126 -
Quote:This is my impression of y'all which only seems fair. This morning a bunch of people encountered something chaotic which they did not get. So they did what on every post every day. The guy who constantly degrades others and crows about how better he is put a post saying exactly that. The guy who posts funny links all the times did his standard funny link post. I could have posted anything but funny link guy desperately need a reason for the funny link. I'm better than you guy needs to declare himself better. Several of you admit you have no idea what you read but then posted a reason for schlepping out your standard response.Someone may have never been a part of actual (good) roleplay, and is making fun of their perception of roleplay.
That's the impression I get anyway.
This company could have a great release or a terrible release but thats all irrelevant. Funny link guy will be posting funny links either way. I'm better than you guy will be same old same old. None of you will ever evolve or change. As such you no longer interest me. We have talked once and I have seen the reply I will always get from you.
Roleplayers are great. They are fun to group with. They come up with new ideas from nothing or constantly. I can run the same mission 5 times and have a new experience each time.
Power Levelers are great. Every time this game changes they adapt and become something new. Even though they claim they have one mission to repeat I have noticed they are always paying attention. They keep an eye out for some new tweak or tidbit of information they may have missed. One little thing can be magnified to become some new cavalcade of experience.
How I feel about these two groups of people was never important. An excuse for you to be the person you will always be was all that was important. -
Time for the what - if machine to see what would happen if Roleplayers controlled Incarnates
*** After 120 grueling minutes of Power Leveling ***
Fiery Fire Man: I am here for Powers
Bacchus God of Drinking: Hic! Hail there suppaherro! Oh I had too much wine for breakfast!
Fiery Fire man: I pick the Nebulon Incarnate for Ranged Fire which give me .00031 damage .0055 recharge so I can farm AVs in 94.32 seconds
Bacchus God of Drinking: Now hold on a minute there Match-a-palooza I am Sol God of the Sun and I give out the Incarnate powers
Fiery Fire man: Hey you aren't Sol
Bacchus God of Drinking: So you noticed Sir Flames a Lot , well it seems Sol was given Aphrodite's PM address and Sunshine rushed off leaving me here in charge
Fiery Fire man: Um ok I want Nebulon Incarnate
Bacchus God of Drinking:Well Nebulon Powers are booooooooring lets see what we have that is interesting. There is Clam Control and Witchery
Fiery Fire man:Clam Control is .03 less damage and Witchery only gets me 243 different witch hat costume add ons. How about Rock Fist Melee, thats really good recharge and it breaks holds
Bacchus God of Drinking: Well Old Yeller Flame I already had 23 Rock Fist requests this morning. So its Clam Control or Witchery.
Fiery Fire man: I want Nebulon Powers! Those powers suck. I spent 113 minutes getting to level 50 and I want Nebulon
Bacchus God of Drinking: Oh you want both! Why didn't you say so. The mighty Bacchus is most generous today. I grant thee Incarnate of Clam Control and Witchery. So declares Sol's stand in!
*POOF (cheap sound effect for teleport back to Atlas Park)*
Clam Witch: Incarnate lf farm team for TFs
The Forum Complainer: Hey Witches are female and you are male. Its the Clam Warlock This was a LFT message but you are in the general chat. Those are not clam minions those are actually Belgian Oysters with Cyborg Legs glued to them and leg wands. The correct title would not be Clam Witch or Warlock but Mistress or Master of Arcane Clammery!
Bacchus God of Drinking: Nonexistent PvP switch on!
Clam Minion 1: They dare insult the mighty Clam Witch!
Clam Minion 2: Wearer of 243 costume add ons and possible more with the Clam Witch/Contruction Worker Add on pack!
Clam Minion 3: Clams get your wands and attack!
The Forum Complainer: Ow, Ouch! Hey that was a hold attack and I failed but I was held .012 seconds shorter than the Release Addendum. That Witch hat is actually a rare Plymouth Pilgrim Beret! Ow Ouch! Those are not historically accurate wands! They are made from Black Albanian Yew Wood but it should be Black Albanian Shadow Yew Wood. Ouch Ow Ouch!
