Mini-FAQ on Damage Procs




What does proc mean?

Using Positron's own words "..a Proc, meaning a procedure that has a chance of happening." Source.

Or in other words, Proc(edure)s create specific effects depending on the outcome of a randomly generated number.

Does the level of the IO effect the damage of a proc?

No, the damage from procs varies by Combat Level, and has no bearing on the level of the proc IO, nor which proc. They all do the same damage, however the damage type of each proc does make a difference due to Enemy resistances. The Smashing and Lethal damage procs are more often resisted than the other damage types.

What is the chance of the proc firing?

All Damage procs have a 20% Chance of firing except Touch of Death which only has a 15% Chance.
The more you use a power with a proc (such as in fast-recharge attacks), the more often it will succeed. I11 added in new procs; the Purple Recipes, their procs all have a chance to fire of 33%. While the new debuff/knockback procs have the standard 20% chance of firing

If I use multiple procs does that increase the chance of the proc firing?

Yes and no. If you slot a 20% and 15% chance for damage proc into the same power, you do not get 35% chance for damage. What you do get is two separate chances for damage. In the end you get a 29% chance for one of the procs to fire, a 3% chance for both procs to fire, and a 68% chance for neither proc to fire. (Why does it work like this? Chance for no procs is determined as (100% - Chance of proc 1) * ( 100% - Chance of proc 2)

What about powers that only have a chance for the enhancements type to fire off (Such as Energy Blast with Explosive Strike)?

There has been much debate about this particular point; via testing and thanks to Biowraith, there is now a perfect example/proof of how this works. In essence, a power only needs to be enhanceable for the type of enhancement for the proc to fire off. The power does not even need to contain such an effect for the proc to work! That is to say, slotting an Explosive Strike chance for Smashing into a power that has a 20% chance for Knockback, it will roll the chance for Smashing proc whether or not the chance for knockback the power has inherently fires off! What's my proof? Robotics Mastermind's first attack, Pulse Rifle Blast (Tier1 attack), has NO knockback effect at all, however, the power accepts both Knockback enhancers and Knockback Set Enhancers, and yes, the Explosive Strike proc works in it.

Does the damage of the procs increase with Damage buffs?

No, all of the procs are set to ignore Enhancement and Power Bonuses. However, the procs will benefit from Resist debuffs in PvE

Do procs benefit from Resist Debuffs in PvP?

Many procs have their damage set to be unresistable in PvP. This means that while they will always apply their full damage regardless of any damage resistance the opponent might have, the procs will not do more damage when Resist Debuffs are applied.

Thanks to Auspice the following damage procs are confirmed as unresistable in PvP, Neuronic Shutdown, Ghost Widow's Embrace, Trap of the Hunter, and Unbreakable Constraint. Only two procs are confirmed as resistable in PvP, Touch of Lady Grey, and Apocalypse.

Does the damage of the procs vary with Archetype?

No, the damage does not. The damage is based on the "TempDamage" table which is independent of the Archetype.
This means that viewing the proc as a damage buff it will be a greater bonus (by percentage) in a lower damage attack or for a lower damage archetype.

Does a power have to do damage to be able to activate a damage proc?

No, procs are completely independent on how much damage if any the power does. As long as a power hits, whether itÂ’s normally a damage dealing power or not, any damage proc slotted in that power will do damage.

How much damage do the procs do?

Well, thanks to _Brev_ we have the following table! All of the procs do Damage Scale 0.67 of TempDamage Modifier. With I11 added in we now have "moderate" damage procs, that is, the purple procs. Purple procs use the same damage modifier but they are 1.0 Damage Scalar. I've added in their damage below (Obviously since it's a 1.0 damage scalar it's going to be same as the actual damage modifier).

