Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Good Question Rixter.



The big deal is that later in the game, mobs deal significantly more damage than they do in lower levels, so making use of defiance isn't very easy. Even on heroic missions, some LTs can hit hard enough to kill you in a few hits (Namely Council archons with those nasty MA attacks and Battle Maiden groups that use Broadsword)

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Exactly, thats what im talkin bout. Maybe Positron might reply to this post and let me know if they'll change defiance :-p. Cmon Posi, u kno u want to tell me. lol

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Castle very recently was asking the playerbase to come up with some alternatives to Defiance.

So they know there is an issue, and are trying to work out a better inherent, but nothing that has been implemented so far.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




As much as I hate to be the one to say this, but I am very disappointed in the choice of the new powers. Before anyone goes on rampage i'll explain. Out of all the choices for new powers, Dual blades!! Come on guys! More swords that's what we needed! I am glad to see the variety of weapons coming up! They are awesome to see! Ah, poor everyone else. What am I talking about is there will be nothing but dual wielding toons out there. Correction. Toons out there that received some sort of upgrade with this issue. Why not give blasters, defender, controllers a choice of colors for their powers? That would at least separate them from each other. Listen don't get me wrong CoH, CoV, Tabula Rasa and anything NCSoft touches turns to gold! I was just hoping to see something alot differnet this time. Flashback is a great idea!



Why not give blasters, defender, controllers a choice of colors for their powers?

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This has been addressed by the developers already; Weapon Customisation is the first step towards full power customisation.

You know what they said that full Power Customisation would take, if they made it Priority #1 ...? No new issues for at least 6-9 months. No new anything in that span of time, actually.

The reason is: unlike what 3D model appears attached to your character's hand(s) for a weapon-based attack, non-weapon power animations are external to the character's costume. So the way they are handled, and called out by the server and the client, is completely different.

The current animations for any one Blast set aren't done in a way that allows for coloring them differently; they would have to rebuild EVERY attack or other power animation from the ground up. Then, they would have to reprogram how the Server tells all onlookers (yourself included) what to do, and where, for EACH power you use.

That's a huge amount of work. The developers want to do it ... but they can't "just get it done, already" ... it will take, by their estimation, "at least two to three issues' worth of work".

Maybe more.



redoing the animation effects for custom color and particle effects is a lot more complicated than building some new meshes and adding code to swap them out based on a flag I would suspect dancer.



What power *Weapon* Will be customizable to be a sai???

Hotel Desk Guy


Try? There is no try. Do or do not.



Will the original Ritki Invasion have events that will be available for back-tracking... if so, would Vanguard merits still be earnable?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



As much as I hate to be the one to say this, but I am very disappointed in the choice of the new powers. Before anyone goes on rampage i'll explain. Out of all the choices for new powers, Dual blades!! Come on guys! More swords that's what we needed! I am glad to see the variety of weapons coming up! They are awesome to see! Ah, poor everyone else. What am I talking about is there will be nothing but dual wielding toons out there. Correction. Toons out there that received some sort of upgrade with this issue. Why not give blasters, defender, controllers a choice of colors for their powers? That would at least separate them from each other. Listen don't get me wrong CoH, CoV, Tabula Rasa and anything NCSoft touches turns to gold! I was just hoping to see something alot differnet this time. Flashback is a great idea!

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The answer to that is explained here.

Making a bit of new artwork for rifles, blades, and maces is trivial compared to what you're asking for.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I may have missed something... if I did, I apologize in advance for my n00b-osity. Does anybody know whether blasters with the Munitions Mastery epic set will be able to customize the Frankengun even if they don't have AR for a primary set? Thanks.

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One of my SuperGroup friends (who is lucky enough to be in the closed Beta) took his Blaster onto the test server and respec'd into Munitions Mastery. As it stands now (remember, things may change before i11 goes live)... Blasters who do NOT have Assault Rifle for a Primary will NOT be able to modify the "frankengun" if they have the Munitions Mastery epic pool. Just a FYI.



Will Dual Blades have hunting knives?If so,you'd be walkin' around dressed and equipped like a hunter. =)



As much as I hate to be the one to say this, but I am very disappointed in the choice of the new powers. Before anyone goes on rampage i'll explain. Out of all the choices for new powers, Dual blades!! Come on guys! More swords that's what we needed! I am glad to see the variety of weapons coming up! They are awesome to see! Ah, poor everyone else. What am I talking about is there will be nothing but dual wielding toons out there. Correction. Toons out there that received some sort of upgrade with this issue. Why not give blasters, defender, controllers a choice of colors for their powers? That would at least separate them from each other. Listen don't get me wrong CoH, CoV, Tabula Rasa and anything NCSoft touches turns to gold! I was just hoping to see something alot differnet this time. Flashback is a great idea!

