381 -
Sorry I missed all the tries tonight Uber. It was a very long day at work today... Also... which section is RHW in? I could have sworn I got it on Tediore, but I'm not seeing it... I know it's not needed for Mo, but since she's my run-stupid-number-of-incarnate-trials character, I figure she of any ought to have it.
Thanks for working on this TA! I'm looking forward to see your more refined versions! It gave me warm fuzzy feelings seeing so many familiar faces! Especially the ones I haven't seen recently until now!
Quote:you sir have just opened up yourself to a terrible joke, however im too tired to actually write it lol
Borrowing Positron's favorite saying:
"That's what she said!" -
Costume file sent!
Curiosity piqued! -
It seems inadequate considering all the pleasure you & the folks have given me & the rest of the community over the years, but since I'm not particularly imaginative or talented, this is what I can offer:
I want to thank you, the original crew at Cryptic, the current folks at Paragon Studios and this awesome community we have for the incredible MMO that finally got me to try & like MMO's. This game & this community have been the standard against which I've measured all others & I think it's telling that I keep coming back & think of the other games as temporary diversions.
Thank you and the Paragon Studios crew so very much for the labors of love you have given us & I wish each & every one of you well on your next endeavors which I hope find their ways to you soon!
In honor of that, I'm going to try to pack as much fun & good memories into the time we have left in-game! I'd rather my memories of CoH not be sad ones.
Red Grenadier/Jim Yonemura -
Quote:Before you question a man's integrity, you should have pretty good evidence to back up your claims. I don't see anything of the sort.Yes, the CoH player community is mad and looking for a villian. You say you do not know, but point the finger at NC, when no real answers about the license are being revealed.
If it was revealed that Perfect World did make the renewal impossible, there would be an anti-Cryptic/Perfect World/Champions Online campaign. I know that would not be good for you, but is lying about it being good to us?
I have the good fortune to be gaming buddies with Matt Miller and had the opportunity to ask him last night (Sat) if there was anything to the theory Sylph Knight laid out in the OP. His response was a resounding NO! He indicated NCSoft has what they need to keep Paragon Studios & CoH running if that's what they want. Unfortunately, they made a business decision to shutter the studio and eventually shut down the game. Time will tell how well that works out for them.
Now I don't know you, so likewise you don't know me, and so there isn't any particular reason for you to believe a thing I've just said. It is however, the truth as I know it, and so I cannot stand by when you impugn the integrity of a former developer of the game who was so good to us when he was at Paragon Studios. -
Just popping in to agree that we do have it good with the teaming options that are available to us in CoH.
Because you can choose to side-kick or exemplar you have more opportunities to play with your friends in whatever mood they are in (unless it's a mood to solo.)
The friends, global channels & channel lists also make it easy to keep in touch with like-minded players so you have a pool of of "vetted" people to play with.
And... you can play with PUGs if that's your choice too.
Oh and there's one more thing. I'd like to give a BIG thank you to those who do decide to take the lead & get things like iTrials or TF's going. While I might be disappointed if a trial doesn't go as hoped, I'm still very glad you got the trial going in the first place. I'm here to play & hang out with friends. I can't play in trials if someone doens't get it started & I find the tasks & responisibilities of leadership to be somewhat onerous. And so I very much appreciate that you are here doing that which I don't find to be much fun & allowing me to have the fun I'm looking for! -
Ooh! Hex Hex! I'd totally be willing to reprise my role as oblivious hex catcher! Also... while it's possibly "old & out-dated" in comparison, I need to look around for a Zar deck & Mark's write-up for our "Usual Suspects" modifications.
Quote:*brushes away cobwebs from his keyboard*This must be why Red_Gren hasn't started any posts about a Friday night Justice dinner this time around.
Either that or it was due to such a low turnout last time.
I'm going with the idea that it's due to Game Night.
Uh... yeah THAT"S IT!!! It's not that I've been a slacker this year or anything...
Seeing that they're starting at 6pm, I'm kinda glad I didn't start planning anything. In the past, folks ALWAYS seemed to want to get to the Paragon Studios hosted events as soon as the doors opened & I hate the idea of a rushed dinner. My philosophy behind the dinner get-togethers was to provide a relaxed opportunity to schmooze with folks. I don't think that jives with trying to get to an event that starts at 6pm. Heck if we lunch @Schaub's late enough, we may not even be hungry again! I'm thinking it might be smart to pick up a 2nd sandwich or something!