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Level TempDamage ProcDamage PurpleDamage
1 -10 -6.7 -10
2 -11.05 -7.4 -11.05
3 -12.18 -8.16 -12.18
4 -13.39 -8.97 -13.39
5 -14.69 -9.84 -14.69
6 -16.08 -10.77 -16.08
7 -17.55 -11.76 -17.55
8 -19.12 -12.81 -19.12
9 -20.78 -13.92 -20.78
10 -22.53 -15.1 -22.53
11 -24.38 -16.33 -24.38
12 -26.31 -17.63 -26.31
13 -28.35 -18.99 -28.35
14 -30.47 -20.41 -30.47
15 -32.68 -21.89 -32.68
16 -34.97 -23.43 -34.97
17 -37.35 -25.03 -37.35
18 -39.81 -26.67 -39.81
19 -42.34 -28.37 -42.34
20 -44.93 -30.11 -44.93
21 -47.59 -31.89 -47.59
22 -50.31 -33.7 -50.31
23 -53.07 -35.55 -53.07
24 -55.86 -37.43 -55.86
25 -58.69 -39.32 -58.69
26 -61.54 -41.23 -61.54
27 -64.39 -43.14 -64.39
28 -67.25 -45.06 -67.25
29 -70.09 -46.96 -70.09
30 -72.91 -48.85 -72.91
31 -75.69 -50.71 -75.69
32 -78.43 -52.55 -78.43
33 -81.1 -54.34 -81.1
34 -83.71 -56.08 -83.71
35 -86.23 -57.77 -86.23
36 -88.65 -59.4 -88.65
37 -90.97 -60.95 -90.97
38 -93.17 -62.42 -93.17
39 -95.23 -63.81 -95.23
40 -97.16 -65.1 -97.16
41 -98.94 -66.29 -98.94
42 -100.55 -67.37 -100.55
43 -102 -68.34 -102
44 -103.27 -69.19 -103.27
45 -104.36 -69.92 -104.36
46 -105.26 -70.52 -105.26
47 -105.96 -71 -105.96
48 -106.47 -71.34 -106.47
49 -106.78 -71.54 -106.78
50 -107.09 -71.75 -107.09
</pre><hr />

How does a proc work in (Insert Toggle Power)?

A proc will have a chance to fire once every 10 seconds while in a Toggle, whether or not there are any valid targets in the toggle and whether the proc fires off or not it gets one chance every 10 seconds. In most Damage Toggles the proc will have a chance to fire off on every 5th damage tick (Damage Toggles tick at a rate of every 2 seconds)

How does a proc work in (Insert Rain/Emanation Power)?

A proc will have a chance to fire once every 10 seconds for the duration of the Rain/Emanation Power. For a power that only lasts 10 seconds, it will get two chances off (Tested this myself and confirmed).

What happens when multiple enemies are hit by a proc?

The proc is calculated separately for each enemy. This means if you hit 10 enemies with say, Buckshot, then on average two enemies will be effected by the proc.

Will Scourge, Scrapper Criticals, Controller Containment or Damage over Time effects increase proc rate?

No, they will not. procs are based on "per activation". For powers that are not pseudo-pets, this means one chance per use. Psuedo pets follow the rule as outlined above, once every 10 seconds they get a chance.

Which procs do what type of damage?

Standard non-unique procs
(Confuse) Cacophony: 20% Chance for Energy Damage
(Confuse) Malaise's Illusions: 20% Chance for Psionic Damage
(Fear) Glimpse of the Abyss: 20% Chance for Psionic Damage
(Hold) Neuronic Shutdown: 20% Chance for Psionic Damage
(Hold) Ghost Widow's Embrace: 20% Chance for Psionic Damage
(Immobilize) Trap of the Hunter: 20% Chance for Lethal Damage
(Melee)Touch of Death: 15% Chance for Negative Energy Damage
(Melee) Mako's Bite: 20% Chance for Lethal Damage
(PBAoE)Scirocco's Dervish: 20% Chance for Lethal Damage
(Slow) Impeded Swiftness: 20% Chance for Smashing Damage
(Snipers) Sting of the Manticore: 20% Chance for Toxic Damage
(Targeted AoE) Positron's Blast: 20% Chance for Energy Damage
(Defense Debuff)Touch of Lady Grey: 20% Chance for Negative Damage
(Knockback) Explosive Strike: 20% Chance for Smashing Damage
(Taunt) Perfect Zinger: 20% Chance for Psionic Damage

Purple unique procs
(Ranged, Purple) Apocalypse: 33% Chance for Negative Damage
(Melee, Purple) Hecatomb: 33% Chance for Negative Damage
(PBAoE, Purple)Armageddon: 33% Chance for Fire Damage
(Hold, Purple)Unbreakable Constraint: 33% Chance for Smashing Damage

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Nice guide. Mind a few comments?

They all do the same damage.

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May be worth mentioning that various enemy resistances may affect things. eg, Psionic is going to probably be better than Smashing.

