Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

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Holy Cow, a reasonable response. Would love to see the powers shared equally. The previous response just said tanks because it was in response to a tank. I live on the villain side, but definately think the hero melee toons should get the same power options. It is the one and only thing that heros can actually say that villains have had it better.

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What's funny is Tanks get Energy Melee, but not the accompanying Armor... It's a no-brainer that they should Energy Aura.

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It fits with Invulnerability.

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If by 'fits' you mean it has the same gaudy glow then yes.

But in terms of thematics, SS fits with Inv better than EM. A character can manipulate Energy to form attacks but can't form that same Energy to defense?



anyone have an idea as to what they plan to do first with the new powersets? i already have a toon planned to try out the willpower set. gonna make a willpower / ss tank. seems like the most logical, thematic combo. i mean, who doesn't agree that it takes great willpower to train to become a true strongman? just an idea. dunno about dual blades, but i haven't played any scrappers yet.



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

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Holy Cow, a reasonable response. Would love to see the powers shared equally. The previous response just said tanks because it was in response to a tank. I live on the villain side, but definately think the hero melee toons should get the same power options. It is the one and only thing that heros can actually say that villains have had it better.

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Seriously! I made a toon called Thunderball, and made him look more like a tank. Was going to make him an Electric/Electric Brute, but his costume looked too "heroey". He ended up as an electric/electric blaster lol. I would love some of the Brute powers for Tanks and scrappers (and vice versa).

More on the customizable weapons; I at least think that the Vanguard claws should be available from the begining since they are the only claw type that would actually work well for a Tech origin.

Also, it would be nice if the devs fixed the whole Gravity Propel power glitch where everyone sees diffirent objects. I always found this kind of annoying on my Gravity controller.

Overall; Great job Devs! Keep up the good work!

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.




This isn't D&D.

We already have an arrow doing as much damage as a machine gun. It's a convention of the comic book genre that all attacks have the same basic damage. You might as well ask why don't villains just shoot Batman in the face.

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Pretty much. Lets take a look at the Carnie Rapier and Rikti Sword, for example:

In that example, the person using the Carnie Rapier might have had it specially enchanted to make it more damaging. Or they might have had years of training, giving them the innate ability to strike at an enemies weak points, allowing them to do far more damage then the guy wielding the Rikti Sword. The Rapier may be a physical manifestation of the persons Spiritual Energy, only making it *LOOK* like a Carnie Rapier (But still providing massive damage)...

There are plenty of justifiable reasons for why it may happen, and CoH/V *allows* us to give any reason we want. Just like comic books.

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And on the other hand...maybe the Rikti Sword is a cheap imitation made using instructions found on the Internet. It's how I sometimes explain my Nemesis Staff's low accuracy and lack of disorient.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



anyone have an idea as to what they plan to do first with the new powersets?

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DB/WP Scrapper, no doubt ... unless for some reason I learn to hate one or the other set during the open beta. I'll be one of hundreds of identical newborn DB/WP characters running around in Atlas that day, but that's fine. Atlas weathered a similar storm of Archers, once upon a time.

DB/WP just happens to be an excellent match for one of my all-time favorite tabletop RPG characters, so he'll be reborn into City form. This will probably be my final attempt to make a Scrapper character; in general, Scraps never last very long with me. I think I've tried every Scrap primary and secondary in various combinations, but maybe this one will endure.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Freakin killer.

What more can be said?



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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I wouldn't say not so fast. It all depends how you define "badge mission." Does that mean only a mission that awards a badge upon completion? Or what about Mayhem/Safeguard missions where there is an exploration badge. One of the tutorials has an exploration badge.

We'll see...

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But the tutorials are ZONES. Not missions.

Plus, I do think Posi said no today to revisiting the tutorials, but then he did bring up the newspapers. So they might have new missions that let you get it, but who knows.

But the tutorials are zones, not missions.

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Yes, it's a moot point since Posi said something cryptically about the tutorials. Given the the newspaper teasers, I'm betting that one of the Ouroboros' special missions sends you back to the tutorial because someone else messing with time kept you from successfully doing it.

