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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I was playing WoW when the Armory launched. For those that don't know, it's a site that displays all the character information for active WoW characters. This includes all your gear, your faction reputation, your trade skills, and your complete character build. It was like instantly making every WoW character naked to the world, and there was no way to opt out.

    I have to admit I felt a little sensitive about it at first. I remember my husband and I talking about it the day it launched and one of us said "this would never fly in CoH, people would go insane about their privacy." I'm guessing the devs knew this would be the case and came up with an opt out option from the get-go.

    For the record, our WoW experience wasn't really any worse off because of the Armory. I didn't get any more spam than I was before. I didn't get criticisms of my build, and I never saw anyone kicked from a team because of their build. I did use it to look up the opposing faction at times, but usually after I'd killed them: "Oh that's why I pwned his butt so easily." I found I actually enjoyed using the Armory to show off my character, and to look up my friends' characters.

    I'd welcome something like this in CoH: especially if it shows costumes and character bios. I honestly love reading people's bios and admiring a good concept.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have never played WOW. Truthfully, I never had any interest in MMO's until hearing about COH even before it was in beta. Once I was in COH beta it was all over and I was/am hooked. COH has brought me in to the fold of MMO's.

    After reading your post, Anachrodragon. I checked out the Armory site and was blown away. Something like that for COX would be incredible, very impressive use of ingame information to enrich community immersion. I could see the Titan Network or some other fansites growing into that and more.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    To clarify, information could include such things as: statistics found on the in game kiosks, your different costumes, friends lists, powers and what enhancements are slotted into them and badges obtained.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seems unusual that your friends lists would be part of the information that gets publically displayed on the web. I'm not actually objecting to it, it just seems a bit wierd.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At first glance it does seem weird to me also, but then I thought about it a little deeper. Wouldn't it make life a little bit easier to see the server and character your friends are playing with before you log into the game? Therefore I could log into an alt that would allow me to team immediately.

    Right now everyone has to log in, then look at their global list to see if they happened to log into the correct server, level range or COV/COH as their friends. If things don't match then off to you back to the login screen to move over to meet up. I see this as a nice QoL thing to make the community experience even better.
  3. DesertScorpion

    November Art

    Is it too late to get the Juggy treatment for a couple of my characters!!?? I love what I am seeing.

    I can't believe I missed the sale....real life so often interfers with my virtual one.
  4. DesertScorpion

    WoW vs CoX RP

    I can't wait to read part 2...thanks Nelly.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome back Manticore!

    Is it my imagination, or is this new deal getting better and better?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nah, I think we are all just living the dream!

    Welcome back Manti...even if you won't be in the day to day stuff. No offense to other red names but Manticore's post always got the twice over by me. Glad to have your input return to COX.

    It feels like homecoming in here. All we need is a parade, a King and Queen and a party. Being from Pinnacle, I will bring the certain choice liquid refreshments.

    All Hail the Hops!
  6. This definitely is a hole in one for all COH/COV fans. I need time to really go back and look at ideas and suggestions devs have had that were put aside for development reasons. I can see many of those now coming to the surface with this announcement.

    I can imagine how difficult the decision was for Statesman to leave this project. It is comforting to know the Posi and many other old skool devs are moving upscale with all of us along for the ride.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Edit - This is really cool news.


    A start at power customization.

    Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

    One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Story Arcs and Badge missions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    On the UK page, there's a picture of a guy with a rather ornate katana in one hand, and a very short blade in the other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why are the UKers always one step ahead of us? I mean, really!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It could be socialized medicine. Prevention > Intervention. Also the fact that on avg they work less hours per week than Americans.

    See what happens when you have free time on your get a chance to enjoy the fun things in life like COX
  9. I am all for Flashback. Such a great way to get things I missed the first time through.

    Weapon customization!! Oh My...I think the Devs are drinking the extra spicy Koolaid. I love it! I hope that power customizing is something they continue to work on.

    Alternate Timelines Truly the stuff right out of the Comics... The possiblities of end game content and arcs just opened up wide.

