city is gone.




Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
Might be 3 accounts, but it's only one player (triple boxer I gather?)
Anyhow sad to see someone leave.
But as golden girl said earlier, I see plenty of new players join each day. I tend to PUG a lot and notice a lot of new players.

BTW when I first read the title "city is gone" I was expecting another doom thread of 'city of heroes is doooomed' etc.

Speaking of which, are "I am leaving/quitting threads" common practice?
Makes me ponder having every new player post a "I have joined the game" thread to balance out the negative ones.
its not negative to leave a game you know so well, with no incentive lft. it positive.

and good fun for the new players, this is a great game.

I leaving because i know it so well,

and, 2/ because im called freedom fries for about 4 years, since im french and i own.
I wiched id be reconed for beein a cool dude, and a good gamer, all i got is 'you dont make no sence, go bk to school, euro girls should shave them armpits, and the usual blah blah...

so, you keep together, you are some breed.

I dont belong to that.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
If you have anything left to give away my global is @my name is joe and i'm logging in now.
cant find you, look me up as Tantaliser



I don't think we ever teamed together, but I remember seeing you around. Good luck in whatever you pursue.



Originally Posted by Roxona View Post
I don't think we ever teamed together, but I remember seeing you around. Good luck in whatever you pursue.
i pursue life^^


if you are online, hook me up, my ingame is tantaliser.

i ll give you a 1,5 bill. line.



Thank you so much for the enhancements and good luck with your future endeavors.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
Thank you so much for the enhancements and good luck with your future endeavors.
Ty man, you have fun too.^^



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
sure, i ll give you stuff.

lemme just respec^^


If it is all just going to go away, I'll take whatever, but realize you will be missed. I remember seeing your alts in PI and thinking they looked really super-awesome. :/

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



Laters an Take care may Luck be with you



ahh bah un post de ZZ !?

et bien je sais pas si on aura l'occasion de se croiser a nouveau mais bonne chance dans tes futurs projets (MMO ou pas)

Adieu ZZ (ou a l'annee prochaine pour Going Rogue ^^)



Take care man, I'll be leaving very soon myself, the fact that this game is so empty is crazy, really crazy for freedom specialy after a new issue comes out, but they messed with farming badly and we told them if they did that they would be in trouble, they did and they are.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Just showing off to people like J-Man that I can ID people by their posting style, months or even years later. Carry on, carry on.
Cool sig image!



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
You're not that guy from Digital Warz, are you?
Thank God he's gone lol This is I believe that French dude who use to spam in broadcast in PI and Talos ALL the time how much he hated the game and that all Americans were stupid and that he enjoyed manipulating the market. Seriously one day he bought every single Numina Regen/Recov unique and then put them back up for sale at almost 200% their normal price just because he could and to prove how much 'power' he had. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. You pretty much ticked off every player you ever ran in to and had more people put you on ignore that I'm surprised he even had an audience after a while lol

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