Clam Witch: I bet I could farm the Hydra with this build. Hey this is not so bad. -
Storylines would be completed not kicked to the curb
Popular characters would come back again for new storylines, they would not disappear
Every NPC would have a personality. We would not have Bank Villain 1, Bank Villain 2 , Bank Villain 3. We would have Bossy Bank Villain, Psychotic Bank Villain, Lying Bank Villains etc etc
Tilesets would be imaginative and be like comics. Instead of Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves Cave-ety Caves there would be tilesets that reflect the main groups. A giant flying plane for the Sky Raiders, an underground abandoned hazardous waste dump for the Lost and so on
AE would have ghost writer and collaboration features to help improve adventures people wrote and liked turning them into things everyone would enjoy
Besides the "you" focused arcs there would be several long ongoing arcs featuring the major characters so you could battle Nemesis or help Manitcore from 1-50 or battle Manticor and help Nemesis from 1-50
Player lore would get added to the game. NPCs would talk about costume contests or meowing. This would be the players way of impacting the world -
The missions people created should have had upkeep. Then the people not really trying would have dropped out of making missions. I think people who wanted to write stories would have played a lot more to keep their good arcs available. Then you could easily sort through the people manipulating the system for badges, the farmers, and the story tellers.
I want angry Burning Pumpkin curb stomping minions !!
Don't make me use 3 exclamation points !! -
When I have Ninjas, Soldiers or Thugs why can't I have two check boxes for power customization. One would say Longbow and the other would say Arachnos. That would be so much fun. It would open up an entire new realm of Alts so I could spend even more time with Alt-itis. The only thing I would enjoy more would be those groups of Croatoa factions. Having those burning pumpkin things as Henchmen would be awesome. Nothing would make my day better than watching a mob of angry pumpkins curb stomp enemy mob.
The perfect minion set would be all those Hickman characters from the comic as my Henchmen. Emu Queen, Green Beatnik, Living Anachronism and the rest all getting the snot beat out of them while I stand around urging them on. It would be like that old Batman show with Adam West. -
Put your guess or guesses here of what one of the new never seen before powers will be. If you are correct then your will receive praise and notoriety. If you are wrong it can't be any worse idea than my idea for a Master Mind with crustacean minions. You have at least two weeks to guess maybe less.
My guess is a Longbow/Arachnos Mastermind set where you get minions that look like the NPCs in game. -
They need to have the Praetorian version of the Gamester, the mysterious villains behind the 2005 Xmas event. They could call him the Re-Gifter or something fun
What ever happened to Flower Knight after that first hero mission?
What ever happened to Spirit Drum and the rest of those interesting Korean Heros?
The Vahilzok branched out and became Meat Doctors. What other groups had people move into higher status mobs? Are there Troll Warriors?
What ever happened with that Chosen storyine for COV where some psychic thought you were going to do something important.
Why don't Praetorians have pets like the little robots or other pets people get?
What was up with those possessed scientists in the high level hero zone?
If Apex is coming back where is the Weevil?
Where did all that "meat" for Dr Vahilzok's meat armor come from? -
Tyrant and Statesman have joined forces to try to conquer the world. You need to form your own squad to save it. On your squad you can have one historical warrior , one sports figure who has won a championship, one gang of normal people with similar clothing and weapons and a Breakfast Cereal Mascot. Who do you pick?
My squad is Ghenghis Khan(historical), Tanikaze Kajinosuke (legendary Sumo Champion) , the Warriors(gang), and Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Cereal). GK would be the scrapper, Tanikze would be a tank or Brute, Donkey Kong is the Blaster with the ranged Barrel attack, and the Warrior would be some serious henchmen for me as a Mastermind. -
I found some good ones with Biopunk and Gun Fu. The interesting thing was the person posting these words has the same name that I do. So perhaps I am trying to use these words for myself and somewhere in a dark corner of the world my Praetorian opposite is busy trying to get people other than myself to use these words.
The origin of these words has a lot in common with making your choices in Praetoria. 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master—that's all.' -
I have been messing around with names that are a combination of two words or phrases
Guerilla War + Warlock for Guerilla Warlock
Calamity Jane + Janus for Calamity Janus
I could use some ideas for a hybrid names. Stuff for Dual Swords, Dual Pistons, Earth Assault + Plants, Pain or a good Brute name would be nice as I run around Praetoria. -
I would like to see a Bloody Bay redone using the Praetorian logic. So you would start with Longbow or Arachnos then choose your path to one of four conclusions. The new zone area would be a floating island above Bloody Bay overrun with Arachnos, Longbow and those Alien Radioactive things for your final set of missions.
