Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread
More weapons with particle effects, IE, Valkyrie's Sword
More weapons with particle effects, IE, Valkyrie's Sword
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Reading Comprehension FTL
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
mkay lol more bows!
next issue give blasters some love
I have only one comment about the process itself, and that's this: when you add new weapon models, it would be really nice if you handed out one costume token per slot, not just one costume token. If somebody's weapon is part of their superpowers, they're going to want it to be consistent across all of their costumes. For my level 37 character, if I hadn't had enough veteran costume change tokens, changing my weapon would have cost me half a million infamy, which is one heck of a charge.
Oh, I will say one more thing: I actually really like the idea of costume recipes to unlock weapons instead of badges, especially for some of the ones where most players can't possibly get the badge until you're in your 40s. Just because (for example) Crey or Malta are the primary NPCs to use a weapon doesn't mean that killing hundreds of their harder bosses should be the only way to get a weapon that looks sort of like theirs.
That's what they're doing, Brad - one token per costume, for each character.
More weapons with particle effects, IE, Valkyrie's Sword
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Reading Comprehension FTL
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Feel free to discuss suggestions and the process in this thread.
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Well there is a chance this will be some what of an insult to the hardcore (more than one) toon created types... But I've only created on character, level 30, that under my first impression of the game, would 'find' a weapon and use it.
I really like this game and have had it for 9 months, and after fooling around with character design, I feel rather sad that there isn't some sort of test in game (if there truly isn't one) that would allow total repecs. of your character for one time only... an arch. respec. per say.
This would allow more non-creater types to enjoy these weapons if their character isn't equiped with one.
Or utilize the system in such a way that would allow (for non weapon archs) the ability to gain weapons after reaching 'x' level. just a thought.
OTHER than that lmao, I LOVED SEEING THEM IN DESIGN MODE. thanks so much
More weapons with particle effects, IE, Valkyrie's Sword
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Reading Comprehension FTL
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Feel free to discuss suggestions and the process in this thread.
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note the fact the original post has a link.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Some people have suggested Scythe sets in the main thread -- I'd rather see Scythes as a separate powerset.
The 'hand claws' idea is pretty common; to work around the animation issue, a lot of people have suggested big over-hand claws, like animal paws or giant hands or whatnot. I understand it's inelegant, but I wouldn't mind seeing something like that... if only to toss a nod to the overabundance of requests.
Edit: Oh yeah. 2nding requests on hockey sticks and chinese jian (tai chi style) swords.

I want a big 'ol tree branch, with leaves still on it for Mace. It'd be great, and give a more... powerful feel to the set
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
These two might make nice additions to the Dual Blades power set. The top one is called a hunga munga (sounds stupid, I know but it grows on you) its kind of an odd cross between a hatchet and a ninja star. The second is the fairly well known kukri knife, all the power of a hand axe with the fitness of a knife, one hit from this and its all over.
For the katana power set, I'd like to have a shirasaya style appearance for it.
Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
The Kukri knives have an extremely similar counterpart already in-game, labeled "Falcata".
Arabian Scimitar (Broadsword) for Dual Blades.
The current DB Scimitars do not appeal to me.
Just a few ideers...
Throwing Daggers (Twin pistols)
Anchor(for a mace)
Spectral Mace
Cane sword
Sickle and twin sickles.
Awwwwwwww yeah.......
Maces: Guitar(el kabong), Chello, golf clubs, hockey sticks, aluminum baseball bats, a piece of 2x4, a pipe(if not in already), and a stop sign.
I would like to see a zweihander, essentially a giant, two-handed sword. It can be used with both Katana and Broadsword. Two notable examples are a giant Katana used by Auron from Final Fantasy X and another giant sword used by Siegfried from the Soul Calibur series. Here are a few pics:
Zweihander for Broadsword
Zweihander for Katana
Would be great for large characters or those who concepts say that their blade user has enhanced strength or something along those lines.
Rising to the Challenge: Spines/Willpower
I suggest that upon level fifty, for katana you can choose to have a 7ft long masumune
I think for mace they should have:
-Chair leg
-Pole(as in Flagpole, just shorter)
-Turkey Leg
-Carnival Mallet
For BroadSword:
-Sharp piece of wood
-Jagged piece of metal
Masamune isn't a type of blade, it is a named katana.
Also, copywritten.
Like the carnie mallet tho
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
It is not under copyright. Swords named Masamune - present in Highlander and Final Fantasy, to name a couple - obtain their name from the legendary 14th century Japanese swordsmith, Masamune Okazaki. Swords made by his hand are traditionally called Masamunes. There is one, in fact, in the Harry S. Truman Library.
From the first post:
See this thread to make an Official Weapon Request!
Maces: Guitar(el kabong), Chello, golf clubs, hockey sticks, aluminum baseball bats, a piece of 2x4, a pipe(if not in already), and a stop sign.
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I would make a Tanker just for this.
Please read Original post, and click on the link to go to the proper thread for suggestions. They will not be read here.
x Jeremy M.
Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community
twin pistol- Old west six-guns
Sci-fi gunslingers (such as the captain's gun from Serenity)
Dual Blade/Broadsword/Katana- Lightsaber style swords
See this thread to make an Official Weapon Request!
Feel free to discuss suggestions and the process in this thread.