Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




I'm gone for almost 3 months and come back to this FRIGGIN' AWESOME news!


...gonna go play now...

EDIT: ...wait, when's this going live???



If you have to wait till lvl 30-35 to get weapons like Vangaurd energy claw, or Rikti swords, or Daggers in Croatoa......that sucks. I understand wanting to make things unlockable and making us work for things....but if I have to play 35 of 50 levels just to get the costume peice/weapon my character in bases upon....well that is just lame.

PLEASE either make all weapons available at lvl 1 or at least make them sellable on the market.

[/ QUOTE ] - Bram_Mohan

....No mention of that Witch Hat only obtainable after completing a TF?
Or earning costume pieces only by impressing a group (think Vanguard) enough that they give you access to their equipment?
So the idea is that your character uses a weapon until he defeats a villain and takes a "trophy" (think the base display items or the descriptions listed under the Souvenir section). We are getting several choices at start up as it is and the only thing you can do is complain that a few items will not be immediately available. To me the reasons for these things are perfectly justifiable in a roleplay sense.
The "I want! I want! I want!" syndrome needs to pass. Leave that to your 6-year-old kid sister. Realize getting more is better than getting nothing at all, and that earning it makes it that much nicer to have.

(edited for spelling)

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Lovely comment about the six year old whining. That was needed.

I think I have a very valid point. If I want to make a character based on those green vangaurd blades, I have to run around with claws for 35 levels first. That s kinda silly.

I am nt a fan of any costume pieces r weaons being locked up untill later levels. These things give no advantage in PvP or PvE, they are simply cosmetic ways to customize your character. People want to make unique,specificcharacter they have in their heads. Unlocking capes and auras is ne thing, not being able to make the character I want for 35 levels is another.

Even though I have 36 month vet rewards, I think it is a mistake to make costume pieces a vet reward also. I would be really pissed if I was new to this game and wanted to make a boxer, only to find out I would have to wait 3 years to do so.

As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less. Although for someone who just wants to make a witch character from the get go, it sucks.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who wants hair with the witches hat. I don't mind waiting to get the hat, but I REALLY want hair with it, and won't use it till it gets hair. :P

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Hmm... nevermind about the customizable minions... guess you cant customize them (awesome as that would be)

As for all of the "I need Weapon A to make Character B, otherwise it wont look right for 35 levels", I actually agree. Stuff like powers, inventions, salvages, etc. Are great for getting at high levels. But costume parts are what makes the character who he (or she) is. The Vanguard claws look awesome, and I could totally base a Technology Claws Scrapper entirely off those claws. Running around with a Tech origin and costume while using normal claws would just look weird lol. The weapon appearance is simply for looks, and has no actual effect in combat, so I just think that they should be available to you from the start (I never quite understood why you had to pay so much to get a **** pair of rocket boots or special wings lol). This is just my humble opinion, so please dont hurl insults at my head. Please.

Anyway, sorry for long post, but customizable costume parts are just plain awesome. (Seriously though, those Vanguard claws are awesome, and I just think stuff like that should be available to anyone who wants to make a character with a certain theme).

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Or they can make it obtainable to the whole account, after one hero/villain on the account has bought it.

This is why I don't mind the costume recipes so much, I can get it at lvl 1 or 2 easily.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The flashback system is meh... the customization is a great start... now give us dynamic faces! Quite frankly the facial textures are a steaming pile of horse manure. Cryptic should hire me, I would work for minimum wage + a weekly allotment of powdered doughnuts. :] I would give you dynamic faces with muscular movements and realistic eyes!

Vote for me! ^_^



Alright, I didn't read all 40+ pages. Anyway, has there been any clues as to where these Oroboros Bases will be situated? Will they be set up in low traffic zones like Galaxy and Skyway, or dropped into Talos like everything else?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



this is realy cool I can finaly have wepons that fit my charicter I cant wait good job devs



whith the dual blade customisation, can u give the weapons auras as well?

dual blades with black energy around them would be sooooo cool...



Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?



Is weapon customization only seen by the original player and other players just see the default weapon? Or do all players see each persons customized weapon?

I am guessing the latter is correct but wanted confirmation.




I'm surprised no has asked this yet- what about re-doing missions that reward a temp power to the mission holder- ya'know like a warwolf whistle?? Because that would totally freaking rock!! I'm more interested the bow you get from rescuing that guy in the Croatoa mission/arc. My magic scrapper loves it and it fits his "theme" perfectly I would most definetly do this mission repeatedly to keep on earning the bow.


Flashback looks cool

More powers cool

Power Customization- completely unexpected and greatly greatly appreciated.

Rare-er loot- meh (to me), but whatever, this makes other people/players happy so cooool

Looking to be a great great issue.

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Quoting myself because I would really like an answer to my question- can you re-do arcs that give you a reward at the end- like the wedding band, war wolf whistle, bow and arrow from croatoa and get the reward again? Not have them stack but get another warwolf whistle after yours has expired? Thanx much.

