Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread




My fault D:



As a Martial Arts specialist, I would like to have some custom weapon models available to the power set.

*Ill/Rad 50
*MA/SR 50



I WANNA CARRY A LAZA SWORD! Not just Talsorian, but also something with a handle that looks more like a traditional lightsabre.



Could we get some laser blasters added to the assault rifle category? That would be awesome.



Plz add Stop Sign as a Shield

and maybe a pizza with a slice missing

oooo and a GIANT COIN!!!!



Dual Flare Pistols
Gatling Gun
A Weapon that is also a mount used for movement like a Motorcycle with guns on it or a Broom that shoots lightning
Shrunken Heads as a Missle Weapon (villaisn only)
Cane Sword
Singing Sword that actually sings
Razor Sharp Throwing Playing Cards (being confisiticated in WA by Police atm)
Umbrella Dagger
Cat O Nine Tails
Buck Rogers Zap Gun
Throwing Hat (like 007)
Stick Grenades
Iron Fan
Bamboo Flute
An Electric Gun that fires Smilies
Mace or Sword made from Bones
Carnival Mallet (used to ring the bell for a prize)
tiny derrigner pistols carried by card sharps in old west
Shoe Melee
Guitar Melee like El Kabong or Desperado



Moving this from where I posted it as this one's official.

I got the Hardsuit last night as a Halloween temp costume. It's cool, and when the hardsuit as a temp power is no longer the gotta-get item, I would really love to see the Hardsuits as Weapon Customization pieces. Specifically, I would love to see the cannons on the arms work with ranged-weapon attacks for Blasters and Defenders (and Kheldians as well). Blasts normally associated with the hands would come from the barrels on the suit.

Becaue this would upset folks who may have gone to lengths for their Hardsuit, and instead of me holding out my hand and saying 'gimme', I thought it might be fun to make some kind of badge gathering necessary for the costume pieces, badges related to law enforcement. (since those costume pieces should really only be in law enforcement hands anyways) To get this cool item players must collect: <ul type="square">[*] All of the 'Law Enforcement' Day Job accolades[*] 1000 escaped prisoners from Bricks[*] All of the Safeguard missions[/list]As for Shield Customization, I'm a fan of maxered's shield designs from the LiveJournal CoH community page. That Sinister-style shield would be loved far and wide. And these were knee-jerk designs; I'm sure by now they've evolved to something even cooler.



give me my scythe



I want a branch for a sword, somthing like a sapling for katana and a nice leafy branch for BS, and maybe a trunk for battle axe or war mace. leafy and non leafy versions of each...cause sometimes people need a good switching. It'd be even better if the thing dropped leaves behind it as you went. that would be cool.

i'm sure the kendo bamboo training blades have been requested but i would like that stick as well.


Roxy On DA...Finally!



I'm not sure that this is a weapon customization suggestion per se, and I don't know if it's practical to do.

There are a number of the Halloween costume powers where the model the costume is taken from uses a weapon. I think it would add a little additional flavor to the costumes if, when the character activated a power that used the same type of weapon as the costume's model (i.e., any attack from the Assault Rifle set or the temporary Beanbag or Holy Shotgun Shells powers while you have the Nemesis Soldier Costume power active) that the model's weapon would be used. So, in the above example, your character, looking like a Nemesis soldier, would draw a Nemesis rifle to make those attacks. If it was a power inconsistent with the costume's weapon, the character's effect would be displayed as normal (i.e., claws with the Nemesis Soldier costume active).

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I think a new addition to the Battle Axes would be Tomahawks. The only real "Tribal" style for axes is, well the standard battle axe, and it's not very right for say a Native American style character.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



I've been wanting this for years, but never got around to asking for it, but I am now.

I want there to be an option in claws for it just to be your bare hands.

Like the monster costume option should be all I need for a claw attack I really don't need something to pop out of my arms. After all, super strenght don't have hands appear when you punch, why must the claw power have to have something pop out? If a person has the monster costume option picked then the option to not have to pick a claw look should be available.