Anyway, I'm going to quibble with you: The tutorials are a set of missions within a zone. They are not just a "zone." They have the same structure as a zone-arc, such as the Hollows, only each contact has just one or two missions.

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Shields sounds like a really cool powerset (even though its not coming out in I11 ). I'm kind of glad that they're coming out with some more medieval type stuff (mainly because I just like medieval stuff, and most of my characters are Dragons lol).

I agree that it would be nice if we could go back and get the tutorial badges, since a lot of people (including me) made some of their favorite characters before they even knew about those badges, and bypassed them.

I agree with the "more dynamic faces" comment aswell. If they could at least make the cutscenes better, that would be a start (the first time I saw a COX cutscene, I was beyond surprised that the characters' expressions did not even change at all ).

I also think that the idea of TOTAL weapon customization (blade type, hilt type, blade decorations, hilt decorations, overall design, color, etc.) would be beyond awesome.

Some more emotes would be kind of fun too.

I also suggest replacing the little colored circle selectors in the costume creator, and replacing them with one of those grids where you can just drag the little marker anywhere over the spectrum, darken the color, or type in the "numbers" of red/blue/yellow you want (to help with reproducing the exact color you want again). Below is a link to the closet thing I could find for a picture of what I'm talking about.
Color Scale Thing

This actually doesnt look very much like what I was thinking of, but its the closest that I could find. I was thinking more of a square with all of the colors spread out and blended across it, and a bar on the side where you could lighten or darken the color. Hopefully you all know what I'm talking about, since the current setting has some problems with tails and wings (I have a brown dragon character, but they have the reptillian skin as your skin color, bur your wing and tail color as the Primary and Secondary colors, which doesnt match the brown skin color).

Anyway, just some suggestions and opinions. Sorry for long post. I11 Is looking like its going to be great. Great work Devs!

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



More important question! Will there be a repeatable source of respecs, possibly through the Flashback system, with the update?

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We need this more than ever with new IO sets coming out.

Endlessly repeatable respecs for lvl 50 toons. Please.

(and fix the Spirit Signals/Robo Surgery too, please)

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I know that this is a shot in the dark, but is there any chance that you can add 'weapon customization' to the medice pool and give it an "Arcane" and/or "Low tech Shot" options?



Will the weapon graphics work with temp powers and/or veteran powers?



But whats a mudoor!? <cries>



anyone have an idea as to what they plan to do first with the new powersets?

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Dual Blade/ Willpower Brute, because with power customization And getting Carnie Rapiers it'll be PERFECT LOOKING for my Psychic Crazed Homicidal person. MWAHAHA! KILL THEM ALL! *Stab*

With Love,

Me <3

P.S. Everyone loves the scrappers for these sets..... You're all NUTS! X3 Brutes FTW!

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)




I agree with the "more dynamic faces" comment aswell. If they could at least make the cutscenes better, that would be a start (the first time I saw a COX cutscene, I was beyond surprised that the characters' expressions did not even change at all ).

I also suggest replacing the little colored circle selectors in the costume creator, and replacing them with one of those grids where you can just drag the little marker anywhere over the spectrum, darken the color, or type in the "numbers" of red/blue/yellow you want (to help with reproducing the exact color you want again). Below is a link to the closet thing I could find for a picture of what I'm talking about.
Color Scale Thing

This actually doesnt look very much like what I was thinking of, but its the closest that I could find. I was thinking more of a square with all of the colors spread out and blended across it, and a bar on the side where you could lighten or darken the color. Hopefully you all know what I'm talking about, since the current setting has some problems with tails and wings (I have a brown dragon character, but they have the reptillian skin as your skin color, bur your wing and tail color as the Primary and Secondary colors, which doesnt match the brown skin color).

Anyway, just some suggestions and opinions. Sorry for long post. I11 Is looking like its going to be great. Great work Devs!

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That was exactly my feelings when I first played Dungeon Siege II and got to the first cutscene. The graphics themselves had already made me want to puke but the cutscene made me want to commit seppuku.