[/ QUOTE ]I'm from the Auto Assault crowd, as is Soulie, Pax, and several others. NCSoft turning everything to gold that they touch? We would like to agree to disagree on that little bit.

However, the big issue with changing particle colors for things like Fireballs, electrical blasts, and all that eye-candy is that changing the particles would lead to confusion and even bugs. I certainly don't want to face off what I perceive as a fire/fire tanker only to be a different set of powersets using changed colors or even a different particle appearence.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



I was wondering, as a concept character player who's partial to psychics, would it be too difficult to implement the energy manipulation/energy melee animation as a customization choice for the Claws powerset?



Can we change the color of our attacks. I play villans and my power bolt shoots red and black dots? Can you change the color of that? Would be cool. Enable color changing of skills.
That sands of Mu ( 8 punches) Is their a ( 8 kicking) one??? that be cool.



Can we change the color of our attacks. I play villans and my power bolt shoots red and black dots? Can you change the color of that? Would be cool. Enable color changing of skills.
That sands of Mu ( 8 punches) Is their a ( 8 kicking) one??? that be cool.

[/ QUOTE ] This question has allready been answered multiple times.

Ony weapons are customizable. Powers such as you described have lots of particle effects that are exstreamly difficult to change. They're still a LONG way off from power custimization if it happens at all.

Weapons are easier custimizable because they're no harded to replace and recolor than any normal costume part.



As far as the witches hat.....bleh. Untill they put some hair with it.....I could care less.

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Are you really where you want to be on the Caring Continuum?

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I'm sorry you spent the time to find a link on this and post it here. It's kinda sad really.

BTW....I could care less.

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at least you care some



does anyone know when patch 11 is coming out? I just left the game and they're letting people dl it now so i imagine it's...rather soon? -crosses fingers-



Will we be able to build giant mechs with customizable weapons, be able to change their colors and have them fly around on magical horses with wings and horns? I11 is gonna rule.

p.s. just kidding




I'm still hoping for costume jetpacks or rocketpacks.

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give me rocket powered rollerskates and an acme anvil to drop



I'd like the ability to dual weild rapiers. As it stands on test (I can look at the options, I just cant' actually PLAY), you can have a rapier and a main gauche, but not two rapiers. Please let us have two rapiers!

It may be unconventional, but due to the lightness of a rapier compared to other swords of it's size, it's POSSIBLE, especially in a fantasy/comic book setting!



When's the last time you looked at test? you can have a rapier in both hands since the last update.. which was like, last week or so.



What I wanna know is, how much longer do we have to wait until Issue 11 goes open beta? I'm sure a lot of us plan on getting in on that.



There seems to be a lot left out on the flashback system.
The devs need weasel every mission from the contact option.
Many misions that are not part of the story arc needs to be added in. There the glue that holds the story to gether but they are counted as solo stories and the arcs seems like a bottle of bad chunky salsa. Sory Devs Story arcs alone arent going to cut the mustard. We need to scrape the bottom of the bareel to actualy get to the good stuff.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



Posted by Anarchist_Kitten:
I'd like the ability to dual weild rapiers. As it stands on test (I can look at the options, I just cant' actually PLAY), you can have a rapier and a main gauche, but not two rapiers. Please let us have two rapiers!

It may be unconventional, but due to the lightness of a rapier compared to other swords of it's size, it's POSSIBLE, especially in a fantasy/comic book setting!

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@Ninth Cloud



Posted by Anarchist_Kitten:
I'd like the ability to dual weild rapiers. As it stands on test (I can look at the options, I just cant' actually PLAY), you can have a rapier and a main gauche, but not two rapiers. Please let us have two rapiers!

It may be unconventional, but due to the lightness of a rapier compared to other swords of it's size, it's POSSIBLE, especially in a fantasy/comic book setting!

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Why are you agreeing to a demand that's already been met?

It's like making a post "I want capes in the game! Capes are a HUGE part of being a Hero in superhero comics! We need capes!" and /signing that.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.




@Ninth Cloud