Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




This entire issue looks awesome. I can't wait for it to be released. They say that villains will be able to go back in time to help Lord Recluse with taking over, so maybe Heroes will be able to go back in time to help Statesmen, or maybe help Hero 1. just a thought. I thought I remembered something about the devs introducing Hero 1 sometime. Its just a thought.



Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.

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It has been mentioned this will include being able to re-do some of your own stories with an automatic exemplar. It's always such a high getting to level (and getting cool new powers) I tend not to exemp that often. Will ALL the "relive major events" be related to your own personal storyline, thus requiring an exemp for ALL protions of the Ouroboros system. If it's all a great big exemp-fest, I'll be dissaponted. If, on the other hand, I can go back and be involved in some of the classic CoX mythology, that will be cool.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



**knock knock**
Anyone home? o.0

Ok anyways Devs you need to add these to Archery/ and /Trickarrow sets for customization

* A hi-tech bow with like an energy string that shoots an energy beam looking arrow

* A crossbow

* A yumi bow (traditional japanese long bow[ninja/ta MMs will feel me here])



This entire issue looks awesome. I can't wait for it to be released. They say that villains will be able to go back in time to help Lord Recluse with taking over, so maybe Heroes will be able to go back in time to help Statesmen, or maybe help Hero 1. just a thought. I thought I remembered something about the devs introducing Hero 1 sometime. Its just a thought.

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They did in I10... as a converted-to-Rikti.



Ok anyways Devs you need to add these to Archery/ and /Trickarrow sets for customization

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I'd forgotten to mention this same thing ... Archers need some custom-weapon love, too!

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Ok anyways Devs you need to add these to Archery/ and /Trickarrow sets for customization

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I'd forgotten to mention this same thing ... Archers need some custom-weapon love, too!

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They've already stated that the bow sets will be part of the weapons customization, we just don't know what other bows will be available as choices.

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!



I wonder if we could get a "no claw" option for claw sets to allow us to emulate clawed characters like Black Cat, Catwoman and Sabertooth.

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Exactly what I was hoping for and wanted to suggest.
Even if they still go ching! and if it may be strange that they need a time to activite, but please.
In general I am alway very pro not being forced to look like a certain origin when chosing a power that may come in many ways, so also pro natural and strap-on claws for non adamantium-bone-accidents. O: )

Great going on making thinsg liek that customizable at all!

(remembers it well. OOH! Cool, claws! - *ching* - Oh. THAT kind of claws.)



Ok anyways Devs you need to add these to Archery/ and /Trickarrow sets for customization

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I'd forgotten to mention this same thing ... Archers need some custom-weapon love, too!

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Well they're giving them a choice between the old crap bow and a compond bow. But ninjas uses bow and neither bow fits the ninja theme (ninjas with compund bows? wtf batman!?).

The arrows are so freaking fugly I could give a kindergardner with autism blunt force trauma to the head and he'd still be able to draw something better than that. I think each bow needs to come with it's own arrow. Like a modern carbon shaft arrow with double-color fletching and plastic nock for old bow/compound. AND if my ideas were ever implemented An old wooden or bamboo arrow for the Yumi. An energy arrow or hi-tech propelled arrow for Hi-tech bow. A bolt for crossbow. And you see the /trickarrow set could use the bow's arrow set with the custom tip for the power! Awesome!

Logic is such a wonderful thing :]



I don't even have any "Claw" characters anymore but I use to and I allways wanted them to have more "beast-like" claws than "Logan" Claws. The beast like claws would be especially good for the characters with monsterous costume parts.



I don't even have any "Claw" characters anymore but I use to and I allways wanted them to have more "beast-like" claws than "Logan" Claws. The beast like claws would be especially good for the characters with monsterous costume parts.

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Heres some claw ideas I could come up with:

* Bestial (like you mentioned)

* Nekote (Steel claws used by Kunoichi)

* Stunner (Like dude from FF7: Advent Children :] )

* Cestus

Note on Katar: Although a Katar IS a wrist weapon it was not a slashing weapon and shouldn't be made available for claws. Also known as a Punching Dagger the inertia of the arms movement added to the striking force of the blade compared to a hilted weapon.



I hope they give us an excellent air guitar emote in this issue. But...if there's no accompanying sound effect, that'd be totally bogus.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



Its amazing how you put together all these cool features but still have not worked on past feature issues. By i3 you had Epics for heroes and since i6, almost 2 years ago, villains STILL do not have epics. Heroes can change epic powers via respec; villians are STILL stuck with the 1st patron they picked. Heroes have been giving numerous maps to explore; other than Grandville (RWZ and the Abyss/Monster island are just copies from heroes) villians STILL have not recieved new maps. And then you allow villians to team up in RWZ, but the issuse of giving teammates from opposite factions inspiration is STILL not fixed. Well i would like to clap my hands and say good job on all the new features and concept that you guys have come up with, and do not worry about villians side because we all know it was just something you guys threw together just so there is an illusion of balance .



The new issue sounds awesome i can't wait for the dual blades, anyone know a rough estimate on when it is supposed to go live?



On or before December 21st, apparently.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Its amazing how you put together all these cool features but still have not worked on past feature issues. By i3 you had Epics for heroes and since i6, almost 2 years ago, villains STILL do not have epics. Heroes can change epic powers via respec; villians are STILL stuck with the 1st patron they picked. Heroes have been giving numerous maps to explore; other than Grandville (RWZ and the Abyss/Monster island are just copies from heroes) villians STILL have not recieved new maps. And then you allow villians to team up in RWZ, but the issuse of giving teammates from opposite factions inspiration is STILL not fixed. Well i would like to clap my hands and say good job on all the new features and concept that you guys have come up with, and do not worry about villians side because we all know it was just something you guys threw together just so there is an illusion of balance .