(Subjective) It is better to slot Procs in fast recharging attacks than in slower recharging attacks.

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Less-subjective phrasing: The more often you get a Proc to fire (such as in fast-recharge attacks), the more often it will succeed.

(Subjective) This makes the procs more useful for Archetypes with lower Melee/Ranged Damage Modifiers.

[/ QUOTE ]
again, less-subjective: This means that viewing the Proc as a damage buff it will be a greater bonus (by percentage) in a lower damage attack or for a lower damage archetype.



I don't mind at all, thanks for reading and the comments

Okay I updated it, I liked your wording better, tweaked one of them though. Thanks again

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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A subtle but minor point which may help avoid confusion for some people (like me) ...

The reason why some Click powers, such as the various rains (etc.), are allowed "a second bite at the apple" after 10 seconds is because such powers are encoded as a long chain of high speed activations, rather than as a single "lump sum" effect. This is the same behavioral model as is being used by Toggles, which use multiple activations of their effect over a period of time (such as Damage Auras, etc.). It is this "continuous activations over time" behavior which allows for additional Proc Chance(s) after 10 seconds have elapsed, rather than a simple boolean question of "Toggle? (Y/N)" that one might otherwise expect.

Thus ... Click powers such as Rains and burning Oil Slick get an additional chance to Proc every 10 seconds ... while long duration effects such as Click Fear powers only get a chance to Proc on the initial cast, since they are not continually "activating" themselves over time like a Damage Aura or a Rain would.

Oil Slick can actually be slotted with Positron's Blast, which has an Energy Damage Proc in the set. Unfortunately(?), the "damage" side of the power does not come into play until the deployed Oil Slick is lit and burning ... at which point it starts doing damage and THEN the Energy Damage Proc starts checking for chance to do damage to all (hapless) targets within the flames. So, unfortunately, Oil Slick is not "self-igniting" with Positron's Blast slotted, but can make use of the Proc once lit.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Redlynne, I think the imporant detail to focus on is the type of power. The key difference is whether or not the power summons a "pet". Not an actual pet, but a pet-like invisible object.

A rain power is technically a pet that throws out a damage AOE power every so often. It's like an invisible Auto Turret, or Poison Gas Trap.

I believe the rule of thumb is that "dropped" powers are all pets. Burn is not a targeted drop, but is still a drop - it doesn't move with you like Blazing Aura does. Targeted powers are typically not pets, but there are a few exceptions. (Kinetic Transfusion and Transferrence are pets and targeted, but don't take Procs.) Is there a better way to determine which is which?

Though I wonder if it really matters if a Rain will fire the Proc twice - it's not like a lot of people are in the Rain for all 10 seconds, and I don't think an extra tick from a Proc will make or break whether you want to slot it in there. Are there any pet-like powers that last more than 10 seconds?

What does this all mean for Oil Slick? Oil Slick is techincally 2 pets. The first pet is the knockdown-empowered black slick. When that pet takes damage, it summons a burning patch, which has the Proc effect running. Thus the 10 second timer starts moving when the burning pet is spawned.



Nice guide! One thing you might want to add is how multiple targets are affected. For example, in a toggle AoE like Quills, when the proc fires (once every ten seconds) does it have a 20% chance to hit all enemies in range or a 20% chance to hit each enemy in range? I believe the correct answer is that the proc rolls once for each of the targets in range at the time it activates, with a 20% chance of hitting each one. That's one of the questions people often have.

Oh, and I thought proc was just short for procedure.

As an aside, does anyone know why Touch of Death only has a 15% chance? I'm hoping that was an oversight and it will be pushed up to 20% one of these days. Sure, negative damage is less resisted than smashing or lethal, but psionic isn't resisted very often either, and those are all 20%.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



The big question I had about damage procs was: "Am I better off slotting a damage proc or a regular damage enhancement?" The answer is that it depends on how much damage the power does, and how many damage enhancements I have already put in.

On average, the amount of damage a proc will do is equal to that number from the chart in your post, based on level, times the odds of the proc happening, usually 20%. So for a level 50 character, a Mako's bite proc will add an average of 14.2 points of damage to every hit. In other words...

(level dependent damage from chart) * (0.2) = average damage from a proc with a 20% chance of activation

The amount of extra damage you get by adding a damage enhancement depends on the damage the power does, and on what percentage you get from the enhancement (which depends on relative levels, current slotting, and what kind of enhancement it is).

