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  1. If you some how crash, get disconnected unintentionally while these lock outs are in effect. Will one have priority in the queue? I'd hate to be doing a RWZ or something and not be able to get back in.

    Guess I'll have to resort to regular missions.
  2. Mephistilus


    The book will now be made into an animated movie.

    A couple of decades back this is the series of books that got me into Role Playing games.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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    They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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    Yes, but remember, we're getting NEW missions and possibly arcs as well -- help Recluse take the Rogue Isles, stop the COT demon from the comics, etc.

    If so, that means we may also be taking on missions from the alt-timeline Paragon Times as well. I mean, they wouldn't talk about "Recluse and Manticore searching for something in South America" if it wasn't gonna tie into the game, somehow.

    Therefore, it's conceivable we may get a "Go back in time to help someone break out of the Zig" where Jailbird is available, or "Go to the alt timeline and contain the massive amounts of Contaminated in Talos" to get Isolator.

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    Let's hope. I did miss Jailbird with my first villain and didn't know until level 14. But with them putting out the fake stories about no one ever breaking out of the zig and contaminated not being contained in outbreak, it seems likely that there will be some missions setting things back on track. Whether they are kind enough to put in the exploration badges or the right kind of contaminated enemies to count for the badge... well, time will tell. But at least there's a possibility.

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    Actually theres a quest already that takes you back to the Zig and you rescue 3 villains and an operative and escort them out. However when you go to the Jailbird spot on the map there is no badge marker.

    I'm rooting for you though, hopefully they put it in so everyone who wants J.Bird gets it.

    I'll see if I can find who offers that Zig quest and edit my post with a linky.

    Here it is, Operative Wellman in Cap gives the quest.
  4. Is weapon customization only seen by the original player and other players just see the default weapon? Or do all players see each persons customized weapon?

    I am guessing the latter is correct but wanted confirmation.
  5. Anyone else think Marchand looks a little Like Stan Lee. heh heh
  6. Some thing I would like to know is if you have more than one proc IO in a power can they both go off simultaneously?
  7. Thanks for this issue of scoop. I am currently out of commision due to a fried MoBo. While I am waiting for some new parts to arrive, the scoop keeps me connected to the CoX community.

    Thanks for all the people who contribute to the Scoop. It's greatly appreciated.
  8. QR

    I missed the final results of the poll. or are they posted?

    I would love a whip set as well, but it wasn't an option.
  9. Over all a good issue. A lot for players to take in if they haven't been exposed to a market in a mmo before and the ones who have are taking full advantage of it. It will work it self out eventually.

    The CH needs an option to live load or wait for a submittal from the player. Slower PCs probably don't want to list the entire CH when opening the Search function.
  10. QR

    Get every hero/villain that has repel and make a sphere around the ball and close in on it to the point that the big red ball bounces off all recepients so fast that something goes boom.

    --- edit: my 100th post and on the Big red ball forum.... a momentous occasion
  11. City Scoop is great.

    Love all the parts of it. I don't do crossword puzzles but the lay out of the xword puzzle was fantastic.

    Desperately seeking to be interviewed for behind the mask , I'm sure everyone is.

    Thank you to all the people who spent their time and contributed to this City Scoop it's a nice addition to the Gem that the CoX community is.
  12. Here is an idea to fix AoEs. Just a suggestion but here goes.

    Think of AoE dmg as a bomb or mine. Now everything in the bombs radius doesnt get completely destroyed some times u can be close unscathed if u were say right next to the bomb in rare cases (ears maybe ringing).

    So.... Lets say u hit 100% of mobs with ur accuracy (which I think there is an accuracy cap of 90 or 95% not sure sorry)

    Now we have some statistical weighted roll for each mob to take full or partial damage. so 75% to 95% of mobs take full dmg from the AoE and fall over and die.

    The other 25% to 5% of MObs take 1/2 to 3/4s dmg.

    What this does is annihilates a large portion of the Mobs as a lvl 32 Skill for a blaster is meant to do. But it leaves a mess for the Blaster to clean up. 2nd part of this fix is to make mobs chase the AoEr for a longer period of time. so that even if a SS blaster runs a mile away eventually that mob is going to chase him down. so the Blaster will either have to zone out / kill the mob / or tactically run away for health and come back for the mob b4 it gets him. This costs the blaster extra time and endurance which will slow down his progression by Alpha Strike AoEs.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This will probably garner me a big flaming response, but here it goes, (and if this is already implemented, I apologize):

    Use the datamining and other records to see how quickly different AT's and builds are leveling. Based upon this, and a lot of playtesting, adjust the necessary XP to level accordingly.

    Thus, a defender soloing blues and whites would level at approximately the same pace as a scrapper soloing, say, whites and yellows, (just as an example).

    Now I see how this could be circumvented by having a scrapper/blaster kill reds, oranges, etc, could level defenders really quickly, so some grouping adjustment for XP would have to be taken into account.

    What I am getting at is making it so that all the AT's can level at a similar rate, while not removing one AT's penchant for soloing, (i.e. what strength of enemy they can successfully fight)

    Go ahead... comment, criticize, but make a suggestion that is better, not just an attack!

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    I see where u are coming from and is a very good suggestion. However this would be diffficult to implement in a balanced way and would cause even more debate and arguments on tweaking the various XP rates on the forum.