Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Oh, actually, there is something else. I think they should add (A. More reptillian monsterous heads (and just completely scrap the female one and make another; it just looks horrible, lol), (B. Make an Avian (bird) monsterous head (with matching monsterous parts), and (C. More monsterous costume parts (such as maybe armor for the legs, maybe a dragon head wearing a helmet, possible even a dragon tail).

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



hey are you gunna be able to change the appearence of your bow, cause it doesnt say soo?



hey are you gunna be able to change the appearence of your bow, cause it doesnt say soo?

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Yes, and yes it does say so.



yes it does and yes you will =)

and yes my post was way too long, sorry lol didnt intend for it to be but i never do, but i am excited

i wasn't saying the tech was remotely the same, but having options based on your power set does lead the way. its a step in the right direction, thats all i am saying, and if the game lives long enough I am sure it will become a reality, may not be anytime soon... but it's coming

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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Oh, actually, there is something else. I think they should add (A. More reptillian monsterous heads (and just completely scrap the female one and make another; it just looks horrible, lol), (B. Make an Avian (bird) monsterous head (with matching monsterous parts), and (C. More monsterous costume parts (such as maybe armor for the legs, maybe a dragon head wearing a helmet, possible even a dragon tail).

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AMEN! I want more monsterous stuff! Especially details for monsterous heads. Why cn't the wolf/bat/reptile have a mask/hat/helmet? >.> And allow Monsterous Boots too! X3

With love,

Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Quoting myself because I would really like an answer to my question- can you re-do arcs that give you a reward at the end- like the wedding bad, war wolf whistle, bow and arrow from croatoa?? And re-get the reward? Not have them stack but get another warwolf whistle after yours has expired? Thanx much.

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We don't know.

We do know that story arcs can be repeated. But nothing about renewing temp powers from those missions.

It's difficult to go on precedent since in the game, some temp powers are available in limitless supply (every time you do the Chalmer's Ballista mission in CoV, you can pick up a jet pack if your old one has expired); others are limited in number (the number of times you can pick up stealth/phase from PvP zone patrol missions; or the number of times you can pick up Summon Amy from the Katie TF); others are only once (the temp power reward from completing a successful Mayhem/Safeguard mission).

So... dunno.

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Okay- I can live with that answer for now- Thanx Zombie_Man!!

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Just a thought, not certain if its been said, because 72 pages is a lot to read through honestly.....but with the exemping us down for the time travel story arcs, why not just have the mission crank up to our level? I'd be fun to face some lvl 50 ish Council or 5th Column, if it goes back that far.

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The main issue with that is that lower level enemies have only or two attacks, and even if they scale up to 50, they still will be way easier than other enemies that are natually at 50.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Well, this is possibly the most optimism I've ever seen for a new issue. I know I am very excited. It'll be great to run that awesome newish Faultline material with my toons that missed it. Of course, this drastically reduced the sale value of my Spelunker mishes, but what the hey, it's worth it.

The beginning of power customization: a new age for CoX.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Hmm, what are the odds of getting myself a Fireman's axe?

Good I hope. Anyone hear anything from any of the dev's on this? I thought I read that awhile ago but I can't seem to find it now.



I wonder if all these goodies will finally make people in the suggestion forum stop declaring things undoable. Lots of these stuff they've announced were so declared.

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Not really. Flashback was once said by Statesman to be something he didn't particularly care for, but I don't think anyone ever said it was undoable. And as far as weapon customization goes... it's *not* the same as power customization. Being able to customize weapons is completely different from being able to customize power FX and does *not* "open the door" (as one previous poster said) to the road to full power customization.

Power customization is still impossible with the current tech that the Devs have, according to BaB, and the fact that they've made weapons customizable doesn't mean they're any closer at all to true power customization.

Issue 11 is looking to be absolutely fantastic, but I really don't see anything that has been said to be "undoable."

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Well, Statesman said he didn't want it before, because that was the reason to create alts.

I think they've sinse figured that people would still create lots of alts, even if they can flashback with their 50's.

Personally, it's that reason I stay with the game. I think that's one of the reasons for so many alts in this game...the combos of power sets, plus even if you repeat a combo, you can of course make them look completely different.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Hmm, what are the odds of getting myself a Fireman's axe?

Good I hope. Anyone hear anything from any of the dev's on this? I thought I read that awhile ago but I can't seem to find it now.

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Man, I hope not. It might encourage me to make a Fire/Axe Tanker...lol

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Hmm, what are the odds of getting myself a Fireman's axe?

Good I hope. Anyone hear anything from any of the dev's on this? I thought I read that awhile ago but I can't seem to find it now.

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Man, I hope not. It might encourage me to make a Fire/Axe Tanker...lol

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I totally kicked a Fire/axe's butt numerous times earlier in warburg earlier on my thugs/poison when I went nuke hunting. I didn't even start each fight, I just finished em.

Back on topic, I'm curious if the flashback system allows you to take contacts you didn't get (I ain't searching for that, my search-fu is weak, need help).

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Since there are exploration badges in mayhem and safeguard missions, can we possibly do those in flashback?

