Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




All I have to say is OMFG! WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION!!! I have so been saying this on the forums. Squeaky wheel baby! If this is going to work the way I think it is (as i've deduced from the screens) this is going to be total awesomeness! And to quote someone from an earlier post, I will be "heavily abusing" this feature and playing more scrappy tanker types haha

*dies from overexcitednessocity!*



I9, I10, I11 -- it just keeps getting better. Keep up the good work, devs!

One minor issue though. I wonder if Flashback will kill altoholism, which is a great strength of CoX..

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Hardly anyone who has been here since the begining plays this game for the content, we play to try new powersets or powerset combinations we have yet to try out.

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Speak for yourself!

Still here, even after all this time!



Hi, If one of you devs could comment on this subject it would be great - Would heroes and villains ever get to /search for each other? Or see the the powers list on the info window when standing next to each other on a co-op zone?

Both of these thing are really needed to really team.



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?



I just wish the devs would let us rechoose patrons.

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Personally, I'm hoping this time travel/flashback stuff will let you do exactly that. You go back in time and stop yourself from picking patron X and pick Y instead. Then, you lose your accolade badge for your old patron, and gain one for your new patron, and your arcs are considered 'completed', and you can flashback and do them if you really want to.



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?

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Thank you, English Professor. Where would the world be without your super powers of nitpicking grammar?



With the introduction of inventions in I9, some people got kind of screwed with their patron. Like someone who picked Black Scorpian as a patron and got his shield lost out on the chance to slot resistance uniques on their build(assuming they didn't have any in their set either). It also kind of took out the use of trying for invention positional defense as the shield's defense would almost negate half of it.

Now with I11 it looks like the patrons are going to get even more uneven to screw people who already have them selected. Ghost Widow would take acc debuff sets and Scirroci would take end mod sets(I'm fairly certain that I heard those were both being introduced). Granted that this does depend on what if any procs and/or uniques are in those sets but judging by other stuff, I'd have to say they will include something like that. People like me who have created a toon specifically for procs will lose out if one patron can slot more procs than the others.

I just wish the devs would let us rechoose patrons. While I agreed with keeping them at first, the new issues are pushing some of the sets further and further apart from each other. My only hope is that in the flashback mode or whatever it is that I can go back in time to rechoose my Patron but from my experience with updates, there isn't much of a chance that will happen. Is there?

[/ QUOTE ]Yo X, you owe me 5 mil inf iirc.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



seriously does debuff in this game need IO set ?



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?

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Thank you, English Professor. Where would the world be without your super powers of nitpicking grammar?

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, because we all know that disproving someone's grammar is the best way to counter their arguement instead of actually countering it.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?

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I'm sorry you spent the time to find a link on this and post it here. It's kinda sad really.

BTW....I could care less.



All I have to say is OMFG! WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION!!! I have so been saying this on the forums. Squeaky wheel baby! If this is going to work the way I think it is (as i've deduced from the screens) this is going to be total awesomeness! And to quote someone from an earlier post, I will be "heavily abusing" this feature and playing more scrappy tanker types haha

*dies from overexcitednessocity!*

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you're only picking one weapon type for the entire powerset, correct?

i.e. assault rifle -- you can't pick the sniper rifle for your snipe and then another rifle for a different attack in that set. can you?

Political correctness is a stench in the nose of God. Yes, your God(s) also.



The Munitions ancillary pool uses the current Assault Rifle graphic (IIRC). Will you be able to select a different gun for that pool's powers? If a blaster has it and isn't AR/*, will they use the weapon they have picked, or will they use the default AR graphic when using the Cryo Freeze Ray or LRM Rocket?



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?

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I'm sorry you spent the time to find a link on this and post it here. It's kinda sad really.

BTW....I could care less.

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Then do!

It's just a pet peeve of mine as it makes no logical sense whatsoever. I don't normally bother saying anything but it was close to my lunch break and I decided to randomly google for whether it annoys other people as much as me - and I saw that page and it made me laugh that someone had actually gone to the trouble of creating a diagram so I thought I'd share.

Sorry if you couldn't see the humour. Feel free to carry on making no sense at all.



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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Yes, but remember, we're getting NEW missions and possibly arcs as well -- help Recluse take the Rogue Isles, stop the COT demon from the comics, etc.

If so, that means we may also be taking on missions from the alt-timeline Paragon Times as well. I mean, they wouldn't talk about "Recluse and Manticore searching for something in South America" if it wasn't gonna tie into the game, somehow.

Therefore, it's conceivable we may get a "Go back in time to help someone break out of the Zig" where Jailbird is available, or "Go to the alt timeline and contain the massive amounts of Contaminated in Talos" to get Isolator.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



I'm just curious if the dual wield set has axes available. I mean, dual wielding axes could be pretty dern groovy, and would still maintain the look of lethal damage.

Cyclone jack

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]




you're only picking one weapon type for the entire powerset, correct?

i.e. assault rifle -- you can't pick the sniper rifle for your snipe and then another rifle for a different attack in that set. can you?