If you have no damage enhancements already in a power, and you are using an even level SO (33.33%), then you will be better off using the damage enhancement in any power for which the base damage is more than the proc damage divided by .3333. For a level 50, the magic number is 43. If a power does 43 points of damage, then adding an even level SO will increase your damage by 43 * .33 = 14.19.

For any power that does more than 43 points of damage, as a level 50, you are better off enhancing the damage than adding a damage proc. For comparison, a level 50 /rad defender does almost 22 points of damage with neutrino bolt. A level 50 broadsword scrapper does 163 points of damage with Headsplitter.

As you hit the soft cap on damage enhancement from ED, you are pretty much guaranteed to be better off adding a damage proc than trying to shove in more damage enhancements.

IO enhancements are trickier, because we aren't just talking about 33.3% increases. The principle remains the same though: figure out what % bonus you will get from the enhancement (easiest to see if you can hover the enhancement over the power without actually slotting it) and multiply that by the base damage (which you can get from Red Tomax's excellent City of Data, for level 50's) and compare to the proc damage from the chart in the OP.

Of course, sometimes reducing the recharge on an attack will end up increasing the damage you can get out of it by more than any direct damage enhancement, but that's a another ball of wax entirely.

(Oh, another question you might want to address in the guide: what happens with the proc when a scrapper gets a critical? I think the answer is nothing, but I'm not sure.)

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



(level dependent damage from chart) * (0.2) = average damage from a proc with a 20% chance of activation

[/ QUOTE ]
I think that's a very misleading way to approach these.
Let's say that your formula converts a Proc to the equivalent of an SO. (Which is what you get out of the formula with a Ghost Widow in a low damage Hold power.) There's still a very significant difference between getting an SO buff on every hit and getting 5 times an SO Buff on an occasional hit.

For that reason, I actually prefer the Proc in a Hold in place of SOs, even though it costs so much more than a Damage IO. When it goes off, it can take a huge bite out of a minion and change who I'm deciding to target, where spreading around small SO buffs of damage on one hit is not going to be very noticable. But it's less useful against something like an AV where you need a sustained damage to beat their Regen.

Or consider Ice Bolt. The Proc is not a buff on average taking you to the equivalent of 115% Damage Buff and beating the ED cap, it's instead a 20% chance for double-Scourge.

To draw a comparison to other analysis... people talk about HP Regen in terms of equivalent damage mitigation per minute, but you can't forget the key difference that Regen won't stop you from being 2-shot. It's OK to make the comparison, but don't lose perspective.

(Oh, another question you might want to address in the guide: what happens with the proc when a scrapper gets a critical? I think the answer is nothing, but I'm not sure.)

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Good question to include, I agree.
The answer is that the Proc is not affected by things like Criticals, Containment or Scourge, similar to how damage buffs do not affect it.

On a related issue, one of the huge advantage of Procs is that they are independent of the damage cap, since they're separate damage than the power's normal effect. That makes them useful for people using things like Fulcrum Shift, or who like to max out Fury/Defiance constantly. (Course, if you've got 400% Damage Buff going, that 70 damage from the Proc is pretty minor, especially for what you pay for the IO.)



A subtle but minor point which may help avoid confusion for some people (like me) ...

The reason why some Click powers, such as the various rains (etc.), are allowed "a second bite at the apple" after 10 seconds is because such powers are encoded as a long chain of high speed activations, rather than as a single "lump sum" effect. This is the same behavioral model as is being used by Toggles, which use multiple activations of their effect over a period of time (such as Damage Auras, etc.). It is this "continuous activations over time" behavior which allows for additional Proc Chance(s) after 10 seconds have elapsed, rather than a simple boolean question of "Toggle? (Y/N)" that one might otherwise expect.

Thus ... Click powers such as Rains and burning Oil Slick get an additional chance to Proc every 10 seconds ... while long duration effects such as Click Fear powers only get a chance to Proc on the initial cast, since they are not continually "activating" themselves over time like a Damage Aura or a Rain would.

Oil Slick can actually be slotted with Positron's Blast, which has an Energy Damage Proc in the set. Unfortunately(?), the "damage" side of the power does not come into play until the deployed Oil Slick is lit and burning ... at which point it starts doing damage and THEN the Energy Damage Proc starts checking for chance to do damage to all (hapless) targets within the flames. So, unfortunately, Oil Slick is not "self-igniting" with Positron's Blast slotted, but can make use of the Proc once lit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, that is exactly why they work like that. My intention with this mini-faq was more to answer things simply rather than get into the nitty gritty.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Some thing I would like to know is if you have more than one proc IO in a power can they both go off simultaneously?



