Official Thread: Issue 8 Costume Pieces
Hamster demands a butt/waist option added:
Bunny Tail.
To go with, of course, bunny ears.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Hamster demands a butt/waist option added:
Bunny Tail.
To go with, of course, bunny ears.
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How else can we make Playboy bunnies. (What would they be anyway? Corruptors, Dominators? Yea, Dominators!)
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
Patch notes say:
- "Cellular" pattern added to gloves and boots
This doesn't seem to be true. Could not find Cellular pattern for boots or gloves, male or female.
how do we get the female hairstyles back to how they looked before? as it stands all my fav toons look like they fell off the short bus and to fix it i have to wast ALL of my "earned" costume changes...
the "tweaks" pretty much screwed up my fav toons to the point i dont want to play them becuase they look like jokes now
how do we get the female hairstyles back to how they looked before?
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Can't. Unlike with some other costume piece changes, the originals no longer exist.
slight bug on the Bunny Ears. If you have any hairstyle that reveals the human ears you can still see them when you have the Bunny ears selected.
slight bug on the Bunny Ears. If you have any hairstyle that reveals the human ears you can still see them when you have the Bunny ears selected.
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The chance of this changing is small going on zero.
How else can we make Playboy bunnies. (What would they be anyway? Corruptors, Dominators? Yea, Dominators!)
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Everyone knows they're controllers.
how do we get the female hairstyles back to how they looked before? as it stands all my fav toons look like they fell off the short bus and to fix it i have to wast ALL of my "earned" costume changes...
the "tweaks" pretty much screwed up my fav toons to the point i dont want to play them becuase they look like jokes now
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Changes to the flip, wedge, and straight hairstyles have been discussed at great length, usually in a very negative fashion, so it's fairly safe to assume that the devs know that there's quite a bit of player dissatisfaction with them.
One would assume that there wasn't time to rollback this change since it was pretty much universally derided.
Unlike the infamous pants and skirt changes, the old models have been removed from the client rather than having new models added, so it will require another client-side patch to add them back in.
Please, Sexy Jay, don't let us down!
I cannot change the interior color of the tails on the trenchcoat. I keep selecting black, yet it defaults to bright red. Made sure I was not in SG mode.
I cannot change the interior color of the tails on the trenchcoat. I keep selecting black, yet it defaults to bright red. Made sure I was not in SG mode.
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This is a known bug. You can get around it by selecting a cape first and coloring that, or setting two global colors and then undoing it.
Layered Pads is not a selectable shoulder option for trenchcoats. For the life of me, I don't know why, since other upper-arm based options are selectable.
Oh oh!
WOMEN deserve kilts!
And by that I mean; catgirls deserve kilts.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Jumping on board the unhappy hairstyle train, here. Wedge was my favorit hairstyle, and then you had to go and screw with it. Please note, I can see where lots of other hairstyles were also adjusted to show more forehead, like Glam and Gamine, and they look fine. It's the ones that were radically reshaped that are the problem.
It looks like I can recreate the old Wedge by turning the middle cranium slider way up, but should that really be necessary? Not everyone has enough free tokens on every character to do this, and scale adjustments are stupidly expensive.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
singing my song... i just used up all my earned tokens to fix my toons... on a lvl 43 with five costumes, thats expensive after i used the tokens
Guess I'll point it out in here as well. The new Emblem patterns for Chest are not displaying on female bodytypes.
Bow Tie is a let down. I was hoping for just a simple bow tie to the front of the neck, but it also includes a thick strap that goes around the back of the neck and looks really, really bad, at least with the tuxedo I tried it with. Oh well.
I'm all for Issues getting out as soon as they can but I really hate some of the costume bugs that got out with this one.
That whole not being able to select the interior color of trench coat tails without some silly workaround is unacceptable...they're a Veteran Reward for crying outloud....they shouldn't come with a bug. And I know there's a thread to discuss VRs and perhaps I'll post this there too but since this is a general gripe about costume bugs and I figure the same people work on fixing all the costume pieces...I'd include it here.
The fact that females still can't use the chest emblem patterns is made even lamer by the fact they're described as a new costume feature in the patch notes.