    Thanks Devs for pushing ahead while keeping the Core Concepts of this unique MMO at heart.

    You had me at COH beta and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon. Thanks
  10. Martial Arts/Dark Armor: The Dark Dojo of Doom!!!

    1. Introduction
    2. Martial Arts, Punch-Kick Foo
    3. Dark Armor, Deadly Dust Ball
    4. Pool Powers and You
    5. Thoughts on Character Builds
    6. Strategy: Know your enemy, Know yourself.

    1. Introduction

    You have chosen the path less traveled in selecting to become a student of Martial Arts and Dark Armor schools. Many will see you as odd, eccentric or a freak but pay them no mind for you seek enlightenment on a higher plane. You will not be an AoE maniac like those who use Spines. Martial Arts is a single target set. It is true that your burst damage will not be as large as some but you have other qualities to help you subdue your enemies. You will not seek to avoid the blows of your foes like heroes who use Super Reflex. Dark Armor is a resistance based set. Far beyond that Dark Armor will give you a wide variety of tools that will increase resistance by controlling your personal battle space aka Damage mitigation

    I have to say thanks to Sensei Chick who wrote one, if not the only MA/DA guide back in issue 3. Also thanks to the following Dark Sensei; Screwloose, Romance and Kali for pushing the cause of Dark Armor to higher heights. All of your thoughts, testing and number crunching have improved our knowledge base for the better.

    Both Martial Arts and Dark Armor have seen a variety of changes since COH first hit the shelves. The animation times of MA in ancient times proved to be a major stumbling block to the sets usefulness. Dark Armor back then had exclusive armors; meaning only a single armor could be active at a time, ouch!!! Picking your poison was not fun. Did I mention the endurance issues? They used to be worse.

    Finally, this is a descriptive guide. If you are looking for number crunching then you will be disappointed. My experience comes from creating, owning and operating a MA/DA scrapper since COH was in beta. Running solo and on full teams, joining pick ups or joining/forming an SG, I have learned a lot and had even more fun traveling Paragon City. My intention is not to make the “definitive” guide. But to share my thoughts that may help those who are thinking about or currently using two great power sets.

    This guide is about the present and the future. How can Dark Armor and Martial Arts work together to help you get the most out of your scrapping experience? What does it take to push the envelope for melee combat with these two sets? I will offer suggestions about power selection and slotting. Further, I will describe tactics and mindsets to help you battle evil with your own hero. Let’s start by looking at these power sets up close.

    2. Martial Arts -- Punch-Kick-Foo

    This power set is focused on single target damage. The sound effects of martial arts are classic old school comic book. Smack!! Ka-Pow!! and Bam!! will come to mind as you go through your attack chain. It is not the highest damaging scrapper primary nor is it the least powerful. It has relatively fast recharge times and moderate endurance usage makes it a very efficient way to scrap. Like Ying and Yang martial arts is a true balance between endurance, damage and speed. Further a true martial artist understands that’s its not all about how hard you hit. One can use various techniques to render your opponent helpless. So let’s take a closer look. Sensei says, “Only through long and careful study, can you tap in to the true power that is Punch Kick Foo”

    Thunder Kick – Your basic quick attack with minor damage. Small chance to disorient your target.
    Damage -- Minor + 20% Mag 1 Stun
    Recharge -- Very Fast
    End Use -- Minor
    Sensei says --

    Thoughts – Was a more useful power when its chance to disorient was 100% mag 1. Now since it has had that disorient chance dialed back 20% mag 1, it is a power that is easily skipped.

    Storm Kick – A spinning back kick with a pretty fast animation and moderate amount of damage.
    Damage -- Moderate
    Recharge -- Fast
    End Use -- Moderate
    Sensei says --

    Thoughts – Once upon a time this was a skipped power due to its agonizingly slow animation time. Now with its fast animation, fast recharge and decent damage it becomes a nice attack chain filler.

