Anyone know what kind of bug this is?
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Could be overheating. When's the last time you cleaned out your case/heatsinks/fans?
Also on Steam
The last time that happened to me, it was because of a failing video card.

Yep, this is either overheating or a failing video card. I've had this issue before with a bad video card.
If it was Grandville, shut off Enable Geometry Buffer.
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So I was running a normal mish when all of a sudden my graphics went completely crazy, but the UI was still showing. I died and loaded in to another zone and it was still crazy. I quit the game and my comp froze and I had to hit the reset button. Here's a screenshot:
Any ideas? Thanks.
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Video card make/model and driver version, please.
Overheating video card. Do not, I repeat do not run anything video intensive again until you have checked your card to make sure that it is dust free and that the fan is spinning normally.
If it is dust free and the fan is spinning normally then go ahead and push the card as hard as you want. That sucker is good as dead anyway.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Video, absolutely. When I look at this, I see either a dying or a DEAD video card. It's what happened to my GeForce 6600GT a couple of years ago. Verticals shoot in all direction and your machine freezes completely. I'd check heat first, then probably take the PC in for a service.
Generally, anything that causes corruption followed by a total machine freeze is hardware-related, and I know that particular effect to be caused by a failing video card.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
99% odds that's an overheating and/or dying video card.
I'll say that was the little known section of the Shadow Shard known as the Broken Martini Glass Shard. It's only available on Pinnacle.
Otherwise, I'll go along with the above crew and say "Overheating or Failing". I had this issue before with an old Radeon 9850 that essentially melted soon after.
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44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.
That was the last thing my previous card showed me before it died.
RIP Geforce 8400 *sniff*
I'll say that was the little known section of the Shadow Shard known as the Broken Martini Glass Shard. It's only available on Pinnacle.
[/ QUOTE ]

I've actually had this happen (VERY rarely - like twice a year) without overheating or anything. When I see it, I apologize and/or cuss, quit out of the game, reboot, and all is well for another six months.
If it happens twice in a single night, you're in serious trouble. Clean things out inside your PC and try again. If it happens again, quit out of the game and use the remaining few hours your card has left to shop for a new video card.
So I was running a normal mish when all of a sudden my graphics went completely crazy, but the UI was still showing. I died and loaded in to another zone and it was still crazy. I quit the game and my comp froze and I had to hit the reset button. Here's a screenshot:
Any ideas? Thanks.