Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




All the stuff in I11 is forever. (Not like the Rikti raids, which became very rare after a few weeks.)

And now.... Issue 11.1!



I'm a bit disappointed, when I tried to make a harlequine character. to be totally limited to the rather stupid looking jester boots.

Sure, there might be some characters, that look really cool with these boots, but my more acrobat-like char looks simply strange with these boots.

It would be a nice addition, if the "diamond jester" pattern, that is available for the new jester style, could be applied to simple flat boots (or the other boots versions as well.
Also, there are now 2 optionns in some char creator categories named "jester".

Is there a discussion thread regarding the new costume pieces? I couldn't find one, so if anyone could perhaps direct me to one, I would be very thankful.