Discussion: The City Scoop - August 17, 2007




Week 14 of "The City Scoop" a publication for Supers by Supers!

This week’s edition has an exclusive interview with Castle the Development Team's main powers designer. Additionally, it includes "Call To Arms" speech contest honorees. There is also a piece on bases and base editing along with the excellent interviews, behind the mask, and other great content.

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Hertz or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind The Mask’ please contact Teldon

If you need some “Advice” or would like to “Ask The X” contact Lady_Athyna or LiquidX

Please use this thread to discuss this issue of the City Scoop.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.




I truly enjoy Base Raiding. I would love for us to schedule in the time to get that all working again.

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You mean to say that this HASN'T been scheduled in ALREADY?



I really enjoyed the interview with Castle. Great Job Guys.

Ya Lady S...That got me too...but overall a great read.



lol, the picture in the loader makes him look like Dr. Hobo.



I forgot to put a note at the bottom of the Castle interview thanking a few people who helped with the questions.

Many thanks to (in no particular order)

_Kid_, Frosticus, SmokeSignal and EL_AJAX for helping me come up with some really good questions for Castle.



I rather enjoyed it some once more. I was very happy to see the interview with Sayterra, as she's gotta be one of my top favorite artists on CoH - and artist of several of my own arts as seen in the previous issue! The Castle interview was interesting, and more so the interview with Dayn from the Virtue server. Its always cool seeing people you know pop up.

And also, thanks for putting in my pic of Soul Train!




GJ, and some interesting reads and interviews



Why the heavy load of pvp questions for Castle? (counting a 4 to 1 ratio of pvp to pve questions) Usually, I'd put Castle as the powers guy, so I would have figured questions about gauntlet, GIS (greater ice sword), etc, etc.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



Why the heavy load of pvp questions for Castle? (counting a 4 to 1 ratio of pvp to pve questions) Usually, I'd put Castle as the powers guy, so I would have figured questions about gauntlet, GIS (greater ice sword), etc, etc.

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Look above my avatar.



Yea...maybe have someone who's not one side or the other do those kinds of interviews so there's a balance?

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



Or better yet, have a title to the piece that announces the intent. PvP Q & A with Castle would have told me right off that I didn't need to waste my time reading it.

Edit: Especially since many that read the Scoop may not bother checking people's forum titles or know who's PvP oriented or not among the staff. Not everyone spends all their time on the forums after all, and those who aren't into PvP may not recognize a PvP'ers name.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Well, I approached Castle about a PvP slanted interview. There are many questions the PvP community has been asking. I figured I would try to see about getting answers for those questions.



Or better yet, have a title to the piece that announces the intent. PvP Q & A with Castle would have told me right off that I didn't need to waste my time reading it.

Edit: Especially since many that read the Scoop may not bother checking people's forum titles or know who's PvP oriented or not among the staff. Not everyone spends all their time on the forums after all, and those who aren't into PvP may not recognize a PvP'ers name.

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The idea of having the title be PvP Q&A with castle would have been better I admit. Wish I would have thought of it.

Even some of the answers for "PvP" questions are interesting from a purely PvE point of view I think. The Power Animation times right off the top of my head. Also the Cathedral of Pain Trial question.

Look at the bright side. This probably won't be the only Dev interview the City Scoop does and I most certainly will not be the only one doing the interviews.



damn....no people from guardian again??? whats that....3 or 4 weeks now?? i think i stoped counting somewhere.

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



Bob to be honest the more people [censored] about thier server not being covered the more I tend to do the oppisite of what they want. When you started [censored] about this, there was a guardian player in the rikti reactions article. I told you how I do BtM now. If your server does not send me anything, I can'y do anything about it.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Nice issue. It was fun to read about some Castle's comments regarding PvP. Have to send a shot out to Dayn aka Captain Starfall!



The main reason, I think, that the interview with Castle was so heavily PvP orriented is because, well, look at PvP for a minute. Base raids are broken, and have been for a while. Arena bugs were just now fixed, but still lack the support from which they could be so much better. There are so many questions that were unanswered within the world of PvP that we needed someone to answer them.



I cannot help but feel that he completely avoided the question pertaining to the PPPs (among other problems). That part of the interview felt like a definite disappointment.



Thanks for this issue of scoop. I am currently out of commision due to a fried MoBo. While I am waiting for some new parts to arrive, the scoop keeps me connected to the CoX community.

Thanks for all the people who contribute to the Scoop. It's greatly appreciated.



Bob to be honest the more people [censored] about thier server not being covered the more I tend to do the oppisite of what they want. When you started [censored] about this, there was a guardian player in the rikti reactions article. I told you how I do BtM now. If your server does not send me anything, I can'y do anything about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

well to let you know...when companies let in game people do things like this...it gets a little bias. in other words..you'll do what you feel like whether you feel its right or wrong...which i have no doubt that its what your doing. putting my brothers (yes its my real life brother) little picture in the last one does not impress anyone. you seem to do alot of the same servers people every week. while i did not pick the person to do these things such as interviews, maybe its time to get someone else to do them if they cant get the job done. i would just like people to know theres more servers then virtue and freedom.

hire me then for the scoop then....ill give ya want ya want. but watch your mouth either way...cursing at people asking why once again our server seems to be overlooked , just shows your probably to immature for what your doing. RESPECT IS EARNED , NEVER GIVEN

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



I cannot help but feel that he completely avoided the question pertaining to the PPPs (among other problems). That part of the interview felt like a definite disappointment.

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That was what stuck out to me. Either they don't want to discuss internal discussions on PPPs, or don't intend to do anything about them. Personally I'd like heroes and villains to both get epics and PPPs for balance.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Whoever does /em Smack - a big congrats from me. Every comic I've seen has been awesome.



Bob to be honest the more people [censored] about thier server not being covered the more I tend to do the oppisite of what they want. When you started [censored] about this, there was a guardian player in the rikti reactions article. I told you how I do BtM now. If your server does not send me anything, I can'y do anything about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

well to let you know...when companies let in game people do things like this...it gets a little bias. in other words..you'll do what you feel like whether you feel its right or wrong...which i have no doubt that its what your doing. putting my brothers (yes its my real life brother) little picture in the last one does not impress anyone. you seem to do alot of the same servers people every week. while i did not pick the person to do these things such as interviews, maybe its time to get someone else to do them if they cant get the job done. i would just like people to know theres more servers then virtue and freedom.

hire me then for the scoop then....ill give ya want ya want. but watch your mouth either way...cursing at people asking why once again our server seems to be overlooked , just shows your probably to immature for what your doing. RESPECT IS EARNED , NEVER GIVEN

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa. Everyone calm down a little. Teldon said that no one from Guardian has sent him a PM to be in BTM. What should he do? Send PM's to everyone ont he forums? Make something up?

I'm sorry, and I really don't mean to sound like I'm just jumping to his defense but, if no one contacts him what is he supposed to do? Why don't you send him a PM? Right now, click on his forum name and click on 'send private message'.

If the requirements for being interviewed are to send a PM, why has no one from Guardian sent one?

Ok? I'm trying not to sound snarky or anything so if I did, I'm sorry.



Q: Is there any plans to take power animations into account when balancing powers against each other?

Castle: Future powersets will have animation times taken into consideration.

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Awesome. And he also said as time permits he'd revamp animation times in other sets. Hopefully that means Archery can get a buff.