Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




However, as regards what players ask for and what they get...

The players DID NOT ask for Travel Power Suppression or Enhancement Diversification

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Missing the point. Nobody said "the players asked for everything they got" or "the players only get what they ask for", which are the only ways that ED or travel suppression would be relevant.

They said that <i>in this specific instance</i>, there was a poll, dual blades was an option, people voted for it, it got implemented. Bringing your own personal crusade into it is not going to change that.


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true story



What is the point in even posting that? People voted, asked for dual swords, and we got it. Of course there are other powers we want to see, but this is what we got in issue 11, so let's talk about it......not water. Just MO.

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Yeah, except that what people actually voted for was dual swords and shields, but instead we got Willpower, ostensibly because it would have taken umpty-ump more poses to put shields in.

Okay, so it would take longer. Fine. Take the time, and give us what we asked for. Don't offer us something then say "No, you can't have that, because it's not convenient for us to give it to you, despite the fact that we already offered it.

That's lying.

And you know what? When you take money for it, it's fraud.

I would happily have waited for shields, rather than have the Devs offer something they either knew they could not deliver or never bothered to research beforehand.

And the fix is so simple... Ready Devs? Okay, pay attention, 'cuz here it comes:

Don't offer things until you already have them ready for delivery.


"Hey, rent this house for $1,000 a month and after four years we'll build it."

Would ANYBODY take that deal? They should, because it works the way the Devs like things to work.

All of which leads thinking folk to surmise that the whole "voting" nonsense was nothing more than a sop to the vocal dissatisfied customers to make them THINK the Devs have any interest in actually giving the players what they want.

Trust: The players will only get what they ask for if it's something the Devs feel like doing.

I quote CuppaJo regarding Travel Power Suppression when asked why they wouldn't withdraw it when EVERYBODY hated it and people were leaving the game in droves because of it: "[Travel Power Suppression is] working the way the Devs intended, so there are no plans to change it."

Get the point? What was said there, in a nutshell, was this: What the PLAYERS - the people who pay the bills - might want, or not want, is irrelevant. If the Devs are happy, that's all that matters.

So let's all shut up and eat our grass so we can be nice fluffy little sheep when it comes time for our monthly shearing...


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Did you have a bad morning, or are you always like this?



Okay, so it would take longer. Fine. Take the time, and give us what we asked for.

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They are. Shields are coming as well as Willpower, not instead of.

Or were you not aware of that?



Don't offer things until you already have them ready for delivery

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At that point why have a poll - push it out the door.

A player poll to determine direction pretty much requires you dont have the finished products ready.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Did you have a bad morning, or are you always like this?

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No kidding. Sheesh.

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!



Okay, so it would take longer. Fine. Take the time, and give us what we asked for.

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They are. Shields are coming as well as Willpower, not instead of.

Or were you not aware of that?

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Yes indeed, I am aware. I presume you are aware that Shields are NOT coming "as well as" WEillpower in Issue 11, despite the fact that Shields were offered along with Dual Blades in the poll and Shields beat out Willpower in the polling?

The point is, Shields beat Willpower in the poll, but we will get Willpower instead of Shields because Shields were too difficult to implement and Willpower was more or less ready. Shields will come along in a futuire release, NOT Issue 11, so we WILL get Willpower "instead oif" Shields, at least this time around, despite what we were offered and what we chose.

Hence, as I tried to make clear, what the players want, ask for, or indeed, pay for is irrelevant... what they will GET is what the Devs feel like doing.



If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Don't offer things until you already have them ready for delivery

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At that point why have a poll - push it out the door.

A player poll to determine direction pretty much requires you dont have the finished products ready.

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All the more reason to heed the results of the poll.

If the player desires as expressed in the poll are going to be ignored or accommodated only insofar as what;s convennient for the pollsters, then offering the poll is, as I said, nothing more than a sop to make people feel like their input is valued when, in point of fact, it is not.


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Okay, so it would take longer. Fine. Take the time, and give us what we asked for.

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They are. Shields are coming as well as Willpower, not instead of.

Or were you not aware of that?

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Yes indeed, I am aware. I presume you are aware that Shields are NOT coming "as well as" WEillpower in Issue 11, despite the fact that Shields were offered along with Dual Blades in the poll and Shields beat out Willpower in the polling?

The point is, Shields beat Willpower in the poll, but we will get Willpower instead of Shields because Shields were too difficult to implement and Willpower was more or less ready. Shields will come along in a futuire release, NOT Issue 11, so we WILL get Willpower "instead oif" Shields, at least this time around, despite what we were offered and what we chose.

Hence, as I tried to make clear, what the players want, ask for, or indeed, pay for is irrelevant... what they will GET is what the Devs feel like doing.



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Ok, one your annoying and ungrateful.

Two, post the results of the poll plz. I would love to see them. As far as I know the Devs never posted the results ANYWHERE. If I am wrong plz post here, I would love to see them. If I am right, you don't know shields beat willpower.

Three, this is forum is a discussion of issue 11 and what we ARE getting, not a thread to whine about your personal issues.



