Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"





So, here's another question about the Flashback (easier to type than "Ouroboros") auto-exemplar: the features page states that "Heroes and Villains will be auto-exemplared to the appropriate level for each story arc." How does this work, exactly?

Back when I9 was in beta, and Pool B was going to be rewarded for arc completion, and some of us were asserting that Flashback was the only way to make that system even remotely fair, several possible systems were suggested for handling the auto-exemplar. Offhand, the two I remember were (1) make a Flashback arc similar to a "mini Task Force" and (2) auto-exemp the team as necessary while inside Flashback-related missions.

The first of those two methods has the advantage of being similar to the existing TF system. We obviously have had auto-exemp for TFs for some time. However, that would also lock the current team into running the entire Arc at a reduced level just like a real TF (but with no minimum level or minimum team size?). The second system would be cleaner and more versatile, but it would have to introduce the new mechanic of a mission having some sort of "Flashback" bit set so that the engine would know to auto-exemp the team to an appropriate level while inside the mission. However, it would tend to make any outdoor hunts that were part of the Arc ... well, even more trivial than usual. Ideally, in that case the mission title would be prefixed with some sort of "Flashback: " prefix.

So, needless to say ... I'm really curious if Flashback will work like either of those suggestions from months ago, or if it will be an entirely different setup. FCM craves details! How soon will we know?

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



so when does south park make a Cox episode?

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anyways I gotta ask, seein as how I only skimmed this thread but what about stone hammers, fire swords, ice swords, an' energy melee.

Are the devs able to change those weapons, or are those "baked" into the sets?

I could understand if they can but choose not to because of the whole theme of the powersets, I just wanna know IF they could.

-The Legendary J-Man-



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.



so when does south park make a Cox episode?

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anyways I gotta ask, seein as how I only skimmed this thread but what about stone hammers, fire swords, ice swords, an' energy melee.

Are the devs able to change those weapons, or are those "baked" into the sets?

I could understand if they can but choose not to because of the whole theme of the powersets, I just wanna know IF they could.

-The Legendary J-Man-

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Those aren't 'technically' weapons. They are part of the powers. Those things would need to have all the particle effects that accompany them stripped down to grayscale and recolored.

Those powers would fall under the rest of power customization, much like Energy Blast, Fire Control, etc.



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.



[ QUOTE ][*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!

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I am really excited for this, but really I just want to know if I can change the Mace into a Bat and can finally make my Bionic Six Sport One character I have always wanted.

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Actually, mace would be a good choice for a number of blunt weapons (bat, pipe, wrench,...). I also hope they add some different types of maces as well, like these: Mace, 3 Maces. That's usually what I think of when someone is talking about a mace.



so when does south park make a Cox episode?

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anyways I gotta ask, seein as how I only skimmed this thread but what about stone hammers, fire swords, ice swords, an' energy melee.

Are the devs able to change those weapons, or are those "baked" into the sets?

I could understand if they can but choose not to because of the whole theme of the powersets, I just wanna know IF they could.

-The Legendary J-Man-

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Those aren't 'technically' weapons. They are part of the powers. Those things would need to have all the particle effects that accompany them stripped down to grayscale and recolored.

Those powers would fall under the rest of power customization, much like Energy Blast, Fire Control, etc.

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I can understand that for energy melee, but a stone hammer you can pull out and run around with just as much as a broadsword. Which is why I think the devs could, but choose not too.



What about my mace? Can I do anything with that? I've already noticed the Mace seems to have 5 different types depending on archetype but I hate the Mace style on Masterminds. I'd rather have the one with the bigger spikes Brutes get but not actually be playing a Brute.

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You mean the arachnos mace you can shoot with? That's highly doubtful you'll be able to customize that with a shovel that shoots!

Mr and Mrs Beast - Ninja/Trick Arrow/Scirocco... YES! and still wandering if the Jounin are getting Dual Blades.

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Nope, pets' costumes and weapons are not customizable.

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You missunderstood me.

1. I'm not asking if I can replace the Arachnos Mace with a shouvel or a War Mace I'm asking if I can switch the Mastermind style Arachnos Mace with the Brute Styal Arachnos Mace.

They both use the same aimations anyway but the Mastermind mace is coverered in several tiny spikes while the brute mace hase 2 verry large "horn-like" spikes on it.

2. I'm not asking if pets weapons will be costumizable. I'm asking if the Jounin will be given Dual Blades where it's appriate for them to have Dual Blades.

Currently Jounin allready have 2 swords mounted on their backs when they're trained however they continue to only use a single sword.