A pointless sequel to Eating Breakfast in Praetoria
Its your First day at the Power Division
If you want to Pick Flowers for Praetor White go to 1
If you want to Punch Reality so hard you break it go to 3
If you want to go to the Loyalist Movies go to 5
If you want to stagger around on duty drinking liquor from a paper bag go to 7
If you want to report to Bridge Duty go to 9
If you want to go Dancing at the Pally go to 11
If you want to read the funny papers on duty go to 13
If you want to teach Ricochet how to speak Human go to 15
If you want to go to the Resistance movies go to 17
If you want to taste test soft drinks go to 19
If you want to sneak out and go on a game show go to 21
If you want to sneak out and go to a dance show go to 23
If you want to eat the old doughnut on the table at Power Division no one wants go to 25
1) You pick some flowers go to 2
2) You skip around picking flowers for Praetor White for his girl, go to 4
3) You punched reality so hard you changed history. The history you changes is you are no longer strong enough to punch reality hard enough to break it. You broke your hand instead. You get the Owie Badge!
4) You finish picking flowers now you go to Cleo to deliver them go to 6
5) You sneak into a showing of Cole Runnings where Marcus Cole smashes a Jamaican Bombsled smuggling team and exposes them as traitors. You get the 5 dollar popcorn badge!
6) "Nice Flowers who are they from" Cleo asks "They are from me" you reply go to 8
7) You score some Cole 45 Malt Liquor the cheapest and most volatile liquor in a bag drank during power division duty. You fall asleep under a bridge. However 5 power divison members defected to the resistance so you are promoted. You get the Up and Coming Badge!
8) "Seriously who are they from" Cleo asks "They are from me" you reply go to 10
9) You are a Cole Collector at the Cole Bridge. Someone drives past without praising the most benevolent Cole. If you drop the bridge plunging them into the cold dark water go to 26 . If you let them pass go to 27
10) "I have a boyfriend who are they from" Cleo asks "They are from me" you reply go to 12
11) Someone who looks a lot like Tyrant Cole but wearing a wig and mascara asks you to dance. You ask her her name and in a dark brown voice she says Cole-La C-O-L-E-L-A Cole-La if you know where this is going and get the heck out of there go to 28 If you dance under the electric candlelight go to 29
12) "I am spoken for, you know Praetor White? who are they from" Cleo asks "Are you deaf? They are from me" you reply go to 14
13) You read Cole-vin and Hobbes, They goof off and hit Susie Derkins with Water Balloons. Susie Derkins gets mad and yells at Cole-vin. The Power Divison grabs Susie Derkins and drags her off to re-education counciling. Ha Ha Ha that wacky Colevin! You get the 5 minutes reading funnies badge!
14) Cleo looks upset. "They are from Praetor White" you say. Cleo says "Good One you fooled me". You say "enjoy the flowers" . As you walk back you try to remember what you did with that extra nerve gas bomb. There is a loud commotion from the area you left. You get the "I Guess You Need a New Girlfriend PW" Badge
15) You say "the Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain". Ricochet says "Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, a song for me I'm sleepy and there no place I'm to Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I'll' you." go to 16
16) You say "the Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain". Ricochet says "Mama, this badge off of me I can't it anymore.It's ' dark, too dark to I I'm on heaven's door." You spent 4 hours and finally teach her to say "Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Oh what a relief it is" go to Eleventy
17) You are just in time for the lastest SciFy epic Shark-Cole-Pus where the DNA from a shark, Octopus, and Tyrant cole become an unstoppable killing machine. You go to leave but someone has locked the door. You sit through Shark-Cole-Pus II , Shark-Cole-Pus III, and Shark-Cole-Pus vs Fragglesmurf in 3D. Finally the door is forced open by desperate movie goers who flee the theater. You get the Epic ScyFy win Badge!
Eleventy) You suffer a total nervous breakdown.The gunrush gnu worshipping swallow toad writhe and gambol. Slugnutty Cinamon Toast Raisin Crunch Mud Puppies! Snu Snu? We want Snu Snu! Lucky Eagles Nervous Breakdown Badge!