::edit:: clarity and spelling

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



One request in the line of weapon customization, pet customization for MM's. Nothing too deatailed but simple stuff like setting pets to be male or female to better fit you characters background, setting uniform colors to match your VG's colors, putting your emblem on them stuff like that.

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The chances of getting female MM pets is extremely slim. Mostly due to, well, let's say 'less than mature' people that would misuse the emote system with said pets.

It's possible that they'll happen, a Carnie set would be kewl, but not likely.

[/ QUOTE ] That's not a good reason not to have female pets as the same can be done with male pets.

Heck I even have a bio on Cameron the Lovely that makes Dorian the Stronge (Bruiser) her boy friend and she cheats on him with my hero too.

Don't need female pets for people to go around acting like pimps and sluts. Besides that why would they care? One of the contacts in St. Martial is a ****. Jezebel Jones and Johnny Sonata is her pimp. Why do you think she has that rope around her and that couch.



Is weapon customization only seen by the original player and other players just see the default weapon? Or do all players see each persons customized weapon?

I am guessing the latter is correct but wanted confirmation.

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It's essentially a costume piece. So anything that applies to a costume piece will apply to weapons.



Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?

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No. Animations and FX will not change. The redcap dagger is not available for Katana users (handle's not long enough to wield as a katana)



The flashback system is meh... the customization is a great start... now give us dynamic faces! Quite frankly the facial textures are a steaming pile of horse manure. Cryptic should hire me, I would work for minimum wage + a weekly allotment of powdered doughnuts. :] I would give you dynamic faces with muscular movements and realistic eyes!

Vote for me! ^_^

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Take a look at these faces and these (second set have a mix of old style facial textures v. newer style for comparison).

They were added in Issue 7 in CoV (and the revised PPD in CoH now have them).

I've requested on costume request thread that they be released as player choices... but heard nothing.

Sure, they're not the dynamic faces you want, but they are better textures.

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whith the dual blade customisation, can u give the weapons auras as well?

dual blades with black energy around them would be sooooo cool...

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See the link to the weapons guide in my sig. At the start only some blades will be initially tintable and have auras. Eventually, a large number of them will.

Since the Carnie rapiers already have an aura on them, if you can pick rapiers as dual blade choices, you may get your wish right away!

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Quoting myself because I would really like an answer to my question- can you re-do arcs that give you a reward at the end- like the wedding bad, war wolf whistle, bow and arrow from croatoa?? And re-get the reward? Not have them stack but get another warwolf whistle after yours has expired? Thanx much.

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We don't know.

We do know that story arcs can be repeated. But nothing about renewing temp powers from those missions.

It's difficult to go on precedent since in the game, some temp powers are available in limitless supply (every time you do the Chalmer's Ballista mission in CoV, you can pick up a jet pack if your old one has expired); others are limited in number (the number of times you can pick up stealth/phase from PvP zone patrol missions; or the number of times you can pick up Summon Amy from the Katie TF); others are only once (the temp power reward from completing a successful Mayhem/Safeguard mission).

So... dunno.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?

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No. Animations and FX will not change. The redcap dagger is not available for Katana users (handle's not long enough to wield as a katana)

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see, even BAB calls it a Katana...

Just sayin'.



This is really doom.



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



That's cool though now we can get Spelunker a little bit easier. :P

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



With the introduction of inventions in I9, some people got kind of screwed with their patron. Like someone who picked Black Scorpian as a patron and got his shield lost out on the chance to slot resistance uniques on their build(assuming they didn't have any in their set either). It also kind of took out the use of trying for invention positional defense as the shield's defense would almost negate half of it.

Now with I11 it looks like the patrons are going to get even more uneven to screw people who already have them selected. Ghost Widow would take acc debuff sets and Scirroci would take end mod sets(I'm fairly certain that I heard those were both being introduced). Granted that this does depend on what if any procs and/or uniques are in those sets but judging by other stuff, I'd have to say they will include something like that. People like me who have created a toon specifically for procs will lose out if one patron can slot more procs than the others.

I just wish the devs would let us rechoose patrons. While I agreed with keeping them at first, the new issues are pushing some of the sets further and further apart from each other. My only hope is that in the flashback mode or whatever it is that I can go back in time to rechoose my Patron but from my experience with updates, there isn't much of a chance that will happen. Is there?



Alright, I didn't read all 40+ pages. Anyway, has there been any clues as to where these Oroboros Bases will be situated? Will they be set up in low traffic zones like Galaxy and Skyway, or dropped into Talos like everything else?

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Nothing yet.

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Although, the picture they have in the Game Updates section make the bases look like they're way up in the sky or something. That glowing, golden orb might be a way to TP onto it if you're not a Flyer. Sorta like how there are the Blue Orbs in the Shadow Shard that TP you back to FBZ.

I would LOVE it if the bases were up high somewhere within the city or off of an island. It would look so ominous and bad[censored].



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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I do so hope u are wrong.