24 -
I'll just add a 2nd (3rd? 4th?) to rad/sonic defenders. With the buffs & debuffs, very fun to play solo, and also very useful if you play the occasional team.
Any MM. Actually, I prefer to solo my MMs and don't like to team with them (when I am playing my MM, I mean). On teams, in big battles it's too difficult for me to keep track of my pets and what's going on with them and my team mates AND keep my pets out of doorways and such. Just easier solo with them.
Lots of trollers & doms solo easily, as well. -
You can pretty easily get by without EF until after stamina. However, the same can't be said for EF without stamina. It will suck you dry - even using it sparingly. And it doesn't matter if the boss only has 1 HP left, if you are sucked dry of end, you're toast.
Believe me, from experience I can tell you that you won't miss EF before stamina, and once you take it after stamina it's so much sweeter! -
Seems like door ToTing isn't working... I'm in Mercy with a lvl 5, and all I keep getting is "You cannot enter."
I second plant/storm. Mine is 39 and she's pretty awesome. I've played a rad/ defender and a /rad corr and can say that rad emission works great either solo or on teams.
Hmm... plant/TA sounds interesting. Might have to try that. -
I can't log in either. I open the updater. It says it's downloading the manifest. Then it says it's fixing the pigg files. Then a little later (and it's taking a little longer each time I try it - 3 times so far), I get an error saying it couldn't delete the pigg files because another program is using them. Clicking "ok" on the error then closes the updater (and there are no other options on the error). I have no other programs running except the internet.
What up?? I did notice that my original shortcut was launching from my CoHTest folder somehow, but it was working just fine before now. Last time I played was this morning just before the servers went down for I15 going live. I tried launching the updater directly from the City of Heroes folder, but the same thing happened as described above.
edited to add:
I just noticed the updater lists the version as "18.20090422.5T", but the actual version is 19.20090619.2T. Is this the problem (or part of it)? If so, how can I fix it?
thanks... -
edited to add...
Game is going down at 7 ET this morning for maint. A bit earlier than the usual time. I15 this way comes?
[/ QUOTE ]
The "game going down for maintenance" also said more info could be found here ...but t'ain't not here. Oh well, no skin off my nose, play time for me's about up anyhow. I'll find out this evening when I get home from work! -
With Dark blast, all you need are the two ST attacks and the 2 cones. It baffles me when I see people say they stay away from Nightfall. It's a narrow cone, but it's hardly difficult to get the baddies lined up. When you've got a group you are attacking, all you will primarily use are TT and Nightfall, with the 2 STs as fillers or to take down those with just slivers of health. I have a dark/rad and groups just melt in front of me. Plus, thanks to the -to hit from both sets, often times I can take down a group of +1 or +2 without even getting hit.
But, I also have a dark/pain. She's a lot of fun on teams, but she's a little slow to solo. Plus, solo, she dies much more than my dark/rad. I agree with the sentiment that if you want to mostly solo, go with a different secodary. -
I'd leave off EF until after stamina. You will ge by just fine withou it till then. Prior to stamina, you won't even make it through a fight before you bottom out of endurace with both EF & RI running.
I've been angrily kicking a level 19 Dark/Rad corr through the teen levels over the last few days. So while /rad is better, it still does not meet my standards, apparently. Maybe I'm spoiled and finally joining the "power through to 22" club. Hope not.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, I'm surpprised to see this. I've been playing a dark/rad corr I created a little while ago, and very easily (and quickly) got to lvl 23 (so far) entirely solo. I only play at the 2nd diff lvl, but I probably could up it one more and still be pretty ok. This toon has been incredibly fun for me and not a grind a all. -
Don't know if this should be under "player questions" or "technical issues" (though, I'm sure someone will point it out if I've picked the wrong place
), but on the scrollable windows in-game (like the recipe lists and such for the Black Market/Wentworth screens), it seems there's a bug or something. On all of my toons that existed before scrollable windows was introduced, they won't scroll. On all toons created since, they scroll just fine. Is there a fix for this? Something I can change in my settings or whatever? Ya, I know it's been around a while, I just never thought to ask about it before.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I'll check out those options.
Just a quick question. I have a plant/psi dom. I recently got a nice drop of a Steadfast Protection: -KB recipe. Nothing in my powersets take +res sets, and the only power pool power that takes +res is tough from the fighting pool. Is it worth two power selections from the fighting pool to have somewhere to stick the -KB proc? Or better to just sell it for a nice chunk of inf?
(I'm lvl 17 right now if that makes any difference).
thanks! -
I have a plant/storm troller and she's one of my favorite toons. Lvl 37 at the moment and she's very good on teams, and solos very easily. With freezing rain, strangler, entangle (yes, I have both of those at this point), roots, creepers, Lucy (Giant Fly Trap), and tornado, even critters resistant to confuse melt quickly. It's a little more difficult with critters resistant to immobs, but that's a general 'troller problem, not just for plant/ or /storm.
