Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread




Originally Posted by JWatt View Post
Mace weapon: Empty bottle of Jack Daniels

That'll learn you a lesson, boy. *Thwack!*
Im still laughing



Random thinking while I was fighting off Zombies with my BS/Shield, what I needed was:

a Chainsaw option for my broadsword



At the very least, we should have a chainsaw temp power.



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post

Would it be possible to make the Praetorian Resistance pistols available for dual pistols and the rifles available for assault rifle?

Having them unlocked by obtaining the "Resistance is Futile" (kill 100 resistance badge) makes perfect sense. Who cares about us shooting bullets and not lasers?

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
I want a big 'ol tree branch, with leaves still on it for Mace. It'd be great, and give a more... powerful feel to the set
That would be very... EPIC!

I'm Havok Charge, pay no attention to the "Mr. Gangstar" I was young.



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
Who cares about us shooting bullets and not lasers?
funny you should say that. Despite all the blue bullets, the resistance assault rifles still do pure lethal damage.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
I was fighting some Goldbrickers the other day and noticed their sonic blasters. That got me thinking, why not have different weapons like that for ranged sets? With the i16 additions to Super Strength and Martial Arts it doesn't seem too far-fetched for ranged sets to get new animations and new weapon types, especially without altering gameplay. Some things I had in mind:

1. Light guns, like the assault rifle. This could simulate a variety of things, such as an energy rifle, tesla gun, auto-crossbow, or a legitimate freeze ray. This opens up the sets much more to natural/technology origin heroes who otherwise are limited to having a super suit or super gloves of some kind.

2. Heavy guns, like the Goldbrickers' sonic blaster. Same idea as above, but more bulky for more Rambo-like characters.

3. Wands, staffs, and relics. Harry Potter? Gandolf? Indiana Jones? You can see where this is going. I can even imagine some creative people applying the assault rifle and dual pistols powerset to this. Somehow.

4. Breath-only animations. Right now, if my dragon has fire breath it means he can throw fire with his hands. Which also brings me to...

5. Arm-only animations. On the flip side, if I have a power suit that shoots fire, it means I have to breathe fire as well. This would also give the option to have an arm-mounted machine gun or crossbow, opening up more options for mechs.

Obviously not every option would make sense for every individual power. Archery with staffs would be a bit of a stretch. Otherwise I can see this being a fun addition.
These are all great ideas, I have been wanting to see more custom options like these.

Also, since you mentioned wands, add magical weapons like a spellbook, amulet, or even magical swords that shoot ranged powers when you swing it.

We have had some alternate animations added recently, but what I really want is the ability to choose where each power comes from. Set instance points on different places of the body (hand, mouth, eyes, chest) or on the weapons, and give us the ability to choose where powers are shot from. No need to add a lot of extra animations since there is at least one power that uses any of these, hand animations are already used for most blast powers, we have a mouth animation for Fire Breath, we already have a couple powers with lazer eye animations, so the only thing you would need to add is animations for things being shot from the chest which will also open up new options for chest details. And use the same animations we already have for weapons, just add a blast that comes out of it mid swing.

Be sure to drink your



For Dual Swords, I'd like to see some various chakram, if it were all possible.

And no, this has nothing to do with a certain sequel that came out on the 17th...

Stop looking at me.

Oh and the link in the OP is broken...



Can we get Quantum weapons ported over for players? Either as a costume piece or better yet with an accolade so everyone can wave one around. Kill 1000 quantum' and 500 voids.



I've always wanted a two-handed broadsword powerset, but I was thinking what may be easier for the devs would be to add some two-handed broadswords to katana/ninja blade and also some alternate animations that look more broadswordy so the players have the option to make it themselves. Not really less work than a new powerset, but for some reason this seems like it would be more likely to actually happen. At least to me.



I would like to see the ability to when you defeat a foe, you get to take their wep, or you can disarm them & take it. I guess that would be too much for teams to fight over, tho, right? Or how bout instead of all the "Temp powers", why not make at least some of them permanent?



Vanguard Weapons for;

War Mace
Dual Pistols

Also an Energy Hammer is needed, and would make a good new powerset even. There is alot of comic book RP potential in an Energy Hammer at any rate and not having it leaves a big void in CoX.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
Vanguard Weapons for;

There already is one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Assault rifle weapon option/choice:
-wrist mounted guns
-shoulder or chest mounted gun for tech/robot characters
On that note: change Mastermind poison attack animation from spitting to a bio spray gun/cannon



Dual swords choice: Kama



No chainsaw yet?

Sorry, Paragon: you missed your chance. Had you made us one years ago when it was first suggested, there wouldn't have been a problem, but if you do a chainsaw weapon from now on, you will forever be teased for being Suda 51 ripoffs.

Which is a pity, 'cause I'd like a chainsaw. With little hearts, sparkles and rainbows too.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



A Bludgeoning weapon. And the ability to choose what kind (ii.e. Hammer, baseball bats, or common household objects made in ridiculous size, such as a giant spoon).



have all melee weapons replacable by a pillow ... I wanna make a toon "PlayBoy Bunny"



Am I missing something or are there only like 4 rifles when you ignore the variations and repaints?



Okay for Beam Rifle I want a version of the QUANTUM Gun the Voids and Quantum goons have!

This would allow players to make passable Void Hunter characters to go after those pesky Kheldians! Mah ha ha ha.



replace any rifle with on handgun ... use the "exicutioners shot and just shortn and lengthen the time he stands the aiming.
can add a glow intensity effect for beam rifle if you like.



Posted this on the beta forums but figured I should make sure it got here as well........

Uploaded with

Made it last night as I was requesting info on Rulalu weapons for Titan Melee.

Figured id donate its design to teh sexay one. Jay its all yours. Think you can make it sexy?

Its crude I know, but your powers are vast.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



I love weapons powerset COH. I would love to for next issue for new weapon powersets. Here are the weapon that I think players would like to play Tri-nunchaku, Nunchaku, Staff or Bo, and Escrima sticks. I knew with Tri-nunchaku more Aoe and PBAoe than any other weapons powerset. I think the Bo would nice PVP battles. Nunchaku beacuse who doesn't like Nunchaku man. Last Escrima sticks because I all want COH of hero that a mixture between Nightwing and DareDevil.
So all players COH Universe tell Developers we want new weapons content in the next issue.



Might I suggest a Glaive or Halberd for the titan weapon set. Not everyone wants to look like an Anime character. Having an ACTUAL weapon choice that could be used with a knight or martial-artist themed toon would be nice.