The over the shoulder cape now has clipping on the neck for males. I'm not sure if that's true for females or huge but regular males, at least mine, have clipping right under the chin. This was not fixed by body sliders or any such. It was working fine on Test up until the last patch and I can't say for certain after that as I didn't play on Test again after it got its final patch. All I know is it looks wretched.
I don't imagine it being fixed anytime soon though. I mean, after all, we lived with that horrible v shaped clipping with the male spikey hairstyle for the entire interim between issues...why would we see a fix to this?
I'm sorry if I sound bitter. I love this game, I really do, but these graphical details that we and others have to deal with and stare at day in and day out are annoying and you would figure we could get the ball rolling on fixing these sorts of things. Surely they're not that hard to case of the over the shoulder capes they apparently weren't that hard to screw up.
Anyhow, I'm just in a foul mood over this. I had a costume ready and planned around that cape and was quite looking forward to it once I8 went Live but I just can't deal with that horrible clipping so boo.
I'm sure there are other problems, but those are the only ones I've noticed.
All in all, keep up the good work but work on these bug fixes please.
I for the life of me can't remember if we even -had- them before, but it looks like Monster Fur is missing from Male and Huge for the Legs and Feet.
Give me back my old hair styles, and the tokens I wasted to get rid of the new ones.
Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.

I cannot change the interior color of the tails on the trenchcoat. I keep selecting black, yet it defaults to bright red. Made sure I was not in SG mode.
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the 2 fixes, cape and sg colors have not worked for me... and im trying to get the interior bright red and its stuck on black..
The scarf... is sitting about a foot away from my back now... instead of neer my toon. It looks rediculous
Hmmm...the new trenchcoats have one glaring problem for me. They look a BIT too much like a jacket with a waist-cape attached to the bottom. What I mean is...the tail of the coat doesn't come around the sides of the character quite enough.
I guess I may be a bit picky...however...after looking through countless webpages at various trenchcoats and their styles throughout the years....none of them are a waist-cape. They are always wide enough to comfortably wrap around the person wearing them.
A good example of this is The Question in the JLU animated series. Also note how his coat breaks not from the waist(as its not cinched there) it breaks from further up almost under his arms as he runs so it looks semi cape-like.
Having said that...I do like the concept and look of them otherwise...and my character does look nice when viewed from the rear...especially when flying. However...when I pan the camera around...not QUITE so nice.
Thats my main complaint so far. To summarize: Please make the 'split' where the coat tails begin a bit further up on the character's back and in addition to that, have the tails come further around the sides of the character. So it actually LOOKS more like a coat that could wrap around your toon's legs all the way.
Yep...that about covers my beef.
Is it a bug that there is only one type of trenchcoat (leather)? Or am i just missing something. I was thinking of getting a trenchcoat, but no way would it be leather.
No, it's only been Leather so far. <_<
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
This thread is for discussions involving new Issue 8 Costume Pieces or changes to existing costume pieces made in Issue 8.
Note: This is not the place for Veteran Reward costume pieces. For that, visit the Veteran Reward thread.
Please play before you post! Try out the new things and see them for your self in-game before posting simply about what the Patch Notes say.
Issue 8 Patch Notes
Characters can have tails and wear trenchcoats at the same time
Several new costume pieces added
New costume pieces are available at the Tailor and at Character Generation:
(Head Detail 1): Galactic Glasses, Government Glasses, Blast Goggles up
(Head Ears): Floppy, Bunny, Cat, Rat, Teddy, Wildcat
(Upper Body - Chest - Tops with Skin): Angelic, Assassin, Excess, Savage, Tanker,
(Lower body - Legs - Bottoms with Skin): Angelic, Assassin, Excess, Savage
Face masks revamped to prevent texture neck streaking.
Face masks "Ghost" & "Neck Cover"
A few female hair styles tweaked to fit better.
"Ponytails Fat" added to female hair styles.
Thin stripes 1 & 2 added.
Excess patterns revamped.
Assassin pattern added to gloves and boots.
Players with only Hero access can now use the Elf Ear, Imp Ear, Fairy Ear, Demon Ear, and Vampire Ear costume selections.
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