Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?

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No. Animations and FX will not change. The redcap dagger is not available for Katana users (handle's not long enough to wield as a katana)

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I really think this needs to be tweaked for Broadsword now.. They need to have a two-hand option (Slower Katana animations) for this to make sense.

Broadsword is wielded with one hand.

Katana with two.

Tell me how much sense it's going to make when someone wielding a Carnie rapier with one hand (Broadsword user) outdamages someone wielding a, let's just say, Rikti sword with two hands (Katana user). Or hell, even someone wielding that same weapon, a Carnie rapier with two-hands is going to do less damage than a Broadsword user using the exact same weapon.



All I have to say is OMFG! WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION!!! I have so been saying this on the forums. Squeaky wheel baby! If this is going to work the way I think it is (as i've deduced from the screens) this is going to be total awesomeness! And to quote someone from an earlier post, I will be "heavily abusing" this feature and playing more scrappy tanker types haha

*dies from overexcitednessocity!*

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you're only picking one weapon type for the entire powerset, correct?

i.e. assault rifle -- you can't pick the sniper rifle for your snipe and then another rifle for a different attack in that set. can you?

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Here is a thread that talks about what's known about weapon costumization so far...

Weapon Customization Thread

I believe Mr. Tobay and those great people who put together the Scoop will have a link to it in the next issue also.



Tell me how much sense it's going to make when someone wielding a Carnie rapier with one hand (Broadsword user) outdamages someone wielding a, let's just say, Rikti sword with two hands (Katana user). Or hell, even someone wielding that same weapon, a Carnie rapier with two-hands is going to do less damage than a Broadsword user using the exact same weapon.

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This isn't D&D.

We already have an arrow doing as much damage as a machine gun. It's a convention of the comic book genre that all attacks have the same basic damage. You might as well ask why don't villains just shoot Batman in the face.

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seriously does debuff in this game need IO set ?

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Someone without debuff powers can put IO Sets in just about every power. Someone with debuff powers wind up with sometimes half the IO Sets. Thus, if someone wants perma-Hasten on a Debuff toon using IO bonuses, it ain't gonna happen. And that's not fair.

Remember, the bonuses of the IO Sets have surprisingly little to do with the power they are in. So IO Debuff Sets aren't going to make the debuffs more uber. A level 50 can have the Debuff effect maxed out with SOs or HOs; IO Sets won't have a significant boost to that.

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The Munitions ancillary pool uses the current Assault Rifle graphic (IIRC). Will you be able to select a different gun for that pool's powers? If a blaster has it and isn't AR/*, will they use the weapon they have picked, or will they use the default AR graphic when using the Cryo Freeze Ray or LRM Rocket?

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We don't know yet. Probably won't until beta.

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I suspect the question comes from the bug where gravity controllers that throw cars, but everyone sees something different.



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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I wouldn't say not so fast. It all depends how you define "badge mission." Does that mean only a mission that awards a badge upon completion? Or what about Mayhem/Safeguard missions where there is an exploration badge. One of the tutorials has an exploration badge.

We'll see...

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Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!

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I can't believe it!!

This [censored] keeps getting better and better...

kudos to the Co* team!



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

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Holy Cow, a reasonable response. Would love to see the powers shared equally. The previous response just said tanks because it was in response to a tank. I live on the villain side, but definately think the hero melee toons should get the same power options. It is the one and only thing that heros can actually say that villains have had it better.



Tell me how much sense it's going to make when someone wielding a Carnie rapier with one hand (Broadsword user) outdamages someone wielding a, let's just say, Rikti sword with two hands (Katana user). Or hell, even someone wielding that same weapon, a Carnie rapier with two-hands is going to do less damage than a Broadsword user using the exact same weapon.

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This isn't D&D.

We already have an arrow doing as much damage as a machine gun. It's a convention of the comic book genre that all attacks have the same basic damage. You might as well ask why don't villains just shoot Batman in the face.

