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  1. Well, if you will have me I would very much like this badge. I have over 400 badges but I am notably missing this one. However, seeing as you already have a scrapper, I can understand if you would pass me over.

    Isley Bloom Spine/Regen Scrapper
  2. I.... um.... er.... kinda.... really want this.... like really... can we get this? It would be really cool.... maybe even customize it. I mean, like every power has a font or whatever and we pick our own "FWOSH" or "FWAP!".....

    It sounds like fun...
  3. To be honest... I would really like SOME sort of compesation for having bought CoV before this. I highly doubt we will get a refund, and getting free months is pretty unlikely to. I am willing to accept that the RL money I spent is gone. Okay. I can deal.

    But would it be that hard to give out a badge to everyone that had CoV before hand? You gave badges out for logging in on CoV anniversaries, wouldn't this be the same idea?
  4. Hmm, what are the odds of getting myself a Fireman's axe?

    Good I hope. Anyone hear anything from any of the dev's on this? I thought I read that awhile ago but I can't seem to find it now.
  5. W-w-w-what?

    I thought vanguard said they had this under control!

    I am a villian! I rescued bloody longbow for that Lady Gray and then she comes out and tries to pull something like this?

    To hell with her! Let her fight her own invasion!
  6. This thing is really freakin' neat. Love it man, great job!
  7. Liquidska

    Dirty Devs!

    Damnit... now I need to go find that and make my own screenshots...

    I can one up your immaturity...
  8. Great to know, but honestly, It doesn't bug me that much so far. I mean, I did come from WoW.... they got PM's every half hour for the same crap. Only had it here once, victory at about 4 PMish.
  9. Sssh! Don't rush a genius!

    You are a genius right?
  10. Liquidska

    1st Fan Art Ever

    Nice job man, they look great!
  11. I am going to be making a Fire/Superstrength tank in the neat future, the sad part is that I don't quite have a good back story for him. I have a few jumbling around but none are quite groving with me just yet. Was wondering if anyone could throw a few ideas my way.

    For a magic orgin I was thinking something down the lines of a punk biker that got sent on a tour of all the different versions of hell, (Hades and such), eventually making his way back to paragon to beat up his old pals.

    Or for a science orgion, a kid that was peerhaps a rejected version of a paragon protector?

    Rough ideas, and neither partiuclary orignal but best I got at the moment.

    I know this is an odd request on top of it, but I just my got my Villian, Stars Wild (Thug/Dark) to 50, and I was kinda hoping to have this guy be the antithesis to her. So bonus points to anyone that comes up with a name with "Stars" in it!

  12. I vote for my newly 50 Stars Wild! A Mastermind Thug/Dark!

    Shot 1

    Shot 2

    Shot 3

    Shot 4

    I will post some more pictures later, at school now and those are the only ones avabile. I would be happy with either costume, and with or with out thugs in it.
  13. How about Stars Wild and her lovable gang of drop outs?

    Either costume would make me super happy. Thug/Dark ftw!