Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




well, someone has to be first... looks like it will be me. i11 does not get my juices going. yeah, the flashback system will be great. other than that... bleh first.. STILL no COP. second.. RARER DROPS!!! u mean even more rare than the LOTG set that costs roughly 100 mil if you can't get one to drop (i have gotten all the wings at least once; even a few clearity +stealth; and one aegis psi status res... not one LOTG yet) i can only hope that this is a sign from the devs that they are working on the aformentioned COP and will have it up in the near future. third.. instead of making villian kelds (or whatever) the devs decided to make 2 new powersets completely from scratch. granted these sets will be open to both sides, but still... i do intend to make a willpower tank. looking forward to it really, but it seems to me that there are other more pressing issues that could have been addressed. guess there is always i12



God, ultra rare IO set. God. The market for that is going to sooo crazy...Superior IO. Starting bid 100 mil.



The only things not mentioned were Spines and Ax in the list.

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Axes ARE customisable. Spines aren't. Should be in the Dev Digest by now...

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That's fine if they mentioned them outside the article.

But the article doesn't say Axes, which is very likely a typo.

I should've said 'mentioned in the list'.




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Holy Moley.

I think I peed a little.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I have a couple questions about the Flashback system, if a kindly dev would deign to respond. Can it be used multiple times on the same contact? Like, if I really enjoy beating the crap out of Mynx and tearing off her skin just as a pasttime, can I do Crimson Revenant over and over?

And secondly, can a 50 flashback to a 45-50 contact? Could my scrapper run through Maria Jenkins again, and maybe even again and again? How about the Patron arcs?

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Woot... this sounds exciting. I can't see the actual release notes though (stuck at work till 0800 tomorrow morning). Can somebody post them here? I'd give you a no prize.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



i just made a mess in my pants, lol

50 fire/dev--50 dark/thug--50 earth/storm--50 fire/regen--50 earth/thorn--50 kin/rad
50 TA/archery--50 stone/mace--50 Rad/em--50 Cold/Energy--48 dark/elec--50 grav/rad--45 SOA--40 PB--46 Bs/Fire--50 Ar/Dev--50 Trapz/Dark--50 elec/em tank--50 elec/earth--50 Ghostwidow--50 elec/Therm--50 cold/dark



I can see you guys have been busy. The flashback system and the weapon choice changes are very welcome. I am sure they will be hugely popular and have been waited for a long time. Thanks

New inventions for the missing sets, great.

New uber rare recipes that require nothing but rare salvage--that sucks and smells of moneysink plan. This will not solve this problem. It already sucks that the invention system puts level 30 characters in competition with wealthy 45-50 characters that can generate influence at a much greater rate. Its pretty clear that the low level recipes are not worth the electrons and time spent collecting them...wish more tweaking of the invention system was on tap. There are clearly some huge inequities in the market system. What is very clear now is if you don't have the time to spend several hours doing task forces, your shot at obtaining a rare and valued recipe is now pretty small untill you can reach the upper 40s where you can influence farm. Since I have only gotten one level B reward for mission completion after doing many many missions, perhaps that could be fixed?

Maybe one days you guys will understand rare=low probabilty in an MMO is a bad idea. It just encourages farming and rewards time sink playing not accomplishment. It is not distinquishing mark of a veteran but luck + time spent.

if you want rare to be meaningful you limit the amount of copies. Then it is rare....and meaningful.

I think folks are going a bit overboard on this is the best issue since sliced bread. Any nerfs coming with this issue? Will MoG be changed? Will it be easier to get around Perez Park? What are the plans for under utilized zones. I tell you what, you start creating 1.5 hour task forces in the underutized zones, that require only 4 teammembers that mix in instanced and non-instanced content and you might solve two problems at once.



Ever see a hero have a heart attack...?

I am so stoked about this upcoming issue. Any chance we can see more information as to what specific powers are in the Dual Blades and Willpower sets? PLEEEEZE!



well in all this goodness ,I see one small fly in the ointment,if you "flashback" too far, all those great IO set bonuses will be lost.so in some cases you could be fighting as there were NO slots (other than original) in your power,and if you are too far below the one remaining slot it will act as it is empty!

as a test once i had to do a respec and sold all my enhaments and tried amisson with no enhaments , the basedamage was not enough to do the misson

just a thought

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Holy crap. We'll be able to customize our weapons?!

I thought that was too technical. I'm going have a giddy moment now. One moment please.


Okay, I'm good.



Does this mean that the weapon sets names themselves will be changed to reflect their new multifaceted nature?





Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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Hey Posi.... are we going to see that funky warp they use on TV for flashbacks? If so I'm going to need some motion sickness pills.



I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!



Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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Indeed, we did ask for that. Thank you for making it happen.

- B.

Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon






W..w...w...w...weapon customization....

/em passes out



Reposting my question into the official thread


So, now that I've calmed down, I don't suppose I could get one of you nice devs to explain how the very rare enhancements work? How do you get them? What is special about them (like values we can get, set bonuses, ect).

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I'd also be very curious as to how the combo system works

Something tells me I'm not going to get answers to either question till Open Beta though.

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they looked like damage modifiers.
the notation damage(superior) appears in the game as well as in the screenshots.. hehe



While I agree that this is going to indeed be an awesome issue, I have but one question. Is there ANY news about when we villains are going to get our Epic Archetypes? I've been holding my breath for the past 4 issues and quite frankly, I'm starting to turn a little blue in the face.



i just made a mess in my pants, lol

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You too huh

Time Travel, weeeeee.
May The Great Bird Of The Galaxy Bless The Devs
50 SS/Invul
36 SS/invul




I have had a hero sitting since level 1 waiting for weapon customization.

Oh and since no one else has said it...




More important question! Will there be a repeatable source of respecs, possibly through the Flashback system, with the update?

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.