    Cobra Strike – A slow stylized punch that delivers only minor damage but can stun an Lt with one application.
    Damage -- Minor + Mag 4 Stun
    Recharge -- Slow
    End Use -- High
    Sensei says --

    Thoughts – An expensive but useful toy to help you survive battles at lower levels. Becomes increasingly useful at higher levels with SO’s and the ability to stack disorients with other powers. Take it early, but don’t add slots until higher levels.

    Focus Chi – The standard build up power but with a cool name. Improves your base damage by 100% and accuracy by 66% for 10 seconds after activation.
    Damage -- none
    Recharge -- Very Long
    End Use -- Moderate
    Sensei says --

    Thoughts -- At some point in time you have to fit this into your build. You are really limiting your Martial Arts skills with about the ability to focus chi properly. 3 recharge reducer are standard issue plus 2 or 3 to-hit buffs.

    Crane Kick -- The bread and butter of the Martial Arts’ attack chain.
    Damage – High + chance for knockback
    Recharge -- Moderate
    End Use -- Moderate
    Sensei says --

    Thoughts – The classic KA-POWW!! sound of Crane Kick becomes a joyful noise to the martial artist. It’s high damage per end use and moderate recharge make it part of a nice 1-2 combo with Eagles’ Claw. Many players and teammates don’t like this due to its knockback. I find its knockback usable and an excellent way to thin a mob herd. Apply Crane Kick to a minion he’s knocked back and down by the time he gets back up and runs to his buddy. His buddy has tasted defeat. Full Slot this power ASAP.

    Warrior’s Challenge—“Hey Come Here!! You got a beat down coming”
    Damage – None
    Recharge – Fast
    End Use – Low
    Sensei says --

    Like other scrappers taunts compared to those of tankers this is a single target taunt. If you feel the need to separate groups of baddies in order to be properly dealt with then this is your power. I prefer using Crane Kick to get their attention.

    Crippling Axe-Kick – “You should really get that foot looked at. “
    Damage – Moderate + Status Effect Immoblize, Slow
    Recharge – Moderate
    End Use – Moderate
    Sensei says --

    Once this was probably the most skipped power in the Martial Arts Set.
    It can immobilize a foe when it hits at the very least will slow their movement. Since both its recharge and endurance cost have been reduced, many a martial artists have respecc’d it back into their attack chain. It has a very unique animation that is either love or hate for most people.]

    Dragon’s Tail — “Can I have some room to breath please”
    Damage – Moderate (PBAoE) + Knockdown
    Recharge – Long
    End Use ¬– High
    Sensei says --

    Remember that you are a single target scrapper, well here’s your proof. This is your one and only AoE attack. It does a moderate amount of damage to those mobs that have foolishly decided to enter your personal space. Spine scrappers won’t be impressed. But this allows you to clear the dance floor for one on one foot to face conversations.

    Eagle’s Claw – “Bruce Lee taught me this one”
    Damage -- Superior + 15% crit, + stun
    Recharge -- Long
    End Cost -- High
    Sensei says -- Are you kidding me?

    Ok, this is the one you’ve been waiting for. A spinning back flip finished off with a kick to your opponent’s noggin. Can it get better than that? Well, yes it also has an increased chance (+15%) to hit for critical damage and a 60% chance to stun. So not only do you hit for a ton of damage but then you can sit back and watch your work as your opponent staggers around helpless.

    3. Dark Armor – Deadly Dust Ball

    Sometimes in order to fight against the darkness you have to use it. That is the concept of dark armor. Your abilities to withstand damage draw from the netherworld. You will layer yourself in aspects of darkness that is some cases may cause your opponents to be stricken with terror or render you invisible to them. These abilities come at a high price to your endurance. So as you gain new dark powers, one must be mindful of the toll it takes on you. Push too hard and you will find yourself without enough energy to defend yourself let alone attack. But you can push very hard and heal yourself almost entirely from the brink of death.