*steps in, sees charred spots around the floor, some still carrying small fires. Looks up, sees a massive fire blast erupt from somewhere out of sight. Blinks, backs out slowly*




*flees for sanity*



Yes indeed, I am aware. I presume you are aware that Shields are NOT coming "as well as" WEillpower in Issue 11, despite the fact that Shields were offered along with Dual Blades in the poll and Shields beat out Willpower in the polling?

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Was the poll 'which powersets would you like', or was it 'which would you like NEXT'?



Is this guy saying he would've preferred that we DIDN'T get a new defensive set at all in i11? Or worse, waiting until 2008 for i11?

Formerly known as Stormy_D




Yes indeed, I am aware. I presume you are aware that Shields are NOT coming "as well as" Willpower in Issue 11, despite the fact that Shields were offered along with Dual Blades in the poll and Shields beat out Willpower in the polling?

The point is, Shields beat Willpower in the poll, but we will get Willpower instead of Shields because Shields were too difficult to implement and Willpower was more or less ready. Shields will come along in a futuire release, NOT Issue 11, so we WILL get Willpower "instead oif" Shields, at least this time around, despite what we were offered and what we chose.

Hence, as I tried to make clear, what the players want, ask for, or indeed, pay for is irrelevant... what they will GET is what the Devs feel like doing.



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Do you remember the disclaimer that came with the poll that said even if Shields win, it won't be one of the next powersets?

I do. It appears you do not. Too bad for you. It appears that a memory lapse, or an inattention to detail has caused to to come to an erroneous conclusion.

What the players, want, ask for, & pay for IS relevent. What they GET is what the devs feel they can produce in a given timeframe with the resources available to them. Oftentimes this does not meet player expectations. Sometimes those player expectations are unrealistic. See above for an example of how that can happen.



Long time player, 7th time poster. Call me crazy, but when I think of Super Heroes/Villains, the last thing on my mind is what kind of 'weapon' they can wield.

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While you may not others do. Quite a few of the classic comic book heroes have specific weapons. Just to name one if you think Elektra you think Sai. Not daggers, katanas, short swords, rapiers or other pointy, stabby, stabby type weapons. Sai.

Now understand that for many of us the characters we think of exist independent of the character designer. What we get in the character designer will be, at best, a close approximation of the specific look in our heads. That includes the specific weapon.

This is not D&D, WoW, etc.

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You're right. In the online versions of those games we have no choice as to how our character looks or what weapons they wield.




Do you remember the disclaimer that came with the poll that said even if Shields win, it won't be one of the next powersets?

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I remember that too. It said if Shields and/or Growth won, it would take time to implement them, so we would not get them in the next issue.

So I voted for both of them, willing to wait for more complex art. And was glad when they said that they would work on Shields, but we would get the next most voted for defense in the meantime, Willpower.



How bout A HINT AS TO WHEN it will be released for real play??



i CANNOT wait for this issue to come out, just like any other that comes along! i get so excited and just cant wait for custumization on weapons, new power sets, and flashback, and all that other stuff!!



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:
<ul type="square">[*] Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.
[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!
[*] Two New Power Sets: The City of… universe expands with two new amazing power sets: Dual Blades and Willpower!
[*] New Inventions: Issue 11 brings with it new invention sets including “Very Rare” Purple sets, as well as brand new invention sets for Taunt, Buff and Debuff powers, among others.[/list]
For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

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Will there be any additions to the Base in Issue 11? We really need some work done on Bases.



Question will flashback include being able to do the earlier safeguard (radio mission). I wold like to get the 1/2 dozen or so exploration badges



Oh! It would be awesome if there were some recipes for new weapon looks.





the release date!

the next day from now!


im very excited ! who isnt?



i11 has been released! I've been looking forward to this all month! The first thing I did was build those vanguard claws that I can never correctly remember the name of!

Then... it sorta fell apart. My costume changes took 400k EACH, which would have been cut in half by the free tailor token, but someone goofed there. Understandable, and I can earn the inf back relatively quickly. However... the announcement of a free respec in addition to the respec recipes got me pretty excited, until I read Lighthouse's post that they're withholding said free respec until December 7th. Over a week away, with no explaination that I've seen!

LAME LAME LAME. I can't stress that enough... I've been waiting to respec my main for awhile now due to some pretty sorry power choices, yet now it'll cost me loads of inf or time to get one before the week is over, AND I'll have a free one sitting there unused afterward. Can we PLEASE get a good reason for this? I've not read one, and it would put my mind at ease if there was a reason for not handing out the respec now.



I believe they're holding off on the respec to give people time to try out the new powersets and still benefit from the free respec since it only gets awarded to characters that exist at the time its handed out.



I'm just ever so grateful that they rooted that tree in Cap Au Diable instead of fixing the problem with the base Aux Medical items not attaching to the rez circles. Whew!

And it's *so* nice that we can create an SG with a name starting with "The." That's *much* better than being able to display (for example) the "Diamond 1" SG logo on the base items made for displaying logos...

Good job, guys. Yeah...