Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread




I'd like to see things like a blaster whos powers eminate from a violin or a fender strat. I'd like a controller with a flute to steal yo babies in the night. I'd like to see a brute that smacks ppl with an awesome flaming guitar! I want my mastermind to summon his minions with a sad tune from a shakuhachi.

So yeah... That stuff.



Prob should check back but too lazy. Anyway, with the introduction of Titan Weapons there are two Japanese weapons I'd like to see.

Zanbato (AKA the Horse Slaying Sword)

Most would be more familiar with the Anime version of the Zanbato.

And then the Tetsubo



All Assault Rifles for Arachnos Soldiers please!!!!!!

(I will post this until my ghost vietnam soldier has his M16)

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Titan Weapons is in need of a Giant Wooden Club.

I feel as though "Giant Wooden Club" was pretty self-explanatory, but I provided a picture just in case.



My vote is for a bass guitar - Fender Squier P-Bass is a good example - for titan weapons. (Especially if the devs might find it in their hearts to add a sound effect for the strings... I know, I know, just sayin.)

Also, electric guitar for the mace set! That would be sweet.

To die... to sleep.
To sleep perchance to dream.
Aye, there is the rub... for in that sleep of death what dreams may come...



I would like to see drills (think Bioshock's Big Daddy, or anything Gurren Lagann) used as a claw weapon, or maybe claws that actually turn your hands into some mutant claw like Captain Mako has, kinda like the arm mutation ability Chaos Marauders have in Warhammer Online.



Please allow Arachnos Soldiers to use all the Assault Rifle selections. I'm with Liz Bathory on this.



Originally Posted by Shadow Chimera View Post
...claws that actually turn your hands into some mutant claw like Captain Mako...
This. A million times this.

Quintessence: the stuff, of which, heroes are made.

Proud Member of the City of Gaymers Coalition



Chunk of rock (Stone melee style, one color) with shards of glassy plates coming out like spines has (2nd color).

Assault Rifle:
Standard pump shotgun. Blasters and corruptors can skip burst and go straight to two shotgun shots, and grenades/beanbags in shotgun shells are not unheard of (see: AA12 for justification and another model that would be more than welcome!)

Titan Weapons:
Standard farm scythe. this should have been obvious. I assume it's already been made and is being saved for Halloween.
A motorcycle, because LOL
A telephone pole, because lol.

Moped, pogo stick, segway, etc, because lol.



I'd Just like to see some regularish weapons for TW. A Maul, Claymore/Zweiwielder. Nodachi, Halberd, Mace, etc.



I know most of the AR powers would not work (logically) with a bolt action sniper rifle, but I would like some older rifles and the Ban Pan muzzle loaders, and crossbow / hand crossbow for the archery sets. (The image of a small ballista chucking arrows like an auto turret would be fun, but that would be a new pet, not a personal weapon. Still, . . . )

As for animation, I would like to see the M30 grenade actually explode - they could use something like the "throw confetti" animation, only spherical.



An Energy Hammer for War Mace. Nothing too fancy or oversized. Just something to go with the Element/Energy Shield.

Probably been asked for already, but still needed for RP-ing science and tech origin characters.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



More Rifles!

Power is unless without the will to use it,
But will in nothing unless you believe in yourself.
And that is ture power!
Written by-Mr Amazing



Originally Posted by TimmyDrunk View Post
My vote is for a bass guitar - Fender Squier P-Bass is a good example - for titan weapons. (Especially if the devs might find it in their hearts to add a sound effect for the strings... I know, I know, just sayin.)

Also, electric guitar for the mace set! That would be sweet.
I registered on the forums just to suggest electric guitars for titan weapons! I also have a war mace guy so guitars for that power set would be sweet too.



Well, I am not completely sure if I missed that one somewhere, but if not here is something I have been missing since I started the game:
The combination of several weapons. As an example I would like to mention a Ninja: Has anybody ever heard of a Ninja who´s got only one Weapon ?
I would suggest (as a solution) that the idea of peacebringers and warshadows is used for another group (maybe we can call him Weapons Master or something like that).
My idea would be, that you can have an Martial Artist who can change between a Close-Range-Character who uses (to go on with the Ninja-Example) a Sword or two Swords and a Long-Range-Character who uses Shuriken and a Bow or maybe Pellets with acid or smoke-grenades or something like that. Of course it should also be restricted like the pb and the ws only have 3 or 4 powers in that specific area. Of course the absolute perfect thing here would be if you could choose the weapons - but I don´t want to be greedy .

Another thing here would be (if the first idea is absolutely not wanted or realistic) that at least on could choose another attack power as secondary power set for example have a sword as a primary power set and a Bow (or if only close-range is accepted) an axe or a staff. Or primary you use Martial Arts and secondary a Weapons-Power-Set.
Of course I wouldn´t mind if both ideas could be used



I know it's most likely been said a ba-million times in thread already but...with a thread this friggin long...i'm just not gonna look for it and spout this...


...that is all...for now.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Titan Weapons:

- A sidekick, held by the ankle (use cape physics to make it look real!)
- An Xbox controller (may need to scale it down for proper usage)
- Carnival Mallet
- A giant tuna (because reasons)



Originally Posted by MrAmazing View Post
More Rifles!
Yeah. I want an M4. As you can see, this one has the M203 grenade launcher attached.




Can we get a grapple hook? itcan be a pool power.
1) swing as aoe
2) pull yourself forward on enemy to do a dash attack
3) Pul self forward quickly as movement. Can spring out far to attach to anybuilding, wall, tree, etc and quickly pull you in that direction to that object.
4) basic targeting attack for alot of damage and mabe pulls enemy to you.

-Moon Fyire



How about a variation of the Kama-Yari? A hand-held sickle with a chain attached.



I've never been a fan of claws melee. The only custom weapon i like for it is the vanguard one...which i can't get until i level up the character, or buy.

If you guys made a DRILL model, similar to the placement of the vanguard claws...I would not only buy it, but use the mecha set that i'm not extremely excited about.

Why do you ask? For fans of Gurren Lagann, this should help.

Completely awesome drill claws...please..



Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
Yeah. I want an M4. As you can see, this one has the M203 grenade launcher attached.

I love this one...

But my soldier would still not be able to use it. Just like he cannot use the M16 as he should being a Vietnam Marine Ghost...

Alas he is an Arachnos Soldier AT and they aren't allowed access to the AR models at all !!!!! Please change this...!!! Please...?!!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!