Yes, they can.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



As an aside, does anyone know why Touch of Death only has a 15% chance? I'm hoping that was an oversight and it will be pushed up to 20% one of these days. Sure, negative damage is less resisted than smashing or lethal, but psionic isn't resisted very often either, and those are all 20%.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm afraid you answered your own question. The NE Proc in Touch of Death is a 15% chance, instead of 20%, precisely because NE Damage is resisted less.

The reason why the Psionic Damage Procs are all 20% is because the only power types that can take those Procs are ones with mezz effects, and consequently tend to have longer recharge times than the equivalent Melee or Ranged attack power designed around inflicting damage. Thus in actual gameplay, even though the proc chance is higher, they tend to inflict as much damage per hour of gameplay as a more resisted damage type which is able to be used more often (and thus proc more times against higher resistances).

At least, that's my understanding of the structure we have to work with ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



thank you, thank you, thank you! Maybe this will cut down some on the never ending stream of Proc questions in the forums.

Zaphod's just this guy, you know.



thank you, thank you, thank you! Maybe this will cut down some on the never ending stream of Proc questions in the forums.

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Thanks! Thats the entire reason I did this. Basically a place to answer all of the proc questions in a simple easy place.

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I'm afraid you answered your own question. The NE Proc in Touch of Death is a 15% chance, instead of 20%, precisely because NE Damage is resisted less.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, that would be right. Have to look at the recharge rate of each power that can accept a specific proc. And when it comes down to it, Melee powers have the fastest recharge rates in the game (Brawl, Boxing, Shadow Punch, Barrage, and Jab to name a few).

Even at just 15% for the ToD proc I still find it very useful, that 5% is "almost" negligible in actual "feel". The ToD proc may go off 25% less of the time compared to Mako's, however, when it comes down to it the Mako's proc is doing 70% of the damage of the ToD proc against foes that matter to me. That is, bosses that have 30% Lethal/Smash Resistance and have no Negative Energy Resist. This would be all of the Rikti, Freakshow Tankers, Council Archons and War Wolves, all Longbows, and majority of the PPD, etc.

In other words, against a foe with 30% Lethal/Smash resist "on average" the ToD proc is doing 71.75 * 0.15 = 10.7625 compared to Mako's doing 71.75 * 0.20 * 0.70 (30% Resist) = 10.045. Of course as mentioned above this kind of "representation" should be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, the Mako's proc is going to go off more often, but the ToD proc is going to count for more when it does go off. Either way they are both useful in the fast recharging melee attacks. I just suggest slotting the ToD proc before Mako's (In addition I have found the ToD proc to be cheaper villain-side than Mako's)

The one thing I do not understand.. is the Targeted AoE vs Melee and PBAoE. I suppose that might be because I have Buckshot which is one of the fastest recharging Targeted AoE's. And I am also curious why there are no damage procs in the Ranged sets. I can say this for certain on Corruptors, Buckshot with a Posi's proc is essentially giving Buckshot the ability to critical for double damage. &lt;Shrugs&gt; oh well, if the devs think its balanced I'm not going to argue for the Posi Proc to be nerfed, love the double damage it gives my buckshot.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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There's still a very significant difference between getting an SO buff on every hit and getting 5 times an SO Buff on an occasional hit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true. Given that the question "Is it worthwhile to slot a damage proc?" comes up a lot, how would you answer it?

The short but unhelpful answer is, of course, "it depends". The average damage over time a proc does is part of a fuller answer, but as you say there is more to it.

(Oh, and thanks Redlynne and Natsuki for the ToD answer. I hadn't looked at where the psionic ones could be slotted.)

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



This is a great guide! Most of it I knew, but it's helpful having it all in once place like this AND stickied.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



My answer to that, which I won't put in the mini-FAQ because its just my opinion is:

For attacks that can only hit a single target the recharge can not be more than 10 seconds unenhanced.

For attacks that can hit multiple enemies, and do not "pulse" (Toggles, or dropped Rains), the recharge can not be more than 20 seconds unenhanced.