People complain about Fly Trap being squishy, but I haven't had any problem with it. Solo, she rarely dies and I hardly ever even have to heal her (with O2 boost) other than to just top her off after a fight. On teams she'll die more often, but even then, it's only usually in those fights where the team is struggling. She does hang back at range a lot, but usually she will run into melee on her own after several ranged shots.
And I'm not a min/max'er. I try to make strong viable builds, but I don't go crazy over it. -
So... when does it end? The announcement says 11:59pm EST on Sunday, Nov. 2, but when I was playing this morning, it was still going. Just curious - was it extended?
When paying for a character name change, an additional Global ID change should be given with the purchase.
[/ QUOTE ]
If every player only had one character slot, I would agree with you. -
Did you have a bad morning, or are you always like this?
[/ QUOTE ]
No kidding. Sheesh. -
Ok, thanks. I don't remember that from last year, but then ...I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :\
I haven't seen any posts about this, so it has me curious. The GMOTD says you can only click on any single door once every 60 seconds. I take that to mean, if you click on a door, you can't click [u]that[u] door for another 60 seconds, otherwise you get the "You cannot enter" message. But, you can immediately go click on another door. Nothing in the GMOTD states otherwise. Well, in actuality, I can only click on [u]any[u] door once every 60 seconds. Tried it on two different toons, one villain and one hero. I /bugged it. The response was: "Players can only click once per 60 seconds, and after a particular door has been clicked on, it cannot be used for 30 seconds." Implying that you can only click any door once every 60 seconds (like what's happening to me). Again, though, that's not what the GMOTD says.
Either that, or the GM that responded didn't really read my bug report and just gave a text book response.
Which is it supposed to be?? -
Ok anyways Devs you need to add these to Archery/ and /Trickarrow sets for customization
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd forgotten to mention this same thing ... Archers need some custom-weapon love, too!
[/ QUOTE ]
They've already stated that the bow sets will be part of the weapons customization, we just don't know what other bows will be available as choices. -
My only real comment is in regards to willpower. Aside from being very 'meh' on the excitement-meter, I love how everyone is bemoaning the devs to "fix" it - when we don't really know what it looks like. The pics posted look like power activation pics, which would make sense if the auras die down after activation due to the fact that an "in action" shot wouldn't really show anything. So... everyone is asking the devs to change how something looks when we don't know really know how it looks in the first place.
I can't really give an adequate opinion of I10. I don't normally have any lag problems (even when other people are complaining about lag), but last night it was so bad, even when I was by myself hunting, powers were taking 5 to 10 seconds or more to activate. Some powers wouldn't activate at all (Accelerate Metabolism never activated at all no matter how many times I tried it), other times, even though no power had gone off, I got the "recharging" message on anything I tried. Meanwhile, the Rikti I was fighting waltzed up, smacked me 3 times and I was dead. I couldn't even get my heal off.
I know lag is unfortunately common around the time each of the issues go live, but this seems worse. It basically makes the game unplayable in regards to how it is intended to be played. Until the lag settles down, I'll likely steer clear of anything relating to new I10 content since I can't play it anyway. All I really accomplished last night was racking up more debt on my character than he's ever had before with little to no return. That=no fun.
Clear up the lag so that it's truly playable and not just a mindless button click-fest and then I'll be able to give a fair assessment of I10. -
I have to agree on the new ears in costume pieces... if you choose elf ear, imp, fairy - any of the previous choices, they took the place of the human ears. The new ones are in addition to the human ears and ...look kinda stupid that way. I like the ears themselves, but not as they are with the human ears. If they (Sexy Jay & Co.) aren't going to change it, so be it, but as they are, they aren't new Ear options, they are just additional head costume options that should be listed with the tiaras, horns, old cat ears, etc... (sorry, can't remember the name of that tab off the top of my head).
I went quite happily and easily without Enervating Field until my late 20's (I'm lvl 34 now). After that, I needed it, though. Life might have been a little easier along the way, but then, I'd also have been going on fumes for endurance, too. As it was, without EF, rad/rad is very end light. Once I got stamina and stuck an endredux in EF, it was all good. Aim is simply not needed and is overkill in this powerset, unless you are looking at it for the dmg buff. I don't know what you'd pass up to take it, but it would be a waste. Given that every offensive power has -def, plus rad infection, to me, just about [u]every[u] other power is more useful than Aim. Even the 'meh' ones. It would be very, very situational at best.
I just got a respec and I'm taking out Neutron Bomb. It's dmg is not worth the end and I don't need it for the -def, so it's 'meh' at best. I'm debating what to put in it's place (I have every other power from both sets up to 34, save proton volley & choking cloud). PP powers, I have jump kick, SJ, hurdle, and stamina. Maybe leadership for the +defense (helpful against liets, bosses, and EB's which RI is less effective agains??)?