Repeat Offenders Network
Today is Justice Hero Friday
You'll find members of RO on their heroes from Apostles of RO, their Fire/Storm Controllers from Pressure Cooker or their or Granite Tankers, Ice Blasters and Earth Controllers from the teaming project Stone Cold
Keep track of our daily teaming by visiting our forums

Today is Virtue and Freedom Villans.
You will find members on their Thug or Zombie Masterminds, Kinetic or Radiation Corruptors from The Quick & The Dead, also a band of Level 30+ villains on Freedom can be found causing trouble in Rogue Isle.

Today is Freedom Heroes
You will find members on their alts from Apostles of RO, their Force Fields, Sonics, Energy Blasters or Peacebringers from Bubbleicious, their Rads from The Faithful Fans of Fallout, their Empathy Offenders from Green Machine, their Storms from Perfect Storms, their Kins from Pinball Wizards, their Darks and Warshades from Shadows of Salvation, their Tanks from Think Tanks
Pinball Wizards is also running an All Kinetic Positron Task Force
Keep track of our daily teaming by visiting our forums

Today is: Justice Villains Wednesday
You'll find members of RO on their villains from Heretics of RO, Daughters of Artemis or Eat Yer Veggies.

Today is Freedom Villain Thursday
You'll find members of RO on their Masterminds from Malicious Multiplicity, their Dominators or Stalkers from World Domination Inc. and their Corruptors from Repeat Offenders
Also, you'll find member on their Empathy Offenders from Green Machine's gotta take someone with some pretty darn good organizational skills to keep all of those events and groups straight.
[ QUOTE ]'s gotta take someone with some pretty darn good organizational skills to keep all of those events and groups straight.
[/ QUOTE ]
We couldn't do it without Monkey. She is the glue that holds us all together.
Fo'Real tho...
I have to log in just to remember what characters I own.
Memorizing or planning equal play-time in advanced for the next month? ...forgettabuotit!
I've been herding the RO cats for 2 years...its become second nature. Thank goodness I don't do it alone, or I'd be the insane cat lady.
Major props goes to the RO SG Leaders cause I can't do this stuff without them.

Today is Virtue Villans.
You will find members on their Thug or Zombie Masterminds, Kinetic or Radiation Corruptors from [i]The Quick & The Dead

Today we're on our Freedom Heroes
You will find members on their alts from Apostles of RO, their Force Fields, Sonics, Energy Blasters or Peacebringers from Bubbleicious, their Rads from The Faithful Fans of Fallout, their Empathy Offenders from Green Machine, their Storms from Perfect Storms, their Kins from Pinball Wizards, their Darks and Warshades from Shadows of Salvation, their Tanks from Think Tanks
Pinball Wizards is also running an All Kinetic Manticore Task Force

Today is Justice Villains Wednesday
You'll find members of RO on their villains from Heretics of RO, Daughters of Artemis or Eat Yer Veggies.

Today is Freedom Villain Thursday
You'll find members of RO on their Masterminds from Malicious Multiplicity, their Dominators or Stalkers from World Domination Inc. and their Corruptors from Repeat Offenders
Also, you'll find member on their Empathy Offenders from Green Machine
You can keep track of what's going on in Repeat Offenders by visiting our Calendar or joining our global channel: Repeat Offenders.

