14 -
Yeah, This could easily be done. Situations don't always have to be "Ogawd! Captain Commando we need you now! THey've captured and defeated everyone!" I mean, things like "WE need you to help Ctiadel distract the giant robot, while Manticore and positron go and disable it's remote control generator". I mean, the "Goal" Of this game to me, has been to be on the same level as guys like the freedom phalanx, or past heroes like Atlas. Not to become the overpowered godbeast that solves things by looking at it.
Hell yes, Add some to Handclap too, While we're at it, I could see handclap with knockdown being of some use
I'd Just like to see some regularish weapons for TW. A Maul, Claymore/Zweiwielder. Nodachi, Halberd, Mace, etc.
Axe: Yeah, I totally Agree with the animations. and I had mentioned the idea of TF being an AOE, I think that Mass stun could be fantastic.
Will: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=279666 Was a live stream, but is probably mentioned somewhere in the text -
Alrighty So. I read in the patch notes that Energy Melee Was "Being looked at." I figured I would share a few thought I had on the subject of Making Energy melee a solid set again in comparison to the others.
Idea 1: This one would probably stray a bit from the original Idea of the set, But involves two Changes. One, Up the Damage. Two, Change Total Focus into a Target based PBAOE like Thunderstrike and spinning strike. Why? For starters the set already has one big damage single target in energy Transfer, But Mostly Because It would help the samage guys keep the consistant DPS and Tankers Keep attention and enemies under control with the stuns.
Idea 2: Have it So Energy Melee does more Damage against Stunned enemies.
I don't really like this one because I feel it could be taken advantage of too easily with things like Oppressive Gloom.But considering that stunning is one thing Energy Melee does alot of, this might be a decent advantage.
Idea 3: Shorten the animation times. It worked well before so, Why not?
Would love to see some feedback (Or telling me how much I suck) From people.
Er...any chance somone her could do me a solid and send me a copy of MIDs?
Btw, Hope thigns go well for you fine folks at Titan.
Okay, So, obviously there is no up-front automatic thing for this. But anyways my girlfriend and I bother like this game and play together. Well, long story short, we are now down to one account and she wanted one of her characters onto my account? Is this possible? They are both under the same Master account, if that helps any.
I've tried several times to use the graphics and sound option, but anytime i select it, it crashes,Claiming an issue with ig4dev32.dll is this somthing that can be fixed?
It's an ASUSTeK Computer, to be more specific an ASUS CM5571 It's running a Pentium Dual core CPU E5400 for a processor with 6.00 GBs of RAM and the standard unamed Graphics card that came with the system -
I've tried several times to use the graphics and sound option, but anytime i select it, it crashes,Claiming an issue with ig4dev32.dll is this somthing that can be fixed?
Don't Go To Freedumb! It's a bad place like 4Chan!
Well [censored], That had all my characters unfortunately
Okay6 I'm having problems with Justice,Guardian and Virtue, but I was able to get into Pinnacle just fine
Sweet more, but 36? isnt that overdoing it a bit