Discussion: Character Transfer, Rename and Names




Use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Two new features come to City of Heroes: Character Transfer and Character Rename. Additionally, we have completed a sweep of un-reserving names of characters below level 6 on accounts that have been inactive and not subscribed for over 90 days. This has freed up millions of previously reserved names all for the taking with the new Rename feature, or for that new Hero or Villain you’ve wanted to start!

Both the Character Transfer and the Character Rename features are available from new buttons added to the Character Select Screen. Please keep in mind that these features cost $9.99 USD per use and require that you have a credit card on file. For more information, please visit the below links:

New Transfer and Rename Feature

Character Transfer Tutorial
Character Transfer FAQ

Character Rename Tutorial
Character Rename FAQ

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Sweet dook! Millions!?

That’s… that’s awesome. *sketches note to check for desired name*



So far, it's freed up exactly zero of the several dozen names I was hoping to get and have checked. I imagine quite a few of those millions are similar to the "CostumeTest4" and "CostumeTest8" I've left scattered across various servers where I don't play.

I'm still looking, though.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



This is in the faq. prepare for quotation!

"This feature would make great Veteran Rewards! Is that possible?

We've talked about this, but the tech to do it wasn't a simple thing. We'd rather have the basic functionality out there for everyone and then go from there."

Are you sure that was frequently asked?



Renaming 3 characters would be 30 bucks on top of the 14 bucks a month. Sounds fair.



I dunno. $10 per rename or transfer sounds a tad on the expensive side to me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with NCSoft making some money. But the marginal cost of using an automated rename or transfer system is incredibly close to 0. It's true the system itself cost them some money to develop, but it can't have been much.

I think a price somewhere in the $2.99 range might have been a bit more reasonable. Especially since the game itself only costs 14/mo.



well i for one would not rush out and do any renaming or transfers, several times theyhave mentioned going toa "servless" system may be coming, and they follow up by saying thereare no plans this CALENDER year,I belive them but Jan 1 2008 is NOT that far off,imaging spending 40-60 dollars and then finding it is all MOOT.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



I've transferred two characters thus far and have been very happy with the service. I'll be transferring a third one as soon as I can decide on a new name I'm happy with for the character.

See? I told you I had my credit card standing by for this

Oh, after thinking about it, is there any chance that you'll give insights on server migration? I'm curious to see which server populations have gotten larger, smaller, or stayed the same.



I requested (and presumably paid for) a transfer yesterday, and it has yet to happen. Odd.



I requested (and presumably paid for) a transfer yesterday, and it has yet to happen. Odd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Check your PlayNC account page and your credit card statement to see if you did pay for it. If you did, and it hasn't happened within a day (I shouldn't take longer than an hour), then contact NCSoft Customer Support.

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This is in the faq. prepare for quotation!

"This feature would make great Veteran Rewards! Is that possible?

We've talked about this, but the tech to do it wasn't a simple thing. We'd rather have the basic functionality out there for everyone and then go from there."

Are you sure that was frequently asked?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've read them asking for it quite often on these boards, so, yes.

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I for one wove you devs for these options.
I used the transfer for my "Remote Controller" troller. I held my breath during the 10 seconds or so he took to be tp'ed from triumph (rest in peace, ol server) to Freedom.

As far as price goes, my last mmorpg, Ultima Online, still charges $19.95 for transfers.

I would love to see a graph of how many people, like me, have transferred, and which servers we've migrated to.

Go COX (x = happyfuntimes



cryptic, you are the best. best changes ever!



I have to agree..this service rocks.

I transfered a charachter and was thrilled..at how easy it was...

Keep in mind that other MMO's charge double this to move a character....

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Update: 3rd character transferred. I'm assuming someone, somewhere, just got a Snickers because of me



I have to say that all of the people who made this happen Deserve a Klondike bar. Can't imagine how much work was put into it, nor can I imagine the frustration they went through trying to get it right. Thanks a million guys, keep it up.




I would STILL rather have [INSERT UNBELEIVABLY REDICULOUS REQUEST HERE] because [INSERT UNBELEIVABLY REDICULOUS REQUEST HERE] would be so much better and would make me (...AND ONLY ME) happy!

...oh and [INSERT UNBELEIVABLY REDICULOUS REQUEST HERE] should be free and for all toons on the account...

...and it should come with PIE!!!

But, seriously, this is great!



I really hate that you arent letting us get the ability to rename a character through IN GAME means. Making us pay for something that should just be a rare feature in the game just makes it an obvious "do what makes most money" instead of "do whats best for the players".




First of all let me say thanks for making this service available. I waited a long time for it but it was worth it. It was quick and easy to use.

One MINOR complaint and hopefully something the devs can fix. I transfered a character to a server where his name was not available so I had to rename him, not a problem since I figured I would. The problem is that the level 15 and level 24 Titles I chose for him stayed the same. They don't really fit the new name I wish they could be erased and reset so I can pick new and appropriate ones for my new name.

As I said a minor problem but one that hopefully gets some attention...someday.



Love the sevice TY ncsoft...have in the short time this was all implemented...had a name freed up did the transfer (was a lil rocky but it went through after a few tries) and have done a rename flawlessly.

Also plan on at least one more transfer and a rename possibly sooooooo...you can tell I have no prob with the price either!!!


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I would like to commend everyone involved in this process. Having been on the customer service end of computer support myself for a short time, I know no one is ever fully happy or there is always someone who can "do it better."

After coming back two months ago after being away for almost a year, I have to say I am impressed with the changes that have taken place and will take place. I have been playing CoH/CoV off and on since its inception. Everyone involved in this game has remained true to the vision and, in spite of criticism, have "stuck to their guns" regarding content, playability, and story line. Hats off to you folks.

My partner and I have are now done with our server transfers (6 total plus one rename) and the process was flawless. I did have to change my default limit of $100 in my billing features to something a little higher to finish the transfers but you spelled out that procedure very will in your FAQ's.

I look forward to more exciting features and Issue 11!



IMPORTANT! Customers who are interested in taking advantage of the Character Transfer service should know that it is possible in the future that we may make changes to the game that would remove the need to Transfer servers. One example of such a change would be a “server-less” game configuration where all players can group with anyone, without the restriction of which server they play on. We are not committing to this “server-less” configuration, and in fact, at the time of this posting, there are no plans to implement a “server-less” environment during the 2007 calendar year. However, because we are charging a fee for these services, it is important that our players understand that the possibility exists. We want to be very clear in this regard so that those who do decide to make use of a Server Transfer understand that they may not need it in the future.

[/ QUOTE ]




I don't like the idea that renaming or transfering a character to another server should cost cash.
I think that there should be other penalties used to do these things such as charging a chunk of Influence or charging character levels if they can't pay or something like that.



After reading the latest post regarding processing issues, I was curious as to how possible it would be to configure the two new features to "hold" the transaction processing, essentially storing the details of the transfer or rename until a final approval is given. That approval could be for all stored transactions. For example, a player could rename a character and save the transaction, rename another character and save the transaction, and then perhaps transfer a character and save the transaction. Then, the player could go to a set location, button or screen and hit a button that says something like, "Process all transactions," which would then run all three simultaneously in one bank card transaction.

I'm not sure how doable it is, but it certainly seems like a good way to avoid these headaches, making life much easier for players, eliminating time-consuming complaints and inquiries, and perhaps making more revenue for NCSoft from customers that would be inclined to process more renames and transfers because of its ease.

Just a thought.

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