18 -
Wow it is so dead on freedom its not funny,
All zones have like what maybe 10 players tops
I know school is going on but damn was not this slow befor
Wounder if some other game has all the coh players running to it now
Champions online blows so i know they didnt go that way! -
Quote:Gonna miss ya city of life take care "Impster"bye all
So i leave this game, i had a great time either with my triple kins, or was it 4? city life, city death, city of cities, etc...
I had a great time playing the game.
I had a great time lvl ing up ppl
I had a great time doin' tfs and mishes with my various alts.
for the record: 49 lvl 50, 13 grinded, 8 soloed, 615 badges on main, over 8000 badges overall,
250 purps, 50 hos , 100 uniques going to the bind.
thx to the fr channel, and my french hommies,
thx to bolt torch? to have me as a second on his farm, i learned there, with a dark/ kin def.
Ty to mod 08 to be over the average.
Everyone have fun, and take a walk sometimes, good for your legs^^
(dang, 3 more accounts off for NC)
ps.... If you'r give stuff away hit me up we go way back you know that!!! -
Quote:well i didnt change my diffuclty from the last time i was on few months ago and it was spawning 50s and no there was no 50s on the team and it was not set by a lvl 50 i was lvl 46 i went to lvl 49 and there was lvl 50s on the map and that mess up my head, till i got the answer iw as looking for and i fix it Thx you all for your help on this Very happy that i can find this much help when needed...Okay, how are you in a level 50 mish? Are you teamed with a level 50 player? Did you change your difficulty settings to +4 while soloing?
If you're teamed, refer to my quote about the new sidekicking system above. If you're solo, go to a Field Analyst/Fateweaver and check your difficulty settings. If it's set for +4 enemies, that's why you're seeing level 50's. You can drop it to as low as -1. If you do that, and it doesn't work, /bug it. -
wha happen was i was 46 and was running a mish i wanted to have 46-48s like norm mishs i just got throwen off by the change is all "Didnt really care for sking anyone when i was 46..lol" and im happy for the change mo money mo money for me
Quote:Kat ty i needed to change my personal difficulty settings and that fix it,OP, there are two factors that affect your "combat level" now.
The first, is your "personal difficulty" setting. This can be adjusted at a "Field Analyst" found in most every zone. It used to be just 4 options, but now it's much more customizable. check it out.
The second is your "team difficulty" setting, which has to do with the new SuperSideKicking/exemplar system. In the options menu, you can set the "level spread" for when you receive notification of this status change. It will not actually change the supersidekicking function... just the level at which a notice will come up for you to accept the change or not (if you don't accept the change, you will be auto booted from team, I believe).
So, if you are the only person running a mish, and you are running levels that don't seem right to you... my guess would be you need to change your "personal difficulty" settings... go see a field analyst.
" Guess thats why i should use test more often" -
A. While there are many different things that X can be, generally speaking the answer is no. TPing people into holes in the geometry in PvP zones is a petitionable offense, as is the use of language that breaks the EULA, but other than that, everything goes in a PvP zone. Trailing NPCs to another player is perfectly legal, as is killing someone repeatedly, popping lots of inspirations, interrupting duels and rep farms, stopping someone from getting nukes, using your tier 9 before you go into sirens, or really anything else you can think of.
Just wanted to state that i was bannded for 3 days for tping someone into hospt on vills side and i As him, he then went to his sg base and then came back into where i tp him "vills hospt" and was killing everyone who spawned,
I was bannded for just tping him to where i was and he couldnt get away BANNDED!!! Ouch
Credit my account for 3 days PLS..LOL no just kidding its cool -
Hey one i see you alot in sirens or i use to mind helping me on a build? "baby impster" is who you should know dark/regen scrapper,
But anyways was woundering if you knew anything about bane builds, I ask you cuz to me you make really nice builds and well i been gone awhile and still chatching up on the times
It dont have to be bane and well im sick of my stalker and blaster and scrapper want to do something new i have two respecs on him "bane" and im willing to use them, Infams no problem i have over 900 mil,
Let me know.. It dont have to be purpled out basic build will do and i can work with it from there, Its a lvl 46 if that matters at all....
Thx, Impster -
hummm well then its buged cuz im the only one on the mish and its uping me to 49 when it should not ty ill file the bug
Anyone know Thow his works im lvl 46 and im being auto lvl to lvl 50 on a lvl 50 mish kinda beats the point, is there a way to change it or better yet turn the dang thing off? i try in options i lower it to 0 and up it to 50 no help bug maybe?
Just woundering how much you will make off the market in a day trading? The most i've made in a day is 120mil-150mil in 24 hrs and i did it for 3 days after i saw how much i made and that wasnt selling purples or purple sets its was a combo of diffrent stuff,
"TMI Impster TMI",
That was 1 week ago so i havent try to do it again, -
Dont know if this still works been away for a spell but when i did dmg farm i would put my self on rest and would get over 500dmg and regen it back befor i die,
Quote:When leading you should use "request" and only the other Team leaders u choose that way your leaders can see you talking then they can inturn tell there team what they need them to do, just to help ya out some...No one else but your Team leaders should be in there talking on that, if they do mute em!!!!yeah that didn't go so well. Ah well, lesson learned. I can only blame myself i guess. It was a valliant attempt but the coordination wasn't there. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We'll be hosting another Hami raid sometime soon that's planned a lot soner in advance and is strickly invite only among certain SGs. It's amazing that we still had problems with leachers but that was to be expected i guess. The only beef i have with the whole ordeal was one person. and this person had the gal to complain that i was typing all in caps to try and get peoples attention and even threatend to report me for harrasment? oh come on! i would have done jumping jacks on top of hamis head if it would have gotten everyones attention and working together. Again, lesson learned. next time it will be a more structured and private event, and yours truely will NOT be leading. thanks to all who showed and gave it there all.
P.S. any stratagy for future raids is appreciated, this isn't the end, only the begining
I've been on one raid sence they change it and we got that hami killed I wish you the best of luck, and if you do kill it come to atlas and say it out loud!!!! -
Quote:well we will see. 2 1/2 hours. i've stock piled about 100 EoEs in base and can divy them out accordingly. You know, I get asked a lot by people "what's in it for me". well, aside from the chance for a hami drop, which is nothing compaired to those purples, there's really nothing. They ask me, "is it worth the time" and my answer is yes! It's about pride, it's about bragging rights, It's about showing yourself and dthe rest of the server that this game isn't dead. We still have half a brain left and can do somemthing other then the same AE mission 100 time in a row. The rewards are with you, eather you're good enough to hang or not. Simple as that. GL to everyone and i'll see you in the Hive
Haim use to be considered end game also, But that was back in the day when you had 200 heros in there, But without a raid leader like rose or tammy or one who knows how to do it now i dont see the point but failer,
Yes i know its a old post but hey wih 5hrs down time im wasting time hahahha -
HiYa Rose,
Long time no see "Augustus Wounder" from the hami raids back in the days,
just wanted to drop a line to say hi!
''Wounders if side o' sause will come back from wow
going to have to go over to his house'' -
/summons lvl 1 devs with all lvl 50 powers sloted to the max, and then freezing the server to kill everyone on the map and say "it was lag"