    Dark Armor has evolved from an obscure power set chosen by a few dark practitioners or sadist as some might say. That was when armors did not stack and the end use was even higher. Some part of me does miss those good old days, Mua!Ha!Ha! Did I say sadist? Now with stackable armors and more reasonable (but still high) end cost, many have seen the value, flexibility and just plain fun of this set. Dark Sensei says, “Draw your powers from the well of darkness but be most careful. Drinking too deeply comes at a very high price”

    Dark Embrace
    Resist Smash, Lethal (Very High),
    Resist Negative Energy, Toxic (High)
    End Use Moderate, toggle
    Dark Sensei says - You gotta start some where.

    Thoughts – This is your first dark power and you have no choice in the matter. Because this protects you from the most common type of damage (smashing/lethal) you will probably run this armor continuously. Also gives you protection to Toxic damage, which is a nice bonus against the Vahz early on. Fully slot this ASAP!! 3 dam resist and 2 or 3 end reduce as you see fit.

    Death Shroud
    Damage PBAoE, Minor Negative DOT
    End Use High, toggle
    Dark Sensei says -

    Thoughts – Your first of many utility powers in the set. You emit a dark fog from your lower legs that will attack all those in melee range. Damage is negative energy one of the least resisted types in the game. While some shy away from DS due to its end cost at lower levels, I don’t. It can serve as a nice tenderizer to those mobs around you. This is the AoE attack that martial arts is missing. Pre-stamina slot for accuracy and end usage reduction then after stamina and SO’s come around add slots for damage. But remember to keep your eye on your blue bar.

    Murky Cloud
    Resist Fire, Cold (Very High)
    Resist Energy (High), Negative Energy, Endurance Drain
    End Use Moderate, toggle
    Dark Sensei says -

    Thoughts – Your next resistance armor that protects you from elemental, energy and the insidious end drain attacks. You can take it when its first available but you don’t have to slot it for a good while. You should have it fully slotted by the early to mid 30’s. I actually would not take it until somewhere into the 20’s.

    Obsidian Shield
    Resist Psi (Extreme), Fear (High)
    Resist Stun, Sleep, Hold
    End Use Moderate, toggle
    Dark Sensei says -

    Thoughts – Ahh, OS feels just like a warm blanket. This armor makes you different from everyone else. It protects you from the Psi damage that brings Invuls to their knees. You should take this when it first comes available. If not you will find yourself, stun, held or slept continuously throughout your teens. Ouch, did I mention all your toggles will be dropping if that happens? There is a catch. OS will not protect you from immobilization, knock back or knock down. See the devs do have a sense of humor.

    Dark Regeneration
    Damage PBAoE Minor Negative Energy
    Heal up to 30% of your hp per mob
    End Use Extreme (ouch!!), click
    Dark Sensei says - It cost so much because it does so much

    Thoughts – To many including myself this is now the set defining power. Yes, it will suck your end bar dry, yes it requires a to-hit check and yes it does take a while to activate. But we are just getting started….didn’t you say something about sadist before? Anyway, all that being said Dark Regen has brought me back from certain death on a number of occasions. Yes, I can jump into a crowd and take their alpha strike best. Hit DR and keeping on scrapping. Refilling that green bar every 30 seconds is a beautiful thing, but at the cost of your blue bar of course. Un-enhanced DR will drain 33.5 from your endurance. Ouch that netherworld is an expensive place. So until you have stamina fully slotted with SO’s and you can afford to put 2 or 3 SO end reducers in DR, you and DR will have a rocky love affair. Once properly as in fully slotted, this will be the power you love.

    Cloak of Darkness
    Self Stealth with out a movement penalty
    + Defense, + Perception + Immobilization resistance
    End Use Low, toggle
    Dark Sensei says

    Thoughts – A very nice power, which wraps you in a cloud of dark energy hiding you from the view of your foes. This allows you to get in the first strike in a fight. Even when enemies detect your presence they have a hard time hitting you due to your increased defense while its active. COD also fills one of the status effect holes in dark armor.. It protects you from immobilization. How you slot it depends on what type of dark armor build you have decided upon. I slot with two end use reducers. I use it just for its stealth, +perception and resistance to immobilization.