19) You are asked to choose between the leading soft drink Cole-Cole Cola or another mystery drink. If you pick Cole Cole Cola go to 20 If the other go to 22
20) Cole Cole Cola wins a 100 person taste test 105 to 0. All hail the mighty and wonderful Marcus Cole!
21) You go on the Praetor is Right. You get picked for the Praetor is Right Cole-deler game where you have to guess the right price before the Yodeling Marcus Cole doll goes over the cliff. Its Rice-a-roni. You guess $47.99 . The little figure goes up and up and then goes over. Someone in the back yells "He sent the Yodeling Cole to a price driven death plunge! Traitor!". The enraged crowd beats you within an inch of your life. You get the damage damage badge!
22) You picked Ghoul Aid the all natural vitamin drink made from fresh Ghouls. Power Division sends over a detail to force Ghoul Aid to make the drink taste worse. You get the I Picked Crytal Pepsi Badge!
23) You get ticket and ride the Coooooooooooooole Train. Its time for the big dance off. You have a stalked from power divison take out the best dancers and you win easily. Power Divison wins again!
25) You get E-Cole-I Bacteria infection and the doctors refuse to treat it. You try to bravely succumb to E-Cole-I but your body is too strong. You curse your traitorous immune system!
26) It was that guy who borrowed 5 bucks from you and never paid it back. You get the "Guess I am not getting that 5 bucks back" badge
27) Out comes Praetor White towards the car yelling "You shall not pass". You are not amused and pull the bridge lever plunging them all into the dark cold river. You leave your nextdoor neighbor's work badge on the desk for the angry wet Praetor to find. You get the Dunking Booth Badge!
28) You leave and go drink at an Irish pub. That night you have strange dreams of being chased by the small green Lepri-cole around a farm. The Lepre-cole runs around the chasing you and Jennifer Anniston around the old house. Finally you pick up a shovel and beat it till it stops moving. You get the Shovel 1 Serial Killing Leprechaun 0 Badge!
29) You notice the mirrors on ceiling and pink champagne on ice. You get the heck out of there. You go home and watch some Steven Cole-bert with the latest Loyalist humor before bed. You get the Relaxing Evening Badge! -
This came out of something else I was working on. I was trying to focus on turning some characters with no personality into interesting characters using some MA techniques. However I kept coming up with all these silly ideas for how tough it was in Praetoria and how eating breakfast there had to be all these tough choices much like the missions. Eventually I had enough whimsical ideas to create the parody. Its not as restrictive as a top ten list which is a pain when you have only 8 ideas.
7)You defeat all these weaklings in combat. In one last halfheatred effort they all beseech you to at least drink a Breakfast Smoothee. However you defeat them all and then pour the Breakfast Smoothee all over them before leaving. You have earned the Death to Smoothee Badge!
8) You drink the cup of hot caffeinated glory and you see the Good Breakfast Team smiling. While you were not looking The Scrapple put some powdered Power Division Aid into your drink. This is a blend of Steroids, Growth Hormones, Vitamin B1, Gingseng, Corn Syrup, and Genetically Altered Salmon. This is guaranteed for a good Power Division Breakfast. However it interacts with your powers. You grow to the size of a small building but your mind degrades to a mindless Brute. You are put on special Power Division Duty and are used in Riot Duty and ride on Floats during Tyrant Cole Appreciation Day. You have earned the Cole-lossal Badge
9) You encounter the Clockwork Sam1Am who offers you a plate of Soy Eggs and Ham. If you wish to try Soy Eggs and Ham go to 19. If you wish to pull off Sam1Am's arm and beat him with it go to 20.
10) You notice that after the customers leave the left over food crawls off the plate and heads back to the kitchen. You quickly decide to grab a power bar at the Quick Mart. You have earned the Vahilzok, Breakfast of Champions Badge
11) When you power up your cooking equipment you notice the food seems to be bland. This has attracted the attention of the villainous Black Pepper Lanterns, a group of undead heros and villains armed with Black Pepper Mills, who attack the living at mediocre restaraunts and place small amounts of pepper on their meals. The Black Pepper Lanterns overwhelm you and continue to grind out pepper on your Breakfast. Finally in one last desperate attack you use your powers to obliterate them. Then you find out the meal does taste better but you still stiff them on the tip. You have earned the Black Pepper Lantern Badge!