For pulsing toggle powers, procs are worth it when there is at least 80% enhancement for its "main" attribute. (PBAoE Damage Auras be 80% Damage Enhancement, Arctic Air have 80% Confuse Duration and rest procs, etc) Reason I go by enhancement value here, is because of the "every 10 second" rule, in this case it is better that your guaranteed pulses are effective than getting a chance pulse.

For pulsing dropped powers (Rains, or whatever), if they are available for every single spawn or at worse every other, then procs are worth it. If the pulsing dropped power is usable once every four or more spawns, it is not worth the high inf cost of the procs.

Remember, most procs are worth at least 1m for the recipe and all the salvage to craft it. With such an expensive IO, gotta get them into the powers that give the best return. And putting them into powers that recharge slower than the above, in my opinion, is wasting the potential of said IO.


I suppose some info on where I personally have procs slotted would be in order.

For my Katana/Nin Stalker, I have a ToD proc in Sting of the Wasp, Divine Avalanche, and Soaring Dragon they all work excellently and I am even tempted to get the Mako's procs some time. I also plan to put the Scirocco's proc in her Flashing Steel and Golden Dragonfly.

For my AR/Traps Corr, I have a Posi's Proc in Buckshot and Ignite which work wonders on thinning out crowds of enemies, debating about getting a Posi's proc for Flamethrower still, its right on the borderline of my recommendations above but it would help a lot for Flamers "burst" potential. I then have two psi procs in Poison Trap which I use every single spawn, and it nearly guarantees at least 1/4th of the minions in a spawn are knocked down to half health or LOWER from a power that normally does no damage.

Full Auto is a big no no for slotting a Damage Proc in, FA begs for Rech Reducation more than extra Damage. If I had M30 Grenade, I would definitely stick a Posi Proc into it. If I find another Posi Proc (I wouldn't buy one for it), I would slot Caltrops with a Posi Proc just for the extra burst potential. And I am planning a Scirocco's for Trip Mine.

Trip Mine with 95% Damage Enh and Sciroccos would be: 216.8 Lethal and 108.4 Fire Damage every time, with a 50% chance for 108.4 Lethal Damage, and another 20% chance for 71.75 Lethal Damage.

Once my SS/DA Brute gets high enough level, I plan for a ToD Proc in Jab, Punch, and Haymaker, though I won't use Mako's for sure on my SS/DA. (Mainly because of Fury) Just to help out with getting past the 30% Smashing resistance that becomes common in the later game. Though the DM/ELA Buzzsaw does tempt me to try out Mako's with this Brute.

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Added another Q to the FAQ.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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This might be in here, but my brain isn't really comprehending very well tonight.

Question: Does the level of the actual enhancement matter to the damage of the Proc, or is it just the Security/Threat Level of the character?

35218 - Shocking Developments - Where's Gameamp!?
44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.



This might be in here, but my brain isn't really comprehending very well tonight.

Question: Does the level of the actual enhancement matter to the damage of the Proc, or is it just the Security/Threat Level of the character?

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Just the level of the character, the level of the Proc has no say in how much damage it does.



I kinda thought that, but wanted to be certain. Very cool.

35218 - Shocking Developments - Where's Gameamp!?
44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.



Oh and sort of related to that, Proc's aren't affected by exemping like "Set Bonus IOs" are. That is to say a level 50 damage Proc slotted in a level 1 power will have a chance to do damage no matter what level you exemp down to.

Of course if the power the Proc is slotted in becomes unavailable due to exemping then it goes without saying that the Proc won't have a chance to go off - since the power it is in can't be activated which is what would trigger the Proc.



A quick question, does anyone know if the 2% number on the disorient procs is correct or a typo? I grabbed one for my frostbite area imob.

If it's really just 2% instead of 12% or 20% I can't see the reason anyone would bother.

DM/Elec brute, 50
Ice/Psi dom, 50
Crab, 50
Elec/WP Scrapper, 50
TW/WP Scrapper, 50
Robot/Trap MM, 50
Fire/Earth dom, 50



Just to answer my own question, yes, the listed 2% is correct.
I don't know if that is "working as intended" or just a miscalculation, but that's the way the proc works for now.

DM/Elec brute, 50
Ice/Psi dom, 50
Crab, 50
Elec/WP Scrapper, 50
TW/WP Scrapper, 50
Robot/Trap MM, 50
Fire/Earth dom, 50