    Cloak of Fear
    PBAoE Mag 3 Fear and an Accuracy debuff
    End Use High, toggle
    Dark Sensei says,

    Thoughts – Once for a brief moment this was an incredible power. The effects of fear and accuracy debuff were the stuff of legends. You could actually control the area around you mid-battle, not just shape it. Mobs from minions to Lt’s would quake in fear. Bosses could be debuffed so there blows hit you less often. End use was high but it was worth it. Now with fear based powers getting adjusted. It is hard to justify selecting this power in its present conditions even when fully slotted with SO’s. The severely reduced accuracy and the change in the duration of its effects have reduced its over all utility. It is still useful for certain builds just less so. Could be a nice power if combined with other fear based powers.

    Oppressive Gloom
    PBAoE Mag 2 Stun to minions
    End use slight but Self -hp, toggle
    Dark Sensei says, cheap fun is good!

    Thoughts – Here is the synergy you were looking for with martial arts. A great out of the box power, just got better when paired with your primary. Stacking continuous small stuns of OG with the larger ones from CS and EC allows you to stun Bosses. That’s right, those pesky Bosses will no longer be of much bother. OG becomes a nice inexpensive way to drop the toggles of unsuspecting enemies who get too close. One accuracy SO is all it takes, maybe two if you are really pushing hard in game.

    Soul Transfer
    PBAoE Self-Rez, Self-Heal, Endurance Bonus, Special Temp Debt protection and Invulnerability
    Damage Negative Energy, Moderate, High Mag Stun,
    Recharge Long, click
    Dark Sensei says,

    Thoughts – This requires your death and your opponent standing over you gloating in order to use. Once activated all your enemies in melee range take moderate negative energy damage and are stunned. The stun has been reported enough to stun an AV but it doesn’t last very long. As with other self-rez powers it grants a temp debt reduction and invulnerability to damage. Nice sneaky power to have in PVP as it catches many players unaware the first time it’s used. After that they usually know better.

    4. Pool Powers

    First things first you need Stamina. Your secondary is full of toggles. Some are more expensive than others but together they together take a large toll on your blue bar. Do yourself a favor and plan on getting stamina at lvl 20. Your experience will be much enjoyable with stamina but it won’t solve all your endurance issues.

    A careful reading of dark armor shows a glaring absence in this resistance set. You have no inherent resistance to the status effects of knockback and knockdown. As you progress through the game you will find an ever-increasing number of foes whose powers have the secondary effect of knocking back/down players. It can become very frustrating to having those status effects delay or stop you from activating, ah…like say Dark Regen when you need it. There are 3 approaches you can take: (1) ignore it and play through (2) select the leaping pool for travel and with the final destination being to select acrobatics giving you knockback/down protection (3) enter the flight pool. Hover has a knock back/down protection. Even though some people don’t like the somersault that replaces the knockdown animation, it does give you a quicker turn around instead of having to get off the ground.

    The fight pool adds additional resistance to smashing/lethal damage. Tough when slotted up( 2 damage resist SO’s) will allow you to maximize your resistance to S/L damage. Further, Boxing one of two initial choices to open this pool has a small disorient that can stack with other powers.

    Leadership is always a possible choice. Though you already have a +perception power in COD.

    Presence pool is also an option in this case. Being able to apply an additional fear power allows COF to become more useful again, YMMV.

    As far as the Epic Scrapper pools go. Body Mastery is designed with the non-Dark Melee, Dark Armor scrapper in mind. Conserve Power by itself makes this the Epic of choice for most DA scrappers. CP ability to grant endurance bar freedom is a beauty beyond compare. I would be remiss to talk about Focused Accuracy. It is another very end hungry toggle. But the benefits of about 1.5 SO’s applied to each power allows you to make contact early and often with +3 baddies or even level player characters in PVP.