Repeat Offenders Network
The largest SG coalition in the game! 25 Supergroups on Freedom, Justice & Virtue.
Who are you people?
We are a group of mature players and vets. In the beginning we decided to make an all Kinetic Defender team and we did. We called the group Pinball Wizards (PW) (links to thread on this forum). From that small beginning, other specialized SGs were formed. Then City of Villains was released and many were seduced quickly by the dark side. Corruption reigned, Repeat Offenders (RO) started their fellowship. So what began as an all Kinetic SG has grown into a large friendly network of SGs.
To keep up with so many groups all of the SG were linked in coalitions. Our main communication line to all our SGs is via the Global Channel: [u]Repeat Offenders[u]. The driving force of our network is our coalitions and willingness to utilize our interconnectivity to build teams.
Yeah, yeah history is boring! Get to the good stuff
How do I join one of your SG?
Each RO Network SG has their own forum section, some have requirements for joining others may not. Check the section of the SG youre interested in and see what that SG requires.
When you're ready, join our global channel:Repeat Offenders and ask for an invite.
Okay but I lead and SG/VG already, how do I join the RO Network?
If youd like to coalition with us, please post your request in the Coalition Partnership section of our forum.
I've got a few more questions, who do I talk to?
You can post your questions here or use any of the following contact methods...
Global Channel: Repeat Offenders
Contacts: @altoholic monkey, @ottercub, @hobo healer
Repeat Offenders Supergroups (2007) - Links to forum sections.
<ul type="square">[*]Apostles of RO
Open to All Archetypes [COH]
[*] Bubbleicious
Open to All Force Field and Sonic Defenders Controllers, Peacebringers & /Energy Blasters
[*] The Faithful Fans of Fallout
Open to All Radiation Defenders & Controllers
[*] Perfect Storms
Open to All Storm Defenders & Controllers
[*] Pinball Wizards
Open to All Kinetic Defenders & Controllers *Level 1-31*
[*] Pinball Wizards Tilt
Open to All Kinetic Defenders & Controllers *Level 32-50*
[*] Shadows of Salvation
Open to All Dark & Warshade Archetypes
[*] Think Tanks
Open to All Tankers
[*] Green Machine
Open to All Empathy Defenders (Offenders)
[*] Fast and the Furious
Open to All Brutes and Kinetic Corruptors
[*] Malicious Multiplicity
Open to All Masterminds
[*] Repeat Offenders
Open to All Corruptors
[*] World Domination Inc.
Open to All Dominators & Stalkers[/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Apostles of RO
Open to All Archetypes
[*] Pressure Cookers
Open to Fire/Storm Controllers
[*] Heretics of RO
Open to All Archetypes [COV][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]T.R.I.C.K
Open to All Trick Arrow Defenders and Controllers
[*] Apostles of RO
Open to All Archetypes
[*]Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence
Open to All Electric Blaster and Defenders
[*] Pinball Wizards
Open to All Kinetic Defenders & Controllers
[*] Lone Stars
Open to All Soloist - Any Archetype [COH]
[*] Fortissimo
Open to All Sonic Blaster, Defenders and Controllers
[*] The Seraphim Guard
Open to All Archetypes [COH]
[*] Heretics of RO
Open to All Archetypes [COV]
[*] The Quick and The Dead
Open to All Necromancy & Thugs Masterminds + Kinetic Radiation Corruptors
*A Wild West Themed SG*[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah yeah and den?
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Here is our current list of projects:
<ul type="square">[*]Eat Yer Veggies Plant Doms[*]Five Alarm Fire Fire/Kin Controllers[*]Hurricane Havoc Stormies, Peacebringers, Energy Blasters (knockback focus)[*]Stone Cold Ice or Stone (Tankers, Blasters Controllers) [/list]
The links above will give you details on each project.
Also we're always looking for fun mature members to join us!
[/ QUOTE ]
Why no AR blasters in the hurricane team? Just curious.
We need more Villain groups. All my Freedom slots are full
Today we're on our Freedom Heroes
You will find members on their alts from Apostles of RO, their Force Fields, Sonics, Energy Blasters or Peacebringers from Bubbleicious, their Rads from The Faithful Fans of Fallout, their Empathy Offenders from Green Machine, their Storms from Perfect Storms, their Kins from Pinball Wizards, their Darks and Warshades from Shadows of Salvation, their Tanks from Think Tanks

TAC, how is that RO's problem?
Sounds like you need another account.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jule has my 2nd account. I'm DOOMED!!!! aaahhhhh
I do second the opinion that we need more Vilain Groups... even on Freedom *shocker*
The Villain coalition is pretty strong but it could be Stronger. It's also without a PvP-Focussed VG for the first time since it was founded and a couple of our groups only have 4 or 5 VG's in coalition so they're Far from being Full as well. ...specifically we need something that'd synergize well with F&F(Brutes/Kins). Just adding another active group or two to the coalition would be very helpful. MM wouldn' need to follow suit if they didn't want to of course.
On Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Who are you people?!
We are a group of mature players and some vets that enjoy specialized and themed teaming.
In August 2005, a few people who were regular posters and lurkers in the Defender section came upon a thread started by Teklord. He proposed a specialized team for Kinetic Defenders. The idea took off and the team quickly became Pinball Wizards . A few weeks later Pinball Wizards joined with Perfect Storms, an all Storm SG. Next the Wizards linked with Green Machines, an Empathy Offenders SG and Bubblelicious an all Force Field SG. A global channel was created to connect these groups, it was called Pinball Wizards. When many members learned of the pending launch of City of Villains, the global channel was renamed to Repeat Offenders.
In October 2005, City of Villains was released and many Heroes were seduced by the dark side. Repeat Offenders was created to cater corruptors. Quickly afterward, Malicious Multiplicity (Masterminds) and World Domination Inc. (Dominators) and Crack Dealers (dba Fast & the Furious, a Brute and Kinetic Corruptor VG)
From a small beginning, Repeat Offenders grew into the large coalition network we have now. We currently have 38 Supergroups spanning three servers, a dedicated leadership and a friendly, knowledgeable community.
To keep up with so many groups all of the SG were linked in coalitions. Our main communication line to all our SGs is via the Global Channel: Repeat Offenders. The driving force of our network is our coalitions and willingness to utilize our interconnectivity to build teams.
How do I join one of your SG?
Each RO Network SG has their own forum section, some have requirements for joining others may not. Visit the Repeat Offenders forums and check the Supergroup you're interested in to see what that group requires. When you're ready, sign up on our forums or join our global channel (Repeat Offenders) and ask for an invite.
I have a few more questions, who can I talk to?
You can post your questions here or use any of the following contact methods...
Global Channel: Repeat Offenders