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



I'm certainly hoping they put a contact or gate to the Ouroboros people in a less-used zone. Let's examine the disparities between Atlas Park and Galaxy City, shall we?

Atlas Park[*]Sewer Network entrance(which Galaxy City lacks)[*]'The Hollows' gate[*]Wentworth's and Vault Storage[*]Vanguard DPO(with Rikti War Zone portal)[*]Recluse's Victory portal[*]City Representative, who gives out the Cape and Aura missions

Galaxy City[*]Arena[*]Jack Wolfe, who lets you use your earned Respecs


Formerly known as Stormy_D



Heck, if you want disparity fixed, give the villains sewers.



Heck, if you want disparity fixed, give the villains sewers.

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Heck, if you want disparity fixed, give the villains sewers.

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No thanks. I'd rather see more SFs and trials villain side, or them given the equivalent of the "story arc" zones like Croatoa, Striga or Faultline long before I care to see sewers. Not like the 1-5 villain game takes more than an hour or 2 anyways.

...And before this derails the thread, I have to say that the more I see info of i11, the more interesting it becomes. I'm leery of the "combo system", since changing game mechanics in a drastic fashion 3 years into the life of a game gives me SWG flashbacks, but curious to see how it works out. I've warmed to the new powersets and am eager to give them a try; weapon customization is a great touch; new "unique" inventions were expected sooner or later and I'm really interested to see how the "flashback" system works out.

As far as the actual flashback system, these 2 questions come to mind since I haven't really seen any definitive info one way or the other:
1) Does the system allow you to open previously unopened contacts if they have badge mishes, story arcs available? Or would the contact in question previously have to be opened?

2) In a related question- how would this effect the "unlockable" contacts villain side? As long as you have the required badges at all would they be opened in the flashback (just refer to it that way because it's easier to spell/ remember than Oroubous -or however it's spelled ) mode? Or would they be the exceptions, where once you've passed them w/o the requisite badge(s) they're gone?



Who thinks they should do something about defiance for blasters this issue? Defiance is practically useless for a blaster. When a blasters health gets low, and i mean real low defiance goes up and a blaster is pretty much dead before defiance is useful. Defiance should be more like a Brutes Fury. The more the blaster fights the higher his defiance goes up. Makes a heck of a lot more since than what it is now. Sorry bout the rambling but I just wanted to throw that out there :-p



Hey Galadiman I found this in the faq of I11

Question: I really want more info on this combo system is it just for dual blades or is it for ever melee power set or is it for all power sets?

Positron Says: It is the “secondary effect” for Dual Blades; it is just for that powerset. Other powersets have secondary effects already.

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Thanks for finding that - wow, that may be a great addition, a very nice 'powerset' bonus. Methinks blasters may have even more to complain about re: defiance. Not trolling about that, just sayin'. (my first 50 was my Archery blaster, so I feel that pain too.)

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Who thinks they should do something about defiance for blasters this issue? Defiance is practically useless for a blaster. When a blasters health gets low, and i mean real low defiance goes up and a blaster is pretty much dead before defiance is useful. Defiance should be more like a Brutes Fury. The more the blaster fights the higher his defiance goes up. Makes a heck of a lot more since than what it is now. Sorry bout the rambling but I just wanted to throw that out there :-p

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I disagree I see defiance as doing what it is meant to.

[Warning] Some may cry about what I am about to say, or get mad.

Ahem. If you die when you get full defiance right away you're not playing the defiance field right ;p

With love,

Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



wow this is cool looking forward to it. jeez ppl calm down on the reactions now im scared to see how ppl would react if villains get epic ATs(if they ever do....)



The big deal is that later in the game, mobs deal significantly more damage than they do in lower levels, so making use of defiance isn't very easy. Even on heroic missions, some LTs can hit hard enough to kill you in a few hits (Namely Council archons with those nasty MA attacks and Battle Maiden groups that use Broadsword)

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



The big deal is that later in the game, mobs deal significantly more damage than they do in lower levels, so making use of defiance isn't very easy. Even on heroic missions, some LTs can hit hard enough to kill you in a few hits (Namely Council archons with those nasty MA attacks and Battle Maiden groups that use Broadsword)

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Exactly, thats what im talkin bout. Maybe Positron might reply to this post and let me know if they'll change defiance :-p. Cmon Posi, u kno u want to tell me. lol



I think one of the biggest problems with fullblown power customization is recognition in PVP. Right now, if you see a guy running around with a certain effect up, you know what it is. With my Mastermind, I would fight a Fire blaster differently than an Energy Blaster. However, if I see a Fire blaster slinging blue flames, things get difficult.

If I see a guy with two sais, I can figure out he's a Dual Blader. A big lead pipe means Mace Tanker. You can change the weapons, but still make it obvious at a glance what power set you are dealing with.

With full-on power customization, that would not be the case.



I may have missed something... if I did, I apologize in advance for my n00b-osity. Does anybody know whether blasters with the Munitions Mastery epic set will be able to customize the Frankengun even if they don't have AR for a primary set? Thanks.