Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"





An interesting theory. Not likely though, unless they were just kidding when it says "Epic AT Unlocked" once you hit 50. Well, upon further reflection, I guess it always has been a bad joke that it says that when a villain hits 50.

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That Epic Unlocked message is a leftover bit of code from the Heroes side of the fence

The devs implied once that unlocking the Epic Villain AT might be more then just hitting 50, so who knows?

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The code being leftover I was aware of. That we would have to do more than heros to earn more content, that really doesnt suprise me much. I hope that I am not sounding like one of the whiners you see on the boards. I think that the things they are adding to the game really appeal to alot of the players. Having said that, lets weigh some of this out. Change what your sword looks like or Cathedral of Pain fixed? New Costume Pieces or Base Bugs fixed? I wont comment on the powersets, cause none of us really have any idea what they are like do we? Maybe just maybe, the fact that some of the powersets have been made a bit unbalanced by the invention system. (I know this is a pvp point that some will not care about, but it is true).
Once again, I am not downing the new Issue. Thrilled to have something coming out. But could we have an issue that delivers on past promises, instead of a new pair of wings and pretty colors.



[ But could we have an issue that delivers on past promises, instead of a new pair of wings and pretty colors.

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Heh, I can see ish 13 now......the bug fix ish

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HA HA, wouldnt be the most glamerous name would it??
But it would be a well received issue. Once again, sorry for sounding so negative!!



It's not that negative when you consider that most of the Veterans of the game have been asking for the same things for 3+ years. Your post should be received very well, IMO.



A bug fixing Issue would be nice, but for now I am content with the current Issue .

I was just wondering, will we ever be able to get those "surfboard swords" that the Lost use and the Rikti used to use? I've heard a lot of people saying that they want those swords (who wouldnt? ).

Also, for the Vet reward pets (which I dont have yet), I think it would be nice if you could (A. Name them and (B. Dismiss/Resummon them.

And I just want to emphesise the color scale change that I mentioned earlier, since I really think that it would add a whole new level of diversity to the game, not to mention the fact that the wings and tail colors could actually be made to match more than a few skin colors .

Otherwise, this issue sounds absolutely fantastic.

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



This is just a concept for a future issue.

I love the MM archetype, but I really dont like COV (just my opinion, dont throw insults at me). I wish they would add a Hero MM archetype (maybe called Commanders...?). This is probably never going to happen, but I wish you could actually switch your side (so a Villain could finally see the light and become a hero, or a Hero could turn evil). It would mix up the game a whole lot more, and add some interesting options and situations (imagine seeing MMs running aroud Atlas actually helping people, or a Defender protecting some villains). Maybe you would have to do a taskforce of some kind in order to switch sides, and the higher your level is the longer and more difficult the taskforce. Just thought that this would be cool. To prevent people from just switching back and forth constantly, maybe someone could only switch sides once a year...

Just an idea.

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



i love this but have one question: will we get a free weapon color change token for toons before issue 11.



Yes. It's called veteran rewards. The way I understood it, they will no longer be giving costume tokens every time new options are added like they used to.



Yes. It's called veteran rewards. The way I understood it, they will no longer be giving costume tokens every time new options are added like they used to.

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In the Issue 11 FAQ , Lighthouse states we will be getting both a free respec and a free costume token with issue 11.



Yes. It's called veteran rewards. The way I understood it, they will no longer be giving costume tokens every time new options are added like they used to.

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In the Issue 11 FAQ , Lighthouse states we will be getting both a free respec and a free costume token with issue 11.

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whenever a new ish creates a massive change in things or adds many new things they tend to give out freespec and costume tokens.

Otherwise its up to vet rewards now



Yes. It's called veteran rewards. The way I understood it, they will no longer be giving costume tokens every time new options are added like they used to.

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In the Issue 11 FAQ , Lighthouse states we will be getting both a free respec and a free costume token with issue 11.

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whenever a new ish creates a massive change in things or adds many new things they tend to give out freespec and costume tokens.

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Right, but I was responding to someone who had said there wouldn't be a free costume token in issue 11, which was a response to someone asking if there would be.



There is one "claw" type weapon that would be cool and work well with the current animations. I'm not sure what to call them other than Energy Claws. They're used by Superman-X in season 2 of the Legion cartoon series currently running on Kids WB.

You might have to change their shape because the ones in the cartoon are shaped in Superman's chest decal.



Yes. It's called veteran rewards. The way I understood it, they will no longer be giving costume tokens every time new options are added like they used to.

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In the Issue 11 FAQ , Lighthouse states we will be getting both a free respec and a free costume token with issue 11.

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whenever a new ish creates a massive change in things or adds many new things they tend to give out freespec and costume tokens.

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Right, but I was responding to someone who had said there wouldn't be a free costume token in issue 11, which was a response to someone asking if there would be.

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Yes, I believe I read somewhere that there are going to be freespecs and costume tokens given out at I11 (Probably so people can use tokens to change their weapon type if they want to).