Not sure if I am make sense hope you get what I am trying to say. LOL



[u]New Weapon Sets:[u]

- Spears/Polearms
- Staff
- Scythe
- Dual Pistols for Blasters/Ranged ATs
- Water Blast for Blasters/Ranged ATs
- Two-handed Broadsword
- Two-handed Battle Axes(think of the Ghost-Slaying Axe in animation)
- Demon Summoning for Masterminds

[u]Weapon Skins:[u]

- a Bokken(wood) for Katana/Ninja Blade
- a Nodachi for Katana/Ninja Blade
- Kamas(hand scythe) for Dual Blades
- a no claws option for Claws(when using the monstrous hands, which basically have claws on them)
- a Shotgun for Assault Rifle(as there are others like sniper rifles)
- More elaborate Fantasy Swords for Broadsword(I'm sure that googling "fantasy swords" would give a few ideas)
- Scimitars for Dual Blades(as the current "scimitars" for dual blades are actually "Shamshirs". but make them look less like the aladdin sword that broadsword has, maybe like a mix of the current DB scimitars and the BS arabian scimitar?)



Chainsaw scrapper.

Maybe add a few more power tool impliments and some severed limb E motes.



- Dual Pistols for Blasters/Ranged ATs

[/ QUOTE ]

I soo 2nd that one! I have wanted this ever since thug MM's came out!
I think they would be perfect for Corrupter's and Blasters.
I would roll one of these in a heart beat!!!

here is a little template I threw together, is based on a Law Enforcement Blaster character.

1) point blank,
A single shot from one pistol, little damage but very fast recharge, Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
one shot from each pistol, Slower recharge rate than point blank, but more damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

2) Duel wield
several shots from each pistol in a cone. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

3) Tazer,
you fire your pistol mounted tazer at your target , Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

4) Explosive shot,
Damage:This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back. Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Long

5) Flash shot
A extremely bright flash that can seriously Disorient a target and knocking him off his feet.

6) Controlled shot,
you drop to one knee and use precision aim to shoot your target. Like most sniper attacks, you must take your time to aim, so this attack can be interrupted. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Slow

7) Empty clips,
You uload the clips of both pistols at your target, hitting any foes in a cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range. Damage: Extreme(DoT) Recharge: Slow

8) Chemical spray
You spray a targeted location with a lethal chemical compound, Any foes that pass through the flames will be burned. Great for blocking doorways and small passages. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Fast

9) Pass Judgment
You open up both pistols in a narrow cone to unleash a devastating attack on you target and any foes in a norrow cone. There's a chance you may land a lucky shot for extra damage. Damage: Superior(DoT), Recharge: Slow


If you want peace, you prepare for war!




A jester wand for mace and bane maces. We are already have the outfit, but we dont have our handy wands.



Don't know if these were suggested but:
1. Staffs/bo
2. Whips/Nunchucks/grappling hooks
3. Realistic and proto-type rifles/shotguns/handguns
4. Ninja Stars
5. Double weapon option for blasters
6. More enhancement slots



Candy Cane for War Mace



Pistols [variety: glocks,magnums...etc...]
Laser guns [handeld,rifles...etc..]
Swords w/fire or energy surrounding it[Battle Maiden]
Hand Grenades for Traps/Devices
Wrist/Shoulder mount cannons



Unlockable pets skin

Defeats, TF's and Alcoades add a skin option at the tailor shop for.

Defeats more for master minds then controllers, example
Skulls, Centurions for thugs
malta, carnies for merc's
BP good for necro
crey for robots

love to see a generic set of skins for controller pets
snakes, beetles, falcons, twisters

TF's more for controllers
do an ITF and you can get a roman statue skin for a pet be it ice, stone, flame

or the shadow shard for little ones that look like Faathim the Kind

and unlockable base skins and tropies also

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Guns with the little targeting lazer sticking out(like the bows already have)



i put this on another page but....CoT for magic origins



Don't know if anyone has suggested this before.. but.. Bowie Knives for Dual Blades.. please!! (the Tanto is just a tad too large)

Edit: Add to that Machetes, Butcher Knives and maybe Meat Cleavers?

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



I had an idea late one night, while passing out.....First things first. A new power/weapon, call it "Energy Staples" in outdoor mishes where you have the blue wall, and mobs get stuck on it, It would be an awesome power/weapon to fire a energy staple and staple them to a wall inside other missions, ceiling maybe...of course floor and definatly walls.

I was also thinking...SG Bases, it of course the amount of creativity put into modeling, when a new comer joins, and without a tour could be lost. Dance hall, theatre, shop, teleporter rooms, enhancement rooms, bars, lounge, holiday room. We should be able to have wall items with the name of the rooms, it would be a very nice addition, and have them in Tech and Arcane and maybe a sewer type. And wall items to direct them back out to the entrance room. That would help and be a nice addition.

Then again..More Base items would definatly win votes, so....Come on, PLEASE : )



thunder hammer style mace plz

What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?