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  1. The new mission is cool and all but still have to wait till 20 is fail.

    That's all.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Datamining showed that the Kneel emote was overpowered for Regen in PvP, so we removed it from everyone in PvE. Eventually, we'll remove it from PvP as well, but only on the villain side. Right now, it's nerfing accuracy for villains, so we kind of need it.
    Comedy! It's good to be back!
  3. Did anyone else notice that the character count for Character Descriptions has been cut? 1024 character limit now.

    I went into my ID to change something and I couldn't put back what I had deleted. This is not cool....
  4. Oh I would definately love to have the evil laugh end animation as a flight pose too. Who doesn't want to tear through the air like Magneto?
  5. Reposting here from another thread.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but since you all are on the emote topic I thought I'd mention something some friends and I noted with the new costume change emotes.

    If Salute, Evil Laugh, and Backflip are activated while flying they leave you in a pose once the animation has ended:

    Backflip CC
    Salute CC
    Evil Laugh CC

    We all kind of freaked when we saw them and we were wondering if these could be made into emotes by themselves without having to go through the costume change to do it.

    It would also be awesome if crossarms could work while flying so that it looks like the Evil Laugh CC except with the arms crossed.

    And one more thing! We also noticed a problem with the Salute and Evil Laugh changes too. After the emote finishes and you're floating there, if fly or hover is turned off you will continue to hover as if the power is still on.

    Flight Deactivated
    See anything wrong here?

    Based on those screens I'd like to make a request/suggestion. Would it be possible to kill the unnecessary FX on travel power like Fly, Hover, Super Jump, and Super Speed? Or at the very least have the FX only show while the character is actually in motion. Or maybe with power customization we could have the option to have them show or not. I know that some people like to have the FX show for cosmetic reasons like the Prestige Slide power. I just think that some of the effects are kind of unnecessary. There may be other reason for having them that I'm not aware of, but it's just a suggestion.

    I'll also be posting this in it's proper place. I posted it here first because BAB was here and you all were on the topic.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  6. I don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but since you all are on the emote topic I thought I'd mention something some friends and I noted with the new costume change emotes.

    If Salute, Evil Laugh, and Backflip are activated while flying they leave you in a pose once the animation has ended:

    Backflip CC
    Salute CC
    Evil Laugh CC

    We all kind of freaked when we saw them and we were wondering if these could be made into emotes by themselves without having to go through the costume change to do it.

    It would also be awesome if crossarms could work while flying so that it looks like the Evil Laugh CC except with the arms crossed.

    And one more thing! We also noticed a problem with the Salute and Evil Laugh changes too. After the emote finishes and you're floating there, if fly or hover is turned off you will continue to hover as if the power is still on.

    Flight Deactivated
    See anything wrong here?

    Based on those screens I'd like to make a request/suggestion. Would it be possible to kill the unnecessary FX on travel power like Fly, Hover, Super Jump, and Super Speed? Or at the very least have the FX only show while the character is actually in motion. Or maybe with power customization we could have the option to have them show or not. I know that some people like to have the FX show for cosmetic reasons like the Prestige Slide power. I just think that some of the effects are kind of unnecessary. There may be other reason for having them that I'm not aware of, but it's just a suggestion.

    I'll also be posting this in it's proper place. I posted it here first because BAB was here and you all were on the topic.

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]

    EDIT: Checked the posts out. Says a bunch of nothin' like most. Dont see why the people worship is there.

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    That's how you get to 23 thousand posts, my friend, unless you're BillZBubba, jg1001 or Memphis_Bill, who got there by actually being helpful.

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    you forgot one....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I forgot a few, and it turns out jg actually has a pretty low post count, but you get the idea.

    A lot get there by posts like "I agree entirely!" or "I like to do it just to be annoying" or other things that don't actually add anything to the conversation. I've always tried to mostly stick to "If you don't have anything to add then just read the topic and move on". It's served me pretty well in the 4 years I've been here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree entirely!

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    *facepalm* just realized this is a thread made by Slax

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When I saw this post I scrolled up to see who the OP was. I have him ignored. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason for it to. I have no idea what it is though.