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Amen Brother!!!! Oh yeah, what happened to the Cathedral of Pain???



Its amazing how you put together all these cool features but still have not worked on past feature issues. By i3 you had Epics for heroes and since i6, almost 2 years ago, villains STILL do not have epics. Heroes can change epic powers via respec; villians are STILL stuck with the 1st patron they picked. Heroes have been giving numerous maps to explore; other than Grandville (RWZ and the Abyss/Monster island are just copies from heroes) villians STILL have not recieved new maps. And then you allow villians to team up in RWZ, but the issuse of giving teammates from opposite factions inspiration is STILL not fixed. Well i would like to clap my hands and say good job on all the new features and concept that you guys have come up with, and do not worry about villians side because we all know it was just something you guys threw together just so there is an illusion of balance .

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Amen Brother!!!! Oh yeah, what happened to the Cathedral of Pain???

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I too would love to see the EPIC Villain AT's and the Cathedral.....however.....

it is entirely possible that they may have a surprise in ish 11 in that all this time traveling might very well unlock the Epic Villains or may somehow incorporate the Cathedral.

It could well be that a time travel mission is in place or will be added for ish 12 where upon completion you unlock the Epic Villains.

All speculation of course.

Oh and please fix the robo surgeons in our bases



Note on Katar: Although a Katar IS a wrist weapon it was not a slashing weapon and shouldn't be made available for claws. Also known as a Punching Dagger the inertia of the arms movement added to the striking force of the blade compared to a hilted weapon.

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Just to quibble ('cause it's fun) a Katar was used primarilly as a thrusting weapon, but was quite serviceable as a slashing weapon. I own a couple of 'em, and they could easily be used to chop something to bits. They were double bladed for a reason.

Since IIRC claws has a couple of "punching" animations, I think they'd make a decent "claws" option.



Just a thought, not certain if its been said, because 72 pages is a lot to read through honestly.....but with the exemping us down for the time travel story arcs, why not just have the mission crank up to our level? I'd be fun to face some lvl 50 ish Council or 5th Column, if it goes back that far.



Ok, I've heard some people saying that more weapon customization options should be available at the start, at least enough so that each weapon would have an option that would fit each origin (like the Vanguard claws for Tech origin, and Yami bows for natural or magic). I totally agree with this, but I understand that they are still developing and selection will be slightly more limited to begin with.

Also, on the topic of new powersets they should add....
Seriously, I never understood why they havent added this... It just seems like an obvious powerset to me, lol.

Again, these are just my opionions, but great work Devs! Keep it up!

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.






I'm almost at my 2 year mark for COH, and I gotta say, this probably sounds like the single best issue I've ever heard about! Of course, previous issues have gradually helped to improve the game, but weapon customization? I'm so happy I almost want to cry.. I am suprememely impressed. Way to go, devs!!



I'm almost at my 2 year mark for COH, and I gotta say, this probably sounds like the single best issue I've ever heard about! Of course, previous issues have gradually helped to improve the game, but weapon customization? I'm so happy I almost want to cry.. I am suprememely impressed. Way to go, devs!!

[/ QUOTE ]Previous issues included ED and GDN. If you take those as improvements, then I don't know about the state of the game anymore. I dread rolling an EM tank or brute because of drunken superspeeding mobs still.

New stuff being added in, older problems still not being addressed at all. Dead horses remaining dead horses, I'd like an issue of bug fixes to be honest.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Its amazing how you put together all these cool features but still have not worked on past feature issues. By i3 you had Epics for heroes and since i6, almost 2 years ago, villains STILL do not have epics. Heroes can change epic powers via respec; villians are STILL stuck with the 1st patron they picked. Heroes have been giving numerous maps to explore; other than Grandville (RWZ and the Abyss/Monster island are just copies from heroes) villians STILL have not recieved new maps. And then you allow villians to team up in RWZ, but the issuse of giving teammates from opposite factions inspiration is STILL not fixed. Well i would like to clap my hands and say good job on all the new features and concept that you guys have come up with, and do not worry about villians side because we all know it was just something you guys threw together just so there is an illusion of balance .

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Amen Brother!!!! Oh yeah, what happened to the Cathedral of Pain???

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I too would love to see the EPIC Villain AT's and the Cathedral.....however.....

it is entirely possible that they may have a surprise in ish 11 in that all this time traveling might very well unlock the Epic Villains or may somehow incorporate the Cathedral.

It could well be that a time travel mission is in place or will be added for ish 12 where upon completion you unlock the Epic Villains.

All speculation of course.

Oh and please fix the robo surgeons in our bases

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An interesting theory. Not likely though, unless they were just kidding when it says "Epic AT Unlocked" once you hit 50. Well, upon further reflection, I guess it always has been a bad joke that it says that when a villain hits 50.



Here is an idea. If the devs wont give us Villain Epics. Let us roll a Hero epic once we hit 50 with a Villain. God knows we are starved for content on the villain side. Give us something!!




An interesting theory. Not likely though, unless they were just kidding when it says "Epic AT Unlocked" once you hit 50. Well, upon further reflection, I guess it always has been a bad joke that it says that when a villain hits 50.

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That Epic Unlocked message is a leftover bit of code from the Heroes side of the fence

The devs implied once that unlocking the Epic Villain AT might be more then just hitting 50, so who knows?