Also... I've got a nifty anniversary edition of Settlers of Catan I picked up that I'd be happy to haul out! If I dig around, I might also be able to find my copy of Bohnanza, a fun little bean farming card game. Also... I don't know if they'll haul it out, but I hear there's a copy of the evolving-over-play version of Risk at Paragon Studios. I think it'd be kinda cool to give some players an opportunity to have an impact on a game folks at Paragon Studios play on occasion. Failing that... maybe I'll go looking for a copy to donate for that purpose! -
Why am I not surprised.
You big trial *****! -
Redshadows? That name sounds familiar! I think I may have been on an incarnate trial or two or more with you! (It's been a while since I've been in-game & my brain is Swiss cheese these days.)
Welcome to the boards! -
Quote:Nice tip! I hadn't known about the shopping list feature either. That & your tip will make my IO'ing efforts much easier!Sam,
One way to use Mids to track salvage that you need, while factoring in which recipes you have already made, it to have two save files in Mids for a character.
For example, get a build done in Mids, save it as CRASH-MAIN. Then do a "save as" and save it as CRASH-RECIPES.
As you get and craft recipes, load the the CRASH-RECIPES file, then empty the enhancement you crafted from the power it goes in, and save the file. That way, when you generate the shopping list, the recipes you have crafted are not in the file, so the shopping list wont reflect the salvage that you no longer need.
As you get closer and closer to completion, the CRASH-RECIPES file becomes more and more empty, giving a sense of completion, until finally you are done.
Meanwhile, the original file always preserves your end goal for perusal.
As others have said, this is an awesome thread. Thanks for starting it Sam! -
Hyper (& Luli),
You may want to check out Schaub's Meat Fish & Poultry & Sigona's Farmer's Market in the Stanford Shopping Center. Not discount, but you will find good eats in both locations. I'm fond of the Fred's Steak sandwich @Schaub's but the meatloaf sandwich a couple of people tried smelled too good for me to not try this time around.
There's a cafe across the breezeway that a few of us found to be chock full of tempting pastries as well if you're interested. -
Quote:Good advice, assuming one has the ability to run two clients simultaneously. Not necessarily something one can assume though.In the future, I might make this suggestion.
Start up a secondary account and use it to invite your alts into your SG.
And then there's this reason too! Glad to see your belief was reinforced! -
Quote:I don't remember where or when I heard/saw it, but I believe it's going to be held at the same hotel.I did a search of the hotel from another post D_R made in another thread. And this is what I found.
NOW just because they had it there one time does not mean that they will have it there again.
The first 2 Hero Cons were held in two different locations. There does seem to be a pattern of us not getting invited back to previous event locations.
So it's kind of hard to say if this will be the same hotel facility used again.
Whatever they do, I really hope for a more even distribution of space for the panels. I think Zwillinger indicated that this would be the case. Yay! Not being able to get into the panel I wanted because it would violate fire codes was infuriating, disappointing, and bewildering all at the same time! I'm glad to see that they are taking that bit of feedback. Bewildered that they'd need that feedback in the first place... but *shrug* Shigata ga nai!
And BlueBattler: I would say no, the hotel isn't close enough to tourist sightseeing to forego a car. California really isn't set up that way. There is public transportation, and I believe it's even pretty good public transportation, but most everything was built assuming you have a car. Well... except for the availability of parking... -
And... velara finally got a league to Avoid the Green Stuff? Where's her 'Cat Herder Supreme' badge!?! -
To add to what Janlee stated above, I've been to the local Meet & Greets and I've been to both HeroCons & to the Player Summit last year. While the Meet & Greets were nice & we got cool information from them, I wouldn't fly out for one. This is mostly because I hate making flight arrangements, but also because based on the experience, what I got from the Meet & Greet wouldn't have been worth that hassle. That said, if I had to, I'd consider flying to a Player Summit. I think it's THAT much better!
For one, since they're longer, you get more information. Both from what's presented & from what you can pry from the many members of the dev team that are present.
Two, many more of the dev team get to be at the Player Summit than at Meet & Greets. So... you can pick their brains in private, or they're available to provide answers to questions brought up in the many Q&A sessions. Since these are the people actually working on the things of interest to you vs their team leads, the answers are often much more satisfying or consoling as the case may be.