    5. Builds

    Instead of giving you a bunch of possible already laid out builds, I will focus on play style and what the concept of your MA/DA scrapper is. No matter what your play style is you are really limiting your ability to scrap effectively without getting Stamina at 20 and fully slotting it!!!! All the following builds assume the Big Three Resistance armors (DE, MC, OS) along with Focus Chi being selected at some point.

    Traditional style – Your enjoyment comes from being the master of unarmed combat fighting either solo or on small teams. Drawing too much aggro for you doesn’t seem like fun. Selecting the Leaping pool earns you CJ and SJ for fast travel. Acrobatics is the missing piece of your status effect protection. The relatively fast recharge time of Martial Arts is something you like. Down time between fights while waiting for your end bar to fill should be minimized. Given those concepts of how you like to play, skipping Death Shroud and slotting every attack with end use reduction is crucial. Death Shroud is a point blank area attack. All mobs who feel its bite will be looking to get back at you. Also DS does have an appetite for your end bar. So for you maybe it doesn’t make much sense to draw all that attention and eat your end bar. Skipping Dragon’s Tail is also a possibility since your focus is likely one on one combat. Cloak of Fear with its end use and a need for many slots could be skipped in favor of Oppressive Gloom. Selecting Cobra Strike and slotting it for accuracy, end reduce and disorient makes it a great way to slow incoming blows. Crippling Axe and Hasten could both become important tools to speed up your own attack chain and slow down that of your opponent. Dark Mastery could be the Epic Pool that fits you best. Negative energy attacks are one of the least resisted in the game, thus making you more dangerous.

    Powers considered for selection - ; Thunderkick (attack chain filler), Leaping Pool for Acrobatics, Hasten, Oppressive Gloom, Dark Mastery Epic Pool, COD

    Powers to skip - ; Death Shroud, Dragon’s Tail, Soul Transfer, Cloak of Fear (too expensive)

    Slotting Focus - ; Reduction of End Usage into your attacks, Recharge reduction on Crane Kick and Eagle’s Claw

    Scraptroller -- You place threat mitigation as your primary method of surviving tough battles. Maximizing the multiple layers of the dark armors allows you to wade deep into a battlefield. Enemies that come close to you risk being disoriented or so scared they can’t attack you. Overlapping COD, COF and OG place a premium on end usage reduction and toggle management. COD allows you to sneak in close to your prey. It will also make you harder to hit if they do see you. OG will reduce minions to drooling staggering bystanders. COF adds that extra layer of security. Adding tohit debuffs and/or fear duration pushes up your survivability by a substantial margin. However you must be ready for the fallout of the havoc you created. Dark Regen to the rescue!! So make sure Dark Regen hits when you activate it. It is possible to enhance your Scraptroller build by opening up the Presence pool. Maybe Warrior’s challenge could be of some use to your battlefield management powers? Because you are using COF, COD and OG, Conserve Power from Body Mastery Epic pool is a strong consideration.

    Powers considered for selection - ; Leaping Pool, Presence Pool, Cloak of Fear, Death Shroud, Crippling Axe Kick, Warrior’s Challenge

    Powers to skip - ; TK, ST

    Slotting Focus - ; Overall Accuracy, ToHit Debuff (COF), Slow/Immoblize (CAK), Recharge (Dark Regen)

    Hard Charger -- You are a player that likes to push the envelope and get the most out of your characters. Maximizing the chance to disorient an opponent from a martial arts blow happens when you pair that effect with OG. Boxing has a chance to disorient. Choosing it allows you to open the fighting pool and select tough to maximize your smash/lethal resistance. Dragon’s Tail is your only area attack sad but true. However, an often missed aspect of that power is its ability to knockdown your foe. Knockdown/Knockback and Knock UP can become important tools to do more damage without taking as much. Air Superiority is an excellent pool attack that will cause knock up. AS also opens the flight pool and your access to Hover and Flight. Remember you still need to cover your status effect hole in Dark Armor. Hover is a nice way to do that. Because you are pushing hard either solo or on large teams endurance and accuracy are real issues. Say Hello to Body Mastery. Conserve Power and Focused Accuracy become close intimate friends. Dare I mention poor Soul Transfer? However, Soul Transfer can be a very nice way to get back into a big fight. Imagine that your team is having its lunch handed to it by an AV. All your team needs is a pause to get the upper hand. That AV is putting a hurting on your tanker. What can you do as they battle right beside you or over your body? Well, hit ST and watch the disorient dance begin!! Any toggles that foe had running are dropped. Your team, thanks to you and ST has a widow of opportunity to set things straight.