12) Your signal attracts the Clockwork Sam1Am who offers you a plate of Soy Eggs and Ham. If you wish to try Soy Eggs and Ham go to 19. If you wish to pull off Sam1Am's arm and beat him with it go to 20.
13) You have used to much magic and have punched the fabric of reality. Your attempt to create a delicous Omelete with magic has changed the Clockworks into half chicken half robots. These are now known as Cluckworks. The omelet is ok but you can taste some machine oil in it. You have earned the Cluckworks Badge!
14) Summoning a full breakfast was way too hard. Instead you summon a box of Cole-Cole Puffs and some milk. The box is missing the prize which is on purpose. It frustrates the resistance but Loyalists know the true prize is the benevolent rule of Marcus Cole. Loyalists do not need a badge either. Pbbbbbt!
15) Your incredible device creates the most delicous breakfast known to man. A bowl of Honey Coles. Suddenly you and your breakfast are teleported to the most secret place in all Praetoria, the Honey Cole Hideout. Scowling at you is Tyrant Cole. He nearly screams in your face asking "Honey Coles Big?". You yell back "Yeah Yeah Yeah". Then he stares at you with a piercing gaze that could kill 100 Hamidons. In deathly silence he quietly says "Its not small?". You reply "No No No". You have become part of the Honey Cole Hideout. You get a big delicious breakfast of Cole-Slaw, Cole-rabi, Honey Cole Cereal, and a Pina Cole-ada. You become a guard there and sometimes wipe drool or milk of Tyrant Cole's chin. You have earned the Honey Cole Hideout Badge!
16) You breakfast is good but could be better. Later on you stop at the Cole-Stone Creamery to get some ice cream to make up for that missing part of breakfast. The approved Loyalists mixins are Raisins, Kiwi Fruit, and Cloves. You get the I Overpaid for Ice Cream Badge!
17) Its a tough job but you resist that crunchy delicous crispy bacon and hash browns. You notice a bar code hidden on the bacon. You sieze the bacon to show the resistance but on the way there it breaks into bits. You warn them how the Loyalists are using bacon to mind wipe people. They laugh and call you crazy. But you know the greasy crunchy truth! You get the Bacon Bane Badge!
18) This breakfast sucks so you grab some nuts and eat them out of a shot glass on the way to Power Division. Civilians see this and start imitating you. Soon the "Nut Shot" is the hottest breakfast in Praetoria. People can't wait for their morning nut shots. Even Clockwork start carrying plastic nuts to pretend to be part of the craze. You have earned the Bob Saget Badge!
19) I do I do I like Soy Eggs and Ham.I will eat them in a hole. I will eat them with Tyrant Cole. I will eat them with a Ghoul. I will eat them using Tools. Your rhyming continues until you are drive mad and you spend your remaining days as a mental patient trying to find rhymes for "I would eat them on the street". You get the Something's Wrong with this Boy Badge!
20) "I will not eat these Sam1Am. I will not eat Soy Eggs and Ham. I will beat you with your arm. I will hurt you I will harm. I will not eat them while I cough. I will not try them your leg came off. Take these back from where you came. You better hurry before I aim". The android runs off with its plate of bad food. You stop off a get a cup of coffe. You have earned the Let the Rhyme fit the Crime Badge! -
You have tried to walk the line between good and evil in Praetoria. However the path can hard to walk sometimes. Now you are faced with the most difficult choices of all. Can you successfully eat Breakfast in Praetoria?????
Eating Breakfast in Praetoria
Start Here
Its morning at the Power Division in Praetoria.
If you decide to skip Breakfast go to 1.
If you decide to go out to eat go to 2.
If you decide to use your science to make breakfast go to 3.
If you use your magic to make breakfast go to 4.
If you decide to abuse Power Division equipment to make breakfast go to 5.
If you decide to resist Breakfast go to 6.
1) The Power Divison Good Breakfast team has shown up to make you eat Breakfast. Candy Apple, Crab Rangoon, The Scrapple, Medium Rare, Killing Machine Snugglebuns and the Desert Fork are all holding their weapons pointed at you. If you beat them in combat go to 7. If you agree to have a cup of coffee or tea then go to 8
2) You are at the Cafe Facemaker. If you decide to cram down a lot of food go to 9. If you carefully look around trusting no one go to 10.