This last point may be less applicable as I've never gone to a Meet & Greet linked to another event. For these strictly CoH events, since the Player Summit event lasts longer, people make arrangements to stay longer & so there's more opportunity to socialize & explore the area with your fellow players outside the event. In addition, the SF Bay Area's a great place to extend your visit out to be a longer vacation. And in April, there should be some nice weather! (Somewhere. see Microclimate)
I understand people would like this to be closer to home for them (especially given my own aversion to travel), but it's not likely to happen. Accept this. It's an awesome event & if you can arrange to attend, I highly encourage you to do so! I've heard a number of first-timers bemoan that they didn't come out sooner. Don't let that be a problem you continue to have! -
Quote:Seriously?They have yet to prove that they do care about feedback. All I see is towing the party line and no changes, despite getting smacked in their heads with datamines showing what players gave feedback on months before.
Do you have Synapse on ignore? In Beta, his work on powersets seems particularly open to feedback. It may be the feedback he acts on isn't the way YOU wanted things to go, but the changes he's made to powersets based on both feedback & internal testing do make your absolutist statement about how the Devs don't care about feedback look absolutely ridiculous.
Additionally, the fact that they do datamines on aspects players give feedback on also demonstrates that they care about that information, but might not have been completely convinced by the arguements. They were however convinced enough to keep an eye on the situation. It's absolutely absurd that people take the postion that if the Devs don't do what they want, when they want that the Devs don't care. Feedback can be received & used, though not necessarily in a flashy obvious way, nor necessarily in the way a person desired.
Heck, if the Devs did not care about player feedback, they wouldn't bother with events like the Player Summit. Yeah... I know people aren't happy with where they run the event, but the event wouldn't be what it is without being run where it is. I've been to a couple of Meet & Greets now, and I've been to the HeroCons & to the Player Summit. I wouldn't fly anywhere to go to a Meet & Greet, but I'd consider flying out to HeroCon/Player Summit type events. I think they're THAT much better. In a case like this, the specific requests made in the feedback just cannot be accomodated unless circumstances change dramatically.
So please... give the Devs don't care about feedback lie a rest. -
Quote:Yes, there is such a thing as lying there too long, but there's also a comfortable middle ground. I tend to wait about 10 seconds, then hit the hospital. I figure that gives people enough time to notice I am dead, and use Vengeance or rez me if they can. I figure there is a good chance I would have spent that 10 seconds waiting for the door to unlock anyway.Quote:Both are bad. Getting a (decent) rez gets you back in the action so much faster than the iTrial hospital, people really should wait for a few seconds. But they shouldn't lay around dead until they've wasted way more time than it would have taken to come back on their own.Quote:10 seconds is fine. I see people lay around dead for minutes. I'm not kidding.
I was wondering "How long is too long?" And came up with 10 seconds as what I figured the average wait time in the hospital would be. Wait longer and you might as well have gone to the hospital. -
Well... Technically, you don't need to unlock the Alpha slot to be able to participate in the incarnate content, all you need to be is level 50. Participating in the trials also allows you to unlock your alpha slot & you can then use the trial salvage to build your Alpha powers.
There are a couple of incarnate Task Forces which will inflict a 4 level penalty if you aren't Alpha slotted, but I wouldn't consider them core incarnate content. -
Quote:Gotcha. The lists were long so I didn't cross-check to determine this. I wonder if he didn't comment on them because I also mentioned checking my video collection for other suggestions? I guess I better keep up my end of that bargain just in case... I wasn't in a hurry because I figured he already had a long enough list. I think your list above demonstrates that quite well!Its just the ones I could find a confirmation as seen or unseen. It does not include movies that might have been skipped over by Frietag. I figured this way people could resubmit them and get an answer from Frietag.
As to culling the thread for every single movie without a notation, gotta leave something for someone else to do. If I posted any more numbers or lists, the mods would probably move this thread to the scrapper forum.
(Actually... I guess I DID cross-check... I just didn't know why they were left off... and now I do... Derp! Thanks Arcana!) -
Quote:Is this every 80s & early 90s movie confirmed not seen by Freitag? If not, it's missing a few that I don't think he should skip. (Unless he has an aversion to movies where people shoot at each other.)And if you want to make a checklist of every 80s and early 90s movie, in the original spirit of the thread, then I believe this is the list of every US theater release movie originally released between 1980 and 1995, sorted by year and then by title:
*list snipped*
- 76% Silverado - 1985
- 93% Glory - 1989
- 62% Desperado - 1995
And one I like personally, but might not be for everyone (it's long & about the early U.S. space program):
- 97% The Right Stuff - 1983
I didn't see them on the confirmed seen or confirmed not seen list either, so maybe that's why they were omitted?