the shoulder*

    *smiles and nicely takes the remote*

    *changes channel to History Channel*
  13. a11 t3h 0th3r p1ay3r5 luv wh3n u typ3 l3ik di5!

    (man that took me a while to type ...)
  14. All's bacon that ends bacon!
  15. *waves Hello Kitty sock-covered feets in PB's face* These look familiar? *giggles*
  16. *stumbles in wearing Hello Kitty pj's and heads straight for the coffee waterfall*

    Mmmm coffeeeeeee ...

    Good morning peoples.
  17. It's a good idea to send tells to complete strangers in game asking them to give you obscene amounts of inf.
  18. Break-free. Don't leave your base without it.
  19. Ok, to make you feel better O_K

    Coward of the County - Kenny Rogers
  20. It isn't nice to fool a storm troller. (It isn't nice to fool Mother Nature)
  21. Not Me

    Go-Go Gadget

    Go Go Gadget something!
  22. Not Me

    The Casino

    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    humph! I think we all know the khel-clones are not the real problem here perhaps maybe even they will certaintly be used to take the fall!
    A whole season? (fall)