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



I was wondering when will the villians get thier epic At's? I see that is no in issue 11 so was wondering...

Better Watch Your Back I might Be Lurking In the Dark Behind You........



Whenever they give them to us.
They'll let us know when it's near by the "Soon™".



I was wondering when will the villians get thier epic At's? I see that is no in issue 11 so was wondering...

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Hopefully sometime next year, but it's not set in stone. For all the official info we've been given on villain epic ATs, check out the mini-guide linked in my sig.



Thanks Hellguard, great mini-guide. It really cleared some stuff up (although I heard somewhere that they actually WOULD be adding Coralax as an epic... dont remember where...)

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



With the weapon customization, I wonder if there going to be able to give us weapon auras, like the Praetorians have.

If thats already been asked I missed it somewhere in the 75 pages of posts.

Either way, it looks like fun stuff all around.

Maybe someday they can figure out a way to give us customizable animations too. I know they say its impossible now. But who knows. It would be nifty. Well, if we all last that long any how.



Thanks Hellguard, great mini-guide. It really cleared some stuff up (although I heard somewhere that they actually WOULD be adding Coralax as an epic... dont remember where...)

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Coralax was a possible future epic AT at one point in time; also on that list was Blood of the Black Stream, Avilans, and Incarnates. Avilans have been pretty much scrapped I think (they just went ahead and made sure everyone could have wings, which was going to be a major feature of that one). Incarnates are what Statesman and Lord Recluse are.



I agree with NerfedAgain, and DollyMistress in the fact that "weapon customization" will again leave certain builds out of all the fun. I do understand that it would take lots and lots of coding to be able to do "power customization", but one big release would satisfy all parties. Not all of us have toons with weapons. We would love to create a blue fireball, have black Granite armor, or even change the powder blue color on the decoys!

Don't get me wrong please! I think the Devs do an awesome job with the game, making this the only mmorg that I have any interest in playing! I just felt that I needed to crawl out from under my rock to voice my opinion.

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you guys are not looking at the big picture, what you have to see the door opening, they can only do so much but this opens the door and will make the next step in that trick work out more smoothly. it is one step toward every power being customizable, you can't get to the moon the first step outside.
customizing each effect of each attk/def of each power set is just a weeeeeeeeeee bit more difficult than a few new models for a few weapons. but it is the beginning of something wonderful!
it is better to put it in a bit at a time like this because even in the open beta testing far less combinations of things come up, only when something goes 'live' will all of the issues 'come out' and the true feed back about it.
I have been waiting on this for 3 years, i am ready for what little i can get on it. and be D@mn glad to get it! sure i would love to make purple flames or whatever but i am thrilled that every broadsword or mace guy dosen't have to whip out the same fantasy style weapon. not every hero's claws are wolverine's and not every villain has strap on claws. it's a real good start ;D n i am thrilled.

as far as is goes tho I am and will always be an alt-O-holic
I just love designing toons and this games give us the best char creator there is basically.

ya the cut scenes are usually lame, no need to watch them more than once at most. they should just put out a download so we can watch them at our leisure
I dont know about anyone else but the ssssssnake reference reminding me of one of the times I was in the middle of a fight and the cut scene went off, so ya making them optional would be a good plan.

speaking of the options for the flashbacks, or really just options for missions in general, i would like to see 2 settings instead of the one we have now, one for the difficulty of the npc's and another one for the # in the groups. to give us a bit more control over the way our missions go. depending on your toons set up you may prefer small groups to one on one fights with tougher mobs or you may prefer large groups of easy mobs cause your a blaster with lots of aoes so you get more xp that way. so you basically have a range of fighting just one or 2 really easy guys to huge groups of purples depending on your set up.

as for the aracnos mace i can see them putting it in for the mace but just not have it shoot. i mean these are skins for the weapon, you wont get any new abilities from a skin.


Dragoon Dagger in EQ was one used by the dragoons (or dark elf guards) but odds are it will be something similar. keeping in mind that a dagger in fantasy games run in the 6-18" range or so.

...and the holsters could be a belt option, ya.

Well said Dasher!

I am just happy to have new inv enh's. new purples, engh, whatever, but there are new one and that rox =D

hockey stick katana.... lol I love it!

machette would be under dual blades if it's there, too small a hilt to be wielded with both hands for the katana animations.

Here's my question about Weapon Customization. If I've got a Tommygun in my blaster's hands, how do I use Flamethrower?

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that would be part of your personal roll playing lol you're tommygun is HEAVILY modified hehe

1. MAKE /GIGNORE ACTUALLY WORK RIGHT! Meaning if I /gignore a global, I don't EVER want to hear from that account again. No global tells. No character tells. No email. No trade invites. No team invites. NOTHING.

2. A "local" spam filter. If I say "/filter string" then all tells (global or character) sent to me that contain "string" are killed. This can be done clientside, so it's no additional load of the servers.

[/ QUOTE ] here here!!!

also on the stone tank powerset both of the stone 'maces' it calls forth are different from each other. other than eventualy being able to colorize them for the type of earth your guys uses, well maybe other shapes but they would have to all be made to look stony.