I think it looks horrible but I accepted it because there's not currently a Dual Blades powerset in the game. After i11 there will be Dual Blades in game and I will not be so understanding of why they carrey 2 swords but only use 1.

This is basically what will happen. After i11 launch if Jounin start useing Dual Blades I will be verry verry happy. I see they continue to use only one sword then Cryptic is going to be bombbarded with pettitions to give Trained Jounins Dual Blades.



I'm seriously pooping in my pants with anticipation right now!

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I'm pretty sure I didn't need to know that.

Go change your pants, stinky...

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hehehe.... i'm comin to sit in yiour lap

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



so when does south park make a Cox episode?

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anyways I gotta ask, seein as how I only skimmed this thread but what about stone hammers, fire swords, ice swords, an' energy melee.

Are the devs able to change those weapons, or are those "baked" into the sets?

I could understand if they can but choose not to because of the whole theme of the powersets, I just wanna know IF they could.

-The Legendary J-Man-

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Those aren't 'technically' weapons. They are part of the powers. Those things would need to have all the particle effects that accompany them stripped down to grayscale and recolored.

Those powers would fall under the rest of power customization, much like Energy Blast, Fire Control, etc.

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I can understand that for energy melee, but a stone hammer you can pull out and run around with just as much as a broadsword. Which is why I think the devs could, but choose not too.

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Stone also uses particles that would have to be colored as well. Iirc, a Stone Mallet hitting something would break off little rock chunks that go flying. Those would have to be colored too, which means stripping it down to grayscale. It's not simply a matter of 'Well, this power draws a weapon!'. You have to consider what the weapon does as well.

Stone Melee is not a complete weapons set as well. It has, what, 2 powers that use the 'weapon'? As compared to the other sets that use the weapon for the vast majority of their powers. For them to do a partial weapon set, would lead to 'Well, why didn't you do X set? It only has two powers that draw the 'weapon'.'.

Just give it time. It's a start. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.



Here's my question about Weapon Customization. If I've got a Tommygun in my blaster's hands, how do I use Flamethrower?

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If your gonna nit pick it, keep your super soaker.




This is to all those that now or in the future go "OMG THIS SUXX0RS!!! I'm CANCELLING MY ACCOUNT!""

Just leave. Now. Don't tell us you are leaving, don't tell us why you are leaving, we don't care and odds are neither do the developers. Until you actually don't pay them, you are just threatening them trying to get them to do things YOUR way instead of the way they are doing it. It didn't work in Ultima Online, Everquest, Everquest II, World of Warcraft, or any other MMORPGs. Threatening to cancel your account isn't the way to get the developers to listen, it's not the way to get ANYONE to listen to you.

So, do your fellow players a favor, and don't waste our bandwidth having to load up your "OMG IM QUITTING" crap, just quit and don't waste OUR time.

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If one is worried about "wasting" one's time, I wonder which way is faster? Spending 0.5 second to click on the "Back" button when one sees a post that one doesn't like, or spending 5.43 minutes composing a manifesto demanding people to not talk about things that one doesn't like. Exercising personal responsibilities. What a concept.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



... O.... M..... G.....

THIS IS AWESOME! I am really excited for the customizable weapons thing... I was actually just wishing that they had this last night lol. It said that Robotics/Pulse rifle and Thugs/Dual Pistols is on there for options... does this mean that you can actually change the appearance of your minions? THAT would be awesome (seriously... all the bots look the same lol).

Anyway, all I can say is that this is an update of epic proportions. You Devs are AWESOME!!!!


Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



If you have to wait till lvl 30-35 to get weapons like Vangaurd energy claw, or Rikti swords, or Daggers in Croatoa......that sucks. I understand wanting to make things unlockable and making us work for things....but if I have to play 35 of 50 levels just to get the costume peice/weapon my character in bases upon....well that is just lame.

PLEASE either make all weapons available at lvl 1 or at least make them sellable on the market.

[/ QUOTE ] - Bram_Mohan

....No mention of that Witch Hat only obtainable after completing a TF?
Or earning costume pieces only by impressing a group (think Vanguard) enough that they give you access to their equipment?
So the idea is that your character uses a weapon until he defeats a villain and takes a "trophy" (think the base display items or the descriptions listed under the Souvenir section). We are getting several choices at start up as it is and the only thing you can do is complain that a few items will not be immediately available. To me the reasons for these things are perfectly justifiable in a roleplay sense.
The "I want! I want! I want!" syndrome needs to pass. Leave that to your 6-year-old kid sister. Realize getting more is better than getting nothing at all, and that earning it makes it that much nicer to have.

