Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Simply amazing. The weapon customization was enough to make me giggle outloud at work. The flashback system, new missions/arcs (that sound really cool) and powersets are all just icing on the cake now. Best. Issue. Ever.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



I CANT WAIT!!!! whens it hitting test? LOL

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



Debuff IO sets? I'm in heaven.



This is the biggest grande shot in the arm of undistilled QoL ever.

I cannot wait to see if my new bouncy giddleglee hoohoo squeeeeee hype is justified.

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca



You guys continue to do a great job, Devs. Never really letting on until you give the players what they ask for is pure genius. Don't tell the players you are gonna give them something, unless you can give it to them. Most games or companies for that matter, say they will produce and continually push things back with out producing results at all. At least when you do absolutely have to push something back, it is because of live testing, a patch is needed, or polishing is needed. Take, for example, fly poses. The only reason it got pushed back was to give players the customization that they asked for. Giving players the beginning of power customization and the improvements to a new system(inventions) is just awesome. I never in a million years did I imagine that there would be this much on the way when I started playing a year and a half ago. Just keep up the good work is all I can say.



I am all for Flashback. Such a great way to get things I missed the first time through.

Weapon customization!! Oh My...I think the Devs are drinking the extra spicy Koolaid. I love it! I hope that power customizing is something they continue to work on.

Alternate Timelines Truly the stuff right out of the Comics... The possiblities of end game content and arcs just opened up wide.

Thanks Devs for pushing ahead while keeping the Core Concepts of this unique MMO at heart.

You had me at COH beta and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon. Thanks



This is awesome.

No alls I need to do is figure out what kind of swords my new DB scrapper will use

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Wasn't too impressed when it was announced that Dual Blades would be the next powerset, but after reading this and seeing that there's customization available... well... I drooled a little

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Flashback: meh!
Everything else: ROCK ON!
Death of the Super Squirter: HAIL, HAIL, THE FUGLY IS DEAD!
Helping Recluse take over the Rogue Isles: NOW YOU'RE TALKING! TOO BAD VIGILANTES! LOL!

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



These issues just keep on getting better. 2007 might be the best year for CoX since the release of the game back in 2004.

I really hope we get fencing blades as an option!




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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/em victory Yes!!! Whoot! Time travel AND the beginnings of Power Customization. I love you guys



The long dreamt of day when the pawn shops of Kings Row stack super-soakers to the ceiling is upon us! Hallelujah!

Now I must go, before I start to slobber.



WOW this issue maybe the best one yet...

I hope they'll have Statesman and Lord Recluse IO sets now?




On the UK page, there's a picture of a guy with a rather ornate katana in one hand, and a very short blade in the other.

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Why are the UKers always one step ahead of us? I mean, really!

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It could be socialized medicine. Prevention > Intervention. Also the fact that on avg they work less hours per week than Americans.

See what happens when you have free time on your hands....you get a chance to enjoy the fun things in life like COX



Stop teasing us already and release it!!!!!




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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While I'm excited that they're letting me ditch my super soaker for a real weopon, could you PLEASE PLEASE fix the frickin bases already?

Give bases some loving in this issue. Please. Some loving. any loving. Just give it.



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Have you or someone you know been the victim of Nerd Rage?
Find answers, get help.



weapon customization = first step towards dreaminess.




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Pretty good.

One further clarification please, will it be enough possible missions to fill out contact bars? One of my biggest OCD things is seeing a half-completed bar. It makes things seem 'undone'. Maybe make it so that the Flashback'd missions give more contact-experience (for lack of a better word) towards completion of the bar?

Thank you for the response.



Reposting my question into the official thread


So, now that I've calmed down, I don't suppose I could get one of you nice devs to explain how the very rare enhancements work? How do you get them? What is special about them (like values we can get, set bonuses, ect).

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I'd also be very curious as to how the combo system works

Something tells me I'm not going to get answers to either question till Open Beta though.



Is the flashback feature just going back and doing old missions or is there more? Based on how it was worded, and the news articles it seems like there is more to this than meets the eye.