    BAB is my favorite Dev. Everyone else is number 2. Jay gets a 1.5 for convincing NC to divert all funds to correcting the i15 face issue.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty surprised to see all positive reaction to this. The costume change emotes are pretty cool, but other than that this stuff all looks very mediocre. I guess 99% of all new costume parts are going to cost me 10 now? I just think we got some pretty terrific stuff with the Valkerie pack and Android pack...but this stuff just doesn't seem worth the money to me. Maybe I'm just being pessamistic cause I'm bored with the game after four years, but it seems like you all are brainwashed. It's just crazy to me to get all excited that you have to pay $10 for a couple costume peices and emotes that have been requested for years. Hope issue 15 reignites my love for this game, cause I'm just about over it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I feel the same way to an extent. I don't mind paying for -extra- stuff, but I'm not really liking the content locked (35+, VG Merits, ITF, etc) or pay for it pattern that's appearing. The last free costume additions we got was the Day Job stuff. Honestly the whole Day Job thing is still a bit lame to me (not to mention the regular clothes we got).

    While I do like the stuff included in the new pack, I'd like to see more -quality- free stuff too. I believe the last time we got some of that was i9 with the Stealth and ExProto stuff.

    That's just how I feel about it.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    So... much... win. Looks like Sexy Jay really knocked this one out of the park.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only if females get the high collars and hoods too. And the boots...
  11. Ghost Falcon says that all servers except Freedom should be coming up in the next 5-10 minutes.

    Edit: The little girl with the drill beat me to it! *melts*
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    grr. this is, of course, worth skipping my 2:00 (et) class for...
    unless the server stays down the entire length of the class...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you're paying more for the class than this game, so I say go to class.

    Reading is fundemental. Conjunction Junction what's your function. Yea, yea, yea(s).
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    seriously all this time waiting and not 1 dev had 2 seconds to say "hey sorry for the wait,but we accidently deleted all of your accounts"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think I'm enjoying this more than playing the game!

    ......for now...... <.< >.>

    *continues twirling Waist Caped Widow around in creator*

    You know the lack of a butt cape was the only thing stopping me from playing a widow?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    i have like 15 minutes left to wait also... my evil plot to over throw an SG may be foiled

    [/ QUOTE ]


    *continues admiring "Waist Capes"*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    to many people play on freedom why dont some of yall migrate on over to triumph

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We need Kins!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have a kin but I don't wanna go to Triumph... because I play on Virtue. ^_^
  16. Later Lights!

    Hope that you love doing whatever it is that you're off to do.

    "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

  17. I've finally picked up the pencil and pad and started drawing again. When I first started I was pretty much teaching myself so I haven't learned how to do a lot of things yet. Anywho, I started with something fairly simple and I hope you all like it.

    Mya from Parasite Eve
  18. Spacey

    So close!

    The baggy shirt pattern on the upper body looks like tights, and it looks like the accessory on the V Day hair is tinted.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I loved that video ^.^

    So, what do you guys do on test with no blasters conrollers or defenders?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shield Smash?

    There's also one where Yakko does the solar system and Presidents. Wakko does the United States. I loved Animaniacs. I wish cartoons were still good like that
  20. Here are two other shots that I got

    Shields of the World 1
    Shields of the World 2

    We need like all of these characters, so who wants to be Captain Lichtenstein?
  21. So I'm on test a little ago and I'm hanging out with the Shields of the World (I'm Captain Native America btw ), and suddenly I see this person running around who looks just like me!

    I've never had anyone steal a costume from me (outright) so this obviously upset me. The person said that they wouldn't take it onto live, but it still got under my skin. I don't mind helping people put together costumes or anything. I actually offer to sometimes. But to have someone just take your costume is just.....UGH!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Well since she's already been talked about, I better put her up!

    Virs Impavida

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's just all kinds of sexy
  23. Spacey

    Costume help

    Whell ah shur did!

    Pumpkinista (Plant Control/Fiery Assault Dominator)

    Shot 1
    Shot 2
    Shot 3