35 -
I've had it skip the cutscene several times. Only once out of about 7 or 8 runs yesterday, did I see it. Seems to be working properly. Could just be that someone was using an alt that hadn't run it yet.
Roughly 1 in 20 men are colorblind. Roughly 1 in 200 women.
This is a suggestion to the devs to help out us altoholics.
Would it be possible to add in the Primary and Secondary power sets to the character select screen? For those of us with multiple accounts and literally HUNDREDS of characters, it would be very helpful. -
I'll look at it as: I entered through one part of the base, completed the mission and, low and behold, this base actually had 2 exits! So I exitted through the door upstairs. Sounds viable to me.
Quote:We typically have 40-70 people in our Global Channel at any given moment, and 99% of the time there's an RO team either running or being formed. So yeah, our activity is still up.Just asking, your forums have 'recent' replies from Dec, Jan and May.
Is this just being propped up for old times sake or is it actually still active.. -
I think this is the first time since the XXPs started that I actually have one of the days off...since it's starting on Thursday this time.
Bigtime Woots! -
It's fantastic insanity! A lot of people forget about stacking buffs/debuffs. Defenders, when running solo or as the only 'fender on a team, aren't extremely relevant, usually, but they become massively relevant when you stack a few of the same type together.
Amen, just ask the Pressure Cookers from Repeat Offenders.
As for Traps, T.R.I.C.K. over on Virtue (another Repeat Offenders group) just started accepting Traps/* defenders. We ran a team today of all (7) Traps/* defenders and 1 Fire/Thermal Controller (it was kinda random). Set at +2, we were unstoppable from L2 up until we stopped around L15. Once again, RO's shown that a group of like-Defenders can become a truely unstoppable force. The only issue we ran into was with some AoE mezzes from the Lost since Traps doesn't have any kind of granted Mez protection. Throw a few people in with Stimulant and you're good to go! -
My life would be happy if people just stopped using the word "healer" all together.
MrSuzi, your Kin/Sonic is a buffer/debuffer with a heal. Actually...that's an amazingly painful (to the bad guys) combination of sets, too. Damage Cap + Resistance Debuff = Ripped Apart Bad Guys.
Try an all-Empath team sometime...well...all GOOD Empaths. Rolling Forts, AMs, RAs and attacks make for an unstoppable team! Green Machines FTW! -
Downloaded the 190.38 nVidia drivers and the issue is fixed.
I'm having the same issue. I tried Windows XP SP2 and 3 compatibility mode. This is a brand new install of Windows7. I haven't installed anything else except CoH and the basic updates to windows.
I'll say that was the little known section of the Shadow Shard known as the Broken Martini Glass Shard. It's only available on Pinnacle.
Otherwise, I'll go along with the above crew and say "Overheating or Failing". I had this issue before with an old Radeon 9850 that essentially melted soon after. -
I started gardening the other day. Just herb gardening though. I planted some Cilantro, Sage, Basil, Greek Oregano and a few Mint plants. They're nice.
Ah well...I guess I'll go water my plants. -
How about if you use Rescue 1 to spawn Rescue 2...then Rescue 2 to spawn Rescue 3...then have Rescue 3 spawn the Boss. It might be a little strange since Rescue 2 and 3 might be in places the person has already looked, but it could possibly work.
All of them are showing down. It's probably a quick "restart" before bringing them back up. Relax, they'll be up soon.
Sometimes things don't go 100% according to plan. Relax, it'll be there.
Agreed...because of the time of day I play, I can't bear to be on Triumph anymore. Love it...but had to leave it.
While I appreciate the reservation to implement a bugged patch into the live servers, I really wish this discernment had been present for the deployment of Issue 12 in the first place. I'm already upset that many of these bugs have been in place for three weeks without fixes. In learning that this new update is faulty, I am losing faith in your ability to properly support your own game.
At least you were able to identify the problem, and I hope this patch will be corrected so these bug fixes can be implemented ASAP.
[/ QUOTE ]
You do realize that with an application as large and complex as an MMO, it's near on impossible to release a completely bug-free version, right? Bugs will always be there, plain and simple. Be happy that they're patching them in as little time as it's taken (for the major ones anyway), some applications retain bugs for YEARS before an update comes to repair the holes.
Off Topic: WOOT! First post after a redname! (First time EVAR for me!) -
Wouldn't something simple like changing the 2 toggles from typed to positional make a HUGE difference?
City of Wiff
love it.. *chuckles*
[/ QUOTE ]
I can see Sands of Miss...err Mu now...
Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff Wiff.
Or the Blackwand...GLEEM...WOOOSH...WIFF. -
I understand getting nailed by this one. I took it in, hook, line and sinker...until the "sounds removed" bit.
But people, come on. Read at least a LITTLE of the thread and you're realize it IS, in fact, an April Fools Joke.
Some people are just WAY too serious. -
Poor thing.
I am, however, among the people who were hooked up until the "all sounds being removed" bit.
It's not even 7am here and I've already been gotten TWICE on April Fools Day.
The first was a "contest" on our fansite for 10 I12 closed beta invites. (It was early...I'm easily duped when it's early...I need my coffee...)