    Power considered for selection - ; Body Mastery Epic, Boxing/Tough, Air Superiority/Hover/Fly, OG, DS, ST

    Powers to skip - ; TK, CAK, WC, COF

    Slotting Focus- ; Accuracy, End Use Reduction, Damage, Disorient

    Your Own Build -- Issue 9 and Inventions have just hit. The opportunity to make a unique character via slotting is exciting. Do some research and find out what works best for your style of play.

    6. Know Your Enemy

    Dark Armor unlike many power sets in the game requires attention to detail. What type of damage are you receiving? How fast is it coming at me? Because your use of endurance is something that requires management you have to be engaged in scrapping. If you want to play on autopilot with Dark Armor fine, just don’t expect much out of your character then. Spend time reading the forums or other websites that give information about damage types based upon your possible opponents. Certain toggles do not have to be nor can they be run all the time. Learn how and when to turn armors off. It will make your enjoyment of your Dark Armored Martial Artist richer and more rewarding. Beyond that experience is the best teacher. Power leveling and learning how to be an effective MA/DA scrapper don’t really go together. Get out there and mix it up. Isn’t that why you made a scrapper in the first place?

    See you in game.

    Desert Scorpion
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    As several have noted, I7 features content mostly for City of Villains (levels 41 to 50, in fact). This is exactly what we did for CoH. City of Heroes will receive a cool graphics upgrade, new base items (Empowerment stations!) and access to Recluses’ Victory. It’s true that CoV received more attention, but that’s mainly because we needed to fill out the levels. I had the option of releasing I7 or waiting until we could fill out the City of Heroes content. Obviously, I chose the former. New content should get out there when it’s ready. We'll be focusing equally as much as possible on each product moving into the future...

    For those who have speculated that Newspaper missions are coming to City of Heroes, they aren’t…yet. That’s coming a little later in the year. I’d like to add something different to the CoH system…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks States... as usual you can't make all the people happy all the time. I just hope Issue 8 isn't 3+ monts away. I could see alot of disgruntled people waiting for COH high end content lvl 41-50, skill system, Epic AT's coming our way. Given the mass of new stuff added to COV, COH players want shiny new toys of their own. For me its all win-win, keep up the good work.
  12. Name: Crusaders of Aramagedon
    Website: Crusaders of Aramagedon
    Recruiting contacts: Crucyfix, DEADZERO, Baltar, Rosie Cotton, Desert Scorpion

    Preferred Method of Contact: SG website and/or ingame email

    Description: We are a fun-loving and mature (well pretty much) group of 35+ players. Teamwork and a good sense of humor are essential ingrediants to life in our group. We are not big on powerleveling though occasionally it does happen. If you are looking for exciting times and crazy conversation with players of great skill and witt, we are what you are looking for.

    Stop by our website to find out more information regarding our recruiting process. We have recruitment sessions twice a month.

    Ok, Hit the streets...cya in game
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So I was on with my SG on Champion a while ago, and we were doing the Positron TF. At one point, we were ambush right in front of Positron and Valkyrie. So here's all these guys shooting at us, trying to kill us, and Mr. Bigshot "I got my armor upgraded" and Ms. "I have this fancy spear that none of you can get!" are just kinda standing there watching.


    Seriously, though, it would be cool if the trainers got some sort of automated power similar to the police drones. There's just something wrong about the eight most famous heroes in all of Paragon city standing there watching you get pounded on.

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    All that crap is grey to me, no XP.

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    I read this yesterday. Came back to it today and I still can't believe how funny it is. You go Posi!! With great power comes even greater sarcasm.