Mini-FAQ on Damage Procs




Enforcers. Slotting the KB Chance for Damage into them would mean only one of their attacks would have the chance for damage, which would be the Blast Clip Power.

Now, if you slot the Defense Debuff Chance for Damage into the Enforcers all of their attacks except two will have the chance for Damage. The two it would not get them in, is Brawl, and Blast Clip. Neither of those powers are enhanceable for Defense Debuff.

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I'm seriously considering messing with my pets' slotting (I use set pet IO's, which don't give great enhancement values), and tossing in some Nucleolus enhancements into all my pets, and maybe the Achilles' Heel -res proc into my Enforcers. Since most of their attacks are AoE, I can see that proc being extremely useful.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Oh, it is very very useful. Which reminds me, I need to test to see if the Achilles proc is stacking now or not with multiple pets with that proc.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Soulbound allegiance buildup is broken, still. (At least on fire imps it is).




Anyone knows how a damage proc behaves in Electrical Melee/Chain Induction?




Anyone knows how a damage proc behaves in Electrical Melee/Chain Induction?

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Hmm, hard to say.. I don't have any first hand experience with Chain Induction. I'll see if I can bug a friend of mine to copy their char to test server and see if we can figure out how it works.

In theory, with the new "pseudo-pet" version of Chain Induction (That's currently on test), each jump should have a chance for the proc to fire off. However, it is possible that it may not work that even though they are supposed to (Such as Carrion Creepers, Castle has stated that the procs should all trigger from the attacks of the vines themselves, however, testing has shown that certain procs that in theory would work do not. Such as the Positron's Proc).

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Thanks Ex!

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Impeded Swiftness and Positron's Blast procs are also unresistable in PvP.

I can get some screens to show, if need be.



Impeded Swiftness and Positron's Blast procs are also unresistable in PvP.

I can get some screens to show, if need be.

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No need, I can verify it all in City of Data. I actually forgot about that.

Unresistable Procs:
Explosive Strike
Perfect Zinger
Malaise's Illusions
Glimpse of the Abyss
Impeded Swiftness
Trap of the Hunter
Unbreakable Constraint
Ghost Widow's Embrace
Neuronic Shutdown
Sting of the Manticore
Scirocco's Dervish
Positron's Blast
Mako's Bite
Touch of Death

Resistable Procs:
Touch of Lady Grey

If you find any of the above are incorrect on being resistable or not, then I'd appreciate a screenshot.

Oh, and I did speak with Castle, and he said pretty much that it is intended for some procs to be resistable and others to be unresistable. He didn't elaborate more into any sort of pattern, and I wasn't about to bug him about it.

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I wonder if it's also intended some of those are only a 15% chance to proc instead of 20%.



I wonder if it's also intended some of those are only a 15% chance to proc instead of 20%.

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There's only one that is 15% instead of 20%. Which is the Touch of Death proc for Melee Sets.

I would say that this is intended considering it can be slotted into Brawl, and in comparison to Mako's Bite (Lethal) it would just be far far superior to Mako's if it was set 20% like Mako's.

Once you factor in PvE resists, personally, I find Touch of Death to be superior to Mako's even at the 15% proc rate instead of 20% proc rate.

For PvP, Mako's is the superior one. Ignores resistance, so proc rate makes it better.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

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Does a power have to do damage to be able to activate a damage proc?

No, procs are completely independent on how much damage if any the power does. As long as a power hits, whether itÂ’s normally a damage dealing power or not, any damage proc slotted in that power will do damage.

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not sure i understand this one.

does the type of set means something?

let's take 2 exemples.

1/ arctic air.

it can take slow, fear and confusion proc.
if i put a slow or fear proc i assume it will follow the 10 sec rule as those two component are automatic un AA.

but if i put a chance for psi proc from a confuse set? will it proc every 10 s for any mob/player in the radius or will it proc only when the target get confused? (like the coercive persuasion proc)

same issues. it can take slow set damage proc (auto hit and automatic) and AoE or PbAoE (i don't remember) set damage proc.
will the proc of a PBaOE will proc when i have a mob in the radius (it is then slowed) or when i damage them)
to sum up is it necessarry to increase the accuracy o this power?



Every 10s in a toggle, period. Does not matter how the effect works nor which set it comes from.

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Hopefully some of you still read this thread despite month of inactivity. Had a question regarding DoT powers and Im not sure if it was covered(read over the entire thread but it's 3am and I could be missing something...).

Specifically, Soul Storm from the Ghost Widow's Soul Mastery pool. PvE @Lvl50 it has an 11.92s hold duration and 10 5.51 negative damage ticks over 10 seconds. Would a proc have a single chance to fire on activation, 2 chances to fire(Once per 10s so once at start and once before wearing off), or 10 chances(averaging 2 procs per activation) from the 10 damage ticks?



Hopefully some of you still read this thread despite month of inactivity. Had a question regarding DoT powers and Im not sure if it was covered(read over the entire thread but it's 3am and I could be missing something...).

Specifically, Soul Storm from the Ghost Widow's Soul Mastery pool. PvE @Lvl50 it has an 11.92s hold duration and 10 5.51 negative damage ticks over 10 seconds. Would a proc have a single chance to fire on activation, 2 chances to fire(Once per 10s so once at start and once before wearing off), or 10 chances(averaging 2 procs per activation) from the 10 damage ticks?

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Soul Storm is a "Click" power, which means it activates one time, and can proc only one time.

Only Toggles, and Rains/Emanations can benefit from additional procs.

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Thank you. Guess it's not worth the cost to slot a proc to it then...



I was looking to see if anyone had put together a list of powers that could take multiple Damage Proc's. I guess not, or at least, not here. I'll continue my search.

Great FAQ, by the way, and a fun read, even with some quibbling ;-)

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I was looking to see if anyone had put together a list of powers that could take multiple Damage Proc's. I guess not, or at least, not here. I'll continue my search.

Great FAQ, by the way, and a fun read, even with some quibbling ;-)

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If you look at the bottom of my FAQ, you will see all of the damage procs, and what Set IO's they work for. With that you can highlight a power in-game, and determine from the information there, and in my FAQ which procs that power can take.

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Yeah, I have some strange ideas. Like, how many I can slot into Brawl. I'm just Odd. I'll just start working on my own lost, and stop being Lazy ;-)

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Yeah, I have some strange ideas. Like, how many I can slot into Brawl. I'm just Odd. I'll just start working on my own lost, and stop being Lazy ;-)

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All of the ones listed as Melee damage can go into Brawl.

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This addresses click powers and toggle powers - what about passive powers? Is it (still) true that appropriate procs can be slotted into, say, Health and have a chance to go off once every 10s?

EDIT: Apparently I have selective vision. I see now that the post's title does in fact include the word 'damage'. Don't mind me.

I'm new-ish. Again.
@Kahzi. Pinnacle, mostly.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
The plural of anecdote is not data.



do enhancement set bonuses affect the damage of procs?

If I have a 2% damage boots from a set, will it increase the damage of the procs by 2% or is it a static unalterable aount?



Damage procs are not affected by buffs or DEBUFFS.

Nifty for say a Super Strength tank/brute when rage crashes

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