I would love to see more hair options with the hats too, as well as more options for long hair on guys, we have really only one option for long hair, to me the 'long' option is medium, it barely touches the shoulders lol so the only one that is long is the ponytail, oh and the topknot now, but still that is a costume piece i would love to see, being a long haired male myself. even just a few of the female ones tweeked a bit to fall right on the frame. (that is not a complaint just pointing out an observation.) but then I would also love to see the day when the hair moves like the capes and so on =D

as far as brutes and regen goes, think on this, when you think of the char Sabertooth, which comes to mind, a gimped out stalker or a Brute? he might stalk, but he has fought woulvie for days and dosen't tire out like our poor stalker cousins
I would like to see a lot of opening up in that way, i would even go as far as to give empathy to corrupters, just because you are a "villain" dosen't mean you can't feel for your fellows so to speak lol
"I fell your pain, ...let me make it worse..." no wait... lol
point is not all "villains" see them selves as the "bad guy" just because they break the law they do it because they want to help people, robbin hood would be a villain depending on how you look at it.

seriously does debuff in this game need IO set ?

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Every power should have a set because otherwise some people have many power they cant put sets into and they miss out on have the same # of set bonuses as other toons, I would even like to see something worked out for powers like health but would require a bit of rethinking or more unique ones like the +regen +end recov kind of thing but that would still have us useing the basic ones to keep the % of the power up there too.

you're only picking one weapon type for the entire powerset, correct?

i.e. assault rifle -- you can't pick the sniper rifle for your snipe and then another rifle for a different attack in that set. can you?

[/ QUOTE ] correct you would have to pick a dif one for each costume and then change costumes for each attack for that to work at the current level of tech involved but who knows maybe one day soon, and then you can wait for the animations of switching weapons between each attack instead of just when you use an unrelated power. i.e. claws guy uses reconstruction then has to snickt his claws back out to fight more. but oh the dmg i could do if i could do the sands of mu with my claws out..... lol

Our base is orbiting in space!!!!!! hehe

seriously, exactly how many sg base can fit into one city? i mean you have different dimensions (i.e. servers) but still, there are alot some should be in other places too maybe yours is in a pocket dimension i don't know! lol

going back to the tutorial is a no go according to posi (or some other red name i cant remember who exactly) atm, that dose not mean it wont be put in later tho, it could happen...

the face maker in the sims was wonderful for that, although out of the box that was the only good thing about the char creator (for designing the look of the toon) body type wise tho is lacked terribly, well actually it lacked quite well but ...as far as delivering you had to wait for fans to make stuff

I would also like to see more variation in the mission zones decor and more types of critters to fight, we got the artimis warriors or whatever but you just dont see them I think i got one mission with them and then they were gone. hopefully the time travel options will open up alot of options for that if not this time then soon.

the epic at unlocked message is because if you have both games and you hit 50 on villains then you still have unlocked the hero EAT's

I have been hoping to "switch sides" from the moment i heard about CoV coming out, but i will keep hoping...

omg i can believe how long this thred (and there for post) is

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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I wonder if all these goodies will finally make people in the suggestion forum stop declaring things undoable. Lots of these stuff they've announced were so declared.



With the weapon customization, I wonder if there going to be able to give us weapon auras, like the Praetorians have.

If thats already been asked I missed it somewhere in the 75 pages of posts.

Either way, it looks like fun stuff all around.

Maybe someday they can figure out a way to give us customizable animations too. I know they say its impossible now. But who knows. It would be nifty. Well, if we all last that long any how.

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Quoth the Brawler

Actually, Auras are a costume piece. So not really anyway to put an aura on another costume piece. It's pretty much the same thing that keeps us from being able to apply auras to wings.

However, there's no reason why we couldn't do weapons and FX, we just don't have a lot of them in atm. But flaming swords, glowing axes, electric hammers...that's all in the realm of possibilities for future weapons.

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Weapon auras are possible, but not in. Maybe later. Maybe not.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I hope it comes out relatively soon. I hate when they hype things and then make you wait too long. My preference would be not to know whats in it until its almost here.



I wonder if all these goodies will finally make people in the suggestion forum stop declaring things undoable. Lots of these stuff they've announced were so declared.

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Not really. Flashback was once said by Statesman to be something he didn't particularly care for, but I don't think anyone ever said it was undoable. And as far as weapon customization goes... it's *not* the same as power customization. Being able to customize weapons is completely different from being able to customize power FX and does *not* "open the door" (as one previous poster said) to the road to full power customization.

Power customization is still impossible with the current tech that the Devs have, according to BaB, and the fact that they've made weapons customizable doesn't mean they're any closer at all to true power customization.

Issue 11 is looking to be absolutely fantastic, but I really don't see anything that has been said to be "undoable."



TheDevian, I agree wholeheartedly with absoluetly everything that you said. I would have quoted the post, but it was a little long . Anyway, I think that you've said pretty much everything that I've wanted to say, but just didnt.

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.