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Sounds like it, although you can have a different weapon for different costumes. If you got really creative with binds you could probably set it up to change to identical costumes with different weapons as you activate certain powers.

Zapping, 50 storm/elec
Rain King, 50 ice/storm
Ard, 50 NB/SR

The rest of my lineup
Justice, Freedom and Virtue Servers
Avatar by Altoholic_Monkey!



I'm just curious if the dual wield set has axes available. I mean, dual wielding axes could be pretty dern groovy, and would still maintain the look of lethal damage.

Cyclone jack

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Castle or BAB, one of 'em, has already said no. Dual wield is 'blade' weapons only, which they take to me swordy/daggery kind of things apparently. Not that I disagree that it would be cool (my favorite actual RPG character back in the day used two axes), but it's apparently not an option for I-11.



Alright, I didn't read all 40+ pages. Anyway, has there been any clues as to where these Oroboros Bases will be situated? Will they be set up in low traffic zones like Galaxy and Skyway, or dropped into Talos like everything else?

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Talos Island, yes.....

Paragon City Mall

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Really? There is the mystery chunk of Steel which we have seen no use for as of yet.

And the magic platform of hugeness off of Port Oakes.

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



seriously does debuff in this game need IO set ?

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Why not?

It's a power effect that a lot of sets use. There's no point in leaving them out in the cold.


That's not a good reason not to have female pets as the same can be done with male pets.

Heck I even have a bio on Cameron the Lovely that makes Dorian the Stronge (Bruiser) her boy friend and she cheats on him with my hero too.

Don't need female pets for people to go around acting like pimps and sluts. Besides that why would they care? One of the contacts in St. Martial is a ****. Jezebel Jones and Johnny Sonata is her pimp. Why do you think she has that rope around her and that couch.

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Just because you have a bio on it, doesn't mean it's game-affecting for everyone else.

It won't happen because of the deluge of complaints that will inevitably follow such a setup.

People can do it because that is their choice, but putting in female MM pets will only open up a very ugly can of worms. They would care because the game is rated T for Teen and they would probably like to keep it that way.

Jezebel is a different case because iirc, there is no specific mention of said relationship, but that's left up to the user's own interpretation.

And it's as good a reason as any for there to not be female MM pets.

Haven't you noticed the distinct lack of female NPC baddies in the lower level game? The only ones I can think of are the female Eidolons and female Longbow. Even though the Blue King comics showed female Vahz zombies.

All that being said, yes, I would like a female MM pet set, but I'm realistic enough to realize the chances of it happening are slim to nil.



Alright, I didn't read all 40+ pages. Anyway, has there been any clues as to where these Oroboros Bases will be situated? Will they be set up in low traffic zones like Galaxy and Skyway, or dropped into Talos like everything else?

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Nothing yet.

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Awful lot of construction in Port Oakes. If it isn't for this then they have something ELSE planned already. The sneaks.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



If so, that means we may also be taking on missions from the alt-timeline Paragon Times as well. I mean, they wouldn't talk about "Recluse and Manticore searching for something in South America" if it wasn't gonna tie into the game, somehow.

[/ QUOTE ] With Positron's view on the latter, I doubt they will be the same contaminated.

And in an alternate timeline Paragon, who says anyone noteworthy ever stayed in that cell? And so far all mission maps have been without the badge.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Although, the picture they have in the Game Updates section make the bases look like they're way up in the sky or something. That glowing, golden orb might be a way to TP onto it if you're not a Flyer. Sorta like how there are the Blue Orbs in the Shadow Shard that TP you back to FBZ.

I would LOVE it if the bases were up high somewhere within the city or off of an island. It would look so ominous and bad[censored].

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At this point I'm reminded of that little island way out in the water in Talos Island to the north-east that's on most of the maps, but is definitely not there in-game. I've always wondered about that...

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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Yes, but remember, we're getting NEW missions and possibly arcs as well -- help Recluse take the Rogue Isles, stop the COT demon from the comics, etc.

If so, that means we may also be taking on missions from the alt-timeline Paragon Times as well. I mean, they wouldn't talk about "Recluse and Manticore searching for something in South America" if it wasn't gonna tie into the game, somehow.

Therefore, it's conceivable we may get a "Go back in time to help someone break out of the Zig" where Jailbird is available, or "Go to the alt timeline and contain the massive amounts of Contaminated in Talos" to get Isolator.

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Let's hope. I did miss Jailbird with my first villain and didn't know until level 14. But with them putting out the fake stories about no one ever breaking out of the zig and contaminated not being contained in outbreak, it seems likely that there will be some missions setting things back on track. Whether they are kind enough to put in the exploration badges or the right kind of contaminated enemies to count for the badge... well, time will tell. But at least there's a possibility.



We now need a way for MA to look cooler, like throwing people o.o You can bind it to a KB command and such, throwing someone animation over them falling animation!