Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Posted by KianaZero "I want capes in the game! Capes are a HUGE part of being a Hero in superhero comics! We need capes!"

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So the issue isnt even out yet, and people are askin for more stuff to customize~ I got one for ya.... VILLAIN EPIC AT'S!!!!!
till that issue comes out, I'm just not impressed



So the issue isnt even out yet, and people are askin for more stuff to customize~ I got one for ya.... VILLAIN EPIC AT'S!!!!!
till that issue comes out, I'm just not impressed

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While I agree with that statement you need to also consider the fact that unlike adding two new powersets, two new archetypes (and epic ones at that) are going to be much harder to do and will take longer to produce. I'm sure you would rather have the devs take their time and create something good rather than have them rush it and release something potentially crappy in the long run.



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

[/ QUOTE ]Well, the Mace and Axe powersets for tankers are less damaging than the sword sets and more with forms of crowd control really.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

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Because the players asked for it.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

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Because the players asked for it.

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The players asked for this ALOT!!!

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

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Because the players asked for it.

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The players asked for this ALOT!!!

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Plus this is still a game, where things that make the gameplay more unique, despite whether or not they are directly "comic book techniques," are welcomed. It's not a matter or whether or not Hero X or Villain Y would have it in a comic book, but whether or not it is fun.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

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Deadpool, Shatterstar, Corsiar, Conan, Azrael, Blade, everyone in TMNT, Thor, Patch, The Swordsman, Elektra, Nightcrawler at times, Spiral, and that's just off the top of my head. Different bladed weapons are a big part of the comic book world.



Currently it is in Open Beta test and should go live sometime in NOv.

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2



Currently it is in Open Beta test and should go live sometime in NOv.

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Game_Mage you must remember, like Jessup states not all heroes have powers, you don't need them to be a hero. Having been playing in the Closed beta and now open beta, I think this will make the game much more interesting.

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2



Sorry I11 is in open beta test and should go live sometime this month. (was commenting on an earlier post and didn't get the quote in correctly)

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2



Is it possible to make it so we still get xp while being exemp/maled down for ther Ourobus time travel missions? All the TF ( which are great BTW) are set so low I can't get any xp for doing them with half my characters. Just wondering if it is possible to make time travel exemp different from regular exemp and still give xp. Either that or raise the max level to the low 40s instaed of the low 30s.



Is it possible to make it so we still get xp while being exemp/maled down for ther Ourobus time travel missions? All the TF ( which are great BTW) are set so low I can't get any xp for doing them with half my characters. Just wondering if it is possible to make time travel exemp different from regular exemp and still give xp. Either that or raise the max level to the low 40s instaed of the low 30s.

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You are traveling back into time to change things you wanted to complete successfully (badge missions) and to do things you wish you had (other badge missions or story arcs). There is no way to benefit growth wise on something you have done in your past, but, you can still earn the influence from what you had done whether you didi originally or not.

If you want to earn xp then you need to move forward and do contacts in your future..or flashbacks within your level range (not sure if that is possible but would be an option).




I'm not talking about the missions you missed. I'm talking about the taskforce missions. They are brand new.

...and, if you never did the other missions, then you WOULD still gain experience from them because it is still your characters first time doing. Handleling a new situation = experience.




I'm not talking about the missions you missed. I'm talking about the taskforce missions. They are brand new.

...and, if you never did the other missions, then you WOULD still gain experience from them because it is still your characters first time doing. Handleling a new situation = experience.

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You stated "flashback time travel missions" which do put you into a TF style setting to ex you down, but, is not an actual TF.. Was unaware you meant the regular TF's.



All the TF ( which are great BTW) are set so low I can't get any xp for doing them with half my characters.

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I think they're going to release it on the 11th.



Maybe a better point would be (although still moot) that we already have two sword power sets, would have liked to seen something more unique, like water



What is the point in even posting that? People voted, asked for dual swords, and we got it. Of course there are other powers we want to see, but this is what we got in issue 11, so let's talk about it......not water. Just MO.



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield. This is not D&D, WoW, etc. Why in Heaven would you devote a THIRD power set to SWORDS!?!? Very disappointing

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Because the players asked for it.

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The players asked for this ALOT!!!

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Well, I like the Dual Blades set. Willpower is a joke, it should have been available to all ATs, but instead it's one more round of shafting to Blasters. (Calm down; I have 24 Heroes, and only four are Blasters, and one of them is a "Blapper".)

However, as regards what players ask for and what they get...

The players DID NOT ask for Travel Power Suppression or Enhancement Diversification, nor did they ask for their Inf to be de-valued vis-a-vis Prestige to the point of 1931 Deutschemarks...

But they got all that anyway.

Funny how the players only seem to "get what they ask for" when it's something the Devs want to do...


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



So it's Monday morning, servers are down......no fanbois yelling IT's Going LIVE Today!!!! It's not of course....just surprised.



However, as regards what players ask for and what they get...

The players DID NOT ask for Travel Power Suppression or Enhancement Diversification

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Missing the point. Nobody said "the players asked for everything they got" or "the players only get what they ask for", which are the only ways that ED or travel suppression would be relevant.

They said that <i>in this specific instance</i>, there was a poll, dual blades was an option, people voted for it, it got implemented. Bringing your own personal crusade into it is not going to change that.