Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread




What about a Sword made of pure energy to go with the broadsword set?



Couldn't really get the link to send me to the right thread, but I figure that this would be the place to post, considering we could talk about it more here anyway.

I think it would be cool to have a nunchuck option for dual blades. Now, I realize that this would add some issues, but not much more than the new options for Martial Arts, right? I mean all the moves say "Eagle Kick" or whatnot, but you can change a lot of them to be punches. So the naming wouldn't be an issue for this set, for now. There would have to be some kind of change to get them to dangle or whatnot, but all the actions and movements that you do with Dual Blades could be used to flail nunchucks around, right? Instead of 1000 cuts it would be like 1000 bludgeonings.

Anyways, at least *I* think it would be cool.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Auras for our weapons. I want a flaming long sword! Other than that, just more. This was great tech, I just want to see more done with it.
I like this idea. Also, I think we should see some elemental weapons. We have elemental shields, so why not have elemental swords, axes and maces too?

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



I don't know what's going on with the link those guys are providing for custom weapons requests. Anyway this is the "Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread". So...

1. More pistol art please: Colt 1911's, Broomhandle Mausers, Lugers, and Buck Rodgers style rocket pistols please.

2. Crystal (tintable), Lava, and Stone blades for swords.

3. Tintable Auras for weapons like swords, maces and axes: radiant, glow, smoke, sparkle.

4. Greater Fire Sword needs a new option. The huge phallic arrow tip design just doesn't look right to me. I wish that we could have all our fire swords look the same if we choose, and I really liked the look of War Witch's straight fire sword in the comic series.

5. I'd like to see some more weapons power sets. Pehaps a new archtype: Avenger, which would combined ranged and melee sets: Staff & Thrown (similar to Gambit), Bow & Sword, Pistols & Sword, Fists & Thrown, Dual Blades & Thrown... etc.

6. How about some more invention weapons: Photonic Blaster-- Buck Rodgers type rocket pistol.

just a few thoughts.



More rifles, and Fingernail claws, definitely, definitely, definitely.



Originally Posted by JayGeek View Post
What about a Sword made of pure energy to go with the broadsword set?
I'd love this.



I would like to see all the weapons options to have sounds that match them...the fact that a baseball bat sounds the same as a mace is not cool...just makes me NOT even bother with these options....just ruins the illusion, make all the diff weapons available have specific sounds to them...

CoX for life !!



Hmmm...I'd love to see two weapons thrown in, but they may involve having to make a new powerset for each of them.

Weapon One:
The Classice Oversized Sword that looks like it's heavier than the guy who uses it:

The Glaive:
A long pole with a sharp blade at the end, favored by Chinese Warriors in ancient times:



These suggestions could probably support their own powersets, which in and of themselves would be cool.

Spears, Staves, Halberds, Nunchaku, to name a few.

Plus, I think the LRM Rocket veteran power should include the animation and use of an actual rocket launcher (ala 5th Column/Council), instead of pulling the Legacy Assault Rifle!



Not a custom weapon request per se, but I think it would be nice to have some more back and belt options for costume pieces, like scabbards, holsters, quivers, etc.

How about a cane for maces? Fire/lava, ice, or stone axes, swords, maces, to go with the options for shield defense? Guess that could mean a shadow weapon type as well!

Would love to see more recipe drops for different costume pieces, not just wings and boots, but other parts, weapons included!



2 handed swords would be cool (but that's a power set)
Asssault Rifles
bolt action
as part of dual blades
a staff that comes apart for some attacks



Don't know about weapons but a range of decent twin holster belts would be good. Had these in Champions and they looked good with the dual pistol power




Would it be possible to make the Praetorian Resistance pistols available for dual pistols and the rifles available for assault rifle?



This is kind of a two-part suggestion for normal costuming and for Weapon Customization....

Make a series of 'gloves' for Monstrous hands in various archetype styles: Canine (large), Feline (slim), Reptilian, Robot, etc.

Then make 'popped' versions of these claws, so that someone playing a werewolf Scrapper/Tanker/Brute/Stalker will get an animation where the claws extend (takes the same amount of time as the metal claws).

For each of these (except for the Robot hands), instead of the metal-on-metal SNIKT sound, a slight tearing sound.



Greetings again to all that may have originally read this. After looking over the threads again (something I should have done more of earlier) I realized I put my original Grenade Launcher ideas in the wrong thread. I have moved my proposal over to Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion Box where I believe it belongs.
Fortunately, I wasn't totally wrong in posting here. In the event such set/s are made it would be cool to be able to select which of the available grenade launchers to have for our characters.
If you would like to read my proposal please check out #2246 in Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion Box. Thanks all.



Why are there no custom pistols to unlock or earn? not even vanguard? not some organic monster Ruluraa or whatever its spelled. Not a resistance pistol? even something completely new!



I was fighting some Goldbrickers the other day and noticed their sonic blasters. That got me thinking, why not have different weapons like that for ranged sets? With the i16 additions to Super Strength and Martial Arts it doesn't seem too far-fetched for ranged sets to get new animations and new weapon types, especially without altering gameplay. Some things I had in mind:

1. Light guns, like the assault rifle. This could simulate a variety of things, such as an energy rifle, tesla gun, auto-crossbow, or a legitimate freeze ray. This opens up the sets much more to natural/technology origin heroes who otherwise are limited to having a super suit or super gloves of some kind.

2. Heavy guns, like the Goldbrickers' sonic blaster. Same idea as above, but more bulky for more Rambo-like characters.

3. Wands, staffs, and relics. Harry Potter? Gandolf? Indiana Jones? You can see where this is going. I can even imagine some creative people applying the assault rifle and dual pistols powerset to this. Somehow.

4. Breath-only animations. Right now, if my dragon has fire breath it means he can throw fire with his hands. Which also brings me to...

5. Arm-only animations. On the flip side, if I have a power suit that shoots fire, it means I have to breathe fire as well. This would also give the option to have an arm-mounted machine gun or crossbow, opening up more options for mechs.

Obviously not every option would make sense for every individual power. Archery with staffs would be a bit of a stretch. Otherwise I can see this being a fun addition.



Machete for Broadsword.



I want to see paintball guns, masks, ect. Yes, Im weird like that.



Would love to see something techy/modern looking with mace options. The tech mace looks like something I could make using twigs, duct tape, paper and candles.

I think the lack of cool looking maces might be the reason I could never stick with that power set



I would love to see an update to the Flintlock pistols for DP.



Might as well post my weapon idea here.

Is it possible to apply the Resistance glow from their armor bits to weapons? So that you could basically have an Axe/Mace/Sword/Bow/Claws (heck, why not Pistols and Assault Rifles?) made out of that "glowy" material? You could make the entire weapon into that luminous material, or limit the glow to the striking/cutting/shooting portion.

It might even cut down the "I want an energy weapon at level 1" folks, if it was just a reskin of some/most of the pre-existing weapons.