city is gone.




bye all

So i leave this game, i had a great time either with my triple kins, or was it 4? city life, city death, city of cities, etc...

I had a great time playing the game.
I had a great time lvl ing up ppl
I had a great time doin' tfs and mishes with my various alts.

for the record: 49 lvl 50, 13 grinded, 8 soloed, 615 badges on main, over 8000 badges overall,

250 purps, 50 hos , 100 uniques going to the bind.

thx to the fr channel, and my french hommies,
thx to bolt torch? to have me as a second on his farm, i learned there, with a dark/ kin def.

Ty to mod 08 to be over the average.

Everyone have fun, and take a walk sometimes, good for your legs^^

(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
You're not that guy from Digital Warz, are you?
yes i am.




oops, i forgot: i created a SG called Digitalwarz, reached top 5, then gave it to someone^^



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)
I met 4 new players yesterday, so it evens itself out over time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I met 4 new players yesterday, so it evens itself out over time
common, stop behing rude with me^^

or im gonna date that beautiful blond across the street, who, for no reasons, hangs out with a 200 pounds pizzaiolo...

I think she knows im a music producer... i hate that



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I met 4 new players yesterday, so it evens itself out over time
I met two and taught them some stuff about the game



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Telling the truth isn't always being rude
Exactly...frankly posting "i R leafin" threads is more rude.

Oh...and we teamed with a kinda new guy last night and sucked him into Repeat Offenders. So I'm sure he'll be around for a while.

35218 - Shocking Developments - Where's Gameamp!?
44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.



Damn, I'm going to go sit and watch the door floor all these people on the way out.
Because it makes my cold, b*stardised robotic heart feel all warm and happy.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
bye all

So i leave this game, i had a great time either with my triple kins, or was it 4? city life, city death, city of cities, etc...

I had a great time playing the game.
I had a great time lvl ing up ppl
I had a great time doin' tfs and mishes with my various alts.

for the record: 49 lvl 50, 13 grinded, 8 soloed, 615 badges on main, over 8000 badges overall,

250 purps, 50 hos , 100 uniques going to the bind.

thx to the fr channel, and my french hommies,
thx to bolt torch? to have me as a second on his farm, i learned there, with a dark/ kin def.

Ty to mod 08 to be over the average.

Everyone have fun, and take a walk sometimes, good for your legs^^

(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)
Gonna miss ya city of life take care "Impster"

ps.... If you'r give stuff away hit me up we go way back you know that!!!



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
You actually going to quit now? Or are you going to drag this out for another week?
I closed my accounts, im now respec'ing my alts so all this stuff is not lost.



Originally Posted by impster_jr View Post
Gonna miss ya city of life take care "Impster"

ps.... If you'r give stuff away hit me up we go way back you know that!!!
sure, i ll give you stuff.

lemme just respec^^





Originally Posted by Hellsminion_CoH View Post
thread needs more rage
i got nothin to rage on.

(bracass, aka city...) one account gone with 30 purps locked in.. i should hurry to make ppl happy)



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
bye all

So i leave this game, i had a great time either with my triple kins, or was it 4? city life, city death, city of cities, etc...

I had a great time playing the game.
I had a great time lvl ing up ppl
I had a great time doin' tfs and mishes with my various alts.

for the record: 49 lvl 50, 13 grinded, 8 soloed, 615 badges on main, over 8000 badges overall,

250 purps, 50 hos , 100 uniques going to the bind.

thx to the fr channel, and my french hommies,
thx to bolt torch? to have me as a second on his farm, i learned there, with a dark/ kin def.

Ty to mod 08 to be over the average.

Everyone have fun, and take a walk sometimes, good for your legs^^

(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)
Peace dude, have a good one



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
Peace dude, have a good one
ty man, btw, want some purps? ho's? watava?



oops, yeah, account 'bracass' got cancelled, hurry if anyone needs anything...

<-----aka bracass, aka city of...



Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
ty man, btw, want some purps? ho's? watava?
I'll always take what i can get but unfortunately I'm only on redside, if you happen to have toon or two or 25 from your track record (lol, gj btw), my global is @beyeajus.

Good luck in the future.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
I'll always take what i can get but unfortunately I'm only on redside, if you happen to have toon or two or 25 from your track record (lol, gj btw), my global is @beyeajus.

Good luck in the future.

Dang, sry m8, i only played blue, even though i have 3 50 redside/ sry.

Have fun^^



Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
Dang, sry m8, i only played blue, even though i have 3 50 redside/ sry.

Have fun^^

Hey no worries =D



If you have anything left to give away my global is @my name is joe and i'm logging in now.



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
bye all

(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)
Might be 3 accounts, but it's only one player (triple boxer I gather?)
Anyhow sad to see someone leave.
But as golden girl said earlier, I see plenty of new players join each day. I tend to PUG a lot and notice a lot of new players.

BTW when I first read the title "city is gone" I was expecting another doom thread of 'city of heroes is doooomed' etc.

Speaking of which, are "I am leaving/quitting threads" common practice?
Makes me ponder having every new player post a "I have joined the game" thread to balance out the negative ones.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.