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Pretty much. Lets take a look at the Carnie Rapier and Rikti Sword, for example:

In that example, the person using the Carnie Rapier might have had it specially enchanted to make it more damaging. Or they might have had years of training, giving them the innate ability to strike at an enemies weak points, allowing them to do far more damage then the guy wielding the Rikti Sword. The Rapier may be a physical manifestation of the persons Spiritual Energy, only making it *LOOK* like a Carnie Rapier (But still providing massive damage)...

There are plenty of justifiable reasons for why it may happen, and CoH/V *allows* us to give any reason we want. Just like comic books.



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

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Holy Cow, a reasonable response. Would love to see the powers shared equally. The previous response just said tanks because it was in response to a tank. I live on the villain side, but definately think the hero melee toons should get the same power options. It is the one and only thing that heros can actually say that villains have had it better.

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What's funny is Tanks get Energy Melee, but not the accompanying Armor... It's a no-brainer that they should Energy Aura.



Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?

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No. Animations and FX will not change. The redcap dagger is not available for Katana users (handle's not long enough to wield as a katana)

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There goes my idea of making a very petite looking girl that has to dual wield her pocket knife because she is not strong enough, yet manages to inflict horrid damage by picking Katana.



Tell me how much sense it's going to make when someone wielding a Carnie rapier with one hand (Broadsword user) outdamages someone wielding a, let's just say, Rikti sword with two hands (Katana user). Or hell, even someone wielding that same weapon, a Carnie rapier with two-hands is going to do less damage than a Broadsword user using the exact same weapon.

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This isn't D&D.

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Wow, I'm deeply offended that you grouped me with those Basement Dwellers (J/K!!)

Anyhow you missed the point entirely. ENTIRELY.



Dude, this stuff sounds so tight! Just one thing I'm not clear on. With the weapon customization, are you going to be able to change how your weapon looks? Like the blade of your sword, things like that. If so, that's gonna make this even tighter



this update is huge for me. Absolutely huge as it effectively reactivates all my 50s!

Wep customisation = /drool

but flashback mode is the real kicker.

We'll get this in december right?



Heads up, gang. Lighthouse just posted an Issue 11 FAQ in the City Life section with some new information.



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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Yes, but remember, we're getting NEW missions and possibly arcs as well -- help Recluse take the Rogue Isles, stop the COT demon from the comics, etc.

If so, that means we may also be taking on missions from the alt-timeline Paragon Times as well. I mean, they wouldn't talk about "Recluse and Manticore searching for something in South America" if it wasn't gonna tie into the game, somehow.

Therefore, it's conceivable we may get a "Go back in time to help someone break out of the Zig" where Jailbird is available, or "Go to the alt timeline and contain the massive amounts of Contaminated in Talos" to get Isolator.

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Let's hope. I did miss Jailbird with my first villain and didn't know until level 14. But with them putting out the fake stories about no one ever breaking out of the zig and contaminated not being contained in outbreak, it seems likely that there will be some missions setting things back on track. Whether they are kind enough to put in the exploration badges or the right kind of contaminated enemies to count for the badge... well, time will tell. But at least there's a possibility.

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Actually theres a quest already that takes you back to the Zig and you rescue 3 villains and an operative and escort them out. However when you go to the Jailbird spot on the map there is no badge marker.

I'm rooting for you though, hopefully they put it in so everyone who wants J.Bird gets it.

I'll see if I can find who offers that Zig quest and edit my post with a linky.

Here it is, Operative Wellman in Cap gives the quest.




Sorry did not have time to read through the whole post.

Does anyone know if animation will change with blade weapons depending on the weapon you choose?

Meaning lets say I have a ninja blade stalker and I choose the red cap dagger as my blade will I wield it with 2-hands using ninja blade animation? Or will it switch to broadsword animation so I can wield it with 1 hand?

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No. Animations and FX will not change. The redcap dagger is not available for Katana users (handle's not long enough to wield as a katana)

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Is there any hope of something like this changing in the future?