(edited for spelling)

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Lovely comment about the six year old whining. That was needed.

I think I have a very valid point. If I want to make a character based on those green vangaurd blades, I have to run around with claws for 35 levels first. That s kinda silly.

I am nt a fan of any costume pieces r weaons being locked up untill later levels. These things give no advantage in PvP or PvE, they are simply cosmetic ways to customize your character. People want to make unique,specificcharacter they have in their heads. Unlocking capes and auras is ne thing, not being able to make the character I want for 35 levels is another.

Even though I have 36 month vet rewards, I think it is a mistake to make costume pieces a vet reward also. I would be really pissed if I was new to this game and wanted to make a boxer, only to find out I would have to wait 3 years to do so.

As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less. Although for someone who just wants to make a witch character from the get go, it sucks.



I case there's any more confusion about what I was talking about with the maces and because I gave horible descriptions of the different maces here it is again with visual ades. (I took screen shots)

Here is Vestereo 1, my robot/traps MM with his current lame mace that I've never liked.

Here is my dad's stoner brute DIRTY DUCK with his Mace. See the difference?

My dad actully got the Mace BEFORE I did and at the time I didn't know the appearance of the Mace would change for every archetype. I thought his mace looked cool but when I got my mace I was entirly disapointed with it. (Allthough this is actully the first time I seen my mace with the graphics all the way up and it doesn't look as horibly bad as I originally thought.)

It'd allso be nice if I could change the color of my Mace because the Black and Red mace doesn't really blend with my Gold and Silver color scheme.



Hmm... nevermind about the customizable minions... guess you cant customize them (awesome as that would be)

As for all of the "I need Weapon A to make Character B, otherwise it wont look right for 35 levels", I actually agree. Stuff like powers, inventions, salvages, etc. Are great for getting at high levels. But costume parts are what makes the character who he (or she) is. The Vanguard claws look awesome, and I could totally base a Technology Claws Scrapper entirely off those claws. Running around with a Tech origin and costume while using normal claws would just look weird lol. The weapon appearance is simply for looks, and has no actual effect in combat, so I just think that they should be available to you from the start (I never quite understood why you had to pay so much to get a **** pair of rocket boots or special wings lol). This is just my humble opinion, so please dont hurl insults at my head. Please.

Anyway, sorry for long post, but customizable costume parts are just plain awesome. (Seriously though, those Vanguard claws are awesome, and I just think stuff like that should be available to anyone who wants to make a character with a certain theme).

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



wow everything in the issue are player suggestions. the devs must be insane, that never happens in an mmo! thanks for listening guys!



Im just happy about the new invention stuff and enhancements. The other stuff is ok...but im looking forward to those.



Jeez thanks, devs. Now I feel shafted.

I was expecting i11 to suck, but the weapons customization thing alone raised an eyebrow.

Looks like i may hafta rescind my snarky comments about Brutes and Tanks looking like Scrappers and Stalkers with dual blades.



So who wants to start a dual blade brute SG? (:



I hope it come out soon, I wonder how to get the Flashback power to go in the past. This patch will most likely take alot of poeple from World of Warcaft hehehe.



The Dual blades look really cool (especially with the option of diffirent blades for each hand), and I'm definitely gonna make a Dual Blades scrapper ASAP.

Willpower, on the other hand, I'm not quite so excited about. Sure, its a great power to add, and will work for many characters, but overall it just doesnt seem as cool (Maybe thats just because it wouldnt really match any of my current characters, lol).

Anyway, kudos to the Devs for what is looking like an awesome issue!

Edit: Anyone know where I can find images of the new weapons? I've seen a few, but really want to see more. Oh, and any ideas on when this is going live (not on test servers)?

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



OH man.. i'm tellin ya.. weapon customization has been something I've wanted in a long time. I think it would be a great idea to make them unlockable.... that's cool! Makes you feel like you EARNED the right to use the weapon. Although I do hope that SOME options are available to us at lvl 1. More can come later... :P

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



One request in the line of weapon customization, pet customization for MM's. Nothing too deatailed but simple stuff like setting pets to be male or female to better fit you characters background, setting uniform colors to match your VG's colors, putting your emblem on them stuff like that.



One request in the line of weapon customization, pet customization for MM's. Nothing too deatailed but simple stuff like setting pets to be male or female to better fit you characters background, setting uniform colors to match your VG's colors, putting your emblem on them stuff like that.

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The chances of getting female MM pets is extremely slim. Mostly due to, well, let's say 'less than mature' people that would misuse the emote system with said pets.

It's possible that they'll happen, a Carnie set would be kewl, but not likely.