I know City of Heroes/Villains wants to adhere to a strict guideline of graphical realism to the extent of that in comic books. But I imagine CoX as a comic book in motion, flowing page to page. We do not see the change in expressions in a comic book except for the obvious difference between cell to cell. But the artist wants you to believe, to feel, that theres action going on, that these cells are a continuation of events. It is entirely possible to add depth and realism to the CoX environment without making it "Overly realistic". The world of CoX is fantasy, and should always remain that. But, some of the faces now, especially some of the hostile and mob faces look perpetually likesomeone just shoved a sawz-all up their rectum and they forgot to take their blood pressure medicine.

I am all for Power Customization. The weapon customization was a great start but like others have said Powers also need to be "personalized". For instance think to yourself "How does my character fly?" Well if they are a tech character they may have Rocketboots or a Jetpack. A magic character might use a spell to fly. This a great time to point out, also, the turning animations in flight are horrible. You need to create a yaw animation to give flight some pizazz.

Now with weapon customization most of the scrapper and stalker sets are getting new toys while the MA sets are getting shafted. The best way to customize MA would be the ability to pick between fighting styles. Maybe your character is a Brawler, A Wrestler, A Muay Thai Champion, or a Legendary Ninjitsu Master. The choice needs to be up to the player.

Someone else mentioned Medicine pool. I have always HATED taking medicine with a non tech or science character. I always build off themes myself but when your sorcerer pulls out a big hunky PDA looking thing and heals his minions it's a bit hypocritical and humiliating. I'm all for giving the whole set an Arcane or Tech option.

Thats all for now :]



A Barrel roll is the best star, I don't know how many times I have wanted to do it in flight :<



I just hope its enough to bring me back to the game. Of the 2 years I've been playing I have really lost interest in this game. Always the same old thing each mission. Of course it doesnt help that most of my friends I used to play with have now moved on to other games either. :-/



A Barrel roll is the best star, I don't know how many times I have wanted to do it in flight :<

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Use Z and R to do a barrel roll.
looks good, weapon customization looks fun.
try a somersault.



what kind of time frame is release on this going to be? I know it seems most expansions are talked about for so long before they happen it almost makes you scream get it over with already.



*twitches* OMG!

Ouroboros System-AWESOME!

Weapon Customization-OMG! SWEET!

Two New Power Sets-*grins* Another /regen scrapper to make!

New Inventions-*jumps up and down* ooooo!

Now...didn't BAB recently post that the weapon customization would be ridiculously tedious and not likely to happen? I swear I remember him using Dual Blades as an example...was he lying, or am I mistaken?

New Inventions, VERY GOOD! New stuff to sell for ridiculous amounts of Inf, I like it

Ouroboros System....is this going to be just like a new story arc?

Jordan Lee 50 ma/regen scrapper
ReapersAdvocate 50 BS/regen scrapper
Sara's Screams 50 sonic/dev blaster and 510 badges
Anarchy's Maiden 50 kat/regen scrapper
Olivete 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
@Jordan Lee



But whats a mudoor!? <cries>

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Eets whaht happeens when you keel your brodoor!



*twitches* OMG!

Ouroboros System-AWESOME!

Weapon Customization-OMG! SWEET!

Two New Power Sets-*grins* Another /regen scrapper to make!

New Inventions-*jumps up and down* ooooo!

Now...didn't BAB recently post that the weapon customization would be ridiculously tedious and not likely to happen? I swear I remember him using Dual Blades as an example...was he lying, or am I mistaken?

New Inventions, VERY GOOD! New stuff to sell for ridiculous amounts of Inf, I like it

Ouroboros System....is this going to be just like a new story arc?

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I believe that he was talking about power customization, that being the powers that are made of a lot of particle effects. I know there is a post from BaB somewhere saying that polygons are easier to screw with, or at least something along those lines.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



I mentioned this a few pages ago, but I think it got lost in all the excitement about Power Customization:

Any thoughts on this part of the posting?

"Dual Blades also uses a brutal new Combo system, where the order of your strikes can create new advantages for you to take down your foes!"

I find this very interesting... a definite departure from the current combat system. Are we looking at an entirely new way of considering combat?

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Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Hey Galadiman I found this in the faq of I11

Question: I really want more info on this combo system is it just for dual blades or is it for ever melee power set or is it for all power sets?

Positron Says: It is the “secondary effect” for Dual Blades; it is just for that powerset. Other powersets have secondary effects already.

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