3) You almost have everything you want for breakfast but you need some more juice. Use your resistance equipment to power your breakfast maker go to 11. Use your loyalist equipment to make breakfast go to 12.
4) Your straining your magic a bit to make your breakfast. If you give it your all to finish summoning breakfast then go to 13. If you skip the hard part go to 14
5) You have a 2000 gigawatt generator, Nuclear Thermal Subatomic Death Heat Ray, Flaming Techno Sword, Lightning Projector, and Frying Pan. Something seem missing. Fashion a set of knives from Samurai Swords thought lost from the 12th century go to 15 . Get a small cup with a tiny umbrella in it for juice go to 16
6) What part of breakfast do you resist? If Greasy bacon and crunchy hash browns go to 17 . If its the oatmeal and unpleasant Bran Muffin go to 18 -
Original Day the Earth Stood Still
The Great Escape
Apollo 13
Dr Strangelove
2001 Space Odyssey
12 angry Men
Robot Chicken version of 12 Angry Men using Fischer Price Toys
Napoleon (1927)
Blade Runner
Futurama - 300 Big Boys (its the same as the 2010 Republican platform economic plan,lol), gimme those Tricky D funbucks
The Queen (2006)
Hoop Dreams
Roger and Me
Comic Book Confidential
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Music Man
The Quiet Man -
They never did figure out a way to block people with real mental problems from the PvP zones and arenas. That's too bad.
Actually they should capture the stuff spouted off by the PvPers in this game and use it for the Freakshow Tank Bosses. The combination of constant self promotion and despair when no one remembers them would go well with the Freak Show. There was someone last night on the server. "Anyone remember me. I was Blah Blah Blah. I was the bestest PvPer Evah. I offerered 50million to anyone who could defeat me at PvP. I sold my account but now I am back" followed by complete silence. The combination of self worship and despair from not getting attention would be really great for a Freakshow.
Why do missions in this game have replay value? If you fight different groups then you are dealing with different powers and different tactics. But what if you fight 99 missions of Outcasts? If one boss is Mocking then the next one can be Paranoid. Instead of giving boss 1 a red laser and boss 2 a blue laser make them talk differently to the players. Give them personalities. Longbow Boss 1 can be Supportive and Longbow Boss 2 can be Confident. You can even mix things up and have a cowardly Hero Boss and a grateful Arachnos Boss.
I have my first Praetorian rolled up, named Guerilla Warlock (I like hybrid names). I went to a counseling website and got list of the seven types of personal interactions in conflicts . Then I got the large list of all the ways people can behave in these situations (Safety-Threaten/Protect,Trust-Skeptical/Convinced). So I want to start off with 1 positive and 1 negative trait and then have them flip over time. So I might start off as Paranoid and Calm but over time become Confident and Terrified as I learn the horrible truths of Praetoria.
Whats my best server for roleplay?
When you ran the arcs what scarring emotion would you have had at the end? ( no spoilers plz)
Cynical? Intimidated? Accusatory? Fear? Discouraged? Shamed? Feeling Powerless? -
Let players apply to "adopt" a radio boss. They submit to the COH staff their boss dialogue for the talking slots for initial encounter, 1/2 health, and defeat. Then people playing radio missions will start noticing a difference between the way the bosses act. If the dialogue is approved then the change would go ahead in future releases. The players would get a special "Living History" badge. Then radio missions would get an extra roleplay element where bosses act differently.
Player ABC chooses Clemalion of the Circle of Thorns. He wants to make him Untrusting and slightly paranoid.
Initial Encounter: Here comes $target why was there no warning, were we betrayed?
1/2 Health: $target they know about you and they know about me. They watch our every move
Defeated: This was not your victory $target. They wanted me defeated.
This would be a fun little extra to make COH different from other games. -
The Arc is called Tournament of a Thousand Beatings and it uses a lot of dialogue from the old Honk Kong Martial Arts films. I am using the Tsoo as the main villains. The adventure seems to be good but I am looking for constructive suggestions to make it better. The Tsoo are holding a fighting tournament and everyone in Paragon who is a hand to hand fighter will be in it. Even if they don't want to be. I am looking to recapture the atmosphere of the old Mortal Kombat games as well the old silly Martial Arts movies.
The main themes are light hearted comedy, soloist friendly (with one optional big challenge) , and martial arts