I ask because the first toon I ever rolled was made as a Broad Sword Scrapper because I couldn't make him a Great Sword Scrapper. He's based on an NPC from a DnD game that I ran; he's a werewolverine who wields a great sword. Now with the weapon customization, it seems I would have been better off making him as a Katana Scrapper so that I could possibly eventually get a nice big sword for him to wield with both hands. As it stands now, if larger swords are introduced, he'll end up looking like a Final Fantasy character with the giant sword in one hand.


@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



The flashback system is meh... the customization is a great start... now give us dynamic faces! Quite frankly the facial textures are a steaming pile of horse manure. Cryptic should hire me, I would work for minimum wage + a weekly allotment of powdered doughnuts. :] I would give you dynamic faces with muscular movements and realistic eyes!

Vote for me! ^_^

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Take a look at these faces and these (second set have a mix of old style facial textures v. newer style for comparison).

They were added in Issue 7 in CoV (and the revised PPD in CoH now have them).

I've requested on costume request thread that they be released as player choices... but heard nothing.

Sure, they're not the dynamic faces you want, but they are better textures.

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Yeah those are different but they're still just plain vanilla faces. Imagine if an AV or Hero giving orders to his croneys, he notices you, turns, and you can see their mouth moving and facial patterns changing as his emotions change! It would add an enormous amount of realism to the game not to mention aesthetic pleasure. Also instead of pick Face1, Face2, etc. I believe there should be seperate areas for detailing features such as brows, nose, eyes, lips, skin complexion, age... think the Oblivion system except much easier to use and less aquarium faces.

I'm holding myself hostage until you gimme my demands devs!
**ties himself up**
**incoherent mumbling**



that would be great. Tiger woods golf 2006 had the best system I have ever seen for making faces. I used to make friends and family on the character creation long after I grew tired of the actually game of golfing. You could adjust everything from dimple depth to the arch of you eyebrows. It even had a scale for freckles

This game will never have anything like that though. Maybe CoH2 (:



I'm just curious if the dual wield set has axes available. I mean, dual wielding axes could be pretty dern groovy, and would still maintain the look of lethal damage.

Cyclone jack

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I asked about that in PM.

No axes for Dual Blades...

Don't work with the animations.

This means no Axes in exchange for Broadsword and no Broadsword in exchange for Battle Axe

Also no dual maces which makes me still a bit holding off for my wererat paladin (but I have a wererat assassin wielding a broadsword, so that's not so necessary)

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



If those glimpses from the alternate Paragon Times were meant to represent the Flashback system, does that mean we'll finally get to flashback to our Outbreaks and Breakouts? Will villains who missed it the first time at last be able to get Jailbird? Will heroes no longer have to stalk RV for Isolator? (Please say yes on both counts...)

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They have said badge and story arc missions only - so no.

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I wouldn't say not so fast. It all depends how you define "badge mission." Does that mean only a mission that awards a badge upon completion? Or what about Mayhem/Safeguard missions where there is an exploration badge. One of the tutorials has an exploration badge.

We'll see...

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But the tutorials are ZONES. Not missions.

Plus, I do think Posi said no today to revisiting the tutorials, but then he did bring up the newspapers. So they might have new missions that let you get it, but who knows.

But the tutorials are zones, not missions.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

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We tankers will give you Battle Axe and War Mace if you brutes give us Electric Melee and Energy Aura.

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We Brutes will be more than happy to give those powersets. Now we will gladly take delivery of our full powered (not watered down) /Regen.

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So Brutes are happy to give Tankers their cool toys, if they get a Scrappers cool toy? Sounds a bit unfair. :P

However that said, I've never seen why Brutes couldn't get /Regen. If they think it's to powerful in the hand of an AT with more HP...then adjust the percentage rate of heal to make it match scrappers at current rate. Seems fair to me.

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Holy Cow, a reasonable response. Would love to see the powers shared equally. The previous response just said tanks because it was in response to a tank. I live on the villain side, but definately think the hero melee toons should get the same power options. It is the one and only thing that heros can actually say that villains have had it better.

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What's funny is Tanks get Energy Melee, but not the accompanying Armor... It's a no-brainer that they should Energy Aura.

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It fits with Invulnerability.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



How about shields as a costume piece? Does it really need to be a power?